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Hello Patrons,

TL;DR: Dino Run 2 is going to have a much better 2021 than 2020.

Now onto the actual message...

It's probably obvious that 2020 saw very little progress on the game. So, we're excited to share some very good news about the project: we are finally in a financial position to put a team of people on the game for the forseeable future! We'll be adding Achilles Tzamtzis as a new coder... he'll be working on the level generation algorithm/visualizer to start, and eventually the main gameplay logic and other parts of the game. Here is some of his recent progress: https://youtu.be/ZKr-O63g2Wo 

Rich Grillotti, artist for the original Dino Run, is returning to work on dino animations, UI and terrain chunks. Here is the *new* raptor, ready to stalk and devour 2021:

Keeping the classic Dino Run 1 look, but with much more focus on fluid, realistic movement, and some extra colors to imply 3D forms...

Look at him go!

Rand stays with us as architect, tech consultant and lead coder as well. I (Miles) will continue to report, manage and cheerlead as necessary.

Our next major goal is to take Stegoball and turn it into a tech demo / sandbox with playable raptors and pteranodons, with more robust level generation and physics events. After that, we'll add the apocalyptic Wall of Doom and work towards a little vertical slice that is an improved Stegoball with more Dino Run 2 elements and feels added in.

Our current budget allows us to stay focused on the game until the middle of 2021, but you never know when more money will serendipitously fall from the sky (or other sources) and grant us an extension. Overall, expect more updates, more progress, more art, more streams, and more dinos.

Speaking of streams, we'll be starting them back up once a week, every Friday at 1 PM EST. Follow us here: https://www.twitch.tv/pixeljamgames to get notified when we go live.

Shirts! We're finally able to make a new order of shirts and fulfill the existing pre-orders. If you want to put in a request for one to buy when they come in, fill out this form in the next 72 hours: https://forms.gle/DNjtThTePKVbRPuK6. This form expires Monday Jan 25th!

Important: please only fill it out if you actually intend to pay for it! We'll contact you when it's in and mail it out once payment is sent. This form is only for extra shirts - don't fill it out if you are already on the waiting list for one.

That's all for now!  Here's to a prosperous and exciting year to come :)

-Miles @ Pixeljam


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