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Patreon request from my friend ad-referendum (Frank Leo).

A new sketch I have been working on for the past few days…

Feature Nero Claudius and Tamamo no Mae from Fate, bathing in a Rome style bath together~

Struggled quite a bit on the pose, as somehow it was quite hard to draw both girls spread legs without making it look too slutty… What I want to achieve is to make the girls look relaxing in the bath, with Nero being slightly playful placing her leg over Tamamo’s~

Made about 6 attempts on this sketch, as early versions I forgot to enlarge her feets for that foreshorten effect. After fixing so many times, now hopefully it will look good~

I gave Tamamo an alternative hair style, since if she is bathing it is best for her to tied her hair up~

Background was based on the bathhouse scenes from Fate Extra anime, still not 100% sure on the background though, will just see what to do when I get back to this drawing…

Hope you guys like the sketch~ Time being, I am going to go back and work on Belfast and Murasaki Shikibu instead~

I have wanted to draw Nero with prolɐpse for quite some time. Since I already drew 2 drawings of Tamamo with prolɐpse, it is only fair for Nero to get one as well right? XD

I decided not to draw the tongue out smile on this drawing, as I want a feeling that they feel perfectly natural with their prolɐpse out~ what do you think? Would you prefer a tongue out expression? Let me know in the comment section below 030

Regarding the situation with my mum, just now dad contact me and inform me that, the surgery has now finished and last for about 3 hours long. 

According to hospital phone check, they say mum has left the surgery room and now moved back into her patient room. Dad will be allowed to see her in about an hour from now. From the sound of it, it sounds like the surgery was a success, finally I can stop worrying about the situation…(*´ο`*)=3




Congrats on the successful surgery, hope she has a speedy recovery. Also just curious, what do you think about spreading their holes to let the water wash their insides o3o


お母様の手術が成功したとのことで、おめでとうございます。 私も安心しました(*^^*) イラストのこと。 リラックスしている女の子には自然な笑顔が似合うと思います!

Frank Leo

Thank You ... and please keep update your mother's status


She will be recovery successfully !


thanks~(。´∀`)ノ I do like this idea of having water washing their inside, but just not sure exactly how to do it... should it be spread by some kind of tool, or should it be just loose and open by itself? just not sure how it will work for the drawing 「(゚ペ)


ありがとう~ o(´∀`*) こ意見ありがとう、私もそう思う~~

Takuya Sawatari

That pose is amazing! Nero snuggling up to Tamamo looks cute, so I don't think they look slutty. I can't wait for the final version. I hope your mother will fully recover.


I am glad you like this ~ヾ(^∇^) I hope so too, she is slowly recovering now...