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This month is October

Soon there's Halloween.

I guess most of you know what are SCP.

For the others, to resume, it mean Secure Contain Protect. It's a Fundation that try to contain secure and protect diverses creatures and strange phenomenon. Most being dangerous for men or even existence.

Each is named by the letters SCP - following by a number.

You can find the wiki of the foundation HERE 

So what about it?

Well this month instead of cute girls, i'll draw SCP for warm ups!

Wich one? Here is the trick, the one you want folks!

How to propose your SCP? Simple, go fetch it on the site, or on your local SCP branch. Tell me the scp number (and a link if you can). Once i'll warm up, i'll come here and fetch one!

Please note that the SCP must be in English or French so i can read the details and data of it.

I hope some of you ll participate =)


Halfeb Jones

Scp-2521 http://www.scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2521


I'd propose the classic SCP-1471 (http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-1471) but SCP-682 might be more interesting (http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-682