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Hey there!

► As you know, we've added 3 KITBASH sets this month and we'd like to know your opinion, guys, regarding this new feature.

How these sets look for you?
Do you need them and use kitbashes like those from 'The Gorgon Catacombs'?

▪ Please vote and comment below:

- If you use- where?
- Which types of kitbashes you'd like to see?
- Your opinions and suggestions?

▪ Please let us know what you think so we could know whether we should continue adding this content to releases.

Highly appreciate your feedback!


► Finally we are happy to announce that we start LOYALTY PROGRAM :

▪ Those who will be supporting Bestiarum for 3 MONTHS IN A SEQUENCE BEGINNING FROM APRIL, will receive an EXCLUSIVE UNIQUE FIGURINE from us as a GRAND MERSI for your long-term support!

I.e., those who join us this April and will stay subscribed on May and June in a row, will get an Exclusive Figurine in June.

▪ By supporting Bestiarum for 6 / 9 / 12 MONTHS IN A SEQUENCE STARTING FROM APRIL, patrons will receive EXCLUSIVE UNIQUE FIGURINE for each milestone accordingly!

▪ These Exclusive Unique Figurines will be available ONLY on PATREON;



Alexei and Bestiarum Team


Pablo Jara Barría

I love them, i started backing just for this type of set


I haven't had a chance to print any of the kitbashes yet, but I love the idea!


Yes, please more kitbash options. Modular Models is the future of 3d mini printing 😁


Loyalty starts counting from now? That's sad, I have been supporting already for a year :(

Gavin Butstraen

I love kitbashing, and it would be extranice if some of the different sets have some interchangeable parts. Doesn’t have to be everything all the time of course 😉


For me, kitbashing is the most important part of the hobby and I'm fond of it. I really can't wait to see more of your kitbash options in the future ! Keep up the good job <3


Need ranged weapons please!


I love this kitbash option for my other minis 😃


Kitbashes are great. Printing the pieces you want is 👍. Also a big fan at just looking at the overall sets and seeing what I can make from combining various pieces here and there.


I like the possibilities this month Release offers. I honestly havent started printing aprils Stuff - but I habe an idea or two how to use the possibilities offeref here. With kitbashing we can create unique stuff. So if possible plz keep it and maybe also for Monsters and other bigger ones miniat... already liked the options with the Knights in February(?).

Metal King Studio

I don’t care about kit bash sets. They are too fiddly. I would much prefer a couple extra complete figures with the alternative options. As long as there are presupposed full figures (like this month) then I am happy. The leonid warrior is a cool style where you can print an alternative hand with a shield or whatever. I don’t really like having to print arms and legs and heads separately.

David Mellors

I like the idea of kitbashes and it would be nice if some parts fitted on a number of different models from one month to the next. Whilst I'm commenting though, a tabaxi would be a cool addition.

Sean Taylor

I don't necessarily dislike the kitbash sets, but (and this is an honest question, not trying to be an ass) is it any extra work to have duplicate 3d models which include the options rather than just having the options? I mean, you need to test the kit-bashed limbs/tools on a base model regardless. In my limited experience, when I've kitbashed things I use permanent affixing solutions like superglue, so it's not like I'll be able to change the options after use. It's just my 0.02, but I'd rather see 5 models than one base model with 5 kitbashed choices, and minimize fit & finish by choosing which model I want rather than printing the base and gluing the choice.

Richard Gibson

I like the kitbash sets and having spent a long time collecting models from "The Big Guys" it's the way im used to getting them. That being said I don't think you *need* to bring out kitbash sets all the time- I'd much rather just have sculpts that satisfy you guys creatively and if you sometimes want to make kitbash sets then that's great!


I think kit bashing is a lot of fun and would love to see some “core characters” that we can print out and accessorize with weapons, armor and terrain.

Mini Manatee

the more modular a set is the better - I love having multiple sets of modular kits and putting them together in different ways to create entirely new models, the only thing I ask is that you keep the connections the same between the kitbash sets So for hands have them all connect with the same ball joint, arms/legs the same etc etc, obviously this is not possible with different sized models (these could be scaled by the user to make it work), but a consistent modular design is an awesome feature for the standard troop/enemy designs


Modularity is useful with amassable models. Only having three of the initial cultists (6 with mirroring) is quite limiting for someone who hates duplicate sculpts and isn't great at sculpting. Kitbashing, though, is only really beneficial if there is a decent sized catalogue of compatible parts. Also, it's usually more random accessory parts (not body parts) that are the most useful for really changing the look of a model, but that can be fiddly. All that said, if it's at the cost of a clean connection then I'm not sure it's worth sacrificing quality for (I appreciate the included assembled examples for this reason).

tyler dockery

Printing many pieces vs. 1 finished model is my issue. I can print several finished models, or enough for 3? Is it possible to include some pre-assembled ones?


I greatly enjoy the personal variety it has the potential to provide. I can mirror/swap arms/Torsos/Heads to create styles to my liking where as whole static models are much more difficult to customize.


I like the variety of the monthly offerings. I have the bust from Crimson Abbey printed and was initially disappointed that the April release didn't feature one but the kitbash was a good alternative. I think keeping this variety in the release is a good thing. In terms of more kitbash ideas: Animal melds would be cool. Humans and various animal features forcefully grafted onto one another would make for some great/horrific combinations, much like the Moose this month!


Pieces wont fit perfectly among all releases thats for sure but with some additional work those will fit one another. Tabaxi are so cute, maybe one day mate :)


Huge thanks for being that active in comments friends! All your feedback is extremely useful. So how we were planning to have this kitbash idea to work: - We include in the release our brand posed characters as usual so it doesnt limit our creativity in designes and poses. Also those of you who do not like / need kitbashing have the "core set" print ready. - Kitbash will be made of those core characters splitted in parts what WONT FIT perfectly among each other :) unfortunately making clean connections what will work among all release is not the good idea for our designs. It dramatically limits the creativity and i want to avoid it at all costs. The goal of those sets are to give you guys the freedom of experimenting and unleashing your own creativity and mixing parts together, glue them, cut and have fun creating your own unique designes :) We are all here to enjoy our hobby ! Looking forward for your feedback and games you are planning to use those kitbashed characters in!


Loving the New releases and the Crimson Grove biome,.. Wondering about the Loyalty program terms tho.. Having a few Bestiarum fans as customers.. Am I to tell them to buzz off when they will univariably ask if they can buy the Loyalty models prints? An embargo on sales of the model for a set time would make more sens than outright private use. Some fans do love the figures but don't want to mess with the printing.

Gavin Butstraen

It’s ok not to have perfect fits across the board. I don’t want playmobil or early games workshop plastics. Cutting, pinning & filling gaps is part of the kitbash process.

Auluaden Bartolli

My one feedback would be more on the loyalty reward announcement. For people who have supported you for the past 3 months to a year, they should probably be eligible for the loyalty rewards, even if they stop supporting next month or the month after. I could see some people being upset/offended by the fact that they've supported for a year with no loyalty rewards, and no eligibility for it when it finally gets introduced. I won't be impacted by this, since I'll probably be supporting for the foreseeable future, but just something to think about.


You could assemble them in Meshmixer and save the combined file to then print as a single piece. You would have to support the final model yourself though if that's a problem.

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Oh my God, what model/miniature loving builder/painter in their right mind doesn't absolutely want more Kit-bashing sets? They're so much fun.


Loyalty reward will be for the Personal Use only, as descripted in the post https://www.patreon.com/posts/render-preview-50535210