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Hello Adventurers!

I've just got back from seeing the D&D Movie! It's a lot of fun and hits all the right notes for me. Lots of lovely little easter eggs, and they captured the spirit of the game very well.

This month there have been a couple of hiccups with the connections to fetch Campaign information from D&D Beyond, and this required a bit of work on the backend, and will require a bit more this month. Still, I hope it is stable for now, at least.

This month's other big news is integration with a new module from Chris called Chris's Premades. Chris has been writing macros and sharing them for a while on the Foundry discord, and his module provides a collection of effects that cover more complicated, niche, advanced or areas untouched by the DDB Importer. It also has a slightly wider array of required modules than the core effects provided by DDB Importer, but they are excellent. If you're using effects in your games, I encourage you to check them out!

Pathmuncher received several updates, and I'm hoping it's now "solid enough" to trust for regular use.

It's the school holidays over the Easter Break this month, and I'm taking a bit of time off to spend with the family. I have a couple of medium-sized improvements for DDB Importer and Tokenizer planned, but nothing particularly flashy or exciting :)

I appreciate your support, until next month!


Condensed Change Log

DDB Importer

  • Added option to copy monster images from SRD.
  • Correct Hideous Laughter effect saveDC not passing through correctly, not running save when damaged.
  • Improve parsing on Unknown custom monster types.
  • DDB Icon image selection was not always respected.
  • Some monsters would cause the use SRD images copy to fail.
  • Tables did not parse and link correctly during background, and some other parsing operations.
  • Vicious Mockery turn fix for effect expiry.
  • Correctly select token scale when importing SRD images for monsters.
  • Removal of scalevalue choices for damage and text as these can be evaluated within description text in 5e v2.1.x.
  • Now requires D&D 5e system 2.1.x or higher.
  • Trim custom item descriptions to 2056 characters to prevent error at DDB when updating.
  • Strip compendium links out of custom item descriptions when syncing back to DDB, as DDB won't accept them.
  • Fox for Ensnaring Strike Effect following CE changes.
  • You can load effects from Chris's Premades module (thanks  @Chris). These will overwrite any effects that DDB Importer generates - there are a handful of overlaps.
  • You can now add (most) effects from DDB Importer to actor items or items using an api call.
  • Copy some additional properties from Chris's Premades when using effects.
  • Muncher could render itself not working in some configurations of effect generation.
  • Tweaks to Flame Tongue weapons to move damage back to damage block rather than as other damage when using midi-qol effects.
  • If damage type hints were disabled, damage type was not pulled through for secondary damage sources.
  • Overtime effects now all killAnim=true
  • Added a function to apply Chris's effects to actors, and all actors in world
  • Match renamed items in Chris's Premades.
  • Chris's Premade will now add and remove features, e.g. Arcane Armor makes a number of substitutions.
  • Rage effect now has the tokenMagic outline.
  • Slight code rewrites
  • Better handling of Alert and initiative bonuses if not used DAE.
  • Passive bonuses now added to skills.
  • Observant feat is no longer selected as a special trait, but the bonus applied to the skill.
  • Armor of Agathys set to util to avoid scaling issue in core for healing spells.
  • Fallback to manual campaign ID entry if campaign api endpoint unavailable.
  • Duergar's "Enlarge" and "Invisibility"  unaffected by the importer's strip recharge information from item name feature.
  • Improvements to item matching for Chris's Premades.
  • Zephyr Strike effect improvements.
  • When placing new notes with anchor links, it was possible to update many notes with the incorrect anchor link.
  • Improve Pack Tactics effect.
  • Green Flame Blade Effect - Tweak animations for recent versions of Sequencer.
  • Darkness spell tweaks for breaking changes in Advanced Macros.
  • Fix for campaign selection not always saving campaign value.
  • Supported for specific class/subclass/racial feature replacement with Chris's Premades. e.g. different versions of bardic inspiration depending on the subclass chosen.
  • Deep Image Paths! Store your monster/item images in deep paths. This will be turned on for new worlds/games, but needs to be manually enabled for existing worlds in the Importer Directory Location settings. This will then store images in folders relating to image type and monster type, e.g. monster/token/aberration/Elder-Brain-Dragon.jpeg.
  • Ray of Frost duration effect increased to 2 to allow proper use of midi termination condition.
  • A race condition could cause character imports to fail.
  • When munching monsters with Chris Effects, effects could be pulled in for the wrong monster.
  • v9 hotfix: Prevent update to DDB passing more than 2055 characters.
  • Slight tweaks to scene update tools (no functional change).
  • Invisibility spell with expire with with a spell or attack.
  • When calling the Chris Premades actor update function, it would fail (typo).
  • Suave Defense will now add to monster AC correctly.
  • Chris's Premades replacements now supports Chris's Feats.
  • Improvements to iconizing effect icons on monster effects.
  • Catapult spell should have midi no damage save flag set.
  • Small improvements to the DDB Template String parser for text descriptions of dynamic values.
  • Evasion
  • Disable resources did not work as intended - blanked resource selection instead of retaining existing values.
  • Token Image update setting for monster muncher will now correctly retain prototype token settings other than senses and detection modes.
  • Sleep Effect no longer needs to force Prone condition.

DDB Adventure Muncher

  • Some scenes would not generate notes/pins on them.
  • JttRC: Many scenes from @Pariah Zero
  • The Forge of Fury: Scene updates for latest version.
  • IDRotF: Updates for latest version.
  • P13: imported a Specter instead of a Spectator for the armory.
  • TWBtW: Missing pin on Downfall map.
  • WDH: Gralhund Villa, and several other scene improvements from @Kurindal
  • OoTA: Fixes from @Pariah Zero


  • Exposed API functions via game.modules.get("vtta-tokenizer").api as well as window.Tokenizer
  • More frames from TheGreatNacho.


  • Fix placement of Ancestry Paragon and Free Archetype feats.
  • A bug prevented class features appearing that had not yet been reached, breaking levelling within Foundry.
  • Improved detection of Greater/Lesser/Major item detection etc.
  • Some feats could be added twice if they were granted by a feature, typically backgrounds. e.g. Charming Liar from Callow May.
  • Option to ignore adding Vision feats to character sheet.
  • Experimental dual class support.
  • Improvements to focus tradition detection.
  • The class keyability was not always set correctly.
  • Prepared spell caster spells are added to spell book only. (JSON does not contain which spells are prepared, just all spells known).
  • Better detection of skills listed as feats to prevent false positive error messages.
  • Slight tweak - parser is a bit more aggressive about asking user about missing features. There may be some false positives, please report. e.g. Fleshwarp weapons
  • Restrict Pathmuncher to users with appropriate permissions.


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