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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding TRIFECTA on the comments below.




I loved the art, the colors, the jokes ... I thought great history, and it is more natural talents of have fun... and exciting. :P


Was really hoping Gwen was going to get anal, but it was satisfying nonetheless!


I was definitely wondering how the impetus for this comic was going to play out. When Mysterio was involved, I was sure that it was going to be a botched spell, or even a spell that did exactly what it was supposed to: distract Spidey. So this was deffo an unexpected twist. A chemical inside a horny faun statue? Sure, sure, let's go with that! ^_^ How does it play out? Definitely more faptastic than Shehulk, but not perfect. Considering the content of the other comic, I don't mind at all it being mostly smut, and very little in the way of story. And the realism and sexy art style makes an effort in the right direction. But... Bodies are perfect, faces not always so. I mean maybe, maybe one could argue that the faces have some leeway when the three ladies are just brainlessly posing and grinding, but... I mean, I liked the last panel on 5. That's the one Tracy wanted to share. Which is what made the faces on the first panel of six just so... eugh. But the actual sex makes up for a lot, with lots of combinations of poses and the like... it's a smut smorgasboard, and I am totally behind it. It's definitely a different look for Tracy, where the women are often instigators or heavily involved in the act... and in this case, they are merely the empty vessel to respond to Peter's desires. But given the context, and the end result, I'm good with that. It's a full 3-D wet dream, and I am happy to enjoy it. I mean, three pussies seated on top of each other? That's definitely new terrain for Traceyverse, and I am glad she went there. And then it ends with Black Cat *actually* fucking Mysterio into submission, and come on Misty! Show some backbone. You're fucking Felicia, people would kill for the opportunity. (And I do love that last panel.) For a comic that is smut and little else, this worked very well, and I am happy to have more in that vein. I know it's not likely that we have a direct continuity with this smut fantasy vapor, but I have to admit, the idea is interesting. What happens if someone else inhales it? What men or women appear for a different character? (Oh wait, this is totally how we get that picture of MJ and four different Spider-dicks, isn't it.) ^_^


Loved the comic the only thing I found a missed opportunity was that MJ didn't use her Iron-Spider legs on the other girls. But for the rest it was a great illusion comic.

Dennis King

This is great. The jokes/talking was a big off but the art was great, the sex was great and the plot that lead to the sex was great. Wish there was a triple blowjob with him giving the three a facial instead of just another cream pie. But oh well. And the ending with Felicia was great