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Hello Adventurers!

This month, Adventure Muncher has been significantly revised. The latest version, 2.0.x, supports only Foundry v11 and D&D 5e v3.x.x.

This has brought a number of improvements around importing adventure journals into a reduced number with better structure, as well as providing better integration with the 5e tooltips/rule lookups. In particular, the PHB, DMG and XGTE should now be placed into a much-improved journal format if you import these into a compendium in your world for reference.

There was also a huge pass on a number of automation effects for the new D&D version, and I started looking at what might have broken for Foundry v12 support (coming out later this year).

On the Adventure front, DDB released Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth which can be claimed for free https://www.dndbeyond.com/claim/source/descent-into-tsojcanth, it is an abridged version of one of the adventures in the upcoming Quests from the Infinite Staircase book.

DDB Importer now supports the new Summoning system for Tasha's summoning variants in the D&D 5e v3.1 system.

Thanks for your continued support



DDB Importer

  • Armour of Agathys level scaling fix for core 3.0 bug.

  • Better Support for AC effects from things like Autognomes and Unarmored Defence.

  • Monster Munching will now generate condition effects for application manually if Midi-Qol is not installed. e.g. Wolf attack will get an effect that applies the Prone condition.

  • Waterskins would fail to import.

  • Importing characters when replacing conditions with Convenient Effects replacing core effects caused issues.

  • More corrections to the Aid spell effect.

  • Incorrect armour advancements for multi-class classes (advancement on class, not proficiency on sheet).

  • Actually working better Support for AC effects from things like Autognomes and Unarmored Defence.

  • Some spells such as Sword Burst or Word of Radiance would not come in with the correct target.

  • In cases where using midi's activation conditions, these have now been moved to the midi flag.

  • Sneak Attack effect for midi users.

  • Homebrew creatures imported as companions would fail if a type was not set.

  • Weightless Containers were not recognised.

  • Some macro corrections for when using DDB Importer functions.

  • Support for Adventure Muncher 2.0.0 and greater.

  • You can disable greedy rule matching in the settings now. (This is where the importer tries to match rule names with the references in the SRD/System).

  • A number of macro corrections for effects that did not add macros correctly, e.g. Witch Bolt.

  • Character with an AC which had an override value in DDB would fail to import.

  • First pass code tweaks for v12 support.

  • Long standing bug with compendiums appearing outside of D&D Beyond Folder on first load after creation.

  • Some more error handling if compendiums contain custom items.

  • For spells granted through feats that allow you to cast it using your spell slots, these will now be marked as prepared.

  • Effects such as Green Flame blade would not work if Midi-QoL auto attack was disabled.

  • Only for D&D System version 3.1 and higher.

  • Advancement fixes for new version.

  • Summoning Spells (Tasha's only right now) use new summoning mode.

  • Many small tweaks for new version. Many macros changed around the new attack bonus changes.

  • From 5.1.0 monsters would parse damage with an erroneous + false in their damage fields.

  • Warcaster uses new concentration for effect.

  • Two hidden settings for @Moto Moto, that will become more widely available later.

  • Default prototype token settings not picked up on actor/monster creation.

  • Chris's premades application will now use Chris' Compendium priority list. This required a large number of changes, so there maybe a bit of breakage, please let me know of anything odd. It requires the latest version of CPR.

  • Aspect of the Beast: Bear effect. (Thanks to @Moto Moto )

  • When using Magic Items module, some items would not parse reset condition correctly, e.g.g Staff of Defence.

  • Some ChrisP additional items would not add.

  • Handle some odd formating or Humblewood Monsters.

  • Some Fey Ancestry traits don't grant sleep immunity, but it was applied by the importer.

  • Some effects would not be auto generated for features when they should be.


  • Last survior/Lastwall Survivor mapping.

  • Clothing (Winter) mapping.

  • Fix for not allowing all options for ChoiceSets like Armor Innovation (Muscular Exoskeleton would not display).

  • Fixed Skilled Human/Skilled Heritage match.

  • Kineticist fixes.

  • Not all languages were added.

  • Removed old darkvision and low-light-vision ancestry Features

  • Belkzen Slayer/Slayer match.

  • Warden Ranger remaster focus spells will now import with the latest Pathbuilder release.

DDB Adventure Muncher

  • v2.0.0 Release.

  • PHB, DMG and XGTE now have improved journal parsing.

New Adventure support:

  • Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

Active Auras

  • JP Language translation update

  • Português (Brasil) Translation



i cant even get these programs onto my foundry


Hi, how far do you get? Do you need help installing modules? If so the DDB Importer module should be installable via the usual module install section for Foundry.

Shawna Canon

Do you still have a Discord? Anywhere I can find the Discord link on here or your YT, it says the invite is invalid. I'm wondering how/if the Adventure Muncher works when I'm using Forge. I'd also like to know if there's a way to import and ready all adventures I have without actually loading all of them. (Sort of moving them to Foundry for easy access when I want them but without having everything load up before I'm ready to use that adventure.) I'm brand new (this week) to everything Foundry.


https://discord.gg/kgg8yKcaUu To answer your question: kinda. You can import adventures into an "Adventure Compendium" which will allow them to be imported into a world at a later date, however, you will still need to munch and import each one into the world first.


Hmm, for some reason I am constantly getting the message to update the importer and I'm not sure how to?