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Hiya there,

I'm currently writing from my phone, so please excuse any small errors or typos.

I just wanted to take the time to update people who may not follow my twitter.

Unfortunately, due to my internet being reinstated at my new place far later than first agreed upon, it's looking like I won't be online officially until the 21st, which clashes with my Valentine Day video plans. As on my phone I lack the means to upload/download things properly, meaning I can't send off scripts and such until I'm back online.

So unfortunately I won't be able to upload the video as planned on v-day itself, but believe it would be a shame to let all of your wonderful messages go to waste. So instead,  we'll just have a late-late Valentine's video when possible.

I apologise for the delay and the mess waiting for my internet has created.



So was just curious on what the status is of you uploading the video. Main reason I'm asking is because it's been a month since your last update about this but nothing since. You might have told your patrons but those who aren't don't know. Just to clarify I am just wondering since we haven't heard anything and that's all.


Hiya there, I apologise for the disaster this kinda turned into. Dx As of right now three of the five characters have their voiced lines and I'm waiting on the other two to be delivered for implementing. It took me a bit longer than I thought once I got my internet up and running to finalise the script. I'm sorry to have given you cause for concern. With both the Christmas and Valentine's videos having suffered delays of varying lengths, I'll probably have to re-think future events and how I manage them alongside development of the game, as I really do feel bad when things don't work out as I plan and end up disappointing people.


Hey it's alright. Things can spiral out of control when you least expect them. I still enjoyed the Christmas video and I'm sure I'll enjoy the Valentine video as well. I just hope this doesn't discourage you too much from doing special events like these. It gives us non-patrons a chance to have some fun. However how you handle them in the future will be up to you. Also thanks for giving a reply real quick.


I think perhaps at the very least it's made me a bit more cautious about things--like I should only announce something once a good amount of the legwork is done for it in advance so delays don't spiral out of control. : P Thank you though~ Hopefully the video won't disappoint! It's gonna be a good deal longer than the Christmas one too.