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It all happened so fast, neither Heidi nor Max could even catch their breaths, let alone resist, before they each found themselves pressed together in the stuffy metallic darkness, or more accurately, Max’s entire body pressed into Heidi’s torso, her bare legs, and the silky cut of her school uniform, while the towering swimmer’s height stretched a foot-and-a-half higher than the meager stature of her male classmate.

One moment, Heidi was minding her own business, hanging her swimsuit and towel to dry, and adorning her freshly-pressed cream top, long socks, dark jacket, and skirt. No sooner had she done up the last button and smoothed down a wrinkle in her skirt, though, when she felt several pairs of hands grasping her arms and legs, thrusting her forward. A chorus of girlish giggling echoed in the locker room. Heidi was by far the tallest girl in the grade at six-foot-four, and highly athletic, especially once in the pool, with her long reach and flipper-like feet. These gifts meant she was both taller and stronger than anyone who might even think to bully her.

However, the element of surprise, and the half-dozen girls working together to overwhelm Heidi, meant that she was pushed backward into her own locker. The unit was extra-tall, to accommodate a larger student’s belongings, but not especially wide, and Heidi felt like a sardine in a can the moment she was crammed inside, having to bend at the knees and bow her head just to fit. The space became even more claustrophobic when Max, who shouldn’t have even been in this locker room, was carried to the front of the pack and stuffed inside the locker right after Heidi. The uniformed boy was thrashing and grunting all the while, but at a petite four-foot-ten, it only took one snickering female classmate to manhandle him and add the lad to the sardine can. Waving goodbye to the pair, and cackling victoriously, the girls slammed the door shut then snapped the lock in place before either Heidi or Max could fully realize what happened.

“Oof! Get… off… me!” Max complained. With so little room to operate, and owing to the up-close juxtaposition of their respective sizes, the boy’s face was jammed rather conspicuously into the underside of Heidi’s blouse-clad cleavage.

“Hey, I could say the same thing to you,” Heidi muttered. She was too embarrassed at the experience of having a boy’s face partially smothered to her chest to speak up any louder, especially this particular boy. Even when it was neither of their faults and both were fully clothed. Her cheeks flushed pink, and she did her best to stand taller upright or back away, anything to keep Max from being cuddled up to her body, but there was simply no room. Their personal universe had been reduced to this tiny metal box, dark and musty, save for what little light could trickle through the door crack and thin vents. The more Heidi struggled, attempting to wriggle away from Max, and the boy following suit, the only real effect seemed to be the swimmer’s cleavage jiggling more aggressively against her classmate’s flustered face.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Max crowed, having picked up on this result more quickly due to the fact that he was being slapped and vibrated across the cheeks by the oblivious girl’s softly clothed bosom. He startled Heidi, who went to a dead stillness, still tangled up with Max and no closer to separating. His face was buried against the lower quadrant of her breasts again, though at least they weren’t in motion now; both of their legs, meanwhile, had intertwined unknowingly, Max’s own thin squatty limbs standing like fresh saplings amidst the smooth, strong boughs of the athlete’s significantly-longer and more toned legs.

“Sorry,” Heidi whispered, realizing what she’d just done. She tried to steady her breathing and keep calm, but her heart rate was already speeding up, which Max was surely aware of with so much of his face squeezed against her chest. But it was inevitable, due to all the sudden excitement, this forced intimacy with a boy she’d only seen from afar, plus the anxiety induced simply by being trapped in a locker. The puckish cluster of girls’ laughter and footsteps had steadily faded as they departed, apparently with no intention of letting their prisoners out of the locker anytime soon, until the changing room door shut behind them, leaving Heidi and Max in clumsy silence.

“Why the heck did you let them stick me in here with you?” Max whined. He, too, was doing his best to press his spine to the locker door, and thus create space, but was also finding it impossible to separate himself from his gigantic compatriot.

“It’s not my fault! What are you talking about? I don’t want to be in here, either.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be a sports star? Why couldn’t you stop them?”

“They snuck up on me! I’m not Wonder Woman, you know. If you’re so sure I could’ve stopped them, why didn’t you do anything?”

Max exhaled bitterly, but didn’t answer immediately. Instinct made the boy crane his neck up to try to look Heidi in the eye, despite the heavy shadow making that tricky, only to face-plant again in her cleavage. He flailed in the darkness, trying to find something to push off for support, only succeeding in laying hands on the girl’s powerful bare thighs, from which he instantly retracted when Heidi gasped and flinched.

“S-Sorry. Also, I did try,” he insisted. “Didn’t you see? I wasn’t able to… fine, fine, whatever… rub it in my face if you have to. I got overpowered by a girl, okay? And not even a really strong girl, either. There, I said it. Is that what you want to hear?”

“No, I don’t want to rub it in your face!” Heidi fired back, instantly regretting her word choice upon fidgeting and unintentionally clamping her cleavage together over Max’s nose. “There’s no need to play the victim here. I don’t care how strong or tall you are. The fact is, we’re stuck in here now.”

“Not if I can help it,” he challenged, then turned his head as far around toward the door as he could. “HELLO? ANYONE? HELP!”


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