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Woooh!i'm on time this time!


And i'm quite happy how the last cyoa turned out. I tried a bit more sketchy with smaller pencil size + color, and went fine, so i'll adopt this style for the rest of the series!
Kinda like gothy too, simple but she seems like a funny thing to play with =D
For a time i thinked about doing a kinktober, but the truth is i'm already under a lot of project, and i shouldn't add another  duty on me like this!

CYOA time:

Most of time i try to give you ghuys a solid  week of exclusivity for any draw i do. it often get more cause i post on you anything, and i don't do such things on all site. But for the cyoa i think i'll post a bit earlyer now, so people could get a chance to be hyped and come here, suscribe and vote!
But i prefered to tell you before =)
And as appologise, here is a "family friendly" sexy thing


Well it worked last week! So this week i give me 2 solid deadline, and one more fluctuent. I'll start and finish p2 of Takantwins commission comics, and the sketch for the game for MPQueen. I'll also restart working on the DP animation of Rowena, tht i didn't touched in 3 weeks X). Cause i'm a super newbe in animation, i totally dunno if i can finish it in 1 or 2 days, so i prefer not to promess i'll.
That's it for the workflow of the week. IF i finish these early, i'll certainly work on a cyoa, or the Dragon age one, or the Sister Jeanne one, i'll see then.

And i think that's about it!

Thanks for following me another month guys! C ya soon!


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