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Oh my, time flies so fast!
And here we are with previews for upcoming May Release.


▪ We'll meet Swamp Scrappers, Crazy Zealots, Shamans and their Apprentices and who knows whom else..

▪ We'll explore Smelly Swamps and we'll survive in its Mysterious Slough.

Get ready your gas masks!

Alexei and Bestiarum Team




Again a very nice job. Do you think it's possible to have different weapon to play them as ganger for a post apo game and with more medieval weapon for fantasy game ?

Mini Manatee

Awesome as always! Especially looking forward to the giant!


oh yes. th y Look awesome. want to print them asap. reminds me of post apocalyptic warriors.

Miikka Lehtonen

Oh my god, I never knew I needed post-apocalyptic undead warriors in my life UNTIL NOW.

Samson Scheffel

Please give us the stilt boi from the concept art!

Gavin Butstraen

Nice scenery too. Very nice scenery.


Very interesting! Mirroring what The_Dude has said above; please include ranged weapons and modern ranged weapons too please!


It’s probably a lot of extra work adding weapons and making sure they all sit nicely. It’s probably not to bad getting stl files for weapons and printing them in the scale you want and modelling them in to place.

tyler dockery

Is it possible that you might consider a HATE faction at some point? usually 1 big model, 1 heavy model, 1 troop leader, 1 scout, 2-3 fighters. No rules necessary, just a cool option. I think most of your pieces are already 85% of the way there as it is :)

Iris Baur

Damn - that`s cool: you`re gettin better and better. Incredible! :)


hmm dont know what to do with them..could be raiders for fallout wasteland warefare..but the lack of positions to mod some firearm on them make it hard

Iris Baur

Well... yes, optional firearms please!

Tracy Pierce

The ones on stilts are so cool!

Steve Howland

Oh my I love these so much

Masterwork Miniatures

A little too mad max for me personally, but great sculpts.




love the guy on the left and that open mouth terrain concept!

Gunter Schmidt

Is HATE any fun to play? Like most of my KS games it sits on a shelf unused and unloved with no one to play against.

Gunter Schmidt

Hoping nr. 2, 3 and 5 from the page with the "mage/shaman" concept make it. Especially 3. Multiple arms, plague doctor mask, claw hand and cannister is creepy enough for a variety of settings.


Hopefully that mouth entrance is included, it has a ton of applications!

Gavin Butstraen

The only thing I would change are the shields. Why not give them medieval shields to add some ambiguity and make them a bit less Mad Max. The gasmasks can stay :-)

Timothy E Broekhuizen

Is it just me? I don’t feel like these go with anything that has come before. I love the consistent world building that Bestarium has done. I I’m just not sure what to make of these.


meh i see someone was looking at the GW warcry options when they came up with this month