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Happy New Year's Day, dear ones.

Make ambitious resolutions and go at them full tilt. Life is short, and now is your chance to push reality in the direction of your dreams.

When you "fail", take a day off. Or two, or three, or a week. Think and write about your experience. Then make that same resolution again, and go at it again. 

Rose Eveleth wrote a piece in Wired called "The Case Against Hopewashing", which kind of comes down to the idea that for all the hope we're being sold by capitalism and politics, we have to DO things to make the worlds we're hoping for. I'm starting to come to terms with the limitations of my time and energy, so I'm picking my battles, placing my bets, deciding where (or with whom) I'm going to make my marks. 

We are all always deciding what and whom we're investing in. And as the song goes, if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. Your resolutions don't have to all be heavy hitting or selfless- you can also decide that a thing is the wrong choice, or now is the wrong time. But if you're like me, frequently holding your cards close, or being indecisive out of fear of getting it wrong, I'm gently encouraging you to take a chance on making a difference. Take a chance on manifesting a future by actually working towards it. You may find it easier or harder than you imagined, but you are gaining valuable data in your attempts. 

Happy New Years.


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