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Hiya guys, happy February!

Before I begin the dev log, I would just like to make a quick announcement:

From tomorrow (Friday 3rd) I'll be moving to a new apartment. This means that my access to the internet will be a bit more limited for a couple of weeks while they move my service over. I did try weeks in advance to notify of them this so that the disruption was minimal, but due to things out of my control it's looking like the service won't be fully reinstated until the 16th of February.

Naturally this is less than ideal, as it won't be up until after Valentine's Day and I had planned this video/event to happen. And I will do everything in my power to see if I can find an alternative way to upload the video after it's done. But if in the worst case scenario it does have to be uploaded two days after, I'm deeply sorry in advance and promise I'm not trying to make a habit out of uploading special event videos days after the actual event (Christmas, etc. : P)

Now, I don't want anyone to think that just because I'll be cut off from the internet that development on Quest Failed will be frozen for that time. I'll still have a computer, internet or not, and will be writing up a storm to help pass the days. In fact, I bet I'll probably get more writing done than ever before in these two weeks because of it, haha.

I'd like to also stress that I won't be fully cut off from the internet--I'll still have my phone with me. Meaning that I can respond to messages on here, emails and any other forms of communication that may be needed (Discord, etc.) Just at a slightly slower rate than before.

So if you have any questions/concerns please feel free to hit me up on email at: unlimitedfrostworks@gmail.com as always, or send me a message on Twitter, or even a PM on here.

I'll be trying to reach out to people if I can, but if I owe you custom content for the month (story, etc.) please message me and let me know what you'd like, as I'll still be capable of writing it. Delivery just might have to wait until the 16th.


Okay, now that that's out of the way, we can finally get to the dev log~

I've attached two images here, featuring something I teased on twitter before, and something new that ties into the Questing part of the game.

I'm sure you can tell what sort of creature lurks in the first shot, slowly encroaching upon a poor, tangled up Matthew. Who can say what happens next~? All I know is that he really needs to stop going to these places on his own.

And moving to the second shot, you can see a good glimpse of Rhan's Quest Board. Here a variety of posters and leaflets for things are scattered about, with an assortment of quests for would-be adventurers to take. (And if you look hard you can see a wanted poster for a certain someone. They really got her good side, huh?)

I'd like to add that the menu for the Quest Board is very much a work in progress and will probably be made its own custom menu rather than using the simple choice system that exists. In an ideal world I would have each quest clickable on the board, but it would have been really time consuming to have unique flyers for every quest and try organise it like that. Maybe for a future game?

The ability to choose quests opens up new possibilities for Matt and the players, allowing you to tackle the scenarios that might appeal to you best as you go through the days.

Quests will come and go as the days progress, some time sensitive, others only appearing once other quests have been finished, and some will always be about if they're not as urget. Meaning that in each new playthrough you might find yourself stumbling upon a new quest that was never listed before, adding to the depth of the game.

And will he ever complete any of these quests he takes on? Well, I mean, just take a look at the title of the game--that should say it all. ; P

In most cases, even if he fails, he won't lose out completely however. He will usually be compensated for his efforts as a sort of gesture of pity, earning a fraction of what he could have earned if he was a successful adventurer and all.

But what might you do with all of this gold you accrue? I'm sure there are all sorts of people lurking about in Rhan that would be more than happy to take it.

That'll be all for now, but things in the art department are really starting to heat up and I'll have some extra fun stuff to show you in coming days.

I'll see you all next time~



Michael Vaccaro

Suggestion: Why not do the quest board as an image map that you click on the scraps of paper posted on the board? You could have them as sprites and as they become unavailable or Matt picks the quest they are removed from the board. Lots of things posted on the board = lots of quests available, few things posted = less quests available.


Hey, as long as it's hot, and doesn't eat you "afterwards". Wink wink. :P Or anywhere up to nine winks, whichever is warranted.


Hiya, This is definitely something I was considering, and could still possibly do as the UI comes together properly for the Quest Board. But would need to rework the assets at hand to support it and see what's possible with the artist, which in turn might hold up development of other assets. But never say never~ Just gotta see what's possible once everything else is out of the way.