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The Homies


Band of Brothers 7.mp4



Once the US joined the war Germany also face a similar problem that Japan did. In a prolonged conflict the two countries did not have the massive manufacturing capabilities the US had. Additionally all of the factories and workers in America did not have to worry about their factories being bomber. War production would not be Interrupted. Because of America's location it was pretty safe from direct attack. Germany on the other hand was experiencing production setbacks all of the time because factories would get blown up.

Catherine LW

Chris is correct regarding production in the US. Statistics: From 1940-1945 the US built 10 battleships ; 27 aircraft carriers; 110 escort carriers; 211 submarines; 907 cruisers/destroyers; 7500 railroad locomotives; 41,000 guns and howitzers; 82,000 landing crafts; 100,000 tanks and armored vehicles; 124,000 various ships; 310,000 aircrafts; 434,000 tons of steel; 806,073 two and a half ton trucks; 2,400,000 jeeps and sundry vehicles; 12,500,000 rifles; 36,000,000,000 yards of textiles; and 41,000,000,000 rounds of ammo. And 3 atomic bombs. By 1944, the US produced a Jeep every 4 minutes, and a Liberty aircraft bomber every hour. The US also was oil independent - Japan and Germany were not. For every US serviceman, there were 12 American civilians doing war work to support him. Japan’s ratio was only 1:1.