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Hello Patrons,

Lots has been going on, and I forgot to add the March update here as well, so I'll roll the last 2 months into a single post.  Here we go...

Here is the current state of the project and roadmap for the upcoming months:

Alpha 1 is our current target for the end of 2021...  Vertical slice and EA release are more like 2022 and beyond.

Our new coder, Vlad, who will be tackling physics for now (and supporting Rand where needed). More detailed info and actual videos are in this tweet: https://twitter.com/pixeljamgames/status/1367851727152685059 but here are some of his recent experiments (in image form since Patreon doesn't seem to support embedded videos):

The above images are using the shiny brand new DOTS (Data Oriented Tech Stack) Physics system, which is SUPER performant, especially on mobile, and robust enough to allow us some very interesting interactions (think crumbling rocks, lava, water, etc).

Rich has been making progress on the various Raptor animations in different angles and states:

Next we experimented with Dino-Body-Physics, simulating more or less a very springy truck (or unicycle) and variations of that....

These circular bodies are constrained via soft springy joints, in case anyone was wondering.  Smooth traversal of irregular terrain and obstacles is the goal. Next steps are simulating these things in a more dino-realistic environment and working towards proper controls for the playable entity, and THEN we start to marry it with the visuals we've been working on (Dino animations, terrain drawings, etc).

That's all for now! More updates coming in a few weeks. Thanks for the continued support!

-Miles @ Pixeljam


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