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This was always going to be the comic this month that was going to be tough to beat. Spidey was the long running hero that I read the most of, the one I'd known since I was a kid. Since then, my tastes have significantly diversified, and to be honest, Spidey has dropped down the list as my favorite hero. Dan Slott's run on She-Hulk was the thing that made her occupy the top ten. Am I happy with the end result? Well...I think this is going to be one of those comics that score better on the comedy end of things than on the fapworthy end of things. A little bit like Oglaf. I was already a little leery about the art going in, and I voiced those concerns when I saw the first page. People know from experience that I care a lot about faces, but ironically, that wasn't my biggest concern going forwards. I was quickly shown that Shulkie was capable of more than one expression. But that doesn't mean that the art hit all my buttons going forwards. I've said before that the art of certain folks I liked better than others, and that sometimes the art was better suited so a certain kind of storytelling. In this particular case, well... it had a very unfinished quality to it that made it less arousing in the final end. Did this mean it contributed more to the humor? Yes, actually. Which is why I make the comment that I did above. I don't want to harp on it: the artist is doing their best, the level of fidelity just didn't work for me. Having said that, the rest of the comic is aces. I wanted more, more, more. I remembered the trial of The Leader well, and it tickled me no end to see a smut version of said trial, especially ending in stuck up Mallory Book fellating the judge, her cunt soaked. Bringing up the infamous sex with Juggernaught, double teamed by Colossus and Hulk, culminating in supposedly non-fictional sex with Spidey.... I mean let's face it. Jen's sex life was totally front and center in that run. She had sex with John, Tony, that underwear model, made a play for Wolverine... and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. it could have happened. I'm sure MJ isn't even mad. ^_^ Thanks for doing this one for us super-nerds, Tracy.


Expertly weaving in and out of the 4th wall universe of She-Hulk smutified was a tall order, but I think it ended up well crafted, tying it to an actual comic event and expanding on it was masterful indeed. Bonus points for somehow including Galactus in the fun without turning She-Hulk into an overstretched green condom. If you ever do a poll where people vote on a future comic sequel of a Tracyverse story I'd definitely pick this one, as like GD I'd love to how this would pan out with more pages.

Dennis King

Honestly this comic was....... Meh? It wasn't bland but it felt like the comedy was trying TOO hard and the Spidey/Jen but at the end (then having a sex tape) could have used even a throwaway line but oh well. The art was also fairly...... Middle of the road. There was just something off with the faces.