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Right away Cody got vigorously to work, taking only a split-second to more gingerly lick the squishy crook of flesh between digit shafts, before hungrily lapping it with everything he had. Once the ball of Diane’s foot had imposed itself down on the rest of the four-incher’s body, not pressing near hard enough to cause pain, but certainly enough to immobilize and mold him firmly against this meaty region of sole, Cody’s reach was pretty limited. Still, he made do by craning his neck in every direction, desperately tonguing the full parabola of buoyant slightly-damp intra-toe terrain. Diane’s foot was moister with leftover night sweat than he’d anticipated, though that sheen of lotion sweetly helped undercut some of the saltier sourness of her natural perspiration. And, admittedly, since Cody’s experience with foot worship was limited much more to wet dreams than actual practice before now, he discovered within a couple minutes of intimately taste-bud-fondling the maternal giantess’s bare ped that he wasn’t quite as enamored with the reality of huffing and slurping at an unwashed foot than his fetish led him to believe.

Still, the mini-euphoria of being indulged by Diane like this, snuggled so close to her foot and with her enchanting words still ringing in his ears, the shrinker was mustering arousal anyway despite that greasy musty-slipper odor not making for exactly the sensual gourmet experience he’d hoped for.

“Oh, you’re definitely on the right track,” Diane murmured in a throaty drawl, stroking her fingers through her hair and shutting her eyes. With that, she ungrappled his head from that spot and then slotted Cody’s face even more tautly into the neighboring space between toes. The giantess seemed to hold him more possessively this time, ensuring his nose and lips were briefly smothered in pungent foot flesh while he dutifully lick-probed. “This gift is already paying for itself, I think. Don’t quit with any of that enthusiasm now, my little toy. You’re doing great. And I want that same treatment all the way down the line.”

Internally, Cody lamented the smorgasbord of lightly-acrid toe grunge he was about to imbibe as part of the Christmas present he’d so willingly given this woman, but he was also getting to love being affectionately compressed under her sole. Plus, the texture of her skin was at least pleasant to lick and rather stimulating, its flavor aside, so he showed no sign of his partial disdain and kept right on bathing her toe cleavage. As the fit was tighter in this cramped slit between Diane’s second and third toes, Cody had to plan his breaths a little more strategically whenever the giantess relaxed the musculature of those marshmallowy digits coddling his skull. For an opportunity to be so heavily ensconced in the atmosphere of these feet, and their more-than-accommodating giant owner, he was totally willing to put up with some labored inhales and the zip of night-old sole saltwater in his throat.

When at last the shrinker had finished passionately spit-washing the final groove between all Diane’s wiggly toes, he found himself “helped” when the giantess gripped his head harder than ever, so densely that his face was buried entirely in pudgy webbed toe skin, while she angled her foot slightly off the ground to puppeteer him back up. Despite the distaste of tiring out his tongue on this bittersweet task, and his body below the neck feeling numb from Diane resting her leaden mass of puttied sole atop him, Cody supposed it would be hypocritical for him to complain when he was still so horned up. Though the giantess hadn’t commented on what had to be an obvious sensation of his firmness prodding against her arch pleats, the look of narcissistic satisfaction in her smile when at last he was allowed to see her again told Cody that Diane was more than aware of her power over him. Which only seemed right to him.

“I’ve got to hand it to you,” she said as she looked down on the four-inch man cowering between her insteps in such an obvious state of subservient libido. “Some presents you open, get disappointed, and you just have to be polite, even while you’re thinking how can I possibly use this? Well, rest assured, I’m not going to be thinking that way about what you’ve given me. Really, I’m already thinking about the possibilities. All the ways you’re going to be so useful to have around from now on.”

Cody frowned. Much as it turned him on to hear Diane address him like this - in the spirit of naughty fun - it was beginning to perturb him slightly that she kept talking as though this arrangement would last for more than a day straight. Knowing he might be killing the mood, he cleared his throat and decided it was best to avoid confusion:

“Diane, um… I’m really glad you like your present. You’re… amazing, and this is probably the most fun I’ve ever had on Christmas. But how long did you actually want to-”

“How long?” Diane asked, puzzled at first, then amused. She cocked her head at the toy boy huddled between her feet and brought both slanted soles inward, until he was hugged in place between two fleshy cushioned walls of underfoot might. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those insincere people who gives a gift, only to take it back. Because I really didn’t peg you as one of those people. Of course, I also didn’t peg you as the kind of person who’d just admit to his girlfriend’s mother that he wants to shrink and lick the bottoms of her feet while she tramples him flat as a doormat… but then again, who doesn’t enjoy a fun surprise this time of year?”

“W-Well, sure, I did mean to give myself to you… y-you know, for the day. And… I would love to play more another time, too,” Cody replied, getting anxious now. “As often as you want, seriously, I’ll be here-”

“I know you will be, because I own you now,” Diane interrupted with a kind of cheery matter-of-factness that made the shrunken fellow’s insides clench. “So you’ll always be here.”

Then Cody’s actual body too experienced a similar rough-housing compaction when she proceeded to sandwich him more firmly betwixt heavy size-7 soles, rubbing them back and forth against one another, just barely brushing the spiral prints of her toepads together while Cody was brutally massaged along the humid slopes of twin arches. Even now, he wasn’t in agony, but they’d certainly crossed a threshold of pleasure into abrasive discomfort, as the shrinker had no choice but to meekly wriggle his limbs against the unyielding forces of her feet.

“Come on now, Cody. Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts about this. Where I come from, when a gift is given, it’s given for life. Not that I think you’re going to mind it much, once you relax a little more. We both know how much you’re loving this, whether you admit it or not, so there’s no point in trying to kid one another. In fact, you might as well give me a few kisses down there, so long as I’m using you like this, and then maybe you’ll get more in the holiday spirit. Personally, I’m feeling very in it now. The spirit, that is.”


THE END (for now)


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