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Drew this little cat thingy for my mum…

So, in about 12 hours from now, my mum will have her surgery.

For those of you guys who doesn’t know what happened: 

Basically, around 3 weeks ago I found out my mum actually have some kind of womb cancer, she refuse to tell me much about it until dad took me 2 weeks ago in person. She went into hospital earlier today, and will proceed to her surgery tomorrow.

Days ago, dad told me more info about it after I ask him why mum seems a bit sad, as she keep saying stuff like what I will need to do if she doesn’t make it etc.

Dad say apparently because mum has a lot of surgery before, her organs are a bit messy, making the operation high risk, so it isn’t the simple open it up and take the womb out kinda operation like I originally thought.

Anyway, there is good news today, this morning she has been told there is a possibility that she can do Minimally invasive surgeries, which will significantly lower the risk. Originally doctor say it isn’t doable, but today they say there is a possibility to do it. Dad say she looks a lot more optimistic compare to yesterday, so hopefully things will go okay and she can come back home safely next week… (*´・Д・)
