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Hello Undying tier!

The Active Update feature to sync changes back to D&D Beyond is now available in BETA. 

What is this?

When changes are made to characters, they are synced back to D&D Beyond where possible. These are the same changes as the current character update feature.  


* You need to turn this on in the "Dynamic DDB Update Setup" section - when you save this, it will reload Foundry.

* Now enable this for each character you wish to dynamically sync: Go to the "Update D&DBeyond" tab of each character and tick "Enable Dynamic Update to D&D Beyond" at the bottom of the tab.

Current restrictions

* All characters have to update the same set of options, set globally in the "Dynamic DDB Update Setup".

* All updates go through the Game Master user.

* If the Game Master is not connected, then updates won't be sent.


* You should probably still do a full Update D&DBeyond after a session - it's unclear how reliable the feature is right now.


* D&D Beyond character sheets do not update dynamically i.e. you need to refresh your D&D Beyond character sheet/web page to see any changes pushed by DDB Importer.

Improvement plans

* Look at ways of improving update reliability and for ways to ensure the update can be sent even if the DM is offline.

When will other tiers see this?

At some point in the future, improvements are currently required.

Please let me know how you get on, any bugs, and any suggestions for improvement. There is a new channel on discord #active-updates



Andrew Miller

As someone who's overwritten inventories many times, this will be a lifesaver.