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Eric breathed what felt like his first sigh of true relief after so many months of pilgrimage through the hostile forest that his folk once considered home. They’d only been here a few hours, and there was still a lot of work yet to do before their migrant group could call this foreign space their new habitat, such as finding sources of food and water, and a base for their permanent shelter. But it seemed clear to all of the micrins who’d made it this far that, at last, their determination and belief in a better life had paid off. They, from the looks of it, had arrived in paradise.

Best of all, it was evidently an abandoned paradise, leaving them with a dizzyingly palatial overabundance of unclaimed room to call their own. The unthinkably humongous structure they’d found their way inside here was unlike anything the micrins had encountered before, all straight lines and comparatively smooth surfaces, and there was still much debate among Eric’s group about whether the place was originally crafted by extraterrestrials or by literal gods. Ultimately, though, this question didn’t have to matter. After so much hardship and uncertainty about the future of their long-lived but endangered kind, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. They could start anew here.

Or at least Eric believed this to be the case, right up until a nearby vertical façade stretching up toward the sky-like ceiling creaked into motion and then swung open. Of course the micrin was familiar with the concept of a door, but simply hadn’t clocked the vast wall some distance behind him as a means of ingress. Because naturally any door of such obscene scale would only be required by a being of equally unfathomable enormity. Though that was precisely what Eric saw next, as he craned his neck up in time to see sunlight pouring into the once-vacant chamber and across the wide plains of light-gray wooded terrain. Then through that light emerged a woman. Though the fact that she was female – let alone that she more-or-less shared the same bipedal-type biology as Eric – was lost on the micrin at first, while his mind struggled to simply wrap around the frightening tremendousness of her height and proportions. It had genuinely never occurred to him that any living thing, and certainly not a living thing with bizarrely close similarities to the appearance of his species, could exist in such towering volume.

But once that revelation had sunk in for him, the next mental hurdle for Eric to cross was the sheer gob-smacking allure of this giantess now strutting her way indoors. It was difficult for him to even drink in her full visage at a glance, as each part of her body was more akin to a separate ecosystem from the micrin’s perspective that required another tilt of the neck to take in sequentially. Soon the complete picture of her came into focus, though, and it was a stunningly gorgeous one at that. Adorably freckled, with deep blue-pooled eyes and a fair yet glowing complexion, her lovely raven-black locks reached down to her shoulders, and her whole shapely athletic figure was complimented by an ensemble of a white sleeveless top and snug thigh-sleek black shorts far different than any garb Eric had seen before, but he knew immediately it looked fantastic on her.

Though the most immediately-present parts of her from the micrin’s view were her absolutely gargantuan feet, both encased in clean starlight-white vessels made from what appeared to be crisscrossing panels of mesh and thick rope. The giantess seemed to be walking forth at a normal pace with her cute countenance focused straight ahead, moving along with no urgent rush nor too leisurely, yet there was violent profundity to her first footsteps that impacted the floor beneath Eric, once the door was shut behind her. The vibrations which emanated from her ground-colliding soles, even from what technically felt like a far-flung distance to him, rattled the micrin to his very bones. Despite that unnerving sensation, though, there was no denying the utter awe and even attraction he instantaneously felt toward this mysterious gigantic newcomer. Perhaps their new home wasn’t so abandoned after all.

Keep your eye on the ball, Diana! What kind of coach says that now? Does she think I’m still twelve years old in the junior league or something? I was carrying us for ninety percent of that match!” the giantess muttered to herself in obvious annoyance, though even at a relative hush, the boom of her lyrical voice was as pervasively felt throughout the environment of the hall as her footsteps themselves. As she spoke under her breath, the woman (apparently named Diana) lumbered slowly across the space, crossing a distance in mere steps that would’ve required some serious hustle for Eric to copy over a much longer period of time. Leaning against a wall, she knelt down and finger-wrestled with those tethers knotted atop her footwear, until they were loosened enough for her to sidle out her immense feet one by one, each clad in skin-tight cloth sleeves. These, too, were removed and bunched into balls that she chucked back into the mouths of her white shoes, leaving Diana totally barefoot.

Even from far away, Eric found his gaze drawn in amazement and trepidation toward those pale yet gently sun-kissed peds of hers, long and broad-soled, with her toenails painted a candied robin-egg hue. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what so transfixed him about the sight of Diana’s feet. Much like the door she’d walked through by surprise, he’d seen plenty of feet in his life and knew their function well. Yet a being of her monumental stature automatically elevated every piece of her anatomy into something worthy of revere, at least in the micrin’s mind, and even her pinky digit alone was noticeable multitudes larger than himself. Frozen in place, with his thoughts blank except for his inspired focus upon the pretty giantess and her seismic feet, Eric had basically lost all track of his surroundings or even his own body.


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