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Hey everyone! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A here! And in case you haven't heard, get pumped for the new Solo trailer tonight at 8pm EST!



How poetic and awesome would it have been if Luke had pulled the X-Wing out of the water of Ach-To and flown to Crait himself? (As opposed to being a force ghost then dying and being a force ghost anyway) We see him emotionally struggle with further opening himself to the Force, all while revisiting one of his earliest failures. Yoda is quietly in the background (not helping him of course). He at last succeeds, accepting the Resistance's call for help, rejoining the flow of the Force, and now ready to face his demons. He grabs his green lightsaber, quickly fixes up the Falcon, and leaves. (Perhaps R2 stayed behind...?) I'm not a "TLJ Hater," but I would forgive Rian Johnson of every other terrible decision in the movie if an "X-Wing out of water scene" were included. Unlike most of TFA, this would be a truly poetic echo that serves the story and character (rather than fan service or plot convenience).


How do you suggest we make it through the Star Wars drought between Solo and Episode IX?