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Cody had obviously expected it would be a slight challenge to literally wrap himself into a gift for his girlfriend's mother Diane, and indeed it was, since it required him to almost-entirely seal the shiny red-bowed package before finally shrinking himself, clambering into the nest of tissue paper, and enclosing the box and paper from within after setting the present on her bedside table Christmas morning. But he wasn’t about to let an obstacle like that stop him, not after he’d asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she’d answered, rather sultrily with a warm whisper directly in his hear, that she’d be glad to open him up, albeit in a “smaller” package.

There couldn’t be any misunderstanding about her meaning here, after he’d finally gotten the courage to divulge a few of his naughtier fetishistic fantasies during a particularly honest conversation the week before Christmas when left alone, with the help of a little liquor and some especially seductive sandals garbed on Diane’s immaculate size-7s. Even more shocking than the fact that he’d taken the risk of sharing these things at all was that she seemed to reciprocate his wish to have Cody miniaturized and placed in lustful service to her feet. He’d at first assumed she was just humoring him, maybe to make him less embarrassed for admitting his longing to quashed gently under her sole, to sharply inhale and drag his tongue over doughy creases and fleshy divots between her giant toes. But he trusted her tone when she told him what she wanted in no uncertain terms, and now Cody was filled with anticipation, the likes of which he ironically hadn’t quite felt since he was a child and opening presents himself. It had never occurred to him until now just how much more thrilling he’d find it to instead be the “toy” waiting inside the box for a deserving recipient to open and play with him.

The four-inch-tall living gift felt his heartrate practically double at the distant approach of muffled footsteps, followed by a seismic rattle all around him and the gleeful shredding of wrapping paper once she’d lifted the box. He only hoped Diane had chosen to close the bedroom door so her daughters wouldn’t catch a glimpse of him, though he was mostly just so excited to get a look at the colossal MILF, he wasn’t so concerned with the possible consequences. After all, they were just two adults who were going to have some harmless fun for Christmas, and then he’d return to normal. Depending how much Diane liked her present (and he sincerely hoped she would), perhaps this would be the start of a new ultra-secret tradition for them. A gift that just kept on giving.

“Well, well, well…” Diane purred, pulling back the flaps of the box to reveal the horny mini-man waiting inside. Cody lit up like Christmas morning at the sight of the beautiful blonde’s twinkly-eyed countenance staring in at him, every luscious detail of her enlarged-scope face more visible than ever. “…it’s exactly what I wanted!”

“I, uh, hoped you’d like it!” he replied, trying to sound suave but also too overcome by Diane’s sheer gargantuan presence to come off confident. Not that he expected she’d care. They hadn’t really discussed the dynamics of this gift, but it sure seemed implied to him that from the time he shrunk until she regrew him, Diane would be in charge. And he absolutely couldn’t wait for that part.

“Of course. I only ask for exactly what I want. And I usually get it,” Diane teased, giggling lightly at his nerves, then reached into the box, wrapping her soft manicured fingers around Cody and extracting him from the tissue. The sound of her voice, quiet yet commanding, made him shudder almost as much as the thought of what was soon to come. “Though you really are a special present, aren’t you? I mean, you may not be very big, and from what you’ve told me, it sounds like you only have one main use, but… well, I think it’s such a lovely thing, to give your whole self to someone. And it makes me want to show the same kind of generosity right back.”

While she slowly took a seat on her bed, the shrinker got a fuller view of the entire woman: normally she was rather petite by any standard, but from a look at four inches tall, the golden-haired family matriarch appeared a ten-story titaness. Naturally his gaze went straight down the length of her body, draped in a curve-hugging holiday robe, and down to her feet, which were regrettably concealed inside elegant house slippers, though once Diane was perched on the side of the mattress, she immediately glided both gorgeous size-7 peds out. Even from up here at the height of her chest, those feet appeared so humongous, not to mention dexterous and mouth-watering while rubbing against the floor, Cody would’ve been half-tempted to hurl himself toward the floor, if she didn’t have him in such a firm grasp.

“Y-Yeah?” he gulped. “How are you going to use your… present first?”

“So eager to make me glad I asked for you, aren’t you?” she taunted. Diane knelt toward the floor, unfurling her fingers and depositing Cody on the carpet between her abandoned slippers, just before raising her left foot an inch above his supine form. Though the trembling shrinker’s view mostly consisted now of pliant wrinkle-ridden under-arch foot flesh, palpably warm and scented of vanilla lotion and slipper fluff even from a distance, he could still see the giantess’s face high overhead through the crevice of her two largest toes. “I admit I was intrigued at the thought of using you in all the different ways you told me about. It’s not every day you have someone openly offer to play slave to your feet, after all. Especially not someone you know so well, who has so much to lose by becoming a gift to those same feet. So I believe I’m going to find out first exactly what it feels like to have your tongue working between my toes. No need to be gentle, either. I have a feeling your biggest effort will just barely do the job. Now stick out your tongue, and make me glad that I chose you for my gift.”

Cody blinked, overwhelmed by the combination of Diane’s attitude and the best view to her perfect peachy-pale deep-sloped foot he’d ever dreamed he might receive. Of course a couple of her word choices might’ve troubled him, but he wasn’t about to argue when the giantess was so accommodatingly scrunching those juicy dew-padded toes while dipping them toward his head. Almost moaning with need already, he obediently opened wide and extended his tongue just in time for the tender pillowy curve of the space between the towering woman’s big and second toes to wreath around his head, presumptively planting Cody’s lips up against her skin.


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