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“Looking for something, dear?” Judy taunted. “Why don’t you come have a closer look?”

“I… I d-don’t have to-”

“I said come closer to your mother’s tummy, Scott. Now.”

There was no disobeying that command. Dragging his heels, the comparatively miniscule boy shuffled toward the wall of his parent’s gigantic exposed abdomen. Another grumble sounded off from inside, apparently prompted by all the rubbing and circling Judy was doing to it from the outside. To think that, just within the acidic pit of the giantess’s stomach so close by, there were not one or two but sixformer autonomous beings wasting away, all because they were brave enough to stand up to Judy’s carnivorous dictatorship, made Scott ill.

“What do you think of my outfit?” Judy asked. Her fingertip now pressed to the back of her son’s head, cupping him closer yet toward her stomach, until he could hear every burble of liquid within her gut, both violent and not. “I thought I’d wear something a bit less formal today, just to show all the lowly little people another side of myself. Some of them are seeing the inside, too, but… well, you know.”

Scott couldn’t keep himself from shaking now, and his mother surely felt it through her digit.

“Does it make you afraid, sweetie?” Judy questioned. “To be this close to your mother, and know what she’s really capable of? I imagine you underestimated me from time to time, back when I could only shrink you, instead of having all the world at my feet. There were so many limitations placed on me then, legally, technologically, and in my potential as a woman. But now, none of those barriers are in place. I am the owner of everything I can see. No puny creations of the “lower” classes, by which I mean everyone else except me, could possibly stand in my way. Because I’m the biggest, tallest, and strongest on Earth, Scott, I will be taking what I want from now on. Crushing what I want. And eating whatever and whoever I want. Even you, if I choose.”

At this, the boy’s blood turned even colder. He was paralyzed with such fear, it actually negated his anxious quivering. But it couldn’t help him now; the message was sent.

“Don’t take it so hard,” Judy scolded as soothingly as was possible, given what she’d just said. “I have no plans to make you part of my lunch anytime soon, Scott. Not so long as you continue showing good behavior. Stay in line, do exactly what I ask of you when I ask of it, and you can look forward to a long and happy life right here at home with me, witnessing my becoming, as the bug you are and were always meant to be. Because that’s what you are now, my darling boy, just a bug to me, no matter how small you are. And… if you should get clever, and think to step out of line, well…”

The giant finger previously just holding the back of Scott’s head swooped in front. With a single thumb, his colossal mother pinned him to the bedspread, keeping her son quite literally under her thumb.

“…there’s always plentyof room in here for you, too,” Judy warned in a throaty purr. Her opposite hand swabbed her growling stomach again, while that devilish tongue slurped along her lips. Then, as if startled, her gaze flitted off to the side in the direction of her hip, eyelashes batting and pupils dilating. As if such a thing was possible, her beautiful yet nigh-demonic grin widened. “Oh, I almost forgot.”

Scott huffed, as Judy’s fingertip jabbed at his chest. His eyes now too traveled away from his mother’s overwhelming countenance, along the curved slope of her body, to her left jean-shorts pocket, where her free hand was currently rummaging. When her fingers emerged again, there was a young woman pinched between them, screaming and flailing for her life, yet also still with a death-cling onto her picket sign. It seemed Judy had saved some of her leftovers for later.

Already queasy from being so roughly handled by his mother’s thumb, Scott fought to turn his head away and close his eyes. He could manage if all he had to do was listen to the horrific act, full of dying yelps and satisfied slurps, though that was bad enough alone. However, when Judy’s fingertip gentled from its pinning position and instead forcibly pointed Scott’s face back toward the monument of his parent, he knew he wouldn’t even have that luxury.

Watch me, dear. I want you to understand,” Judy intoned, almost therapeutically. She held the wretched soon-to-be-victim aloft now, right in front of her giant chatting lips. The warm breath wafting over the tiny woman, and the presumably front-row view of the dark, slimy cave she was about to be trapped inside before rocketing down toward her final destination, had caused her defiant cries to turn to pathetic mewling.

“I g-get it, Mom. I... I’ve seen you do it,” Scott mumbled, himself a bit overcome, even while knowing he was the fortunate one here.

“No harm in seeing it again, though. I’m making sure everything is perfectly clear to you, sweetie, that’s all. So there’s no miscommunication between us.” Judy didn’t tip her head back, as she had started doing when preparing to down a live human meal, but instead kept her face tilted down and close by, so Scott wouldn’t miss a beat. Showing off her learned dexterity, the giantess mother next tugged off the little woman’s clothes using only brute force and a few well-placed manicured fingernails that could snare and rip the fine threads. Every tear made Scott flinch again.

When the woman was “prepared,” stripped down only to her bare self which would provide nutrition for Judy and education for everyone else, she was bundled tightly in all five of the ruler’s fingers, and drawn near to those gradually-parting lips. Scott, unable to turn his head due to Judy holding him in place, and knowing she’d only repeat the act again for emphasis if he made the mistake of closing his eyes, fought the dread as his mother jammed the pleading naked woman over her bottom row of teeth, passing her from the grip of her fingers to her tongue, a far stronger and even more unforgiving creature, as Scott knew first-hand. Though, of course, he hadn’t often faced that muscular drool-crusted beast when it had intent to actually aid in his murder.

Per usual, the woman’s screams were drowned out when Judy happily sealed her lips shut, licked them once, and proceeded to swish her prize around her cheeks, battering and softening the helpless thing into a more digestible state, before at last gulping hard and sending the protestor down her gullet on a slow waterfall of saliva. Then, as if Scott wasn’t already traumatized enough, Judy opened wide and stuck out her tongue to demonstrate the emptiness of her maw, like a magician offering proof of her feat. Her drawn-out “ahhhh” drifted into a quiet lullabied sigh.


THE END (for now)


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