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Hello Adventurers!

We have just had a spring bank holiday here in the UK, and we visited the Critch Tramway Museum in Derbyshire. It's full of historic trams, and several of them run through the nearby hills. Anyway, you probably don't want to hear about that, so...

This month most of my efforts have been focused on Tokenizer, Pathmuncher and reworking many Waterdeep Heist scenes.

Tokenizer has experienced some significant power-ups this month - it's most notable features are that you can now apply masks to specific layers, clone layers, create custom masks, and use a magic lasso to remove parts of a layer. I'm hoping to put together a video of how to use the new features later this month.

The end result is it allows you to make those "reaching out of the frame" effects that I know so many folks crave.

Pathmuncher has also received a fair bit of rewrite (which has not yet been released at the time of writing this). For some improvements to parsing, as well as to support some upcoming improvements to Pathbuilder.

Kurindal has been hard at work on the Waterdeep Dragonheist maps - they are back and white and not really made with VTT's in mind. They also have a whole bunch of variations for seasons. The effort required a _lot_ of changes, but it's complete now!

Thank you for your continued support.


Condensed Change Log

DDB Importer

  • Better handling of table errors
  • Fix Tidy 5e favourites lost on reimport.
  • If an ability grants advantage on a skill, it will no longer double up on passive bonus if using midi.
  • Some improvements for future adventure muncher changes.
  • Some icon updates for spells from @Raccoomph
  • Healing light damage type changed to healing.
  • Haste effect has duration explicitly defined.
  • Items can be configured to not apply Chris's Premade effects to that explicit item.
  • Some adventure muncher scenes with tiles would not import the tile, if the tile config was generated in v10 of Foundry.
  • Effect: Hail of Thorns provided by the delightful @Elwin
  • Effect: Form of the beast.
  • Tweaks to Thunderclap and Sword Burst spells if using midi effects to better use midi features.
  • Healer's Kit will add charges.
  • addDDBIEffectToDocument failed for some items. Issue #322.


  • Huge performance increase when dragging/resizing mask layers.
  • Download image option, as requested as part of #113
  • Tighten up permissions to prevent Tokenizer launching if user lacks required permissions #114
  • Basic first pass implementation: Multiple masks can now be applied.
  • Mask images can now be hidden.
  • Added blend mode support, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/globalCompositeOperation and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/canvas_globalcompositeoperation.asp for details.
  • In some circumstances when layers were removed, could not upload images
  • Colour layers would not change
  • Mask editor - masks can now be edited, note once edited the masks cannot be moved and will remain static if the image on the layer is moved.
  • Select which masks you would like applied to each layer to create fun effects like stepping out of a frame!
  • Blend modes can be selected for intial layer draw and for mask drawing.
  • Some UI improvements suggested by @Mats (Allistaar)#9836
  • Mask editor: improve performance of editing large images.
  • Make brush size change feel more fluid.
  • Right click remove mask in editor did not work if you did not move the mouse.
  • Clicking on the add layer icon would close Tokenizer. #126
  • Improved use of localisation.
  • You can now make similar colours in a layer disappear/become transparent pixels.
  • Mask layers and transparent pixels can now be reset independently.
  • Colour dropper layer colour pick now respects scaled canvas and will select colour under the mouse.
  • Clone layer button.
  • You can now choose to apply a color tint to the default token frame. Select this option in the settings if you wish to have it applied by default. This allows you to use the same frame, but with different colors for PC's, hostile, neutral and friendly tokens.
  • Some new default tokens for use with the tint layer option.
  • A new "Magic Lasso" feature allowing you to replace similar colors with transparent areas or a color.
  • Fixed an error that appeared when clicking the Tokenizer link in the title bar.
  • Masks would be produced for non-border layers by default, and it was not possible to remove these default masks when editing a layer mask.

Adventure Muncher

  • Some adventures could load the wrong adventures data onto the scene! Notably WDH. This was a subtle bug that only appeared due to a particular duplication if the id used to identify the scene as well as scene enhancements added out of order. I don't think it impacted other adventures, but may have done.
  • Some general improvements around scenes in Foundry v10, and how data is loaded.
  • The next major release of Adventure Muncher is likely to drop support for Foundry v9. I suspect this will be around the time v11 enters a stable release cycle.
  • Some adventures (such as LMoP) would import with grids misaligned.
  • THSoT: Pin corrections for new version.
  • Corrections for v6 of GoS.
  • JTtRC: Several new scenes from @Pariah Zero
  • DoIP: Updates for latest DDB version
  • WDH: Now complete, thanks @Kurindal!


  • Correct typo breaking Pathmuncher for non-GM users with Create Actor permissions.
  • Draconic Rage no longer throws a warning.
  • Raider background matches.
  • Features such as Barbarians with Dragon Instinct, and other similar choice set values will now correctly import and not throw an exception.
  • Improvements to name adjustments for some features.
  • Better handling of injected property handling when updating the actors post import, should reduce warnings .
  • Improvements to features like Clan Dagger where they grant items, but Pathbuilder does not provide the choice. Pathmuncher will now add the appropriate items/choices.
  • Changes for focus spell move in v65 of Pathbuilder.
  • Nagaji and Kitsune spell feats will now add spells correctly.


Kevin Anderson

Current V9 user - If I keep my module version and browser installed cookie version the same and don't update, will I still be able to use the adventure muncher at next release/ the v11 stable release cycle?


Some of the newer adventures, or revised adventures will already not map correctly due to data changes. It should keep working, but adventure quality will likely degrade over time as DDB update their adventures