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Tessa felt the paralysis overtaking her body like a hard frost. Though there was warmth wrapped around her body, it was nothing against the sensory trauma putting the young woman into a state of abject shock. She’d tried gasping, blinking repeatedly, even slapping her cheeks in hopes that her nightmarish surroundings would dissipate and become recognizable reality again, but they didn’t. Just as she had been for the past ten minutes, Tessa was gripped in the clammy, squishy fist of a busty young blonde in a taut pink top and thigh-hugging jeans who just happened to be roughly one-hundred-and-fifty-feet tall.

“Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh…” Sarah breathed in gleeful slurs. The nineteen-year-old herself was hyperventilating, much like the three-inch woman she had imprisoned in her gently clenched hand. An uncontrollable grin spread her lips wide to display her pearly whites. Her whole frame had been jittering every second since she encountered the terrified stranger out in the garden, from the moment she spotted her to snatching her up, running inside, and hopping on the bed.

Tessa opened her mouth, trying to summon the strength to speak or at least resist the iron grasp of the girl’s feminine yet incredibly powerful fingers. However, she found it impossible to even budge the tender digits by even an inch, and when she tried to respond to the giant blonde’s blathering, it just came out as a whimper.

“I’ve been looking out in those flowers for another one of you to appear for sooooo long. I did, almost every day, for a year!” Sarah declared. She brushed her golden bangs out of her pearlescent baby-blue eyes, and giggled. “But I kinda started to give up hope after a while, y’know, since so much time went by. I wasn’t trying to be greedy, though. I know I’m super lucky that I ever found any little people out there to keep for my very own. It’s just too bad I gave away Queenie to that stupid cheating bitch friend of mine. Just Boogie and me have been really happy together, playing and hugging and talking and kissing, but… now that I have you, little girl… things will be better than ever!”

It was difficult for Tessa to listen and process all of the giantess’s booming words, but what she did comprehend just made all this horrific scenario more confusing. The girl was expecting her? Even hoping? What the hell had happened, and where was she?

“You look a lot different than Queenie, so you probably weren’t related to her, but you’re still super beautiful!” Sarah commented. She curled both bare legs up on her bedspread and held the shrunken woman above her lap, clenching her fist tighter. With her opposite hand, she extended an index finger onto Tessa’s head and commenced combing her long black hair. The miniature woman tried wrenching away to avoid Sarah’s gigantic digit, but it was no use.

“Don’t TOUCH me!” Tessa finally managed to scream. “Who ARE you?”

Sarah’s eyes lit up.

“Hey, you can talk, too! That’s sooooo great. I was afraid I was gonna have to teach you how, which would’ve been hard. No offense, but I already know that all you tiny people aren’t the smartest little things. Boogie took a long time to learn other stuff, like when to get ready for kisses and when to get inside my shoes for… anyway, we can talk about that later. But you’re a smart one. Still, I can teach you other things now. This is why it’s lucky for you I’m here to take care of you forever, since you belong to me now.”

What did you just say?”

“It’s a really good day for both of us, when you look at it that way,” Sarah rambled on, ignoring Tessa’s squeaks. She continued caressing the woman’s hair, despite her protests. “I get a brand-new pet that I can play with when Boogie gets too tired, and you don’t have to be scared of the big-bad outside world anymore! That’s right, no big animals will ever eat you, and you won’t get swept away in a rainstorm! Your WHOLE job now is just to be here and let me pick you up and play with you. Isn’t that sooooo great to hear?”

“Listen, kid… you need to put me down, right this second!” Tessa screeched. Having regained her composure, she did her best not to start roaring, considering how obviously strong and potentially destructive this ditzy blonde was, but it was difficult to stay cool. “I don’t know what happened to me, or how I ended up here, but you’ve got to let me use a phone, so I can-”

“Awwww… you’ve got so much to say, just like Boogie! He says meep-meep-meep a lot, but you’re more of a goo-goo-goo! Which is even cuter. Just like a little tiny baby, which is sort of what you are now, since it’s up to me to take care of you forever. Oh, please, keep saying it! I want to listen to you for hours, making your precious sounds. Ohmygosh, I can’t take it anymore. Come here.” Overcome by the little woman’s babbling, Sarah closed her eyes, puckered her lips, and drew Tessa up toward her mouth.

“What are you doing? What- NO, DON’T EAT ME!”

The shrunken lady went into panicked thrashing, doing everything in her power to worm her way back inside Sarah’s fist. This actually worked, and her head slipped inside the enclosed cylinder of flesh just in time. A second later, though, the giantess simply parted her fingers so Tessa could flop flat in her palm, and then there was nowhere else to run. Giggling with delight at her new pet’s spirited energy, Sarah plastered her lips against Tessa’s abdomen, pinning her down on her soft fingers.

Tessa wailed in horror as Sarah’s wet lips roiled on her torso; she expected any second to be slurped inside that gaping mouth like a noodle and swallowed whole, or worse, ground to mulch between those gleaming teeth. Instead, Tessa was confused beyond belief as the girl’s enormous lips proceeded to stickily mash themselves down, continually swelling and compressing. She was… kissing her?

Each time Sarah’s mouth winnowed, a miniscule spit bubble inflated then popped against Tessa’s body. When Sarah bored of kissing her body, she shifted her lips up one inch, until the tiny woman’s head was the target. Try as she might, Tessa couldn’t wriggle away in time, and found her face alternately sucked inside the moist, airless opening of Sarah’s plump pink lips. She was left to fruitlessly scream into the damp darkness every time Sarah settled the O-ring of her smooch-hungry orifice back over the little woman’s kissable, shrunken face. There was no stopping it.

When she was finished, Sarah pulled away and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Tessa, meanwhile, lay in a gummy pool of latent drool, her face deeply blushed from the sandbag-like thrashing of those pillowy lips: not physically harmed, but certainly violated. She huffed and puffed, trying to logically think out her next move to escape the malicious monster of a girl, but Tessa was now drawing a blank.

“Mmmmm… I like kissing you already, little girl. You move around a lot, which feels kinda tickly on my mouth. Boogie used to do that, but he sorta just holds still now, probably cuz he likes it so much and wants to focus on how nice my pretty lips feel! Which is okay, but I still miss having somebody dance around when I’m showing them how much I care, with kisses!” Sarah rambled. “Speaking of that, I guess I should be a nice new owner and tell you what it’s gonna be like living here! I want you to be even more excited about becoming my pet than you already are.”

Bleary and listless, still wondering if she’d awaken from a dream at any second, Tessa lay still, with Sarah's spit drying on her body, and listened.

“Well, first things first, you’ll have your very own clothes drawer to sleep in, over there! You could share one with your new brother Boogie, I guess, but since I’m your Mommy, I want to show you how good things are, so you’ll get to have your own nice bedroom. It’ll be warm and cozy and dark so you get your beauty sleep every night, plus it’ll have my clothes in it, so you can get used to my smell and feel safe whenever you’re in there, even if I’m not holding you at the time. And then that way, when I wake up to get dressed for the day, I get to see you right away! Then I’ll take you out, and that’s when the fun gets to start again.”

Who the hell was Boogie, Tessa wondered.


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