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Greetings Adventurers!

What have I been up to?

DDB Importer

* Updates to support the D&D 5 v1.5 system updates

* Improvements to character imports and updates to D&D Beyond

* Improved support for DnD5e Helpers module

* New tutorial/overview video!

* A handful of minor bugs

* Improvements to the backend to support some upcoming new features and quality of life for folks using the Patreon link. When you link from now on, it should hopefully keep your key valid for as long as you remain a subscriber, e.g. no need to keep re-activating.


* ALPHA release of ACTIVE UPDATES for God Mode Patreons - this allows for updates to characters to be pushed straight back to D&D Beyond.

DDB Adventure Muncher

* Support for Fizbans Treasury of Dragons

* New tutorial/overview video!

* Couple of minor bugs

* Icewind Dale Map improvements.

What's coming this month?

I will be rolling out the Active Update beta to Undying tier Patreons in the next week or two... I hope - there are a few more performance improvements to make.

I'm also working on adding support to allow monsters/journal pins placement onto third-party maps. I hope to have some proof of concepts out shortly.

The list of changes may seem relatively short this month, but a lot of work has gone into sorting out things behind the scenes to get the Active Updates to D&D Beyond working.

And finally, the key posts have now been updated with the new keys for November.

Many thanks for your support!




What exactly is the support for DnD5e Helpers module? I was never really clear on that…


This is around Wild Magic - retain the effects for existing characters, and add it for Wild Magic sorceres.


I hope this is the right place to ask this, and I haven't missed the answer to this elsewhere... I'm trying to get some Fizban's stuff imported, but the Adventure Muncher and Monster importer aren't returning any info about Fizban items. Am I missing something? Other than this, the importer's been such a wonderful tool!


For Adventure Muncher make sure you download the latest version - sometimes the auto updater doesn't work. For Munching in foundry with ddb-importer it _should _ be working. The culprits that pop up are most likely a) you have some source filtering enabled on the Settings tab of the muncher. b) The content is shared with you and you need to set the correct campaign in the settings.