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Here is Gothy!

She's an elf, totally Goth tier waifu!. Problems, elf are like super positive assholes, that try to much to look healthy and have a ultra bright smile to be goth!

So Gothy isn't her real name, just how the other elf call her. She got a crush on an Ork, singer in a ORK Metal band!

Aaand that's all info on her for now!

She was made for my twitter, to have a mascot that would be here for the milestone, and be used to other stuff, like christmass card and stuff.

Anyway, she look kinda neat and i'm happy how she turned out! 

Hope you'll like her dudes!




Kinda want to see her bully a nerd


Oh! Wouldnt mind seeing more of her, either doing lewd things or having lewd things done to her ^^