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Uhm, guys...
My father in law just passed away.
I have an 8h drive ahead of me and should be erratically away for a few days

I'll try to handle the rewards asap, but the new comics will take a while longer

Hope you understand,
- Tracy


That black guy

Holy hell, I'm sorry to hear about that.


I understand, I'm sorry for your loss, take your time.


Sorry to hear it Tracy. Best wishes and condolences.


I'm sorry for your loss Tracy :(. No rush, family comes first


Family first man. Pray for your loss

Dennis King

Sorry to hear that Tracy


I'm sorry for your lost, and I'm sure we're all in agreement​ that none of us hold anything against you. Take care of your hubby, since I'm sure he's wrecked right now. Believe me, we should be an afterthought for you at the moment, you and he come first.

Just Passin By

Oh my that's horrible. My condolences Tracy. Family first. We will understand about the comics being delayed. My girlfriend's grandfather just passed away a few days ago and I am seeing how hard it hit her. Just try and not get depressed (easier said than done). I wish that he is in a better place and didn't suffer in his passing.

Sven M.

Sorry to hear that. My condolences and best wishes for you and your family. And as was said by other commenters the stuff here is not important right now.


My condolences... of course we understand; please take your time and get yourself right, don't even sweat this comics thing .


Don’t worry we know you’re good for it! I think we're all real sorry to hear about the loss. Take care!


You just do what you need to in this difficult time, everything else can wait.

Spooney Bard

There are things so much more important to worry about right now, we can wait as long it takes in this difficult time.


Sorry to hear this sad news. My condolences.


Sorry for your loss :( take your time we'll still be here.


I'm so sorry for your loss Tracy. Take as much time as you need. I recently lost someone close to me too, it's not easy moving on and accepting that person being truly gone. But the truth is there actually not, they still live through our memories and as long as we have those memories then that person is never truly gone or forgotten. Remember that person and they will forever stay in our hearts and will always be with us in sprit.


I'm sorry for your loss. Please take your time, I really don't mind how much delayed your work, but your family always first priority.


My condolences. Obviously, that takes precedence


Mine condolences to you and your family and don't worry about the rewards and new comics. Take whatever time you need and ten some. Your family and yourself comes first now, its never easy to lose a close relative.

Bud Chudley

My condolences to you and your family.


My condolences to you and your family. Don't worry about the comics, they will be there when you get back. Your family comes first.

Josh Parks

Focus on you and yours.


Sorry for your loss. Take your time with your family. It's always better to be with them when we lost someone.


Much love


I'm sorry for your loss.

Benjamin Bone

We totally understand Tracy. Take your time, and our regards to you and your partner