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Hello Adventurers!

Well, that was a surprise round and a half; for those of you who missed the news, Foundry now has an official partnership to produce premium D&D content. A new version of the 5e system, version 3.0.0, was released. It caused much chaos breaking many modules, including DDB Importer. (That is also why this update is later than usual!).

What does this mean for us?

  • You can still import your content, just as before.
  • Lots of improvements to the 5e system, which has been neglected for the last year or so.
  • Official adventures mean high-quality stuff! The Pathfinder premium modules are amazing and I expect nothing less for the 5e content. Access to high res art, music, the ability to change and distribute assets means a wonderful richness can be added to this content, which you just can't get from parsing from D&D Beyond.
  • As more PHB and similar content makes its way into compendiums, the importer will be able to draw on these when creating characters like the Pathmuncher tool does in the Pathfinder system.

A new version of DDB Importer the v4 is now out and supports only v11 and the v3+ version of the 5e system.

Before that, what was I up to this month? Well....

Some consistent improvements to Pathbuilder, a huge number of small tweaks and fixes and improvements to class and feature generation, as well as some groundwork for improved feature parsing. Broad support for Kgar's new Tiy sheet in Tokenizer and DDB Importer. Some new features for condition checking in Active Auras.

And what about this month? Well I suspect it will be finding issues with the new D&D version, there were lots of small changes and I'm still picking out issues. There are some new features to link to rules that I wish to bring to the importer and adventure muncher. I have some feature ideas for Tokenizer, but I am not sure I will have time this month to get to them.

Thank you for your support!


Full Changelogs


  • Better mapping coverage of renamed spells if legacy content module is not enabled.
  • Removal of some pre-remaster data fields still generated.
  • Improve some issues when importing Inventors not detecting correctly granted invention.
  • Improve Witch Patron matching for remaster.
  • Fix Explorer's Clothing match for remaster.
  • Handle granted languages by Ancestries in PF2e v5.12.0
  • Equip granted armor from Inventor.
  • Support Versatile Human heritage.
  • Energy Robe mappings.
  • Divine Ally mappings.
  • Ifrit now called Naari in Foundry.
  • Improve name hint detection for things like the Human Versatile Feat lookups.
  • Tweak algorithm for stepping through levels, this should help for some builds where the muncher could get confused importing classes with lots of options paths like the Kineticist.
  • Vitalizing rune would not transfer and cause sheet breakage as it's still called Disrupting in the PF2e system at a data level.

DDB Importer

  • Fixes for Campaign mapping causing issues opening core settings screen.
  • Small compatibility fix for use with Note Licker to prevent note number appending in some scenarios when DDB Importer and Note Licker are both active.
  • Support for new Kgar Tidy5e sheet.
  • Kgar Tidy 5e Sheet: add spells to class spellbook.
  • Language changes around Active Effect generation
  • Spell Effects: Eyebite macro fixes
  • Effects: Small macro tweaks
  • Monster Effects: Auto effect generation that created advantage based saving throws would not create advantage saving throw changes.
  • Feature Effect: Fury of the Small (both versions) based on effects by @Moto Moto
  • Feature Effect: Intimidating Presence by @Moto Moto
  • Spell Effect: Confusion: update of macro by @gambit
  • Feature Effects: Many, many effects for the Path of the Storm Herald by @Moto Moto
  • Effect: Radiant Soul effect generation failed.
  • Effects: Enable Maneuver effect generation for Martial Adept features.
  • Effects: Move most effects to use MidiQOL.displayDSNForRoll when rolling dice for effects.
  • Effects: If generating effects the MidiQoL Confirm Targets and Remove Chat card button settings will be set to "Midi Settings".
  • Effects: Giants Might effect tweaks.
  • Effect: Divine Favor effect left in default damage.
  • Effect: Fury of the Small, remove redundant macro.
  • Effect: Some size effects for Giant Barbarian.
  • Effect: Javelin of Lightning effect fixes
  • Monster effect: Ray effects for Beholder, Zombie Beholder and Spectator.
  • Monster effect: Spell Reflection.
  • Monsters: Reach weapon property is set incorrectly on a lot of monster parsed features and actions
  • Monster: Fathomer spell parsing.
  • Monster: Clay Golem Haste feature was parsed incorrectly as a bonus action.
  • Monster: Ankheg Acid Spray did not import as a 30ft line.
  • Character: Retain more token data on characters when importing, if not relevant to import, such as Vision Angle.
  • Character: Some template string improvements.
  • Character: Some modifiers were not always parsed when granted by a chosen class feature such as the Genie Kind resistance.
  • Character: Simple or Martial Weapon proficiency would be added as a custom proficiency and a chosen one.
  • Character: Some feature options that were nested choices such as Genie's Vessel: Genie's Wrath would not import since class feature refactor. (v3.7.0)
  • Character: Some variants of Wild Shape companion generation would fail.
  • Character: Some use values were not calculated, if max uses was say @prof rather than a fixed int.
  • Character: Item and Resource 5e will now link if the Override compendium replaces a resource.
  • Character: Tweak for handling cases where the classes compendium contains classes not imported from DDB.
  • Character: Some subclass features could not be matched for Template String replacements in descriptions, e.g. Draconic Resilience
  • Character: Infusion effect generation did not apply ac effect to shields/armor infused with Enhanced Defense.
  • Character: Some limited use features, such as Eyes of the Grave stopped parsing.
  • Character: Feat Trait advancement for Custom Lineage when importing a character.
  • Character: Optional Class Features would import without level restrictions since class feature refactor. (v3.7.0)
  • Character: If not using Vision 5e, token settings were not always retained.
  • Character: Features which should be weapon attacks such as the Soul Knifes blades were coming in as Other features rather than weapons.
  • Character: Tweaks to spell slot generation.
  • Character: If using Item Containers, support import of currency in containers into item (otherwise will be added to character in Foundry..)
  • Character: Support sync of currency for containers back to DDB if using Item Containers.
  • Character: Fix for some Tasha's optional character features causing import failure.
  • Character: When munching Class Features on v11 it will now create compendium folders for class and subclass features.
  • Character: When munching classes and subclasses, subclasses will be placed into compendium folders (v11 only).
  • Character: Better handling of class identifiers for scaling values if they have non-alpha characters.
  • Character: Prevent error when updating character as a player without filesystem browse permissions.
  • Character: Stones Endurance effect used a d10, instead of a d12.
  • Character: Some improvements to template string parsing for fixed values.
  • Character: Battle Master and Rune Knight did not get full dice advancements.
  • Character: Tool to add prices to items as per Xanathar's Guide on the Tools tab.
  • Character: First pass at adding sub types to class features for imported characters.
  • Character: Removed some dead code from template string parsing that is not needed in newer 5e system.
  • Character: Caught an edge case in template strings where it wanted a max value between two modifiers, e.g. for Psychic Blades.
  • Character: Psychic Blades attacks now import as Melee Weapon Attacks rather than ranged, as they are thrown weapons. Fix for midi-qol applying disadvantage when used in Melee.
  • Character: Tweaks to class feature parsing when importing characters.

Active Auras

  • If a template was moved with an aura attached, auras refresh cycle was not triggered correctly.
  • Update sample items for changes in DAE to what the values for stackable do.
  • Apply Active Effect Icon will now work.
  • Custom evaluation conditions now expose auraEntity as the entity from which the aura emanates. If the origin was a Token you can check auraEntity.document.actor for the originating aura actor, or auraEntity.document for the TokenDocument.


  • Kgar Tidy 5e sheet support


Lonnie Sargent

I am running v 3.0.1 of 5e and have 4.0.3 of DDB Importer but when I launch foundry I get a message "Could not retrieve latest DDB Importer version" What exactly does that mean? I use Forge VTT service.

Dylan Petit

I do think its important to note that the Monster Muncher has a box automatically check that requires Midi QoL, but that particular module is not yet compatible with the 3.0 5e update. I am unable to "uncheck" it and this does cause some issues with stat blocks of monsters coming over incorrectly. Everything else seems to work flawlessly though, its a huge relief to be able to pull over spells and character sheets again.


It shouldn't be running the midi stuff if midi is not active (even if the box is checked), can you let me know what errors youbsee

Ron Brooks

It just doesn't allow for the special effects to work