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As is traditional, tonight I will visit you in your dreams. I may come to you in my true form, that of a blade of grass- just a small green thing in a sea of small green things that you cannot know whether you've stepped on or not and it really doesn't matter whether you have or not because we are multitudes and are always living and dying for some reason, or a particularly tricky equation on your math test that you can't read- the symbols sliding past your eyes, or I might come in the face of a classmate you haven't thought of since elementary school and who now upon thinking perhaps never existed at all. I might come to you as a cackling sun goddess, reborn and flying, throwing butterscotch candies at you as if I were not an onlooker but the parade herself. I might come to you as a horse, or a pig, or a tree, or a mailbox, or an alien monolith. I might just be myself, waving and offering you a cup of tea. And upon waking you might see this post and think, well, Cole didn't visit ME, I didn't even dream last night. I was there, you just don't remember.

If you happen to see me in your dream and recognize me, you may ask me to grant you one wish. I'm not a djinn, so it's not three wishes, and I'm also not contracted to oblige you. But I might.


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