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Greetings Adventurers!

This month has focused on preparing the modules for version 11 of Foundry. My aim is to support both v10 and v11 for some time.

v11 has now been released, but you should hold on a little bit before updating just yet! 

Some of the core modules that many of the effects generated by DDB Importer are currently incompatible (primarily Convenient Effects), and there are a couple of bugs in v11 itself, which cause additional problems when updating compendium actors.

Pathmuncher also received a bunch of new features this week thanks to the enrichment of the data at Pathbuilders end.

Thank you for your continued support, it means a lot to me


Condensed Change Log

DDB Importer

  • Effect: Ice Knife effect will now correctly target creatures larger than medium that are in the blast radius.
  • Fix breaking change in midi if using the option to not embed macros in items.
  • Try and reduce API calls for folder checking ont The Forge.
  • Starry Form actions no longer link to Wild Shape resource consumption. @Whirling-In-Rags
  • Witch bolt macro tweak to end effect as GM.
  • Update ATL flags.
  • Some changes for effect support in upcoming v11.
  • Global setting to use Convenient Effect Toggles for conditions rather than links to the SRD rules. @MaxPat
  • Tweaks to deflect missiles attack to move to manual reaction if using midi effects.
  • Deflect missiles effect removes damage.
  • Counterspell, Feather Fall, Slow Fall, Swiftstride Reaction, and War Caster set to manual reaction type for midi-qol.
  • V11 Support: Support top level folder for compendiums.- V11 Support: First pass of macros.
  • Note: Current aim is to maintain v10 and v11 compatibility within the module, baring any unforeseen changes or difficulties.
  • Some changes to the locations of undocumented apis. Unlikely to impact you.
  • V11 Support: Native compendium folders.
  • Effect: Psychic Scream Spell (Thanks @Moto Moto)
  • Nilbog Reversal of Fortune is now a healing action.
  • Effect: Sacred Weapon: fixes.
  • If using AC Items mode in Monster importer, some npcs with no items would be set to flat rather than natural ac. (Natural AC is preferred here as things like ac bonus will not work on a flat ac npc)
  • Effect: Greater Invisibility Corrections.
  • Spell: Ice Storm: fix scaling damage.
  • Effect: Nilbog Reversal of Fortune.
  • Effects: updates for latest ActiveAuras.
  • Branding Smite and Thunderous Smite effects did not do crit damage on a crit.
  • Monster features such as Warlock of the Fiend Hellfire parsed the second part of a saving throw damage into the versatile field rather than as an additional damage part.
  • Fix for macro changes in newest DAE/Midi releases.
  • Some improvements for Chris Premades name matching.
  • Duergar Warlord Psychic-Attuned hammer did not parse psychic damage.
  • Some monster such as Duergar Warlord have "plate mail" rather than "plate" as the armor type and would not detect that armor item correctly, they now do!
  • Some monsters like Warlock of the Fiend did not always parses uses correctly for some features like Fiendish Rebuke.
  • Holy Fire icon.
  • Improvements to detection of healing only monster actions.
  • Fix broken artificer infusions in v11
  • Effect: Deflect Missiles tweaks from @Moto Moto
  • Way of the Kensei: missing feature icons (thanks @Moto Moto)
  • Effect: Patient Defense


  • Major refactor
  • Greenwatch features now matchup correctly.
  • Changes for v66 of Pathbuilder for familiars.
  • Cannoneer name matching. Some other enhancements to name matching.
  • Added a abstraction layer for finding items in compendiums to allow for third party compendiums to be used. (Upcoming feature).
  • Wisdom based focus spells would not import (typo).
  • Familiars would not create a correctly named folder.
  • Characters would not get focus points set as available.
  • Removed Focus Spells warning, as Pathbuilder now supplies tradition.
  • Some underlying changes for upcoming custom/third party compendium support.
  • Support new prepared spells in Pathbuilder v66 export.
  • Support changes to familiar data in Pathbuilder v66.
  • Abilities are now set properly, rather than as an override, thanks to changes in Pathbuilder v66 export.
  • Container support. Items now appear in containers! Neat!
  • Support having multiple containers with the same name.
  • Enhanced detection for some feats and features such as the Scholar background.


  • Fix an issue where wildcard paths for tokens that did not include a file extension could not save.
  • Custom Masking would not respect deletes once the initial edit had been made.

DDB Adventure Muncher

  • Various corrections for Forge DDB Compendium users.
  • JTtRC: Two new scenes from @Pariah Zero
  • KFTGV: Prisoner 13 corrections.

Active Auras

  • Moved to a ES Module, no longer provided as world scripts.
  • Improve wound detection in SWADE. Resolves #268
  • In some cases, an aura effect would be reapplied even after the aura was gone resolves #271
  • Transferred Effects aren't removed if the source token is deleted resolves #269
  • Groundwork for v11 support
  • Effects which had previously been marked as active auras and had ignore self checked, but were no longer marked as active effects would cause the effect to not be applied to the actor.
  • When applying effects via a template and targeting larger numbers of creatures, due to some timing issues, midi could decide that the effect had expired and remove the effect. Certain auras will now await more, which might increase some auras processing time.
  • ActiveAuras was not exported through the legacy window mode.
  • Compendiums will now load in v11.
  • Compendium packs updated
  • Fix disabled scrolling text in v11


Yoann Félix

Thank you for your hard work on Pathmuncher <3

Declan Feeney

Pathmuncher is fantastic. Thank you :)


Appreciate the work you put in!