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These last weeks have been a bit more overwhelming than usual, so I'm still working on the comics tonight. There's a very small probability of a 1-day delay on the deliveries this month, but I'm confident that I'll somehow pull through and deliver it all over the next 24h.

I'm working hard here to avoid that delay, so it would be swell if you guys could help me out by exercising a bit of extra-patience over this beautiful Saturday.

Go out and enjoy your day. I'll do my best to get you all nice things to look at when you get home in the evening. =)




I'm just getting over being sick, so I hope this is perfectly timed. ^_^


Take your time, it's cool👍🏼


Hang in there.


Don't sweat it , man, we'll all be here when you're good to go. :D


Can happen were patient here


Don't work too much, we'll wait because : "Lorsqu'un grand artiste se fait attendre, c'est que son oeuvre est magistrale". ;)

Dennis King

Don't rush Tracy, we can wait