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Multiversal Cheaters, Hotwives and Cuckolds

Chapter 11: Their New Forever Game

Fandom: Sword Art Online

Tags: Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Sex with NPCs, Cuckolding, In-game Demonic Transformation, Porn

This was an idea for a much longer story, but I ultimately ended up scrapping it and condensing it into a one/few shot. In the future, if it’s popular enough, I could maybe ‘remake’ it into its original concept. I quite like the idea…

…and Asuna.

Kazuto frowned as he scrolled through their emails, his AI Yui filtering down the impossible list into only a slightly unmanageable one.

He and Asuna had gotten married young, even before they started university - something her parents definitely did not approve of, and they never let him forget it.

Thankfully, they’d cleverly leveraged their popularity after the SAO fiasco into a wildly successful streaming career - which was just as well, because he had no parents to ask for financial aid and Asuna’s parents were still waiting for her to dump him and crawl back to them.

They made enough to afford a nice apartment in Tokyo while Asuna attended law school and he worked on his Intelligent Game Design and Development degree. By day, they were diligent students and by night, a dedicated husband and wife streamer duo that tried out all the latest VRMMOs.

Their mission; to find their new forever game.

Or to waste enough time until I can just make us our own…

While the constant disappointments as they moved from one game to the next - their subscriber count sky-rocketing - was a drain, both he and his wife genuinely enjoyed streaming and it let them do what they loved most - game with each other.

The door to their apartment slid open and a bedraggled Kirigaya Asuna trudged through the opening, looking like a zombie - an incredibly beautiful zombie, but a zombie nonetheless. She wore several layers to ward off the cold, but even with her heavy-knit sweater dress, coat, dark stockings and leather boots, she couldn’t hide her heavy breasts and thick thighs earned through countless hours of physical training.

All of that paled in comparison to the smile that lit up her fatigued features when she laid eyes on him. He felt his heart swell with love at the sight of her, and he returned her smile.

When she strolled over and planted a kiss on his forehead, her hand on his shoulder, he melted into her touch. ‘How was your day?’

‘Easier than yours, it looks like,’ Kazuto replied sympathetically, pulling his wife into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist and allowing her to bury her head in his chest.

Asuna sighed and he chuckled fondly as she curled up like a kitten and snuggled into him. ‘Feel like my brain is going to explode if I cram any more cases and obscure laws into my mind.’

‘You’ll be fine,’ Kazuto soothed, running his hand through her light brown locks, his fingers playing with the thick braid she wore over her shoulder. He’d at first been worried by how much Law School seemed to drain his wife, but he’d quickly learned to just be supportive and whisper sweet nothings to her. Asuna was brilliant, resilient and determined. She’d manage just fine.

‘I don’t want to think about it,’ she pouted and he chuckled, his wife enjoying the way it made his chest vibrate as she motioned to the screen. ‘Anything interesting?’

‘Actually,’ Kazuto began in a teasing tone, instantly making her perk up. If there was one thing that would rejuvenate his energy depleted wife, it was news on a new game. He pulled up the email he’d favorited earlier and let Asuna read it. ‘We got a beta invite to Eternal Online.’

She sat up in his lap, her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

‘Isn’t that the game everyone’s been really hyped for, but has, like, no information out?’

‘Even though it’s releasing next month, yeah,’ Kazuto confirmed, watching as she scrolled through the email, reading at speeds he couldn’t even comprehend. ‘They shed some light on it though in their pitch to us. Apparently, it’s a high-fantasy game with a focus on darker themes, exploration and political intrigue - it’s definitely not marketed towards underage gamers.’

Asuna frowned, not looking away from the email as she scanned through the dozens of in-world screenshots provided by the developers. ‘Won’t that hurt our stream? Chat will just be filled by annoying brats hating on the game and being toxic because they can’t play.’

He kissed the back of her neck and he felt her tense muscles relax. ‘That’s what we have Yui for. Anyway, the devs say we’re free to play the game however we like, no restrictions, but we’re not allowed to stream until the game releases.’ Seeing her about to arc up, he hastily added, ‘We can also capture as much unrestricted footage as we like to compensate, but we have to wait until launch to post.’

Asuna froze, her beautiful face scrunched up in a confused frown. ‘I'm no business major, but that sounds…terrible for marketing.’

Kazuto nodded, his face nuzzling her neck. When he continued, his voice was muffled by the thick, woollen material of her sweater dress. ‘Probably, but in a game that prides itself on its world and exploration, I imagine they don't want spoilers. We can talk about our experiences though, that's what they're banking on, I imagine.’

‘Who else got an invite?’ Asuna asked curiously, her fingers tapping her lips and an incredibly familiar, excited gleam in her eyes.

She was definitely interested.

‘They basically invited the who's who of VRMMO steamers. The only one more popular than us is that bald man from Texas that you like watching,’ he explained, a thoughtful look on his features. ‘They also said we'd all be in different parts of the game world and incredibly unlikely to cross paths, especially in time before the game’s launch.’

‘Must be a pretty huge world,’ Asuna remarked thoughtfully, pulling up a picture of the world map that she found in the promotional material - but without context, it was just a picture. She purred as he continued to place butterfly kisses on her neck, his roaming hands also having an effect on her libido. ‘What do you think they mean by more darker, mature themes?’

Her voice was husky with arousal when she asked, the screen scrolled to the point in their email where they mentioned it specifically. Kazuto smirked, toying with his wife even more by playing with her large breasts over the thick material or her dress.

‘Violence. Sex. I’d guess that sexual violence might even be on the table, especially with all the waivers they want us to sign in the character creator.’

She turned to him, her eyebrows raised in surprise. ‘We already have the game?’

Kazuto nodded. ‘They gave us access even before agreeing to cover the game at launch. I wanted to mess around with the character creator earlier, but I just ended up going through the disclaimers,’ he explained. ‘Most of the really heavy stuff is opt-in, and even then, skippable when in-game.’

He grinned when his wife started to grind her rear against his hardness. She blushed when she turned and noticed his lecherous stare.

‘Sorry, you know how I get when we get a new game to explore,’ she apologised with a bashful grin. ‘That feeling of wonder and infinite possibilities…it’s unlike anything else in gaming.’

Chuckling, Kazuto pinched his wife’s pebbled nipples and kissed her again. ‘You’re adorable.’

She’d started to pant as a result of his ministrations, and her excitement in general.

Swallowing, she leaned back against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. This gave him even better access to her tits, and he took full advantage as she writhed in his grasp.

He remembered the time when they first started dating - for real - immediately upon escaping from SAO. Asuna had been fiery and took what she wanted in-game, but once outside, she’d shown she was far more shy and bashful. It had taken a while for Asuna to get over her insecurities, and to rediscover her spine and libido - at least in the real world.

Kazuto hadn’t minded. It was like falling in love with her all over again, and it only strengthened their bond. They were married not long after, despite her parents’ vociferous disapproval.

‘What are they offering to pay us?’ Asuna asked, moaning adorably as Kazuto kept playing with her.

‘A lot,’ he admitted, telling her the specific number. ‘They clearly spent a lot of their marketing budget on getting the biggest streamers to evangelise their game, rather than legacy media. I like the confidence.’

Asuna hummed thoughtfully, still visibly shocked by the offered amount. It was enough to cover their rent for two years - and that didn’t even count the boost in subscribers and donations that would bring to their stream.

‘It’s your turn to choose our next game,’ Kazuto continued. ‘What’re you thinking?’

‘I’m thinking that’s a lot of money,’ Asuna joked, reaching back and wrapping her arms around his neck. ‘And I’m thinking you better turn on the stream and explain what we’ll be doing for the foreseeable future…’

Kazuto grinned wide. He was just as excited as his wife. ‘Awesome. I’m thinking we do nightly Q and A streams for our subs, alternating which of us does them, but otherwise get as much game time as possible.’

As he started up OBS and switched on their camera, preparing to explain to their fans why there wouldn’t be a normal stream that evening, Kazuto sucked in an excited breath when his naughty wife slipped to the floor, a devilish gleam in her eyes.

His excitement only grew when she unzipped his jeans and pulled them, and his underwear to the floor.

This…would be a difficult stream.


Done with their character creation - they'd opted to just do a one to one conversion of their real bodies - Kazuto and Asuna spawned in an area surrounded by hundreds of locals.

Taking in his surroundings, he did a full pan until he stopped dead at the incredible sight before him - Asuna, who'd turned in the other direction froze at the sight too.

They seemed to have spawned in a large, public square filled to the brim with bustling locals dressed lavishly in silk and velvet. The men mostly wore doublets, hose and cloaks while the women often wore long gowns with fitted bodices and full skirts. The locals all appeared to be wealthy - at least in this part of the city - their clothing richly decorated with embroidery, lace and jewels.

The people, combined with the towering architecture surrounding the square, gave off a strong Renaissance vibe which was only accentuated by the monolithic church they'd spawned outside of. While the church was the largest he'd ever seen, that wasn't what made them gape in shock, looking like complete tourists.

Seemingly growing out from within its depths, a gargantuan, golden tree blotted out the sky, its canopy so high Kazuto’s neck was getting sore looking up at its peak. Not only was the tree unfathomable huge, but its trunk and leaves radiated a distinctly holy, golden light that bathed the entire city in a radiant glow.

Kazuto had just automatically assumed they'd spawned into the city at midday, but looking up, he was able to spy a darkened sky through the few gaps in the trees canopy.

That's…really cool, but probably annoying for the locals.

After staring at the tree for several moments, an Identify skill activated of its own accord, apparently sensing his desire to know more.

Sanctiluminor, The Tree of Holy Light.

Beneath its sprawling canopy, the faithful gather and show obeisance, their fervent chanting the strength by which its colossal branches cradle the heavens.

It is here, in the shadow of the divine, arboreal wonder, that the Holy Church’s children gather, their eyes alight with fervour, for they believe its roots will shepherd their God’s chosen to their final resting place.

‘Well…that's certainly ominous,’ Asuna sarcastically whispered, not willing to be overheard, apparently having received the same flavour text as him when she examined the tree.

Kazuto snorted, turning to his wife and smiling ruefully. ‘It's been a while since we've run into a faction of holy fanatics in an MMO…’

Asuna’s eyes glazed over as she recalled the game in question, a fond smile on her beautiful features. She then turned away from the church and examined the buildings surrounding the busy square.

‘This place reminds me of Venice,’ she mused, eyeing the fountain with its marble sculpture spewing glistening, crystal clear water appreciatively. ‘This square even…it looks based off of Piazza San Marco.’

Kazuto's eyebrows rose in surprise. ‘You've been to Italy?’

His wife nodded. ‘With my family when I was younger.’

Kazuto beheld their surroundings with renewed respect. He'd never even left Japan, his aunt unable to afford extravagant trips for him and Suguha. Still, he eyed the towering buildings around them with a critical eye; while he'd never been to Venice, he'd seen pictures.

‘This almost looks like they've based the entire city on Renaissance Venice, but scaled it up to be more like Tokyo in scale…’

Asuna nodded, agreeing with his assessment.

‘If this place is based off Venice, we're likely on the water -’

‘We are,’ Kazuto interrupted, confirming his wife's suspicions. ‘Can't you smell it?’

She grinned at him, shaking her head fondly. ‘I don't know how you do that. Anyway, one of the biggest headaches for the Venetian government is dealing with a city that's always sinking into the sea…’

Kazuto frowned, eyeing the cobbled streets beneath them warily. ‘Don't you think they'd just handwave that away with magic, or something? Doesn't sound like fun for their incredible fantasy city to sink…’

Asuna grinned cheekily at him. ‘They said several times that one of the main pillars of this game is exploration…why stop the city from sinking when -’

Kazuto's eyes widened in understanding and he smiled, finishing his wife's sentence, ‘-it means there’s entire cities layered atop one another underwater for players to explore?’

‘Right?!’ Asuna asked eagerly, turning and grabbing his hands in excitement. ‘And who knows how long this city has been around? There could be entire civilisations living in the ruins underground!’

His wife's excitement was infectious and he pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. ‘Well then, let's explore.’

Eternal Online didn't have a HUD that he could see - and even if it did, it was disabled - but the monolithic church behind them was as much a glowing quest marker as he'd ever seen.

With a wide smile on her face, Asuna took his hand and dragged him away - ignoring the Church and its tree completely - and led him deeper into this giga-Venice that they still didn't know the name of.

They paused in shock when they turned into an alley and saw what it held. In the city this fictional one was based off, the alleys were all narrow - almost claustrophobic - and winding throughout the city. Here, they were much wider and lined with businesses.

Looking up, they saw the towering buildings tied together with robust bridges and walkways that criss-crossed over and over like a maze. It was then that Kazuto realised that the city had dozens of tiers, the local government combating the perpetual sinking of its city by continuing to build up…and up.

Shaking his head, Kazuto stared down the length of the packed alley before them, ignoring the merchants hawking their wares and instead focusing on the rich, silk and velvet bedecked locals perusing their stock.

Asuna and he turned to each other, grins growing on their faces as they had identical thoughts.

‘Siren’s Snare?’

His wife rolled her eyes, her cheeks pinking. ‘You always want to try that con. It worked once.’

Kazuto shrugged, grinning unapologetically. He wouldn't suggest it if he didn't know his wife got a kick out of it. ‘They're marketing their game as more mature, might as well stress test their systems…’

Rolling her eyes, her cheeks turning an even darker red, Asuna pulled him into a nearby nook and used his body as a shield.

They'd spawned into this beautiful city with only the most basic of necessities, namely, the cheap, starter clothes on their backs - with empty pockets, of course.

It's like they're begging for it…

His own outfit consisted of a simple, cloth tunic with leather pants, coat, waistcoat and boots. Asuna was similarly dressed, but instead of a tunic, she had a low cut, lace-up chemise and instead of a waistcoat, she had an underbust corset.

Her outfit, though relatively simple compared to the rich nobles around them, was definitely more risque than his own. His wife may be acting the blushing maiden, but he knew she'd opted for the sexier clothing during character creation.

While he shielded her body with his own, he watched, his trousers growing uncomfortably tight, as she untied the underbust corset, releasing her heavy breasts into gravity’s sweet embrace. Pocketing the supportive garment in her inventory, she then loosened the laces on her top, showing an absurd amount of cleavage and allowing her breasts to sag even more under their own hefty weight.

‘Jesus Christ, you're so beautiful,’ he whispered, earning an adorable blush from his naughty wife.

She wasn't done though. Removing her boots, she slipped her tight leather pants down her pale legs with great difficulty, hopping around as she tried to get them past her ankles and causing her bare tits to spill from her inadequate garment.

Putting her boots back on, Asuna grinned impishly at him, giving him a little twirl and spinning around. Her once innocent yet now, frankly, indecent chemise flipped up with the motion and showed off her pale ass and womanhood.

Kazuto audibly swallowed and looked at his wife in awe.

I love it when she's really horny.

‘Is this slutty enough?’ she asked with a devilish pout. ‘You can't say I'm not doing my part, mister. Don't mess it up and get caught.’

Leaning down, Kazuto gripped his wife's arms and captured her lips in a searing, toe-curling kiss. She moaned into his mouth, her body grinding against his until he pulled away, both of them flush and out of breath.

‘It's time to flex those acting muscles, my love,’ he teased, earning a cute yelp when he pinched her heavy, exposed cleavage. ‘Just make sure they're all looking at you, I'll handle the rest.’

They'll all definitely be looking at her. I've yet to see someone sexier in this world…

Getting one last heated, lusty eyeful of his impishly grinning and sinfully sexy wife, he spun on his heels and stalked into the alley, knowing without looking that Asuna was following several metres behind him.

It took a few moments for people to stop focusing on the merchant's wares and notice his almost naked wife, but when they did, it was immediately obvious. When his first richly dressed mark made to crack his aching neck, incidentally putting his wife in his line of sight, Kazuto almost laughed at how his eyes almost literally bugged out of their sockets.

He imagined his gorgeous wife not even paying the man any attention, but constantly keeping him in her periphery. Like they'd done when they first came up with this scam, back in a different game that emphasised and allowed mature content, he also imagined his wife subtly adjusting and showing off her tits, maybe even giving the man a tantalising glimpse of her nipple.

Deciding his mark was suitably distracted, Kazuto moved in with all the subtlety and grace of a seasoned master thief, and, as their bodies passed within millimetres of each other, Kazuto’s hand expertly ghosted to the man's belt and relieved him of his coin purse.

These days, especially with the advent of AI assisted game development, it felt like a new VRMMO was released every week; and he and his wife played all of them. While stats, levels and items never carried over, skills he'd mastered - sometimes with the help of each game's AI, but mostly through his own efforts - certainly did.

It often felt like playing a brand new game on New Game Plus.

He loved it. It made him feel like the countless hours he spent gaming wasn't a waste of time.

And so, their Siren’s Snare fuelled pick-pocketing scam was unleashed upon these poor, unsuspecting, rich nobles.

For the first time, the game's HUD made itself known, notifications lighting up the edges of vision.

He ignored them, for now.

Spotting an absolute bore of a man berating a poor shopkeep, Kazuto waited until he spotted his wife before approaching. Putting a hand on the man's shoulder, his mark started then calmed when he saw Kazuto's mild, affable features.

‘You seeing this, friend?’ Kazuto asked in faux disbelief, motioning his head towards Asuna and instantly causing his mark to drop his guard. His wife played the part of bored, careless socialite well, her eyes scanning the nearby wares with disinterest as she affected an air of discomfort, the muggy weather apparently getting to her.

It certainly helped that it wasn't all an act, it genuinely was unpleasant within this mass of humanity surrounded by concrete and stone. Asuna was clearly sweating too, her low-cut chemise clinging to her sweaty body and showing off her voluptuous figure brilliantly.

If that wasn't enough, she was pinching a bit of the chemise’s fabric near her cleavage and was pulling at it with rapid tugs, fanning herself and showing brief and constant glimpses of pink areola.

His mark turned to him with a wide, perverse grin and Kazuto’s hand slipped to his belt.

‘She will not make it to the end of the alley,’ the man joked cruelly in a high pitched, Italian accent, apparently finding an adequate companion in Kazuto. ‘If the slavers do not nab her first, then the Templars will take her in for questioning for her heresy.’


Kazuto matched the man's cruel laugh, gripping his shoulder and leaning against him for support, his hand slipping into his waistcoat and lifting a jewel-encrusted pocket watch.

They parted with friendly smiles and back pats as notifications flashed in the corner of his vision again.

He ignored them and continued his crime spree.

They moved relatively swiftly in between marks, not wanting to be near when they inevitably discovered they'd been robbed.

He encountered several targets that had strings attached to their coin purses, so he lifted a knife and started cutting those loose too.

His crime spree didn't end until they made it through the alley and out into another public square. Asuna followed him into a dark corner and they were about to celebrate their gains when a nearby spectacle caught their attention.

‘For the grievous crime of HERESY against the Holy Church, how do you plead?’

Both he and Asuna’s heads snapped to the origin of the voice, and they stilled when they saw a makeshift stage surrounded by hundreds of people. Atop and elevated above the masses stood a man dressed in exquisite robes of white and gold, his hand clutching an unfurled scroll. Beside him, a young woman that couldn't have been out of her teenage years was bound by chains to a golden obelisk, her screams muffled by the gag in her mouth.

Kazuto’s lips thinned as the priest found her guilty without even bothering to wait for her input. The crowd then cheered as the obelisk was consumed by a pillar of blinding, golden light, as if their soccer team had just scored a goal.

When their vision returned, any sense of triumph and exhilaration after their crime spree was quickly quashed as, where the bound young woman once stood, was only a pile of ashes.

Kazuto turned a grim look on his furious wife and motioned to a nearby alley. ‘One step at a time, my love. Let's get out of here.’

She turned and stared into his eyes before nodding firmly.

She no-doubt recognised his feelings just from the look in his steely, dark eyes alone.

To some, these people might just be unimportant NPCs, but Kazuto saw the look in her eyes. He saw the fear, anguish and terror, and while she might just have been made up of ones and zeroes, those emotions were real enough.

Later, after calming down and finding somewhere quiet to think, they planned.

‘What are you thinking?’

His wife smiled shyly at him. She'd made to put her clothes back on, and while he didn’t stop her replacing her corset, when she pulled her pants back out from her inventory, he stayed her hand. Asuna watched as he pulled out a beautiful, crimson velvet cloth from his inventory and wrapped it loosely around her waist so it sat comfortably on her wide hips like a sarong.

‘I really like this look on you,’ Kazuto admitted somewhat bashfully at her inquisitive stare. ‘Makes you look like a sexy, slutty pirate.’

His wife grinned, and didn’t fight it.

After hopping around and making sure nothing would come loose and everything was comfortable, Asuna’s gaze turned blank as she fiddled with her UI.

‘Did you get any notifications?’

Kazuto nodded, pulling them up and sharing them with his wife. While in the midst of his crime spree, he’d levelled up over a dozen times and unlocked several skills. ‘I unlocked Sleight-of-Hand and Deception at expert levels and Perception at master level.’

Asuna hummed thoughtfully, impressed with his gains before showing him her own, her cheeks tinted pink but looking just as pleased.

Kazuto laughed when he read his wife’s notifications. Performance at adept level wasn’t a surprise, but seeing Seduction at master level had him grinning like a pervert.

He wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist, his hands squeezing her plush, meaty behind, and pulled her close. ‘Looks like the AI in this game agrees that you’re a sexy little slut.’

Her blush turned nuclear and she buried her face in his chest, eventually finding the humour in the situation and giggling as well after pounding his chest several times. ‘We basically power-levelled the skill in that alley. I wonder how it’ll help in the future? Have you done any reading on how skills affect gameplay?’

‘I couldn’t find anything,’ Kazuto admitted with a shrug. ‘I assume it’s like most games and they mostly affect how the related actions affect NPCs?’

She shrugged and pulled away, readjusting her skimpy outfit as she motioned to the towering buildings surrounding them.

‘I was thinking, there’s no way you’d build structures that tall without elevators to move up and down,’ Asuna explained, and Kazuto nodded, following her reasoning so far. His wife motioned to the nearby buildings with a flick of her head. ‘I had a quick peek inside while you were making sure the coast was clear, each building has one. They look old, older than the buildings they’re in -’

Kazuto’s eyes widened. ‘You think they go down underground?’

Asuna grinned and shrugged. ‘Essentially. I checked the stairwells first, each one was blocked for safety reasons. Why would you block the elevator shafts though? There’s no easy access.

Kazuto started to feel excitement bubble up in his chest.

It took them a while to find a suitable shaft - going from building to building until they found one that had relatively easy access through a maintenance door - but when they did, they smiled giddily at each other. The shaft was flooded and descended deep.

‘We should go and spend our ill-gotten gains,’ Kazuto offered with a grin before his adventurous wife could swan dive into the shaft. ‘No telling what we find down there.’

Reluctantly, his wife agreed and they marked the building on their map.

Kazuto’s crime spree had been immensely profitable, having lifted several hundred gold coins, thousands of silver and a handful of copper - that wasn’t even mentioning the precious jewels and keepsakes they’d need to find a fence to shift. First they’d properly armoured themselves in tanned, magically enhanced leathers - he’d opted for something practical, and black, while his wife - along with standard, svelte shoulder pads and bracers - replaced her underbust corset with a much more robust and sturdy one and bought a truly stunning pair of strappy, leather, thigh-high boots.

Their subscribers would adore her outfit. Asuna had a legion of thirsty simps that would do anything for her, and while there had been some initial friction at the fact that she was married and not pure, she’d won them over regardless, her stern demeanour having them line up to be metaphorically stepped on by her.

The boots would be a hit.

After also buying a decent pair of swords, they’d wanted to buy improved bags of holding but found that out of their price range for the moment. They’d have to make do with the current inventories.

Finally, they made a stop at an alchemist and stocked up on health, stamina, water-breathing and darkvision potions.

They were ready to go exploring.


Kazuto couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun in a VRMMO.

When the developers said exploration was one of the key pillars they built this game on, they weren’t kidding…

Not only had they found an almost perfectly preserved, underground city that rivalled the one on the surface in their explorations - one teeming with unique flora and fauna - but they’d also found so much treasure that they’d had to leave some behind after marking their location down on their maps.

They’d definitely be returning with better bags of holding.

It was honestly absurd. They spent hours exploring, and it still felt like they hadn’t even scratched the tip of the surface of the iceberg.

As if sensing his excitement, his wife smiled at him and took his hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.

One of the treasures they’d found - a mysterious, ominously gloring idol - had triggered a quest for them to find a specific seedy fence in the Upper City, which was fortuitous, because it allowed them to offload some of their harder to dispose of loot from their crime spree earlier.

The man had been rude and a bore, but the second his eyes landed on Asuna, his demeanour did a one-eighty.

Seduction is a hell of a skill.

When they’d shown him the idol after he’d paid them for their stolen loot, his beady eyes widened in shock before he desperately hurried past them to pull the blinds in his windows and flipped the Open sign to Closed.

‘Where did you find that?!’ he hissed, his eyes staring at the glowing idol with an unnatural hunger. Asuna and Kazuto exchanged a brief glance before shrugging. Seeing no reason to lie, they briefly and vaguely described their adventure into the Sunken City to their rapt audience.

The man listened to them patiently, no longer treating them as a nuisance. He rubbed his chin and hummed in thought at all the right places. Giving them a critical once-over when they were done, he nodded, as if coming to a decision.

‘I know someone who’ll pay handsomely for any and all treasures you find down there - if you’re interested, I can organise a meeting.’

Only somewhat wary of a trap, both husband and wife agreed after sharing another glance. The second they did, their quest was updated and they were pleasantly surprised to see it tagged as not only rewarding the usual fare, but a unique class and race-change too.

They’d already been offered several classes since the start of their session, but given how their actions seemed to be dictating what they were offered, they held off, waiting for something more special and substantial - their viewers would love that.

It looked like they’d been rewarded for their patience.

Giddy with excitement, they reinvested their newly acquired riches and upgraded their gear from the man’s ill-gotten wares before following the next step of the mysterious quest.


Their journey led them deeper into the city, their mood souring with every step as they were greeted with more examples of the Holy Church’s methods for combating heresy and dissidents.

As their surroundings became more affluent, they struck back against the uncaring citizenry that allowed such injustices to go unpunished by carefully running a few more scams and alleviating their marks of more gold and jewels.

When they reached their destination - their coin-purses much heavier - they stared at the walled mansion in surprise. The quest had led them into the heart of the most affluent district of Lucalbero - the name of their starting city, as it turned out - where there were Templars on every corner and everyone they passed eyed their more humble attire with disdain.

‘I’m not gonna lie, when we found that idol, I wasn’t expecting it to lead us here…’

‘This is getting more interesting by the second,’ his wife remarked with a sly grin. ‘By the way that seedy fence was acting, I very much doubt the Church would approve of what we found…or what we’re doing.’

Kazuto turned to his wife and winked. ‘Only one way to find out.’

He rang the bell at the gate and they waited patiently as two huge, lumbering guards squeezed themselves out of the nearby guardhouse and approached them. The walled manor reminded him more of a gothic fortress than a place anyone would actually live, with high walls protecting the compound from intruders and even a moat.

When they gave the phrase the fence had told them to the guards, they briefly looked at each other before, with matching grunts, they opened the gates and escorted them in. Though their huge frames and silent demeanors came off as intimidating, they were never rude and escorted them in as if they were honoured guests.

Upon being led into the manor itself, they were greeted by a handsome, lavishly dressed man that looked to be in his early forties, his features chiselled and his hair thick and black as night. He smiled at Asuna as if they were old friends and introduced himself as Enzo Vittoriano, head of the Vittoriano family and master of the estate.

‘Guiseppe says you may have found something of great interest to me,’ Enzo asked with a charming smile and a high-pitched, melodious voice, his rich, Italian accent incredibly thick but still understandable, even though they didn’t speak the language. Ezio had yet to let go of Asuna’s hand after pressing his lips to her knuckles, and he didn’t look like he planned to any time soon either.

Kazuto didn’t even blink at the lothario’s blatant flirting, amused by his wife’s bemused reaction. As Asuna started to pull out one artefact after another from her storage - with Enzo feigning polite interest the entire time, his hands apparently already on the treasure he desired - Kazuto used it as a distraction to take in their surroundings.

From the main hall, they’d been brought into a spacious, ostentatious library that, much as the rest of the manor did, reminded him of a beautiful, gothic cathedral. With towering ceilings, pointed arches and ribbed vaults, his eyes were naturally drawn up as he examined the intricately designed carvings on the stone walls.

Given what they’d already been exposed to in this holy city, he shouldn’t have been surprised by the depictions of angelic and demonic figures, what did arouse his suspicion however was their specific portrayal in this instance. Whereas the city itself had countless examples of art and sculptures depicting angelic figures destroying the denizens of Hell…the carvings in the library seemed reversed.

Gleefully so.

The masterpiece was a huge, stained-glass window that bathed the entire room in a beautiful kaleidoscope of light. On it was depicted a majestic devilish creature, its subjects bowing down around him as he set alight to a golden tree in the background.

A bit on the nose…how have the Church not seen this?

He frowned in thought, closing his eyes as he tried to retrace their steps ever since being brought into the manor. He pictured the view from the grounds outside relative to where they were standing now and he remembered this window…which looked remarkably different when viewed from the outside.

It had shown the inverse, a majestic, angelic figure standing before the brilliantly glowing Sanctiluminor.

Kazuto was no genius when it came to matters of deduction and investigation - those were usually Asuna’s forte when they gamed - but not even he was that dense. It seemed like they’d stumbled upon the other faction within this ‘Holy’ city.

One of their huge escorts had moved over to Asuna and Enzo and was arranging the myriad artefacts they’d pilfered on the nearby table in neat rows.

Kazuto’s eyes then shifted to the walls where every inch was lined with tall, dark wooden bookshelves, each of them almost reaching the ceiling and filled to the brim with ancient-looking arcane tomes.

What’s the bet they’re all occultish in nature?

His thoughts were interrupted when a notification blared in the corner of his vision - one he hadn’t seen before. His gaze flicked over to it and a translucent chat-box appeared, his wife’s username at the top of the window.

Asuna: You’ve been suspiciously quiet as this Casanova is putting the moves on me… are you upset?

Kazuto hid his grin well as his eyes rapidly scanned the message. He supposed his silence could have been interpreted that way, but he doubted his wife was truly concerned. This was hardly the first time either of them had to deal with flirting from the opposite sex while they gamed - though to be fair, the source had very rarely been from an NPC.

Kirito: Not upset. Just trying to figure out this guy’s angle. He obviously belongs to the faction that opposes the Church. It’s interesting that they don’t seemingly care that we know, either.

After sending off his reply, he saw Asuna’s gaze flick towards the huge, stained-glass window before turning to him, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

Asuna: This obviously has something to do with the quest. I think we’re about to be extended an invitation.

Kazuto agreed, though he found it rather strange that they’d basically been deposited on the steps of the Holy Church’s seat of power as soon as they logged in, but to find the opposite faction, they’d had to go through countless hours of complicated exploration.

They’re funnelling players to the obviously tyrannical zealots…why?

When Asuna pulled out their final piece of loot, the mysteriously glowing idol, Enzo’s interest was no longer feigned. The man froze, his eyes wide with shock.

‘Where did you find this?’ he whispered, his voice tinged with reverence and awe. He was so impressed that he even managed to tear his eyes away from Asuna’s cleavage.

‘It looked like a cathedral,’ Asuna admitted warily, after several moments of silence. ‘It was placed upon a dais in a position of worship.’

The man flinched again at her words, his suspicions apparently confirmed.

‘Do you know what this is?’ Asuna pressed, snapping the man out of his reverie as he returned his charming smile to his wife.

‘You should perhaps not be so eager to reveal your ignorance when in the midst of negotiations.’ Though his words were stinging, they were delivered with amusement, his demeanour still rather affable and charming - Kazuto wondered if Asuna’s Seduction skill was playing a role here.

Kirito: Is your Seduction skill a passive or an active ability?

Asuna’s smile widened, not looking at him as she mentally typed her response.

Asuna: Both. I used the skill the second we stepped into the manor. I didn’t want to get robbed.

Kazuto snorted but didn’t reply. The results spoke for themselves, though he was less concerned about being robbed. While they were still low-level, he’d yet to play a game where one’s skill and the basic application of physics didn’t often trump pure stats - he wasn’t overly concerned.

At the very least, he was confident in his ability to get them out of here. He’d been planning for such an eventuality the second they passed through the manor’s main gates.

After some more back and forth, Enzo started to explain the purpose of the idol, taking it into his hands with Asuna’s permission.

‘This idol is a key component in a very old ritual,’ he explained, his eyes alight with fervour. ‘When used as a focus, it will allow the focus to ascend.’

Well, there’s the Race-Change…

He could see Asuna’s excitement grow with the man’s every word, her body trembling with repressed glee.

Asuna: OMG! You think this is some kind of demonic race transformation?!

Kirito: Almost certainly.

Asuna: I say we go for it! Imagine how good it’ll be for the stream! Everyone spawning in this city will pretty much immediately go to the Church, we’ll be one of the few that are siding with the other faction!

Kazuto fought manfully to hide his grin.

Kirito: You just want horns and a tail.

Though he was standing behind and slightly to the right of his wife, he almost laughed when he saw the side of her face and her ear turn red.

Asuna: Shaddap!

Kirito: Pervert.

Enzo had clearly picked up on Asuna’s excitement too. Putting on the fakest, most insincere grimace imaginable, his expression turned ‘apologetic.’

‘I’m very sorry, Signora, I did not mean to lead you on,’ he apologised, bowing his head in faux contrition. ‘The ritual is incredibly involved and contains secrets passed down through generations of my family.’

Asuna stilled and frowned, her excitement sputtering out. ‘What do you mean by involved?’

Enzo finally acknowledged his existence and sent Kazuto a smug grin before turning back to his wife.

‘The ritual is…sexual in nature,’ he began, his gaze flicking towards the huge, stained-glass window. ‘I’m sure clever adventurers such as yourselves have intuited where my allegiances lay. I intend to buy this idol from you and perform the ritual with one of my lovers - I am no barbarian, I would not force this on one such as yourself.’

Guess he just went there, huh?

Well, they did say this game was targeting mature audiences.

Asuna, still clearly excited and recognising the implicit quest prompt for what it was, turned to him with a raised eyebrow. She would do nothing without his explicit approval, despite her greedy, loot-goblin heart no-doubt railing against her for even hesitating.

For years now, VRMMOs have used AI for a large majority of their development, with humans only coming into play to add finishing touches, colour and game mechanics. This held true for the NPCs that inhabited their worlds.

The scope of these games were so vast now, that it was completely unrealistic for humans to craft every last detail, and infinitely more so for them to create the beings that made their huge worlds feel like living, breathing universes in their own right.

The AI that created the sapients was so advanced at this point that it wasn’t uncommon for Kazuto to be fooled into thinking they were other players - especially when playing in Full Immersion mode where player tags were disabled.

That is to say, the thought of his wife participating in some demonic sex ritual with this handsome NPC should have bothered him more than it actually did.

Crossing his arms, he frowned and self-examined. Why had it bothered him so much when he watched the crowd of NPCs cheering on the execution of a young woman, but the thought of his wife fucking this man barely even registered?

Was he just a pervert? His member twitching in his briefs as he envisioned what was to come seemed to answer that question rather succinctly…

Entirely possible…

Kirito: We can make this work in our favour.

Asuna looked at him in confusion, having clearly read his PM, but Kazuto’s mind was working overtime. He elaborated.

Kirito: Imagine how much we could monetize your army of simps. We could upload the censored version of the stream to the usual places, but if this is going where I think it’s going, we could have a separate, paid-for stream for our Premium-Tier subscribers for them to watch the entire, uncensored VODs at their…ahem, leisure.

His wife’s eyes widened in shock before they narrowed dangerously.

Asuna: You’re starting to sound like a sleazy old perv. Are you trying to pimp me out now?

Kazuto only grinned, his eyebrows raised in challenge.

Kirito: Don’t act like this doesn’t turn you on, I saw the look in your eyes the second this Casanova knock-off suggested fucking you. Besides, imagine the look on your dear daddy’s face when he finds out his daughter is essentially doing porn.

Asuna didn’t answer, but he saw her reaction to his words in real time. Heat suffused her entire face and she started to breathe heavily, her eyes smouldering in desire.

Kirito: It would probably also break your mother’s heart though…

That put an immediate dampener on her raging libido, and her expression crumbled.

Kirito: That’s not even mentioning your University, and though they won’t be able to drop you for what you do on your own time, you can forget ever getting hired by one of the top law firms.

His wife’s eyes narrowed.

Asuna: Are you trying to talk me out of this?

Kirito: No, I just find it funny that, despite all the myriad reasons why you shouldn’t do this, you’ll do it anyway because you’re a slutty little loot goblin, gamer girl.

Her blush was back in full force, but she smiled shyly, not denying it.

Asuna: I don’t really care about the law firms… I’m studying law so we don’t have to outsource when we make our own studio…

Kazuto immediately stopped teasing and he smiled lovingly at his wife.

Kirito: We’re gamers, my love. As long as you’re having fun, go for it. Roleplay away. We’re gonna be rich!

His wife burst out laughing and the noble clearly took it in a way that it wasn’t intended, sending him a smug, condescending smirk.

Asuna turned to him, a sensual smile on her face. Closing the gap between them, she invaded his personal space, her fingers dancing over his broad, silk-covered chest. ‘That’s okay, Signore Vittorio, I’d be more than happy to help you with your…ritual.’

Kazuto’s cock nearly burst out of his pants at Asuna’s uncharacteristic, sultry tone. While his wife could be a minx in the sheets, she often saved that for their private time or when she was teasing him - he’d never seen her act this way with somebody else, even an NPC.

It was…really hot.

Enzo smiled wide before flicking his gaze towards Kazuto. ‘Will your…husband be an issue?’

‘Don’t worry about him,’ Asuna assured, without even looking in his direction. ‘He’ll be a good boy and do as he’s told.’

Holy shit, why did we wait so long to do some ERP…this is gold!

It never even occurred to him how poorly this would reflect on him in the outside world. His wife was essentially going to cuckold him with this NPC for their entire fanbase and the world to see.

A mental image came unbidden to his mind, one of himself wiping his crying eyes with stacks of 10,000 yen notes.

Enzo seemed…inordinately pleased by Asuna’s words and, after placing another kiss on her knuckles, he looped her arm through his and led her out of the library. Before Kazuto could even decide whether he should follow - as if that was ever in doubt - he felt a pair of monstrous hands the size of his face clamp down on his shoulders and force him along.

Kazuto didn’t have any stats or a class yet to enhance his abilities, and while he was confident he could have done something to these hulking behemoths before, now that they had their hands on him, that had become increasingly unlikely.

Not impossible though…

Enzo, while chatting his wife up and pointing out some of his favourite artwork on the way, led them through his palatial estate until they reached a dead end that held only a gleaming, obsidian statue. The figure depicted was an imposing, armoured soldier, his head bowed and standing with his feet shoulder-width apart, his hands resting on the pommel of the greatsword that was impaled in the base by his greaves.

Enzo stopped flirting with his wife long enough to look up at the statue with fervour burning in his dark eyes. He spoke a word of power in a strange tongue neither of them understood. It was harsh, guttural and just hearing it made Kazuto feel an intense, uncomfortable pressure in his mind.

The statue started to glow with a purple light, particularly in its empty eye-sockets and the lines of his armour. Then, in a flash that almost blinded, more purple light burst out in a concussive blast and the statue…changed. While the base of the stoic soldier remained unchanged, the statue now had great horns, leathery wings and a tail made of the ominous purple light. Enzo watched the transformation with pride shining in his eyes, and an unmistakable touch of longing.

When the light eventually subsided, there was an intense grinding of stone and gears as the statue started to sink into the ground, revealing a spiral staircase in its wake. Enzo turned to Asuna with another charming smile and guided her down into the darkness, purple torches bursting to life and guiding the way as they descended.

The stairs eventually led to what Kazuto could only describe as a demonic ritual chamber. It was circular in shape, the walls and floor made of a gleaming, polished obsidian that reflected the light of the purple torches and created a rather ominous, yet somehow alluring effect. At the opposite end of the room another statue loomed large, dwarfing in size the one that barred the entrance to this place of worship. There was no hiding this one’s demonic features, its horns, wings and tail featured proudly as well as its cloven hooves.

‘That…is my family’s progenitor,’ Enzo explained reverently as he gazed upon the demonic being, his whispered voice echoing off the polished walls. ‘Generations spanning across millennia have diluted our once proud, demonic bloodline into almost non-existence…this is something I hope to remedy today.’

Taking his wife’s hand, Enzo led Asuna into the middle of the ritual chamber. There, upon a raised, circular dais with a golden pentagram etched into the floor, were five plinths at each of the star’s points, four of them holding what looked to be ceramic jars while the firth, the one at the opposite end of the chamber and closest to the demonic statue, was empty.

Snapping his fingers, one of his escorts left Kazuto’s side and joined Enzo and Asuna up on the dais, the idol they’d found clutched carefully in his baseball mitt-sized hands. The huge man carefully placed the idol down on the empty plinth and Enzo almost groaned with desire as it started to glow an even more intense purple.

Signora,’ Enzo called to Asuna as his voice bounced off the walls, his hand outstretched. ‘I will now prepare you for the Ritual of Ascension - this cannot be done against your will. Do you consent?’

Kirito: Yeah Signora. Do you consent to be a dirty, cheating little slut? To cuckolding your poor, trapped husband as he’s forced to watch?

Asuna shot him a wide smile and sent him a wink.

Asuna: Don’t act like you’re not loving this, perv. Imagine the views this will get!

Kazuto resisted the urge to snort.

Kirito: It’ll pale in comparison to the amount of views the next part will get you sexy, filthy demon-loving whore.

His dirty talk was clearly having an effect on her, as his wife shut her eyes and shuddered with excitement before reaching out to take Enzo’s hand.

‘Excellent,’ Enzo purred, his voice coming out more like a hiss as he pressed his lips to his wife’s knuckles. Then, in a move that surprised them both, Enzo toyed with the ring on her finger before slipping it off. Asuna would have had a far more…violent reaction to anyone trying that, consent or no, had the ring not just been a pixelated version of the real thing. ‘Devils are beings of sin,’ Enzo explained, handing the ring off to his goon for him to place in one of the jars on the nearby plinths. ‘According to my family’s records, being reborn while surrounded by physical representations of said sin…makes for a more powerful ritual.’ He motioned to the jar with the ring, a sickly sweet smile on his handsome features. ‘A symbol of your broken vows, for instance.’

Kirito: Okay…that’s pretty hot.

Asuna: You’re telling me! I’m gushing up here!

Kazuto grinned and watched with bated breath as Enzo started to undress his wife. First, he removed her boots, then the corset, releasing her heavy breasts to gravity’s tender embrace for the second time that day. Enzo stared at her cleavage hungrily, breathing heavily through his nostrils, before shaking his head and continuing. Her velvet sash went next and then he started to unlace her chemise until the garment slipped off her shoulders and pooled at her feet on the ground, leaving her completely bare.

‘Perfetta,’ Enzo whispered in awe as he beheld Asuna’ naked form, his fingers gently gliding up and down her sides and earning a delighted shiver when they brushed the underside of her heavy tits. The man’s smile widened when he saw the glistening trail of her excitement running down the inside of her pale thigh, tut-tutting her in amusement.

Biting her lip, his wife bent down and picked up the scarlet, velvet sash he’d gifted her earlier, before wiping away the glistening fluid and holding the soiled cloth up to Enzo.

‘My husband gifted me this earlier today,’ she explained, a wide smile on her beautiful lips.

Enzo’s eyes widened in surprise and he laughed in delight, the sound echoing off the walls for several moments after he’d regained control. He pinched her chin between his thumb and index finger, his smile genuine and affectionate. ‘Bravissimo.

Enzo’s guard came with another snap of his fingers and took the offered cloth with both palms facing up, depositing it in another of the empty jars almost reverently, his hooded head bowed.

The guard hurried over to a nearby pillar and brought with him a different jar, this time handing it to his boss.

Grazie,’ he thanked with a nod of his head before turning back to Asuna. ‘I will be painting runes on your…marvellous body. The paint will tingle and feel warm, this is normal.’

Asuna nodded and inhaled a shuddering breath, but otherwise stood perfectly still. Her nipples were painfully erect and it was obvious she was doing everything in her power to not shiver with excitement.

Kirito: Careful, you might poke his eyes out with those things.

Asuna: Shaddap! Don’t make me laugh right now!

Kazuto bit his lip to stop himself from laughing as he saw his wife’s body trembling in an attempt to stifle her own. Her perfect breasts hung heavily on her chest, her shoulders back and her posture immaculate. Enzo’s eyes never strayed too far from them or, as Kazuto had jokingly pointed out, her erect, pink nipples.

From the jar, Enzo extracted a brush whose handle was made of bone, its bristles loaded with a viscous purple paint Kazuto wasn’t sure his wife wanted to know the origin of.

With slow, deliberate strokes and a steady hand, Enzo started to paint what Kazuto could only assume to be demonic runes on his wife’s body, starting from her feet and rising up her legs to her navel - or her womb. He painted similar lines of runes from her hands and forehead, ending in the same general area. The paint dried on his wife’s skin almost instantly, the runes looking like tattoos that had been there for years.

Asuna: He was underselling how the paint would feel. The tingling is intense, the warmth coalescing in my womanhood - it feels like a less intense but not dissimilar sensation to when you go down on me for hours.

Now that he focused on his wife, he could see her shuddering, her breaths deep and laboured, but she did her best to remain perfectly still to not ruin Enzo’s work.

Enzo painted a series of runes on Asuna’s chest, encircling her nipples with the paint before drawing a pentagram in the void over her womb.

I suppose this is a rebirth, after all…

Enzo circled around her, his face a mask of intense concentration. Brushing her long, braided hair over her shoulder, he started to paint more runes on his wife’s back until it was almost entirely covered by the purple ink.

‘Bravissimo,’ he uttered, finally breaking the intense silence as he admired his work. Handing the jug of paint over to his ever loyal retainer, he looked up at Asuna with a playful smile. ‘We have two more vessels to fill, my sweet.’

His wife raised a delicate eyebrow, though her smile matched his own. She was still shivering, though he doubted it was from the cold. Another trail of her excitement was running down the inside of her thigh, and neither made any efforts to wipe it up.

Enzo then started to undress, unbuttoning his coat and then his frilly shirt to reveal a hairless torso rippling with corded, wiry muscle. Kazuto had half expected his body to be riddled with similar markings that his wife’s currently possessed, but his skin was pale and unblemished.

Removing his boots, Enzo was quick to loosen his britches and let them fall to the floor. Both Kazuto’s and Asuna’s eyebrows rose when he revealed the anaconda dangling soft and heavily between his pale legs.

Asuna: This…may not be as fun as I originally thought.

Kirito: Relax. This is still a video game, your body only ones and zeroes. I very much doubt you’ll feel anything other than mind-numbing pleasure.

Asuna: He’s hung like a freaking horse!

Kazuto tried not to laugh at his wife’s increasingly panicked messages, his own member hardening in his pants as he beheld her gaping at the freakishly huge dick in shock.

‘Service me,’ Enzo purred, holding out his cock for her and gently guiding Asuna to the floor with his free hand. Shaking herself out of her shocked stupor, Asuna shakily nodded and dropped to her knees, her wide, shocked eyes never leaving his manhood.

Asuna: I just got a prompt asking if I wanted to skip the ‘sex scene,’ the implication being I’d be forced to observe in an outer-body experience kind of way if I did.

Kazuto grinned as he watched his wife palmed her heavy breasts.

Kirito: I’m assuming you declined?

He cock surged when his wife’s gaze flicked to him and sent him a wink, her smile impish, almost teasing.

Asuna: Where’s the fun in that?

Kazuto made a mental promise to himself at that moment, the naughty look on his wife’s face awakening something dark within him.

The second we log off…

Kazuto watched, arguably as excited as his wife as she lifted her heavy tits and smothered Enzo’s huge cock between them. The man’s head tilted back and he groaned, his hands reaching down to gently pinch his wife’s erect, pink nipples as she coaxed his shaft to life with her pillowy breasts.

It took only moments for Enzo’s bulbous head and part of his veiny shaft to poke out from his wife’s epic cleavage, and Asuna greeted it with a smile and a delicate kiss, earning another delighted groan from her lover as he chanted sweet nothings to her in what he could only assume was Italian.

Asuna kept this up for a few minutes, spreading the pre-cum leaking from Enzo’s tip along his shaft for some added lubrication as she used her tits to pleasure her lover’s cock like she was trying to start a fire. When she finally took his large head in her mouth, and her tongue started to do the thing Kazuto was intimately familiar with, Enzo nearly came on the spot.

‘Do not swallow,’ Enzo urged in a strained voice, his hands threaded in his wife’s light-brown locks as he gently thrust the tip of his huge member in and out of Asuna’s eager mouth. Asuna hummed in approval and kept up her assault.

Asuna: Don’t lie. How much do you want to whip out your little dick and start jacking off right now?

Kirito: ???

Instead of replying, his wife shot him a side-eyed look. Her mouth still filled with Enzo’s huge cock, he was forced to interpret her expression from her eyes alone that crinkled at the corners and twinkled with mirth.

Kirito: You’re the sexiest woman alive. Imagine how your simps will react when they see this, when they see their Queen with her mouth full of cock.

His words had an effect on his wife, her eyes screwing shut as she let out a muffled groan.

Honestly, Kazuto wasn’t faring much better. He couldn’t remember a time he’d ever been harder, a combination of seeing his sexy wife pleasuring another man right in front of him and the thought of showing this to their millions of fans driving him wild with lust.

With a gasp, Enzo’s grip tightened in Asuna’s hair and his hips jerked, no doubt emptying his load in his wife’s mouth. Asuna released her tits and started to massage his pulsing balls, her mouth quickly filling with his seed.

Enzo’s man didn’t need to be told this time, he approached with one of the empty vessels and held it out for Asuna, her task clear. Instead, Asuna turned to him and smiled a tight-lipped smile and opened wide, showing off the result of her labours before spitting the thick seed out into the empty vessel.

When she was done, her eyes never leaving Kazuto’s, Enzo interrupted. ‘We need to fill one more vessel before we can begin the ritual.’

‘That’s okay,’ Asuna waved him off, mirth in her tone. ‘I have an idea.’

Kazuto’s eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat as his wife rose to her feet and started to stalk towards him, the look in her eyes positively filthy and her heavy tits swaying with each step. Enzo’s other man was still by his side - he’d honestly forgotten he was even there - and his grip tightened on Kazuto’s shoulder, as if in warning.

His wife melted against him, rising up on her tippy-toes to put her lips against his ear.

‘Did you enjoy the show?’

He obviously did, she could probably feel his answer against her belly. Just as he was about to question her, she continued.

‘Did you like seeing a cock so much bigger than yours in my small mouth? Answer me, cuck.’

Oh. She’s roleplaying.

They normally didn’t RP much when they played VRMMOs, but this game seemed to not only incentivise it…but it also kind of made it fun.

‘Yes,’ he answered in a gruff whisper, surprising himself with how true his words were.

He shuddered when he felt his wife’s hand cup his far less impressive endowment.

‘I bet you can’t wait to watch him fuck me,’ she purred, her teasing voice sending pleasant shivers down his spine and causing his already aching cock to throb with desire. Asuna helped this along by slipping her hand into his pants and cupping him directly, her cool fingers gently fondling his balls. ‘Just imagine what that huge cock will do to my little pussy, will I even feel you afterwards?’

She giggled when he groaned and buried his face in the crook of her neck, his arms wrapping around her slender waist.

‘Look at it,’ she hissed, squeezing his balls a little too hard for comfort. He knew what she was talking about, however. Opening his eyes, he saw Enzo watching them from the middle of the chamber. He was reading an ancient looking tome but often looking up to send them amused glances. His eyes trailed down his wiry, pale body and paused on the obscene shaft that hung low over his heavy balls. Even soft, it was thicker and longer than his own and reached halfway down his thigh. ‘That cock is going to fuck me,’ Asuna’s whispered promise voice broke him out of his reverie, earning a delighted giggle when she felt his cock throb in her hands. ‘What kind of man gets turned on at the thought of his wife getting fucked by such a superior cock?’

It was a rhetorical question, but Kazuto spoke regardless. ‘God, you’re so beautiful…’

He shuddered when she bit his ear playfully before continuing. ‘I can’t wait to take that huge cock in me, the cock of a real man - because you’re not a real man, Kazuto, you’re a pathetic cuckold. You can’t wait to see that huge cock fuck me deeper than your pathetic little dicklet ever -

He interrupted her mid sentence - not with a kiss, or his words or anything so banal, no, his interruption was far more pathetic.

He interrupted his wife by screwing his eyes shut, gasping and cumming all over her hand, his body going stiff as his wife’s dirty words triggered a more powerful orgasm than when she’s gone down on him while he was streaming to their fans earlier.

With a giggle, she pulled her soiled hand out of his pants and turned to present it to Enzo. ‘Will the semen of my cuckold suffice as a catalyst?’

The man smiled wide and clapped with delight. ‘Bravissimo! Yes, yes, I believe it will!

With one more cheeky grin over her shoulder, Asuna sashayed away towards the plinth with the only empty jar left around the ritual circle. Holding her hand over the jar’s opening, she watched with an excited grin as Kazuto’s semen dripped inside.

Kazuto’s attention was drawn to the idol that had started this whole fiasco however. As more of his cum poured into the final jar, the light emanating from the little statue started to pulse more brightly, bathing the entire chamber in a richer, deeper purple glow. The light kept increasing in intensity until it hit its crescendo, blinding everyone in the room with its radiance as it flashed one final time.

When his vision returned and he could see more than just iridescent spots, the chamber looked different. No longer was the only source of light in the room the torches on the wall and the idol itself, but there were countless heretofore invisible runes glowing with an intense purple light. A lot of them were within the pentagram on the floor and reminded him of the runes Enzo had drawn on Asuna’s body, but there were many more runes drawn on the columns, walls and even the ceiling.

Enzo looked just as surprised by their appearance as they did. Kazuto surmised they were likely drawn by the family member who first created this ritual chamber.

Turning to his wife, Kazuto’s eyebrows rose when he saw the runes on her body were glowing too. Enzo turned to Asuna too and his smile widened as he held out his hand, beckoning her to the middle of the ritual circle.

‘Come, Bella,’ Enzo beckoned, his smile wide and his cock thickening and lengthening with blood. ‘Let us commence with your ascension.’

With a giddy smile, Asuna sashayed towards him and put her delicate hand in his, allowing herself to be led to the centre of the ritual circle. The grip on Kazuto’s shoulder tightened, as if the man holding him prisoner expected this to be the moment he’d try to make a break for it or start something, but he remained perfectly still, watching with bated breath as Enzo laid down on the cool, obsidian floor, his towering erection pointing straight up.

Asuna tilted her head in confusion. ‘Is that it? We just…have sex?’

Enzo’s smile widened as Asuna joined him on the floor, straddling his waist as his huge appendage rested against her belly. ‘This is a rebirth,’ he explained patiently. ‘What better way to trigger a rebirth than to fill your womb with the seed of one who is descended from Devils?’

Asuna grinned playfully and rose up on her knees, her hand aiming Enzo’s large head directly at her tight womanhood.

Kazuto almost flinched when his notifications alerted him to a message from his wife.

Asuna: Not many husbands would have the ego and self-confidence to allow their wives to have this kind of fun in a VRMMO. I promise, I’ll make it worth your while. I love you.

Kirito: Shh. Don’t break character you little slut, this is really hot!

With a laugh that likely sounded mocking to Enzo’s ears, but Kazuto recognised as disbelieving and exasperated, Asuna sank onto the man’s colossal shaft, ripping a guttural groan from her throat as her womanhood was stretched wider than it ever had been before.

As if proving that this was still just a game, a game more concerned with its players’ enjoyment than realism, Asuna kept sinking lower and impossibly lower on Enzo’s freakishly huge cock until she’d taken the entirety of what had to be his almost foot-long length into her eager pussy.

‘Oh fuck,’ Asuna gasped, her voice shaky but conveying no pain, only disbelief, giddyness and pleasure. ‘Mmm, you’re huge,’ she purred, gasping as she started to gyrate her hips, Enzo’s member stirring up her insides. ‘So much bigger than my husband.’

The man laughed with delight, his hands going up to cup her hanging breasts before sitting up and sucking one of her big, pink nipples into his mouth.

‘Yes,’ Asuna gasped, now mixing her gyrating with some bouncing. ‘Yes, fuck me, mmm, so good!’

Kazuto almost forgot to breathe. This cuckolding roleplay they were engaging in with this NPC was arguably the hottest kink-play they’d ever participated in - he couldn’t remember a time he’d ever been so hard, so horny.

Watching his wife’s glorious, soft ass sliding up and down that ridiculously thick cock, listening to her euphoric moans bouncing off the obsidian walls…

He couldn’t wait until they were back in their apartment later so they could rewatch this together - the bots they had invisibly flying around and constantly capturing footage no-doubt having far better angles than either of them with the use of their own eyes.

With a shudder and a guttural moan, Asuna swivelled around on Enzo’s cock so she was now facing him, her legs spread wide and either side of her lover’s legs and her hands reaching back and supporting her weight on his pecs.

Kazuto nearly swallowed his tongue - even with her pale, flawless skin marred by the glowing demonic runes, her pussy spread wide around that ridiculous cock, his wife was a vision of perfection. She smiled at him, her teeth biting at her lower lip as they locked gazes, her rhythmic, languid bouncing not stopping for a second.

‘Honey, he feels so good, mm, so full,’ she gasped, her moans turning into a surprised squeal when Enzo reached around and started to strum her clit, his hips rising to meet Asuna’s downward thrusts halfway. Each time he impossibly sheathed himself completely in his wife’s womanhood, Asuna would shudder, her heavy, swaying tits jiggling as they pancaked on her chest.

Asuna looked like she wanted to say something, but she was moaning too much to get the words out. Instead, she opted to send him another message.

Asuna: I wish you could come in here and hold my hand while this stud fucks me, I want it soooo bad. It’ll ruin the ritual though. Mou.

Kazuto chuffed and shook his head in disbelief, a fond smile on his face as he rubbed his aching cock through his pants, doing nothing to stop this Devil worshipper from cucking him.

With another surprised moan and a squeal, Enzo bucked his hips and shoved his wife forward until she fell onto her hands and knees, her pussy still impaled on his girthy shaft. As Enzo started to pick up the pace of his thrusts into a jackhammer-like tempo, Kazuto ignored the shit-eating grin the older man sent him and instead focused on Asuna’s cries of pleasure.

With the increase in tempo came an increase in the intensity of the light shining from the idol. The idol wasn’t the only thing that started to glow, however, as the jars holding physical manifestations of her Sin started to match its glow, streams of energy leaving them and flowing into the artefact that had started them on this quest.

‘I’m cumming!’ Asuna cried, her voice breathy and strained. ‘So good, yes, YES!’

Enzo was panting too hard to reply, his exertions causing his face to flush with his efforts. His skin was covered in sweat and reflecting the nearby lightshow, giving it a ghoulish sheen.

Then Asuna came, her glorious body freezing, her eyes screwed shut and her mouth open in a silent scream. Enzo didn’t stop fucking her, and soon, she let out a powerful, staccato moan, her body convulsing as wave upon wave of pleasure seemed to crash into her.

Enzo finally spoke, but not in a tongue either of them could understand. His eyes shone with an inner purple fire and he started to chant in what he could only assume was the language of the Devil-kind, making sure to keep up his thrusting.

The longer the chanting went on, the brighter the light from the ritual circle and the idol shone. Eventually, his spell reached a crescendo, just in time for him to roar out his release and fill Asuna’s womb with his seed.

His wife hadn’t been a silent passenger through all this, sliding back against the powerfully thrusting cultist and working herself into a frenzy.

With great effort, Enzo pulled out of his wife and stood on shaky legs. Kazuto watched, wide-eyed as he hurriedly stumbled out of the ritual circle, and before Asuna could even turn and regard her absent lover with confusion, she froze, her eyes wide with shock.

At that moment, the idol shattered into a million pieces, but the light from within didn’t dissipate. Instead, it coalesced and took the form of a distinctly feminine devil, her silhouette very clearly looking around at the ritual chamber in confusion until her eyes landed on Asuna’s quivering, glowing form, a thick trail of cum leaking out of her recently used pussy.

Before his wife could react, the being of purple light shifted forms into that of a spear and shot directly into her. Asuna’s eyes opened wide, her back arching and her muscles straining as her body started to float into the air. Kazuto watched, his eyes narrowed in confusion as his wife’s eyes shone with a demonic light, but otherwise remained unchanged.

Then…it happened.

With a mighty roar, his wife’s skin slowly turned purple, her hair black and she grew in not only height, but in mass and muscle tone too. She screamed again, this time in pain as black, ridged horns grew out from her skull and curled like a ram’s. Another scream, and two, huge, leathery wings sprouted from her back before wrapping around her body as if trying to protect her - perhaps an instinctual reaction to the pain.

Another painful, gut-wrenching scream and a long, thick tail burst out from her tailbone and fell to the floor with a meaty thwack. Finally, in what Kazuto hoped would be the end of the painful transformation, the bones in his wife’s legs snapped and rearranged, her delicate feet shifting into cloven hooves.

When the transformation was complete, and the light in the ritual circle faded into nothingness, Asuna remained in the middle of the now inert pentagon, panting in exertion and hugging her new body. When Kazuto made to run to her, to comfort her, he was pulled back by the goon who had yet to release his bruising grip on his shoulder.

His wife’s head snapped up, her eyes twin pools of glowing, amber fire sans pupil or sclera - he idly wondered if she’d been prompted with a character creation screen so she could customise her new demonic form. He’d half expected her eyes to be glowing with the purple light of the ritual…but he could totally buy Asuna changing that, not wanting her eyes to match her skin.

…his wife was the kind of girl that could spend hours on the character creation screen.

Asuna’s demonic features shifted into a snarl, her eyes narrowing dangerously. ‘Get your hands off my husband, worm!’

Before either of them could react - Kazuto still stunned by her deeper, more demonic voice - the tip of Asuna’s wing shot out and skewered the guard that had been keeping him captive and suppressed for what felt like hours at this point.

With a wet gurgle, the hulking man fell to his knees and Kazuto rushed to Asuna’s side, throwing one of her powerful, purple arms over his shoulder - making sure to stay clear from her wicked looking claws.

‘How are you feeling?’ he asked in a soothing tone, ignoring the notifications blaring in the corner of his vision. ‘Does it still hurt?’

Instead of answering him verbally, his wife sent him another message. He swiped his other notifications aside and read.

Asuna: I don’t know what you saw, but I’ve been in a character creation screen from the moment Enzo finished the ritual, and I only came to when I saw that dumbass trying to stop you coming to me.

Kazuto nodded, his eyes raking admiringly over Asuna’s new, demonic form.

Kirito: You physically transformed, it sounded painful. I guess it makes sense you wouldn’t actually feel that…

His wife smiled at him and put a large, clawed hand on the side of his face before leaning in to kiss him. At that point, the notifications became too annoying to ignore.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw he’d been offered a class. He’d passed on the one’s he’d earned up to this point, but this one…despite how embarrassing it sounded…looked straight up broken.

The class was called a Prime Consort and it looked like he’d been gifted not just because of his wife’s transformation, but their actions leading up to it. It looked to have a totally OP stat growth and came with several powerful…if humiliating passives.

Do Thy Mistress’ Bidding

Receive a 10% damage boost every time you are whipped by your Mistress. This damage boost can stack an amount of times equal to half of your level.

Consort’s Anguish

A powerful mental attack against all enemies within thirty metres. Channel your pain and anguish and use it as a weapon - the more powerful the emotions used as the focus, the more powerful the attack.

Chastity’s Virtue

A stacking, 10% defensive buff that increases in potency every day the longer your Mistress keeps you locked in chastity.
When released by your Mistress, increase your Damage, Defence and Speed by an amount equal to 5% multiplied by the number of days you’ve been kept in chastity. This buff lasts for 1 hour.

Sighing, he made to accept the class. It was embarrassing as hell, but it looked like the game was setting up him and Asuna to be boss-level players in this city, pitting them directly against a major faction.

They would need all the strength they could get.

His eye twitched in annoyance, his cheeks flushing a deeper crimson when he read the system message that accompanied his choice.

You cannot accept this class, it must be granted to you by your Mistress.

Noticing his face flushing a furious red, Asuna raised a ridged brow and tilted her head at him in confusion. Before she said anything, Kazuto sighed and shared with her the information on his class and his other notifications.

Asuna’s brow steadily rose as she read the tooltip, a naughty smile gracing her chiselled, yet still undeniably sexy demonic features.

‘At least some of my abilities make a little more sense now,’ she purred, her golden eyes twinkling with mischief as she put a clawed hand on his heart.

Asuna, Scion of Sin and Succubus Monarch has offered you the role of Prime Consort, do you accept?

Sighing, he tried to glare at his cheekily grinning wife but he just couldn’t manage it - memories of her recent sexual exploits and her incredibly titillating new body proving to be too much of a distraction.

He accepted the class and hissed as he was literally branded. Pulling his shirt open, they both saw a rune appear above his heart. He’d been marked as hers.

Well, no different than usual then…

Looking back into his wife’s new glowing eyes, he felt wary as she was still grinning slyly at him. Before he could ask, he gasped as one of her large, demonic hands gently cupped his genitals and a feeling of tightness, of restriction overwhelmed him. Without asking for permission, Asuna yanked his pants down and purred at the sight of his cock and balls caged in a prison made of infernal iron.

‘That’s so hot,’ she purred, nuzzling his neck while being careful not to gore him with her new horns. She’d wrapped them both in a cocoon of her wings so they had a modicum of privacy, a privacy Kazuto didn’t doubt Enzo would be intruding upon soon. ‘You’re not the only one with naughty new abilities, my love,’ she teased, her glowing eyes sparkling with mirth as she shared with him the tooltips of some of her abilities.

Monarch’s Harem

Mark willing beings and have them join your Harem. Their strength is your strength. At base, you share 5% of your base stats with your Consorts and they with you. You may increase this percentage (Max - 50%) by fornicating with your Consorts and increasing the level of your bond.

Harem - 1/7

Kirito, Prime Consort - Bond level MAX

Kazuto’s eyes widened in shock. ‘That’s…fucking busted.’

Asuna’s laugh was deep, rich and melodious. Her voice had deepened and become noticeably more sensual with her transformation.

‘M-mistress?’ a careful voice spoke up, as expected, intruding upon their privacy. Asuna tucked her wings back behind her and regarded Enzo with a raised brow. Then, before he could say anymore, his wife screwed her eyes shut as her body started to morph once again, shrinking down and reverting to her regular, human form.

I guess it would be rather annoying if she couldn’t move around the city without being attacked…

‘Yes, Enzo?’ she asked, her voice having reverted to normal. The man started and immediately dropped to one knee, his head bowed and a fist planted in the cool obsidian floor.

‘Please, Mistress, allow me to join your Harem! Everything I own will be at your disposal to do with as you see fit, including my spy network and myriad connections within the city!’

Asuna smirked and tilted her head to the side as if considering. ‘Is that not already mine to do with as I see fit?’

Kazuto almost laughed as Enzo visibly shook and paled. ‘Y-yes, of course Mistress, please forgive my impudence! Take whatever you want!’

Asuna let him stew in his nervousness for several awkwardly tense moments before letting out an annoyed sigh. ‘Stand.’

Enzo did so immediately and without hesitation, his cock once again soft and dangling between his legs like a hunk of salami as he stood to attention and puffed his chest out proudly. His wife stalked towards him, her delicate fingers trailing down his wiry chest until they gripped his thick member.

‘Having said that…I do rather enjoy this part of you,’ she teased, shooting Kazuto a cheeky wink. ‘Oh very well.’

Before Enzo could react, Asuna slammed her hand into his chest, a rune similar to his own burning its way into his skin. He hissed, but didn’t otherwise react, his eyes glistening with unshed tears of joy.

‘Have one of your men bring us enough gold so we can set ourselves up somewhere in the city. Also, give me everything you have on the who’s who in this city, I need to finish building my harem before we take on the Church.’

Enzo slammed a fist into his heart and bowed low. ‘Yes, Mistress! Might I suggest a set of armour for your true form? I may have something in my family’s coffers that will suffice.’

Asuna smiled and ran her hand through his thick hair. ‘That sounds lovely, thank you, my pet.’

Asuna quickly dressed and they made to leave before she paused at the entrance to the ritual chamber and turned back to her new consort. ‘Oh and Enzo? As soon as we’re settled, I’ll call for you to warm my bed - we need to make sure to build up our bond level, after all.’

Enzo’s smile shifted from deferential and into condescending as he turned a smirk on Kazuto. ‘Whatever you wish, Mistress.’

Kazuto didn’t even blink at the blatant disrespect. Instead, he tilted his head and returned the smirk. ‘We’ll see you later, Second Consort.’

Enzo flinched as if he’d been slapped and looked away, unwilling to meet his eyes.

He didn’t doubt that man would have happily gutted him right there if he thought he could get away with it - but after having completed their legendary quest, he’d levelled up over a dozen times, the stat gains making him feel far more confident in this new body.

They were met at the entrance to the manor by a skinny, dignified butler who genuflected at Asuna like his life depended on it before handing her the items she’d requested.

Checking the time and realising how long they’d been playing, they quickly found an inn and logged out.

Asuna barely had the headset off before Kazuto descended on her, his hands tearing off her bedwear so that he could get at her naked body.

‘Ooh, someone’s eager,’ she teased, whimpering as Kazuto harshly gripped her heavy tits and twisted. ‘Mighty forward of you, my adorable little cuck.’

She squealed and whimpered when he spanked the side of her heavy tit with a decent amount of strength, his free hand wrapping around her throat and squeezing firmly, but not enough to restrict his wife’s airways.

‘In there,’ Kazuto hissed, his head motioning to the headset, ‘I’ll happily RP with you all you want, play whatever kinky games you want. I’ll even humiliate myself in front of all of our fans…but out here?’

Asuna’s eyes widened and she groaned as he bit down on and left a hickey near her perfect nipple.

‘Out here you’re my faithful little slut. Is that understood?’

His wife was panting in excitement, her eyes wild and her cheeks flushed with lust.

When he thrust into her, it was with brutal carelessness, hours of pent-up lust turning him into a wild animal. His wife grinned sexily up at him, biting at her lower lip as her eyes sparkled with mischief.

‘Are you in yet?’

Her jovial, mocking laughter spurred him on, her delighted moans as he treated her like his little plaything, driving him wild.

They may not have found their Forever Game in Eternal Online…but they’d had a whole load of fun and the money he saw them bringing in as a result made sure they’d be playing for a long while yet…


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