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Hello Adventurers!

For the last month, my labours have mainly been directed at working on compatibility with the new v3.0x series of the D&D system and various issues around it.

We had the not-quite-a-surprise release of Humblewood, which is now finished and compatible with the latest Adventure Muncher.

A small feature was also released to allow journals to be imported into a DDB Journals compendium when importing an adventure. I see this being useful for folks who like to import things like the Players Handbook. Before you rush to import all your books, wait a week or two as enhancements to Adventure Muncher are forthcoming to improve integration and references with the new 5e rules references. In addition, some work on the folder layouts of journals is also required.

Thank you for your continued support,


Condensed Changelog


  • Kgar Tidy 5e sheet merge into Tidy Sheet support
  • 5e v3.0.0 Tokenizer will open regardless of if avatar or token is selected when editing the sheet.


  • Support for psychic amp module no longer needed for core psychic class.
  • Bump minimum pf2e version to 5.13.0
  • Fix for some oddities when using an Ancient Elf and some dedications importing chosen content as class feats.
  • Fix an issue importing Selfish Shield
  • Some feature rules used strings rather than integers for level conditions, such as the Kobold. The munch now accounts for this. Draconic Exemplar is once more added.
  • Support Gradual Ability Boost Variant Rule.
  • Some runes did not import.

DDB Adventure Muncher

  • Support for Humblewood

Active Auras

  • Set Effect Origin to parent item for fun transfer effect times in D&D 3.0.
  • Initial Canvas parse of effects would not always trigger, so for example a Paladins Aura effect would not be applied until the Paladin moved.
  • When an item is deleted from an actor with an aura that is affecting tokens on the scene, the aura effect will now be removed from the token on delete for systems not using legacy transferral.
  • If using aura evaluation only in combat, when combat ended, in some instances auras would not be removed.
  • More selective use of setting auras origins to parent ids where the effect has an origin uuid that points to an actors item, and it's not a transfer effect.

Note Licker

  • Sometimes Notelicker would try to create an icon even if a user did not have permissions to upload.

DDB Importer

  • Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter no longer rely on CE.
  • Effect: Heroism updated to MidiQoL Overtime effect
  • DDB Importer v4.0.0+ no longer supports Foundry 10, or 5e versions earlier than v3.0.0.
  • Item Containers/Collections module is no longer supported in favour of native Foundry containers.
  • Race and Racial Traits now import into compendium folders.
  • Many more effects will now be created, especially for spells, where midi is not enabled.
  • Resource handling dialogue now has a Remove option, there is a setting to choose if you want to show/hide this by default on new characters. This is now set to hide as default.
  • Improvements to Magic Item uses and recharge parsing, for both characters and compendiums.
  • Equipment that is not armour, would import as armour.
  • Weapon properties did not always process.
  • Some actions would not pick up the correct ability score.
  • Compendium folder creation is enforced for Class, Class Features, Race, and Racial Traits.
  • Effect overhaul to remove most DAE requirements from basic effects.
  • Trinkets and clothing such as bracers of defence did not generate AC bonus effects.
  • Global Effect bonuses for spell attacks improved.
  • Removed signed bonuses on effect generation.
  • Features should be more consistently added to the relevant sections in the character sheet.
  • Conditions are applied correctly when importing and updating a character.
  • Changes to Item Macro caused importer crash.
  • Wrath of the Storm fixes.
  • Spell names in items will (mostly) be replace with links to any spells munched into the DDB Compendiums.
  • First pass at improved rule matcher, will now attempt to use the hover references rather than linking to SRD when importing.
  • Refactor reference linker to prevent things like the Cone linking happening before spell linking breaking things like Cone of Cold.
  • Some races like Loxodon added Trunk as a weapon, the generation of this feature failed in the v3.0.x system resulting in bad character imports.
  • A fix for the merge of Kgar's tidy sheets in to "Official" Tidy sheets.
  • Character sheet favourites are preserved.
  • Some customer magic items would not import if rest type was set to dawn rest.
  • New Adventure Import Option: Import Journals and Tables to Compendiums. A new option will import Journals and Tables into Compendiums for you on import. Useful if you say, want the PHB accessible, but not in your world.
  • Accept better parsing of DDB Character URLS.
  • Phantasmal Killer rolled damage on cast as well as turn end.
  • Weapons will not have the "Uses prompt" disabled by default.
  • Hound of Ill Omen did not consume Sorcery Points.
  • Fix for log download generation
  • Psychic Blades now parse as weapons rather than features.
  • Some template string parsing changes.
  • Some reference look up elements were added for elements that did not have references, e.g. radius.
  • AC Formula Effects which Override will now do a max against @attributes.ac.armor to make sure the best value is selected.
  • MidiQoL Overtime effects on monsters could be duplicated in some instances.
  • Experimental: Module Setting: Remove embedded macros for Midi-QoL effects. Will call functions within DDB Importer rather than item macros. Big size reductions for automation heavy characters. Probably bugs.
  • Background munching: Background munching will now attempt to add advancements by parsing the HTML description. Variable success.
  • Heavy Armour Master generated bad effects that could break characters.
  • DDB Importer will add missing languages it knows about on D&D Beyond to a new section in the languages config for D&D System. You can disable this in module settings.
  • Some items such as "Beads of ...", "Elemental Gem ..." and "Dust of ..." will now be munched as consumable items.
  • By default "generic items", e.g. Belt of Giant Strength will not be imported (it's sub types such as  Belt of Giants Strength) will. There is a secret setting to enable these generics, run a macro with game.settings.set("ddb-importer", "munching-policy-use-generic-items", true).
  • If midi-qol and CE were installed, status effects would still be generated for effects using statuses rather than CE macros.
  • Some advancements should allow replacements, e.g. skills on backgrounds.
  • Fighter Armor advancement was not parsed correctly.
  • Fallback for class icons like Blood Hunter.
  • Some effects generated incorrect macro calls if removing embedded macros.
  • Spell-Refueling Ring infusions came in as bonus actions, not actions.
  • Attempt to resolve the Cannot convert undefined or null to object error.


Jack Thias

Appreciate all the work! Curious if there’s a way to import characters on the new 5e sheets. I’ve been switching back to the legacy sheets to import characters and then switching back to the new sheets once I’m done importing.


Yep, you need to use the toggle in the top left to put it into edit mode for the DDB Icon to appear.


Any way to only have Tokenizer only open when clicking on the token and not the avatar, sometimes will not save the avatar image from the Tokenizer screen.

Marcello Burgio

Hi i wanted to ask a question. Just started to use your module but about the import for classes i still have some issues about incomplete featclass and other option. Are you working on it or i have to complete by myself?


Expected for now, a solution is in the works, but has experienced some technical issues that I'm trying to resolve. You can find out more at: https://github.com/MrPrimate/ddb-importer/issues/147 You get the best results by importing characters directly from DDB, as this includes a lot of data that allows the features to be parsed correctly.