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The one-time maid, now the omnipotent queen of the world, swelled toward the stars. Lucy clenched her fists, reveling in the surge of energy coursing through her veins and causing her to expand in proportion to her already nigh-perfect figure, transforming her even further not only into a miles-taller living citadel, but also a more savagely sexual creature. It was like her own personal fairy tale, turning her from mild-mannered maid with an average silhouette and cutesy features, to a full-blown hourglass mega-model Olympian. And it all it cost was, literally, the entire world shrinking below her feet. But considering how much Lucy had put up with in her life, being kept down by everyone she’d ever met and cruel society itself, she was fine with paying that price.

Higher and higher Lucy soared, her feet never leaving the ground as her head pushed through yet more segments of cloud cover and atmospheric layers like morning mist. She could feel patches of terrain crunching together and overlapping as her flip-flops and feet correspondingly inflated outward to take up the space instead where once stood forests and Russian civilization alike, her feet like the rest of her becoming stronger and more seductive in shape with each gained mile.

Wanting to enjoy the sensations in a more tactile way, Lucy quickly slipped off her shoes before the growth process was completed, and flared her toes out wide so she could be tickled by the landscapes squishing into the crevices between while her feet stretched in all directions. Every wrinkle under her sole was filled to capacity with greenery and snow, and Lucy realized with amusement that she’d become so large, each foot was now standing in a totally different climate region, cooling one with ice while the other was massaged by lush moss and woods. Of course, both areas were densely populated with cities, and while the giantess was too humongous now to feel individual buildings or even city blocks smashed to trillions of metal and glass shards, she saw the sparkle among the devastation crowded under her feet, and noticed the slightest crunchy texture change as thousands of towns and villages were reduced instantly to rubble under her heel, jammed between toes, and painted into her sole furrows; her massive expansion, and specifically of her titanic feet, did all the work necessary, without Lucy even having to take another step.

The self-made goddess looked down at the world, watching her body reflected in the mirror of an entire ocean, grinning at what she saw. Her long dark hair had become more lustrous than ever, a veil framing her gorgeous face, with luxurious lashes, plush pouty lips, deep gemstone eyes, and all of it complemented by her stylish glasses. She could hardly recognize her frame either, which had been chiseled further by this latest ongoing miracle of growth. Her assets expanded further to gloriously juicy proportions, firm yet buoyant, with a buxom bust to die for and the kind of immaculate ass that might’ve turned heads even if she wasn’t a couple hundred miles tall. Her midriff narrowed; her arms and legs toned to athletic purity. As Lucy finally felt this height spurt halt, she wasn’t even disappointed, when she’d already gained such heavenly rewards in her appearance, strength, and stature. Setting her foot beside an old footprint from her former size, Lucy estimated that she’d at least doubled her previous height, likely standing more than two hundred and fifty miles tall in total.

Lucy was speechless, and paused in her one-woman devastation tour just to take it all in and smile at her good work, though of course her feet and shoes had still spread plenty of catastrophe during the past several minutes while she waited out the ascension. For much of her upward evolution, the girl could see the curvature of the Earth, but at her highest vantage point yet now, Lucy practically felt like she was balanced on a rounded hilltop. It was both a dizzying and self-gratifying thought to realize she was oh-so close to being capable of splitting the Earth asunder with a few well-placed stomps of her feet. The only real downside was that Lucy wasn’t sure exactly of where else to find nuclear reactors, after sopping up the energy from the London branch of her former employer and the Russian base.

Lamenting this thought at first, Lucy shrugged, and decided to busy herself playing with the land immediately surrounding where she stood. This was still plenty of height to do some major damage. The crust of the Earth had bent and split into pieces like cracked ice on a frozen lake under the giantess’s tremendous weight; all below her had become a muddy, fiery mess of leveled forests, crushed mountains, avalanched snow caps, and powderized city sprawl. The girl scraped her feet through this gritty mire, enjoying the feeling of pressing her sole down hard enough to feel the planet’s outer shell tear. Her heels dropped like leaden weights through those layers, forming new craters and canyons that even further destabilized the already-papery landscape.

She used her thick dexterous toes to clench and pry apart the tectonic plates, allowing the multicolored debris of her demolition to spill into the gaps. Woodland, mountain dust, and of course millions of pulverized citizens poured like sand between Lucy’s flexing toes, massaging in river-shaped lines through her supple arch creases, many getting caught in the rosy flesh divots, while the rest hurtled toward the doomed Earth’s core through the cracks the giantess had broken into the planet with just a couple growth spurts and some choice stamps from both her naked peds and her favorite flip-flops.

It was at this point, as Lucy relished the ease with which she could literally terraform the largest country in the world with only two feet, she idly let her hand wander under her skirt, pulling her panties down her seductive thighs and making way for her to give into natural urge. Her thumb circled the nub of her clit like a joystick, while two other fingers gently parted her pussy lips and inserted, to make the most of this historic moment. After just a few pumps, and the accompanying tingle of sensual delight, Lucy realized something strange. It was a subtle shift, but undeniable: she’d grown again, perhaps by another ten miles. When she masturbated a little faster and more feverishly, her breathing going shallow as her cheeks flushed and blood pumped, Lucy soon found herself peaking three hundred miles tall and counting. Eyes twinkling with promise, her lips curled to an angelic smile, the almighty giantess discovered that maybe she didn’t need nuclear snacks after all to outgrow the world. She just had to touch herself, until there was nothing left in space except her.

“All of you down there might want to pay attention, and try to enjoy this almost as much as I’m going to enjoy it,” Lucy boomed in a thunderous yet lyrical voice that coated the entire globe while she jackhammered her pussy with her fingers, more determined than ever to achieve her full potential. “Because the sight of me, loving myself and everything I’ve done to you, is probably the last thing you will see at all.”


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