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Just want to share this good news~

So a little recap, basically the doctor say there is a possibility on doing a Minimally invasive surgery on mum, which will lower the risk of the operation a lot. And luckily in the end they use this technique and operated on her for 3 hours.

After resting for 2 days in hospital, she is allow to leave the hospital and come home on the 3rd day’s evening, and now is back home~

We are still waiting for the full report, and also a 2 weeks wait on the test to see if the cancer spread anywhere else… But if everything is fine, then mum just need to rest up to heal her body and she will be all fine again~~

Thank you everyone again for the nice words and wishes!~ (*^ω^*)




Ain't going to lie. All these times I kept quiet after seeing the updates is only because I didn't know what to say. But to see this good news, I have to say I'm glab for you. 家人重要。先好好陪伴父母。

Frank Leo

Thank You


Glad to hear this!


今私が見るようになった絵は状況を本当に感動的に話してくれる。応援しかできなかったが,これはすごくいいことだ! ...しかし全部いいことにあのかわいい子は頭にどうしてパンツを浴びているのか ? (O o O)


お母様の状態がよくなるように祈っております。 ppshexさまのご家族にもっと素晴らしいことが起こりますように


聽到伯母病情好轉真的很高興 .祝福伯母能健康無事


Great to hear the good News!


ありがとう~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ あれはね...パンティー猫です~ぼくのアバターwww