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Hey guys!

First of all, thank you so much for another awesome month.
I'm still working on the rewards for September and hope to send them without delays on Oct 5th.
Forms for recappers will be sent soon.

Meanwhile I will let you know ahead of time about the upcoming comics for the new term.


I'll post more details as the month goes, but here's some brief words:

HAPTICS PROTOCOL - MCU Peter has some sexy fun with Karen, his suit Artificial Intelligence.
(art by Llamaboy)
ROXXXON'S BANGINJET - About a fake-reality pornography website that is part of the Roxxon adult content network. The videos are produced by the Bangbrodas (two OC mutant telepath siblings) who work as a scene director, camera operator and performance talent in the Banginjet episodes. They partnered with the Roxxon conglomerate to sell pornographic fake-reality videos of girls in cosplay, being apparently scammed into having sex with them inside a refurbished quinjet. Later it was discovered that the girls in the videos weren't cosplayers at all, but real heroines and villainesses being telepathic forced into sex, having their memories erased soon after.
(art by R-ex)

Hope this is enough to tease you all and get your gears going!
Thanks again!



Spooney Bard

Wow, this month sure upped the intrigue game to a new level. Might have to call this a tale of two previews. One has twelve words, and the other ninety-eight. One page is almost completely ambiguous, the other extremely detailed telling an entire story with unbelievable clarity.


We call this a high-concept/low-concept pitch difference. One of the stories is quite easy to explain. The other, need some detailing to work as a proper teasing preview. 😅


I wonder, I do remember you having a list of unfinished ideas we voted, I was wondering if that is finished, because I do remember an idea of 616 Peter with 1610 Girls.


You're right, that comic is way late and the reason is because the artist who is working on it has been... uhm... erratic (I wanted to put a very different word here). I've been trying to not get him fired but it seems it's almost unavoidable at this point. I'll use your reminder as fuel and give him a final deadline this week. If he fails to contact me again, I'll move along and pass the project to someone else. I really hate doing that, but honestly, it's not that rare that I have to deal with this kind of thing. And that alone is the main reason I don't like to talk about upcoming projects anymore. I keep the monthly releases silent until their release cycle begins to avoid passing along the hype and frustration I deal with personally as an editor. But thanks for your reminder. It'll help me get out of this particular mud with this comic.

Josh Parks

I signed up on 29 will I still get to select?


Yes! =) But you need to answer the form that was sent to you earlier today. ;)


Who else is excited for banginjet?


Is that Black-Suit MJ from Renew Your Vows or Anya Corazon from 616 ?