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Fifteen minutes later, the knock came at her front door. Trish made her way there, ducking along the way, dressed only in her skimpiest lingerie. She took her time to build anticipation, but was also bursting with excitement herself. When she arrived at the door, she threw it open in one pull, and straightened her spine, so her full sixteen-foot-stature was visible in one outrageous glance the moment Nick saw her.

Her boyfriend, who now looked like a dwarf in comparison to his girlfriend, reacted roughly how Trish guessed he would, and just how she hoped. The “little” bodybuilder’s jaw dropped. His eyes boggled, his face froze, and his knees wobbled like he was about to shudder right over, which Trish wouldn’t have necessarily minded, because then she’d look even huger to him from the floor.

“Well?” she coyly asked, with her hands planted on her hips and one leg thrust forth. “How do you like your birthday surprise?”

Nick sputtered, trapped in a mental vacuum of insane horniness at all his giantess fantasies coming true, plus bewilderment at seeing his girlfriend at nearly quadruple her former height. Rather than struggle, he simply stepped toward her for a better look.

His gaze traveled up from her feet, along her pillar-esque legs which were each as thick as his entire body. Next he paused at the level of her waist, and her g-string panties, clearly damp from her mutual love of this new scale. After hungrily imagining the possibilities of the pussy veiled behind the silk, he continued his visual tour of Trish’s new goddess form, marveling at her bountiful ass, her washboard abdomen, and especially those weather-balloon-sized tits that blocked out his view of her face above once he was close enough. Shaking, he reached out to Trish, and felt her vast hand close around his, just as she had a few days before. With one yank, she had pulled her boyfriend over the threshold and into her apartment. She slammed the door behind them, then with just an unspoken look of pure carnal yearning between the couple, still mismatched in size only in reverse now, Trish picked Nick up with one arm and marched for the bedroom.

Trish didn’t mess around, throwing Nick directly on her bed like a doll and chasing swiftly after before he could even realize what had happen. She pounced upon the buckled mattress, as nothing on earth now could’ve kept her from this long-delayed fantasy fulfillment with her soulmate. Wearing so little already, the giantess set about peeling her clothes away, first her translucent negligee, then the bra and finally panties, wanting to tease it out for Nick, but at the same time too aggressive and needful to spend long on intangible foreplay.

Suddenly her bare tits were hovering above him, liberated from their cups, and again blocking his view beyond, though Nick was perfectly happy to only have his girlfriend’s naked globes to appreciate, her skin prickled with goose bumps and her nipples standing erect. He leaned up, kissing each point, but only when he saw Trish nod did he begin licking and sucking them to his heart’s content. There was no mistaking: she was in charge this time.

While Trish enjoyed her boyfriend’s service to her desirous rack, she made good on the promise she’d threatened the last time they were together, and started removing his clothes. It proved too tough to cleanly take them off without halting his nipple-nibbling play, however, so the powerful new goddess opted instead to literally rip his outfit away. Nick didn’t seem to mind, and allowed himself to be rendered just as nude as his much-larger girlfriend.

Once there was nothing between their skin but air, Trish closed the gap, crouching down to his level. She found his lips and forced her long, serpentine tongue inside his mouth. Startled at first, Nick soon learned the flow of their make-out and did his best to massage her wet hulking red muscle with his own pathetically-smaller organ, exchanging saliva and moaning softly in their throats, only on a more extreme scale than ever before. All the while, their hands continued exploring one another, especially Trish, as she guided Nick’s fingers across the curves of her massive tits and waist. In turn, she found his manhood standing between his legs and made a point of tugging and toying with him in her humongous fist.

By the time they’d finished this first dance, both parties were aching for some kind of release, and they’d hardly been at it for long. Trish’s pussy alone was drooling all over her man’s legs. Luckily, it was still just the morning; Nick had plenty of birthday left. Resting her knees on the mattress and straddling her tiny seven-foot beau, Trish smirked at him, then reared up high and adjusted herself until his desperate erection was aligned with her gaping labial lips. She pinched the head of his formidable dick in her fingers, which suddenly looked much smaller against the comparison of Trish’s digits, and pulled him inside her. Each lover gasped for their own reasons in addition to the unearthly pleasure: Nick for the fact that his large pecker had never before come close to fully fitting inside his girlfriend at four-foot-ten, yet now was swallowed completely inside her warm, pre-lubed tunnel, while Trish herself was reaching a zenith of euphoria, even prior to orgasm, simply for the culmination of her giantess desires come to fruition. She’d never been this happy.

They didn’t merely screw or make love. They fucked. The bed crumbled the rest of the way to the floor under the piston-like humping taking place, as Trish and Nick drilled one another to sexual oblivion. Neither lasted long, and the near-simultaneous climax was as explosive as it was sopping. Gasping and fondling one another in the interim, just for a breather before round two began, the pair held each other close.

“Wow,” Nick breathed in between kissing Trish’s astronomic breasts while he laid across her stomach. “If this was my birthday present, I can’t wait to see what’s for Christmas.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” she said with a wink. “But I might have to get a taller ceiling.”




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