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Hiya there, everyone!

My internet is up and running in my new place, and I'm trying my best to catch up with everything now. It's good to be back~ If I've missed anything important or you've been meaning to get in touch with me, please don't hesitate to throw a message my way!

I figured I would make up for my absence with a dual reveal this time around, rather than a single one and delve into the best of both worlds, both a human AND a monster girl reveal, whoo~

June, the dedicated Nun
First up in our dual reveal is June, a selfless nun dedicated to her faith, saddled with the responsibility of running the church entirely by herself. Despite her duties, and being worked ragged around the clock, she goes about life with a warm smile on her face and humming her inspirational hymns.

With funds dwindling however, the church has run into tough times and is in drastic need of being renovated, or could risk closure entirely. ...She would be very grateful if you could perhaps spare a donation or two towards both her and the church.

Bella, the alluring Alraune
Boasting one of the largest sprites thus far, (she can barely even fit on the screen!) Bella makes for an intimidating plant, her lithe frame backed up by an entire garden's worth of vines and flowers that act on her command, happy to take in nutrients in order to grow even stronger.

A self proclaimed 'Queen of the Forest', Bella is a force to be reckoned with, gladly demonstrating this to any adventurer who might take up arms against her. Bearing something of a sadistic streak, with thorns that aren't just for show, she'll be sure to give men an experience they won't forget. ...And possibly not survive.


Thanks again for all of your patience while I've been dealing with this whole moving business. I really appreciate! Next order of business is to get this Valentine's video done, even if it'll be a bit late.

As always, I love to hear your thoughts on things, so don't hesitate to drop a comment/PM/email!

Until the next time~




God I'm a sucker for alraune's I'm glad it's not a loli tho. She's looking pretty good


And her flowers are suckers for you, haha~ And yeah, she's a bit more mature looking so I was worried people might not like that, but it all seems to be going down well.


Ha puns for day lol