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Gripping his backpack and anxiously shifting weight from leg to leg, Nick kept his attention trained on Hayley’s front door. It was her usual habit to be a minute or two late for their stroll to school, but the young man would’ve never stopped waiting for his friend, even if she took an hour. A crush as big as the one he had on Hayley made her infallible, though he knew she preferred men a little closer to her lofty stature. Still, the payoff of seeing her emerge from the enormous house and strut down the garden path toward him was always worth the patience. Heart aflutter, Nick saw the knob turn.

Sure enough, the first appearance of Hayley sent an electric charge through her smaller friend from scalp to ankle. There was an ever-present atmosphere about the girl that went far beyond her bubbly outgoing personality and striking beauty. Her ravishing golden-blonde hair, long and sleek, complemented by her immaculate swaying cleavage and bountiful jiggle-rich ass meant Hayley was something of a classic bombshell, yet this wasn’t the whole reason for her unspoken power, either. It wasn’t even her staggering height of six-foot-six that put her above every other girl Nick had ever seen and pretty much every guy as well. Rather, the combined effect of all these marvelous attributes made Hayley a magnetic force of nature, a gorgeous amazon crossed with a sweet-tempered girl-next-door. It was all Nick could do not to melt into a puddle as he watched her duck under the front door jamb and march across the yard on those magnificent pillar-tall legs, a glint in her eye and a winsome smile on her full lips.

With a stack of books clutched to that luscious chest, Hayley stopped her jaunt when a copy slipped between her hands and landed in the grass. Rolling her eyes but still displaying her optimistic gleam, Hayley bent down, all the way down, to retrieve the text. She was quick, but in that flash when her straight back dipped practically flush with her legs, that taut yet humongous butt threatened to swell through the thin denim of her jean shorts. Nick, already fully ogling his friend while she walked, felt his eyeballs all but pop out of his skull at such a glorious view of those perky ass cheeks trying to peek out of cover, but unfortunately, the moment had to end eventually when Hayley stuck the book back in the stack and crossed to the sidewalk.

“So, are you just gonna stand there making google-eyes at the ground all day, or are we going to school, shrimp?” Hayley teased, winking at her friend as she came to a stop in front of him. Standing this close always drove home the point of their extreme size difference, with the towering buxom blonde standing a full foot taller than the just-below-average Nick. He both loved and hated whenever she used size-based nicknames on him, as it always came off like a flirt, but also reminded him of just how important height was to the prodigious young woman. And he was decidedly lower than her standard.

“Actually, I was just getting ready to leave you in the dust and walk to school alone,” Nick taunted right back with a smirk. “You sure do take your time.”

“Now, that sounds boring, doesn’t it? C’mon, let’s get a move on. You know those legs of yours need to take way more steps just to keep up with mine, so don’t dawdle anymore.”

With that, the pair set off for school, falling easily into their usual chit-chatting banter, even though it had only been a day since they’d seen one another. While nervous to ask, Nick decided to bring up the date Hayley had gone on the night before, secretly welling with jealousy at the thought of another guy having a chance at the beautiful giantess, but also genuinely curious about his friend’s experience.

“So how’d it go last night?” he blurted.

“Oh, it was a real drag. I’m definitely not seeing him again…” Hayley scoffed. She rolled her eyes again and gave her blonde locks a toss over her shoulder. Silently, Nick breathed a deep sigh of relief. “He was a real shorty, for one thing. Like, only six-foot tall. Not that that’s the whole reason, obviously. The main thing was that he was just a giant piece-of-shit douchebag. So insecure and whiny, already trying to jump me on our first date, and he didn’t have two brain cells in his head. Really, I just need to only go on dates with guys taller than me. Then at least I only have to worry about whether they’re an asshole, too.”

“Ah. That sucks. Sorry about that.” Nick sympathized with Hayley’s poor evening, yet also felt a little brokenhearted again, as he always was, whenever the girl brought up her expectations for her man’s height. At five-foot-six, Nick could only dream of being another half-foot taller like this anonymous douche, since it would probably just make him feel average next to his tremendous friend, as opposed to a child standing next to his mother, which was what usually happened, and what passerby joked about when seeing them together. Yet here was Hayley, casually mentioning that even six feet tall wasn’t good enough. To ever meet her expectations, or to even have a chance, he’d apparently have to invent a time machine and be born another thirteen inches taller at least. And of course all that presupposed that Hayley would ever be interested in him, when Nick knew full-well that while she loved him as a friend, there likely was no romantic spark of any kind.

As though through divine intervention, what came next from Hayley’s lips couldn’t have been predicted by Nick in a century.

“It’s too bad you’re not just a smidge taller, shrimp. We click so well and have so much in common, I’m pretty sure I could overlook you being a little shorter than me, if only you were more like the size of that douchebag from last night, and not… you know… you-sized. Not that there’s anything wrong with being short! Just not for me. But… we can’t just say wishes out loud and make them all happen, can we?” she laughed. “Oh well. Guess the perfect guy is still waiting for me.”


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