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I give it a try but yea i think im done haha such garbage, adaptations are worthless as it is but my god why do they insist on butchering characters. Live action just isnt needed it doesnt make it more legitimate or better in any way but visual fidelity.


So glad we got to see more of Kyoshi.

Xavier Chandler

I'd say the fight choreography could use some work but that's a problem I have with a lot of today's fight scenes, they don't establish impact very well (and too many cuts). Other than that it's nitpicking imo


no unagi? lol dang it


love that kyoshi came through aang, like roku did for aang at his temple during the solstice, great addition and adaptation of that


I still don't see the purpose of doing a sorta good, sorta meh retelling of a masterpiece, but its enjoyable and the kids r cute.


I don’t like everything in this adaptation (I’ve seen the first four episodes now) but this episode was really good. Kyoshi’s appearance was great and made perfect sense here. I was a bit worried about the Sokka/Suki scenes but those, too, were handled very well.

Cornelius Ukena

Things that are great in this episode: - The scroll not coming from the pirates is a great choice. The pirates are a fun element of the animated show, but don't offer anything toward the larger plot or themes of the show. Having it come from gran gran is also great as it shows her deep desire to support Katara when this was established briefly when she caught them leaving to help Aang and she sends them off with a smile—a scene we don't get in this version. - Oh no! Sokka's not a misogynist! People are so bent out of shape about a facet of a character that is essentially non-existent in the animated series after the Kiyoshi Island episode being removed. Was it a noteworthy and commendable portrayal of growth in an animated series from 2005? Yes. Is misogyny still a very real issue? Yes. Does it even remotely carry the same weight in a live action fantasy series today? No. It doesn't change the story and it BARELY changes the character. Maybe some people don't want to be bombarded with the shit they deal with every day in all of their entertainment too. (edit: noting that I typed this before the discussion at the end.) - Zhao. I personally think this is the single best deviation from the animated series. Ken Leung absolutely *kills* it while being frankly a completely different character. A villain you love to hate. No notes. - Suki and Kiyoshi. So much to unpack here. Both expressions of individuals who put up walls and live behind a mask whether they want to or not. A theme constantly put on the earth benders (Ba Sing Se and Omashu both quite famously behind walls and steeped in what is hidden). Suki desperately wanting to leave the boundaries of these metaphorical walls and Kiyoshi unwaveringly committed to it (in so much as she is committed to force and aggression over openness). Also, Suki being an *absolute* badass AND an awkward, thirsty girl is just hilarious. And holy shit if we get a Kiyoshi spin-off I am all the way in.