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“YES! I… wish… for this… b-but in… my world. My… K-Kayla! She… knows… who… I… am!” Cody rambled as clearly as he could, which was still garbled while under duress from the lip-smacking carnage of the giantess’s bored gum-chewing rhythm, so he could only hope his message had gotten through. It wasn’t the best plan, but of his limited choices that also didn’t undo his ill-advised second wish, this was all he could imagine. The “real” Kayla, after some awkward explanation, would have to let her sister’s boyfriend go free; she wasn’t his biggest fan, but she was a saint compared to this alternate-universe taskmaster of a giantess who couldn’t even perform basic morning hygiene chores without using the chance to flood her helpless malleable pet with the most excruciating stress of his existence. “PLEASE!”

“Your wish is my command,” the genie replied. Then Cody heard the third snap of her fingers, though he wasn’t dramatically hurled back into his familiar reality. Kayla’s sharp teeth and bulging tongue were still overpoweringly wrestling his tacky fruit-flavored blob form into submission at all times. Nothing was different, or so he thought. At first fearful that he’d caught himself into another self-damning wish, the miserable little gum-creature realized he had nothing to lose now, and so wailed for help at the top of his chewy lungs. Sure enough, the murderous spit-sluicing havoc of the giantess’s constantly-clamping jowls came to an abrupt halt. She’d heard him, and what’s more, she wasn’t expecting a voice to emanate from her chewing gum. There was an intake of gasped wind that blew past where Cody was left sprawled across Kayla’s taste buds, and then in the same instant that her pursing lips allowed light to penetrate this soggy airless prison, she’d cannonballed him out of her mouth in a singular repulsed tongue-thrust.

Cody’s gummy drool-entrenched form hurtled into the light like a softball and landed with a hard-sticking splotch against the giantess’s desktop workstation. His mushy yellow hybrid-body’s elasticity took some of the brunt of the impact away, but his human features still protruding from the itchy gooey sugar-muck weren’t spared the blow, which made him feel almost as dizzy and concussed as he had when that power-mad goddess version of Kayla from his second wish had stomped him dead. Well, maybe not that bad, but still harsh. And at least he’d made it back to a more-familiar reality, as far as he could tell, given the look of perplexed astonishment he was receiving from the athletic brunette whose mouth he’d just occupied seconds before. It almost killed him – and literally did kill him once – but he’d survived the genie’s gift.

“Kayla! THANK YOU! Wait, please, don’t freak out. It’s me!” Cody grunted from the gum-wad.

Cody?” Kayla practically spat in disgust and bewilderment, wrinkling her nose as her billboard-huge face loomed ever-closer. She ran her tongue around the rim of her lips and even picked at her teeth in paranoia, as if expecting to pull out another talking semi-edible freak. Her eyes widened to saucers and she patted herself across the cheek, probably wondering if she was still asleep, which Cody could sympathize with – this whole day had been a wet dream turned nightmare for him until now. “There are literally not enough drugs in the world to give me crazier what-the-eff energy than this. Seriously, what ARE you? Why? And HOW did you GET in my freaking MOUTH? Hurry up and talk!”

“I’m sorry! I can explain! But it won’t make sense!” Cody panted. “It’s going to sound made-up, but you have to trust me. There was this… genie… and she gave me three wishes, but she wouldn’t let me take any of them back, and long story short, I kind of chose… stupidly… for the second one, and the only way to get out was to wish I was here. But you can help me! You have this power now, to… control me, my size, what I am. Everything. I know this is insane, but please Kayla, I really need you to-”

“Just LOOK at you!” Kayla interrupted, still both fascinated and repelled by the juicily grotesque gnawed-up lump that was her sister’s shrunken hybridized boyfriend. She jabbed at Cody’s messy blob-form with a pencil, which hurt him just as sharply as her teeth, especially as the graphite tip stabbed all the way into his center like a kebab to pick him up off the desk. Still, the giantess didn’t appear apologetic for the obvious distress this impalement caused the chewy little thing. “You’ve got my freaking teeth marks all over your nasty body! I mean, my gum is part of you, isn’t it? Your weird little face wasn’t poking out of it when I stuck that in my mouth earlier. And then I spit it out because I hear SCREAMING, and now you’re talking about genies and wishes and powers like we’re in some dumb kid cartoon. Start making more sense, Cody. NOW.”

“Just believe me! Please! I couldn’t control it! You… I m-mean, the ‘you’ from my wish… made it so I turned into whatever you put in your mouth!” Cody squealed, as his titanic tormentor turned the pencil on its end and allowed the gum-man to slide off its point and splat yet again all the way to the floor, right between where her bare size-9 peds were resting. “Just think really hard about making me a person again! I’m begging you, Kayla!”

Looking no less annoyed, but willing to humor him for a moment, Kayla shrugged and seemed to do like Cody suggested, as he reverted instantly back to human form. Granted, he was still barely three inches tall and penned in between the giantess’s naked bronze-tan feet – which had acquired a healthy amount of dread for him since his last encounter beneath one of those crushing soles – but he was still so glad to no longer be covered in slimy spit and gnashed-up toothmarks that he could overlook his size. He was almost free of today’s mistakes.

“Huh. That’s wild. Guess you weren’t lying after all,” Kayla quietly muttered, looking down at her hand and balling her fingers into a fist. “Fun. I’m just your personal god now, apparently. So anyway, you had genie wishes, and somehow you ended up with some other version of ME just flat-out screwing with you? Either you’re as much of a massive idiot as you are a sad little runt, or you’re not telling me everything. What did you even wish for?”

“It’s… n-not important,” Cody stammered. “Thanks for helping me. If… you could just think about making me normal size again, I-”

“No. Tell me what you wished for, NOW,” Kayla declared with bone-chilling imperiousness, and the shrinker realized she wasn’t just commanding him. Her power was engaged again, so when he spoke, it was painfully against his will, but also sickeningly true.

“I wished I was forced to be a helpless foot slave to a woman who would have total power over me, and the genie picked you because you’re the last person on Earth I’d ever want controlling me because you’re such a bitch,” Cody speedily recited with brutal-honesty, feeling his heart drop as Kayla reacted to his explanation first with puzzlement, then dawning revelation, and finally a triumphant glow that made her burst into applauding cackles. Both her gorgeous yet intimidating feet, which the shrinker realized only now were both appreciably toasty, glazed with shimmery gym-sweat, and filthily peppered over with carpet grit and sock lint, impatiently thumped against the floor, then inched closer in around Cody.


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