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Ouch,” Heidi blanched as the small boy’s volume ricocheted in their tight prison cell. She tried to cup both hands over her ears, but in the process elbowed Max in the forehead.

“OW! Careful!”

“Sorry, you’re just being so loud,” the soft-spoken girl replied.

“Nobody will hear us if we just use our quiet voices. IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?”

“I think everyone already left for next period, and the coach must be on a break. If someone could hear us, they’d have already answered.”

“We have to do something. Can you kick the door open?” Max questioned. He still sounded angry, but had transferred his aggression from Heidi herself instead onto their predicament.

“I can try,” she mumbled under her breath. “But I think they locked us in.”

“Well, what else can we do?”

“Okay, okay. Try to move out of my way.”

“I can’t move anywhere! See?”

“Right. Um, okay, then just… try to hold still.” Heidi took a deep breath, edging her left foot forward, until the rubbery sole of her black uniform clog nudged the locker door. In doing so, of course, her entire leg pressed forth too, abruptly wrapping itself around Max’s hip. He winced as the warm, firm flesh cradled his narrow frame on its own, but didn’t move another muscle. “I’m in position. Here goes…”

Heidi reared her foot back, with what limited range she had, and inadvertently shoved the whole leathery clog between Max’s own legs.

“Hey, watch it!” he huffed. Had the space not been so dark, Heidi would’ve noticed Max now blushing just as cherry-red as her while the treads of her humongous shoe grazed his butt.

“Sorry, but there’s no more room!” Heidi defended, exasperated and a tad humiliated. Hoping to get this done ASAP, she launched her shoe forward, propelled by her flexing leg, and struck the locker door with the hardest kick she could manage. A long toll, like the clanging of a gong, followed by lingering tinnitus resulted, not to mention a small rounded dent in the door shaped like the toe of Heidi’s shoe. However, the lock held firm, and the door was no closer to opening.

“I told you that wouldn’t work,” Max muttered.

“No, you did not! I said it! I’m sort of strong, I guess, but I’m not thatstrong!”

“I know, I know you said it. I’m sorry, whatever. I just want to get out of here.”

“Well, I tried,” Heidi stammered. “How about you try something now?”

“If you couldn’t kick it open, what makes you think I could?”

“I don’t mean you should kick. I mean you should try to see if the lock can be opened from the inside,” Heidi answered.

“Oh. That makes sense.”

“Can you reach it?”

“Maybe.” Max reached behind his back, trying to keep from brushing against Heidi’s upturned calf on the way, though it was a moot point. After fumbling for a second, he found the mechanism. “I’m pulling on it, but it’s not opening. I think there’s a hole you have to reach through, but my hand’s too big.”

“Hold on, I think there’s a pencil somewhere on the bottom of the locker. Let me get it for you,” Heidi said. She started hunching over, immediately recalling that such posture was basically impossible while crammed in the locker, but she tried anyway, desperate to get out.

“Careful!” Max warned, kindlier than before, as Heidi’s breasts inevitably compressed down on top of his head like whack-a-mole. He wheezed, bowing lower to the squishy yet unstoppable force.

“Sorry. I’ll be quick.” Bending her knees to their lowest extent, and taking Max down along with her since his legs were straddled between her thighs, Heidi’s open hand rummaged in the dark. With her flared skirt blocking the view, it was especially difficult to work. “Hey, I think I found-”

“That’s not the pencil!” Max cried, his voice cracking with disgrace. Shivering, he swatted Heidi’s large hand away from his beltline, where it had just innocently grappled.

OH!” Heidi could’ve just about died from guilt and bashfulness. Her cheeks burned furnace-hot; her long fingers accidentally tickled along Max’s ribs while pulling away, which in turn made both parties jolt again. “S-Sorry, sorry… that was my fault, I-”

“It’s… okay,” Max groaned, more compassionately than before. “Can you reach any lower?”

“I don’t think I can. Even if you weren’t in here too, I probably couldn’t bend over.”

“Maybe I can, then.”

“Okay. Be careful,” Heidi said. She wasn’t quite sure why it was necessary to say that, until she watched him squatting in place, sliding between her partially clamped thighs, and vanishing beneath the hanging veil of her dark skirt. “Don’t look up at… uh, sorry, never mind.”

“Yeah…” Max coughed, just as embarrassed. He was all-too aware that he was currently housed beneath a thin tent of uniform skirt fabric and, just above, somewhere in the dark, Heidi’s snowy white undergarments, not to mention highly inappropriate views of her tush and other unmentionables.

Heidi did her best to pry apart her ample thighs to make room for Max, but inevitably the boy was squeezed vice-style on either side of her limbs, like the students were suddenly locked in an MMA cage. Realizing he wasn’t going to be able to slide any lower to the ground, Max took the plunge, having wedged himself as deep as possible between those infinite gams. He swept his hand in the blind zone beneath Heidi, and eventually grabbed hold of a pencil.


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