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“Your majesty, this really isn’t necessary. I wouldn’t ask any reward for doing what’s right!” Malek humbly stated. The young explorer was still bowed before the gilded throne of the elf queendom, while the regal ethereally-gorgeous monarch Valnora herself regarded him from above with a mysterious smile and a piercing gaze. Ironically, his heart was beating faster now than it had when he’d happened upon the elfin princess and rescued her from that wyvern in the forest. Being human, tan with jet-black hair, and rugged filth coating most of his outdoorsy frame, Malek felt out-of-place here, and hardly worthy to stand in the presence of such a higher being. Yet the queen had insisted on a private audience with the person who’d saved her daughter so she could reward him for his services.

“Nonsense, young one. You have selflessly preserved that which is most precious to me in this world,” Valnora soothingly replied, her honeyed voice full of wisdom and gratitude. Against the backdrop of her throne, the elf queen’s milky-smooth skin was particularly luminous, as were her ravishing golden-blonde tresses and the cloud-white of her angelic gown. “I admit, I am not accustomed to giving gifts to humans. But… I simply could not allow you to leave, without fitting compensation. If you would only relax now, and unburden yourself, I will peer into your soul and derive that which would be most beneficial to you as a reward, whether you know it yourself yet or not.”

“W-What do you mean by…” Malek nervously replied, before feeling a tingle work its way through his body. Daring to look up from his bowed posture, he saw the queen’s smile widen to a lovely grin. Her pale silken-sleek bare feet, previously clad in decadent sandals, quietly unsheathed those shoes beside the throne, then set themselves flat upon the ground before the explorer’s face. Even her feet were just as beautiful as the rest of her. Malek also couldn’t help but notice a glimmering platinum ring adorning the second toe of Valnora’s left foot. A luxurious chain-linked gold anklet was worn on the opposite side.

“Shhhhh. You will understand soon enough. As I have already seen your perfect reward, and would not deprive you of its grace for another second,” the queen hushed. Waving her evidently-enchanted hand, Valnora suddenly expanded and ascended in perfect proportion above Malek. The queen wasn’t growing, however, but rather the explorer himself was shrinking, sliding into his now-unfitting garb, lower and lower, deeper and deeper, until he found himself lying naked upon the discarded heap and reduced to barely an inch in height. Valnora’s magnificence had made her seem humongous already from his normal stature, but now that the illustrious queen was a full-blown monumental giantess by comparison, the little creature was overwhelmed and gob-smacked, unsure whether to feel terrified or lucky.

Malek’s mood tended toward panic, then, if only for a moment, as the queen wordlessly extended her nude left foot toward him, which on its own was just as immense as any beast he’d ever battled. Her voluptuous thick-bulbed toes flexed as they descended, and her supple sole – rife with doughy creases that tessellated upon every twitch of her digits – was somehow both inviting and imposing, until it pressed down upon its shrunken target. The explorer feared he might be squashed, or at least pinned in place, but was bewildered to instead find himself intimately cuddled to the meaty yet delicate-terrained curvature of the elf queen’s luscious arch, without feeling an ounce of pain or even real pressure.

Instead it felt more like a lover’s embrace, strange a comparison though that was while he was miniaturized and nakedly nuzzled to Valnora’s bare foot. What was going on here? After the way his morning had commenced with rescuing the princess, Malek wasn’t sure what other surprises the day would hold, but never in an eon could he have predicted this. Nor could he have imagined how… good this would feel. Not just good, in fact, but superb and satisfying. The giantess’s sole ever-so-tenderly began to sweep back and forth at the pace of a ship bobbing on gentle ocean waves, caressing the ample creases of her buttery-soft sole across his entire anatomy, including his crotch.

Malek was caught so off-guard by this act, and so lost in the unexpected pleasures of the experience, he didn’t even realize how turned-on he was becoming, until his hardness was probed against the warm peachy-pale slab of the golden-maned queen’s ped. Suddenly his unexpected bliss turned to alarm and humiliation, mortified that his arousal would insult her, but he couldn’t possibly have squirmed away from this stroking contact even if he truly wanted to, as he was perfectly immobilized in this spot. His worries were quickly assuaged, then, by a godlike murmur of teasing giggles from high above.

“I told you to relax, now didn’t I, little one? Would you be so bold as to disobey a queen?” Valnora questioned, though despite what might’ve sounded like accusations, her tone couldn’t have been more seductive. Even while Malek couldn’t see her while her enormous creamy sole served as a massaging ceiling for his nudity, he could hear that she was smiling just as broadly. “Such is my power, to reward you with that which you would never have dreamt you even wished for, until you had received it. You saved my daughter, and for that, your needs will be tended forevermore now. Do not deny yourself the pleasures you feel. I have already seen what you desire and deserve, even if you have not. Give in, now. Submit to my foot. I insist.”

Perplexed, astounded, and at last wildly horned-up by the queen’s playful yet dramatic dirty-talk in the midst of this glorious size-mismatched footjob, Malek followed her command. He went limp, allowing her to take full control, as her lengthy sole glided so dexterously to and fro against his now-raging boner. The explorer’s pulse quickened and his breathing shallowed, yet he’d never felt so fantastic to have his whole inch-long body hugged flush to that tepid sweet-scented mass of queenly sole flesh. Mere seconds from completion, the giantess suddenly angled her heel much higher above, allowing her to tip the velvety ring-printed pads of her toes instead directly over her subject. Using the very same digit which fashionably wore that glinting-platinum jewelry, Valnora swirled the pillowy lightly-damp curvature of her second toe against the happily writhing shrinker’s vulnerable erection, until with a cry and a spasm, he surrendered by-far the best orgasm of his life upon her skin.

“M-My queen…” a breathless Malek gasped. Blushing, mind-blown, he stared up at the titanic monarch’s proudly triumphant expression on high. Indeed she was correct that the one-inch fellow never would’ve known to ask for this particular reward before. Yet having now experienced it, Malek could think of nothing he desired more than to feel that lush pliant sweep of ultra-feminine elfin undersole kneading upon his manhood. Even his usual ambitions to explore uncharted wilderness seemed unimportant now, relative to the euphoria he’d just felt. He only wished it had lasted longer. “H-How could I ever t-thank-”

“You won’t ever need to thank me, little one,” Valnora interrupted with a wink. Shifting her posture upon the throne, she withdrew the foot she’d just used to effortlessly fondle the brave explorer to climax, only to instead offer forth the opposite anklet-bearing ped. “You need only do as I ask. Lie back. Submit. And enjoy my feet. I told you that your reward will be forevermore, and I am a queen who keeps her word. You will never want for anything again, and definitely not for pleasure. My feet will make certain of that.”

Realizing only now that this wasn’t a one-time repayment, but a gift for his services that would last for the literal eternity only an elf queen could know, a gob-smacked Malek splayed out in shock upon his fallen clothes and merrily anticipated her opposite foot’s descent upon him. He would’ve expected a refractory period would have to pass before she started working him up again, but it turned out his shrinkage had come with a byproduct of making him the perfect vessel for back-to-back orgasmic marathons, as the grateful queen casually slotted Malek’s cock into the elegant slightly-pudgy crevice of flesh between her two largest toes, and immediately began to scrunchily rub up and down. Until, instants later, she had him rising again. Fully comprehending what his charmed little life would now entail, the miniscule rescuer couldn’t have felt more complete as he was comfortably masturbated toward the second of infinite footjobs he would soon savor under Valnora’s benevolent rule.




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