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Hey guys,
Thank you all so much for the warm messages during these difficult times.

Now that the family is asleep, I opened my laptop and managed to send all recapper rewards that didn't involve the new releases. At least those were sent without deadline delays.

I think keeping myself busy with work will actually help me at this time, and for that believe I can finish and send the new comics by Sunday.

Thank you all for your patience.

By the way...
If you have someone dear to you in your proximity, just go to them and give them a big, long, awkward, warm hug.
Life is to short to waste hugs.




Spend time with your family. Losing someone is extremely difficult.

Regless Maximus

Spreading my grandmother's ashes this weekend with the folks. She was a cool lady. Take it easy Tracy.


Yeah family and morning are more important then this just now, so if you need to take more time, take it