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Chapter 24

Tags: Sap, Exhibitionism, Risky/public sex, oral, threesome, Vixen

Gwen’s eyebrows rose in surprise when their car pulled up at the recently and obviously renovated shopping centre in Queens. She turned to her boyfriend, her expression asking the question so she didn’t have to.

Hospitals were huge, and while this shopping centre had once taken up almost an entire block near where they grew up, it had nothing on Mount Sanai or Bellevue.

He chuckled knowingly. ‘We talked about this, remember? Why are hospitals so large? Most of it is the bulky and expensive testing and imaging equipment and the ICU. The former is all handled by nanites now while the latter can be handled remotely.’

Gwen paused in thought, tilting her head as she stared up through the window of their ride. It was a tall building, but nowhere near as tall as the ones in Manhattan. It was also very pretty, a futuristic monument of glass with lots of curves and rounded edges. Pete had apparently purchased the struggling shopping centre and retrofitted it for his purposes, with some of the storefronts and the garden on the ground level having been left untouched and the upper levels being used entirely for the hospital itself.

They got out and made their way inside hand-in-hand, pausing at the signage that brought a tear to her eye.

Helen Stacy Memorial Hospital

Gwen buried her face in the crook of Pete’s neck and nuzzled him lovingly. ‘She’d have loved this, you know? Mom always wanted to be a nurse and help people, but she didn’t want me to be raised in daycare…’

Pete planted a soft kiss on her forehead and she melted against him. ‘Well, consider this my thank-you to her for raising such an incredible woman.’

Gwen let out a watery chuckle. ‘Hoh boy, what am I gonna have to get May and Ben for raising you?’

He grinned down at her cheekily, his hand wrapping tightly around her midsection. ‘They will accept one boy and one girl, I think.’

In an unusual state of affairs in their relationship, it was Gwen this time whose face burned bright, especially with how seriously he’d delivered the joke.

That was no joke.

She snuggled up to his side and wrapped her arms around his narrow waist as they made their way inside, thoughts of marriage and children making her feel all mushy-gushy inside.

Once they’d entered the building, Gwen did a double-take. It didn’t feel like they were indoors at all, but instead walked through a portal that took them straight to Central Park. The ceiling was a hologram that projected a perfect, cloudless sky while trees, grass and even a lake made the ground floor of this new, high-tech hospital feel like an actual park instead of a futuristic building in Queens.

She sucked in a startled breath when, as her eyes scanned the idyllic scene, they landed on a familiar, instantly recognisable figure immortalised as a statue. Pete automatically led her towards it, a perfect likeness of her mother as she’d been before illness had ravaged her body, beautiful and proud, with light shining on it from the artificial Sun. She ran her hand over the plaque and the beautiful message, her eyes watering so much it blurred her vision.

‘Come, you can read it later, or whenever you want, really. There’s a Loop Station being built downstairs and world-class cafes, eateries and daycare for the doctors and their families.’

Pete gave her a quick tour of the ground floor, her taste buds purring with bliss as they got coffees and pastries from one of the supposed world-class cafes.

Nothing supposed about it…

Upstairs, in their own glass-walled offices, they found doctors hard at work staring at patient imagery on their screens. What surprised Gwen the most however, was how much the workspace reminded her of SI. She’d just assumed they’d find a bunch of men and women in scrubs running around with stethoscopes, but instead…

She looked up at her boyfriend and grinned. ‘Not gonna lie, this whole system you’ve got going on here kinda reminds me of tech support.’

Pete laughed and walked ahead of her, spreading his arms wide. ‘Welcome to the future of medicine.’ He nodded as two doctors walked past them and greeted him politely. They looked excited and energised to get to work, not like their perpetually bedraggled counterparts in regular hospitals. ‘Each doctor here is multi-disciplined, they all have classical medical training, but with the nanites doing so much of the heavy lifting now, their skill sets all have a greater emphasis on patient welfare, psychology and, of course, the technical know-how to operate and modify the nanites themselves, should they ever need to.’

‘Makes sense,’ Gwen muttered with a troubled frown. ‘Aren’t the nanites constantly self-improving? Do you really need humans running anything?’

Pete tilted his head from side-to-side. ‘I think it’s an important step to have human doctors, with their patient’s say-so, have the final word on major surgeries and the like. And don’t underestimate the value of a human being explaining the intricacies of one’s physical and mental wellbeing, or providing general comfort.’ He closed his eyes, humming in thought. ‘I like to think of it as, like, Bacta Tanks in something like Star Wars. Sure, put patients in the water and it heals them, but we can always heal better and be more efficient, and we’re still the ones programming the nanites, even if they have rudimentary machine learning.’

‘Wow.’ Gwen had her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised, surprised with the depth of his response. ‘Thought a lot about this, huh?’

‘Only every minute of every day since I invented medical nanites,’ Pete joked, his smile dimming when he saw her frown.

After scanning the entire floor one last time, seeing the doctors hard at work and doing what she refused to believe was anything other than magic, she turned to him, her frown deepening. ‘You’re going to put regular hospitals out of business…’

Pete winced, his gaze turning to look out over his busy employees. ‘Not everyone will ingest the nanites, I imagine it’ll be a slow passing of the torch -’

‘No, it won’t,’ Gwen confirmed with absolute certainty. ‘And I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, it’s just…’

When Pete turned to her with a puzzled frown, confusion on his features, she shared her troubling thoughts. ‘We’ve been focusing on the mob when it comes to finding out who keeps putting hits out on you, but with if -’

Pete’s eyes widened in shock, his face going slack. ‘What? You think Big Pharma is trying to take me out?’ he whispered incredulously, moving close so he couldn’t be overheard. ‘What for? It’s not like killing me will erase the nanites. The genie is already out of the bottle!’

Gwen shrugged, crossing her arms as she leaned against the nearby glass wall and staring off into space. ‘I don’t know, but hatred is a powerful motivator. We also haven’t really been looking into this angle either… how’s security here?’

Pete’s frown finally matched her own and he turned to gaze out at his new employees. ‘I’m starting to think… not strong enough…’

Gwen didn’t waste any time, sending over a quick message to Nat containing her suspicions with the use of her AR lens. Her reply was almost instantaneous.

Nat: Good work, we’ll look into it.

Nat: Also, try not to tell Stark, he’ll never let us hear the end of it if his Big Pharma conspiracy theories turn out to be true…

When she chuckled, Gwen shared the contents of her brief text exchange, bringing much needed levity to the suddenly dour mood.

Pete then continued the tour as they went up another level. What shocked Gwen the most, aside from the cool tech on display everywhere, was the complete lack of any patient bedding. He’d said as much, but it still felt wrong for a hospital to look so much like an office building…

Her boyfriend shrugged as he elaborated.

‘There’s no need, most patients would be far more comfortable being treated at home, and for emergencies, the nanites would deal with most of them before they even made it here.’

She turned to him with a raised eyebrow. Gwen wasn’t a doctor by any means, but she also doubted most people would have as many nanites in their body as she had. ‘And if the nanites aren’t enough, or if they run out?’

Pete smiled proudly before hooking his arm in hers and guiding her to the elevator again, their next destination, the top floor. Gwen stared at the scene before her in shock as the doors pinged open, some kind of crazy foundry-like factory making the entire floor look like an engineering workshop.

‘What is this?’ she asked in awe as she watched small, spherical, half-constructed robot drones being created on an assembly line.

‘If anyone with our nanites needs an emergency top-up, instead of sending an ambulance, we’ll send these drones with curated nanite payloads - actually, Cindy helped design this model, they can reach anywhere in the five Boroughs in seconds.’

Seeing her shocked look, Pete led her over to a completed drone. It…looked like a white, metallic basketball. A perfectly smooth orb that had no engines or any other apparent means of propulsion.

Gwen gaped. ‘How…?’

Pete grinned at her expression smugly, and Gwen yelped when the drone beeped and started to hover before them - she wanted to say it was silent, but with the cacophony of the foundry working in the background, she honestly couldn’t tell.

‘Our girl’s not just a pretty little slut,’ he teased and Gwen barked out in laughter at the unexpected descriptor, elbowing Pete playfully in the side as she stared at the futuristic sphere before her in awe. ‘These drones use a more advanced grav drive, not only do they completely ignore the effects of gravity, but they can also amplify it in any direction they require.’

Gwen snapped her head to him in shock. ‘W-what?! How is that even possible?! Isn’t the whole point of the Well so you could solve this very problem?!’

Pete laughed, and she squirmed in annoyance as he patted her head and ruffled her hair affectionately, batting his cheeky hand away. ‘It’s only possible because they’re so small and light, the energy requirements for something even of a size so a human can ride in it are an order of magnitude higher, completely inefficient until the guys at SI invent a better power source we can play with.’

Gwen gaped, unsure if she’d heard right. ‘Better than arc reactors?’

Pete shrugged, his sly smile still very much in place. She didn’t blame him, he had every reason to be proud, everything he’d shown her today had been incredible. ‘Arc reactors are ancient at this point. Tony’s been trying to upgrade on them for a while too - he’s been working on it exclusively for the past year.’

Gwen went back to staring at the drone foundry in awe, her eyes slowly panning around the room. What she’d initially thought was just a futuristic design choice in the metallic walls with spherical patterns she now realised were more like bays for the drones to rest and recharge.

‘I let Cindy name the new drives. She calls them Micro Gravitron drives, or MG drives. I think it’s pretty catchy -’

‘How are you paying for all this?’ she interrupted in shock before turning to him. ‘I get it, you’re rich, but this…this is a lot.’

Her boyfriend grimaced at her words before nodding, pulling her in close with a one-armed hug. ‘First, we’re rich,’ he corrected, and she purred and giggled when he reached down to pinch her ass. ‘Second…philanthropy, mostly. Tony donated some money too, but ideally, I’m hoping to introduce a fee for the service once we get enough people - something small, like a hundred bucks a month might not sound like a lot, but if everyone in America paid it? The world?’

Gwen did the calculations in her head and swallowed thickly. That…was a lot of money.

‘I own the building, and we don’t have that many overheads other than the salary for the doctors. Comparatively, this is a pretty cheap operation to run once we start charging for the service. We’re hoping to get that going by the end of the year.’

Gwen nodded slowly, leaning back against Pete’s chest and crossing her arms over his as she thought. ‘It’s like an even better form of health insurance. You get all the benefits and security that provides, as well as completely healthy and functional bodies. It’s proactive, as well as reactive…’

‘Exactly,’ Pete agreed with excitement. ‘It’ll change the world, and if I handle it right, we don’t even need to deal with governmental red-tape and bullshut corruption now that the nanites have obtained FDA approval.’ He winced, his smile dimming and his shoulders slouching. ‘I’m only bummed out that I didn’t get this done sooner, maybe then your mom would -’

Gwen shushed him by leaning up and pressing her lips against his, hugging him and pulling his head down into her chest. ‘Shh, your work will save billions, no, trillions going forward. I can’t think of a greater honour than having my mom’s name attached to something so noble. She’d have been proud.’

They exchanged watery smiles, taking comfort in each other’s arms.

‘Isn’t the opening ceremony for the anti-grav well tonight?’ Gwen asked, somehow forgetting the momentous occasion for all of humanity with everything that had happened that day. The entire world will be tuning in to see it not only activated, but also the newly upgraded Hellicarrier ascending into outer space.

‘Yeah,’ Pete answered with a chuckle as the elevator took them back down to the ground floor, the cacophony of the foundry fading into blissful silence. ‘Where do you wanna go to watch it?’

She frowned. ‘I was gonna say home, but I think I wanna be around other people when it happens…’

Pete nodded approvingly, agreeing. ‘We could always go to the rooftop bar in our building?’ He offered. Despite living in their new penthouse for months at this point, they’d yet to grace the bar with their presence aside from introducing themselves and becoming friendly with the staff. ‘Web told me they were hosting a swanky kind of cocktail slash viewing party for the unveiling.’

Gwen hummed in approval and smiled, leaning up and pressing her lips against his. ‘Sounds like fun.’


Pete chilled in their gaming room playing the latest Persona game while waiting for Gwen to get ready. He’d been summarily kicked out of their bedroom after Gwen’s hair stylist showed up, having already been dressed by his girlfriend and ready to go.

He chuckled as he remembered that little fiasco. Gwen had eyed his wardrobe critically and found it wanting. Without thought, she’d used her nanites to craft him a perfectly fitted, charcoal grey suit and tie, as well as a striking maroon dress shirt. Also, while tutting in annoyance, she’d put product in his hair and given him a trendy new do, creating some order out of the chaotic disorder.

Pete perked up when he heard the stylist and Gwen bidding each other a good evening. Checking his watch, he relaxed when he saw they still had plenty of time before the big event, even if his girlfriend had taken hours to get ready.

You’d think Gwen’s the kind of girl that’d be happy with a pantsuit with chucks, but ever since I’d given her those nanites man…

Any bitchy tirade that might have been building up instantly died in his throat when Gwen strolled into the room, and Pete did everything in his power to stop himself from swallowing his tongue.

‘That good?’ Gwen asked cheekily, putting her hands on her hips and turning to give him a profile view of her stunning physique, her glorious ass perfectly accentuated by her outfit.

Naturally, they matched, his girlfriend opting for a maroon evening gown that matched perfectly with his shirt and pocket square. The dress was silky, strapless and completely backless, dropping so low that he could just make out the beginnings of the cleft of her toned ass. It also had a high, one-sided split, showing a tantalising look at her powerful leg. Her heels matched his suit and it looked like she’d had a trim, her asymmetric undercut still there but her hair only falling in elegant, wavy tresses to her chin.

He loved the look on her, punky but somehow still elegant. He hoped she never changed it.

She’d also gone pretty heavy on the eyeshadow, accentuating and highlighting her striking, crystal blue eyes.


Still turning and posing for him, Gwen’s grin was supremely smug and inordinately pleased. ‘You better enjoy it, Stud. I won’t torture myself by wearing shoes like this often.’

Strolling over, she lifted the exposed leg and put her heel on his knee. Pete’s hands immediately went to her calf and hamstring to cop a feel, but his eyes were immediately drawn to what else was exposed.

Specifically, her complete lack of undergarments.

Swallowing thickly, he looked up at Gwen and saw her biting her lower lip sensually. Grinning, he slipped his hand further up her hamstring until his fingers brushed against her naked pussy. Gwen moaned at his touch, before slapping his hand away. ‘No! Bad boy! If you start now we won’t be leaving.’

He pouted, earning him a giggle as Gwen started to model him different sets of jewellery as they stood in front of a mirror, seeing which one best suited their combined look. Pete’s eyes narrowed further with each change, oblivious to his indecisive girlfriend.

She’s always been gifted with these nanites… but to create complex metals and minerals so seamlessly over and over without effort?

He’d been puzzling over the mystery of the Gwenites for some time, not liking how little he still understood about them - specifically in regards to their superpower granting abilities. It felt like another piece of the puzzle had just slid into place in his mind.

Finally happy with her choice of silver and diamonds, they locked arms and called for the elevator, excited butterflies fluttering in his stomach as the reality of what they would be seeing that night started to take hold.

Gwen, noticing his fidgeting, bumped him with her shapely hip and smiled up at him. ‘Excited?’

The tension drained out of Pete as he let out a disbelieving chuckle. ‘It’s unbelievable. I don’t think anything like this has happened in our lifetime. This has gotta be what the olds felt like with the moon landing…’

Gwen hummed in approval. ‘I think I’m finally starting to get excited too.’ Her eyes widened. ‘We should have invited Pet, she shouldn’t be alone for this!’

He laughed, but quickly controlled himself when the elevator paused and let on some of their neighbours, dressed in a way that let him know they were likely going to the same place. They smiled politely as the two couples gawked at them, moving to the back of the elevator as they crowded in.

Gwen stifled a moan when his hand slid down her bare back and slipped into her dress to cup her naked ass directly. ‘Cindy’s with Miles and their parents. Apparently Miles’ mom and Cindy’s parents go way back.’

‘Huh,’ Gwen whispered back in surprise, not having known of the prior connection despite spending so much time with the two. ‘Small world.’

Pete grinned as Gwen bit her lip to stifle a moan when he slipped a finger between her cheeks and started to brush against her rosebud. She collapsed against his side, gripping his waist almost painfully tight.

As the elevator dinged open onto the floor of the bar, she looked up at him through heavily lidded eyes, her voice deep and husky. ‘You’re playing with fire, Stud.’

Pete smiled wide, then bent down to plant a kiss just behind her ear in response. ‘I can’t help it,’ he whispered, his voice as deep and husky as her own ‘You look so fucking sexy in that dress. Do you think the others will mind if I tear it off you and fuck you right at the bar?’

Gwen whimpered, almost falling against him as her body shuddered with need and Pete almost had to carry her out of the elevator, his arm now wrapped more respectfully around her waist.

Their appearance drew immediate gasps and quiet whispers, but Pete ignored them all. Their building, physically, looked like two glass spires fused together, one half the size of the other. This meant the floors were double the size in the lower half of the building, and it was where the restaurants, gyms and bar were located.

The bar itself was on the rooftop of the ‘lower’ spire, on the Hudson river side of the building, affording it gorgeous views. As they exited out into the open air, they found it incredibly busy with dozens of equally fancily dressed partygoers. The bar ran along the walls to their immediate left and right while much of the rest of the space was taken up by comfortable looking lounge seating and a stage where a swanky jazz band was playing, their music not overpowering and instead adding to the elegant ambiance.

Pete turned to Gwen and grinned, bumping her with his hip. ‘Not your usual cup of tea, but I hope it’ll do.’

She looked up at him with a blinding smile and bumped him back, almost sending him reeling. ‘It’ll do - wow, check that out!’

Just as Pete was wondering if the TVs hanging up behind the bar would be adequate to catch the grand unveiling of the Well, Gwen motioned for him to look out over the edge. What he’d initially dismissed as just a trick of the light had him doing a double take.

‘Oh, that’s fancy.’

Rather than having some kind of huge screen, the bar had opted for something more unique and eye-catching. Over the edge of the building, misters sprayed up a constant stream of fine spray while a series of projectors shone powerful lights that reflected off the water droplets. It was an elaborate projector system, the image looking like a three-dimensional hologram floating in mid air.

That’s really cool, but I can already think of a dozen ways to make the image better -

Gwen bumped him again, a cheeky grin on her hips. ‘Stop trying to fix everything and just enjoy it,’ she teased, dragging him over to a nearby lounge and a group of strangers that instantly perked up at their arrival.

Pete did his best to be polite and answer any questions the strangers had - especially since they tried ever so hard not to act like starstruck children - but he was horrible at the whole ‘small-talk’ thing, so he let Gwen and the others carry the conversation. He felt like a complete drainer while his girlfriend was like a social butterfly, easily able to flit in and out of any conversation. Pete didn’t perk up until he overheard someone talking about the physics behind the mist screen, and he tried not to blush when he saw Gwen grinning slyly at him in his periphery.

The ice suitably broken, Pete spent the rest of the time talking about sports until someone was brave enough to ask him about what they would be seeing that night. While it wasn’t a secret that SI was building something massive in Australia, the public only really had rumours and vague stories as to what it actually was.

‘So, Doctor Parker - any clues as to what we’ll be seeing tonight?’ an older, handsome man asked, desperately fishing for information. The conversation around them instantly died down, letting Pete know that while this man had been the first to finally pop the question, he wasn’t the only one eager to know.

Flicking his wrist, Pete checked the time, cognizant that he had everyone’s attention solely focused on him now. He wasn’t a fan of the scrutiny, but thankfully, the show was about to start.

‘I’d hate to spoil my friend’s moment, why don’t you let her tell you?’

Everyone’s heads shot around as the floating image shifted from far-off aerial shots of the monolithic construct to a stage Pete assumed was somewhere within. At ten miles wide and over a hundred tall, even if the inside was mostly hollow, there was likely more office space within the walls of the structure than a hundred Manhattans.

Pete felt a jolt of excitement shoot through him when a beaming Riri stepped into frame and behind the podium. The sound around them instantly died down as everyone around the world tuned in to see what the big - literally - mystery project was all about.

Thankfully, while the image was subpar - in his opinion, even if fancy - the audio was top notch.

Pete chuckled as a nervous Riri looked back down at the podium, shuffling some papers and clearing her throat before turning back to the camera, a determined glint in her eye.

People of Earth,’ she began, and Pete withheld a wince. That had Tony written all over it. ‘I know you’re all eager to learn what we’ve been working on for all this time - I promise to be brief. I, and my colleagues at Stark Industries, have long held the belief that humanity’s next great frontier was up there, amongst the stars.’

Pete scanned the bar, everyone was hanging on every one of Riri’s words with rapt attention, even Gwen. Her words had started off stilted and awkward, but as she continued to speak, her passion and drive started to infuse them, translating through the screen and infecting everyone - he hoped - around the world.

‘Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of a reality where humanity was a space-faring species. However, despite all the money and other resources at my disposal, my, no, OUR arch-nemesis was always there to smack us down like an oppressive tyrant.’

Pete grinned as Riri pulled out an apple from behind the podium and held it out for the world to see.

Oh that’s brilliant.

Riri tossed the apple up into the air, and everyone watched as it sailed up before their arch-nemesis took a hold of it in its clutches and ruthlessly dragged it back down to the ground.

‘Gravity,’ Riri solemnly continued, as hushed whispers broke out all around them. ‘Gravity is our enemy. For years, we’ve been creating engines and propulsion systems to overpower it, all of them wildly inefficient and not fit for purpose. Then, one day, a dear friend of mine opened my eyes to the real issue.’

Riri walked out from behind her podium and bent down to pick up the apple. Despite the momentous occasion, Pete couldn’t help but noting how good she looked, her hair slicked back and tied up in a large, fizzy bun and dressed in a tight-fitting, elegant pantsuit, stiletto heels and blouse combo that both exuded power and accentuated her beauty and curves nicely.

As Riri stood back up, Pete took a sip from his coke as Gwen leaned over to whisper in his ear.

‘God she’s so hot… I want to eat her ass.’

Thankfully, everyone was engrossed with the coverage and didn’t see him making a complete ass of himself as the fizzy soda squirted out of and burned his nostrils. He shot his girlfriend the stink-eye as she snickered at him like Muttley.

The camera followed Riri as she walked towards and then behind it, an opening in the wall leading out into the abyss - no doubt the Well’s internals.

Riri spun around and faced the camera again, her eyebrow raised. ‘He told me I was looking at the problem all wrong. Why defeat gravity if we could just…ignore it?’

Several gasps both in the bar and, Pete hoped again, around the world sounded out as Riri launched the apple into the abyss. It did not fall, instead, it continued to sail out into the darkness until the camera could no longer pick it up.

Riri turned back to the camera with a grin. ‘We’re calling this megastructure the Stairway to Heaven -’

Pete slapped his face and groaned, unable to help himself. Several people turned to him in surprise and laughed along with Gwen at the pained look on his face.

‘God fucking damnit Tony…’

‘- allow me to demonstrate to you something a little more impressive than a floating apple.’ Riri was grinning at the camera cheekily, and Pete just somehow knew she was revelling in his pain.

Ugh, so goddamn cringe. What was wrong with Anti-Grav Well?!

Gasps rang out again as Riri lept out into the abyss. The gasps turned to exclamations of surprise and awe as not only did Riri not fall, but small puffs of air shot out of her suit and helped to arrest her momentum, letting her float there in the abyss. She manoeuvred like an astronaut in deep space…only she was still very much on planet Earth.

More lights started to switch on within the Stairway, illuminating the cavernous expanse within. While the opposite wall was technically visible, it was impossible to make out any details, even with minimal obstructions and adequate lighting. As the camera shifted its focus down however, it was revealed they were much lower in the structure than Pete had realised, as the new and improved Hellicarrier came into view.

No longer did the awesome ship look like a flying aircraft carrier, clearly being redesigned for its new environment. It looked to be twice as big, with eight wings instead of four. Instead of massive propellers in each wing however, they’d been replaced with huge plasma engines that would allow the behemoth of a ship to manoeuvre in zero-G effectively.

It would be so much better with the grav drives… but they’re not ready for something that big.

Riri gently touched down on the ground as if she’d descended the final step on a staircase. She turned to the camera and smiled wide, her arms spread.

‘With the power of the Stairway, any and all airships can lift off through our atmosphere with a fraction of the effort, Gravity holding no sway over them while they’re within these immense walls.’ She paused, as if waiting for the non-existent applause to die down, or more likely, to let the enormity of what she was claiming to sink in. ‘I thought, what better way to demonstrate this than by having humanity’s first starship do just that?’

Pete was really happy for Riri. She looked powerful, in charge and in her element, her smile not having dimmed from the moment the broadcast had begun.

Still smiling wide, she turned towards the huge ship and twirled her finger in the air, signalling for it to take off. Pete figured the gesture was more for the cameras, rather than the passengers of the ship itself. He grinned as he imagined Fury standing rigidly at the helm, trying desperately not to show his excitement.

Lights flickered on and the engines of the massive ship flared to life. Everyone on planet Earth watched as the new and improved Helicarrier started to rise, picking up speed as it did so and showing no signs of strain. Not only was the ship continuing to pick up speed, it didn’t even rotate to minimise resistance, instead allowing its eight, huge plasma engines to lift it into outer space, the planet’s gravity well rendered utterly impotent thanks to the colossal megastructure.

The cameras followed its ascent all the way and five minutes later, they all had a view from the cheering bridge as the Helicarrier looked down on the gorgeous planet Earth, its trip into the planet’s outer orbit complete.

While everyone at the bar was still gaping at the scene before them, trying to wrap their minds around the implications, Pete gripped Gwen’s hand and pulled her up, dragging her behind him with an urgency that surprised his girlfriend.

‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, worried as she hurried to catch him in her heels.

His head on a swivel, Pete smiled when he saw a narrow trail leading to a private pavilion over on the far end of the bar. It wasn’t completely isolated, but honestly?

Pete didn’t care.

‘Nothing’s wrong,’ he answered, turning to Gwen. She must have seen something in his eyes because Gwen paused, her eyes wide before she grinned slyly.

‘You’re such a nerd,’ she teased playfully. ‘Getting turned on by that?’

He didn’t deny it, instead, gripping Gwen’s bicep tightly and dragging her to the nook he spotted. It was a simple extrusion form the building blocked off from the rest of the bar only by a tree. There were several over on this side of the roof, each of them providing gorgeous views of the Hudson and the Statue of Liberty in the distance along with a private area apart from the rest of the bar.


Pete roughly shoved Gwen against the railing and she gripped it with both hands, looking over her shoulder at him and grinning saucily.

Her eyes widened, however, when he unzipped his slacks and pulled his aching cock out, but that was nothing compared to her reaction when he brushed her dress aside, completely exposing her naked lower half to the balmy night air.

‘Are you serious - ooooh!’ Gwen’s words immediately trailed off into a sultry groan as he slipped inside his girlfriend, her warm, velvety tunnel squeezing him like a vice. ‘Oh my God!’ she panted with lust, turning to look back at him as his hips crashed repeatedly against her big, toned ass. ‘I can’t, hah, believe it, ooh, this is so hot!’

Pete was beyond words. Gwen wasn’t wrong to imply that something about what they’d just seen had turned him on beyond belief - it was nerdy, and he’d probably laugh at himself and be embarrassed by it later, but all he wanted to do was fuck his girl’s brains out.

He’d been this close to fucking her right there on the couch in front of all those people, and while he doubted Gwen would have minded all that much, he wasn’t sure if he could say the same for the owners of the bar.

Pete blindly pawed at the front of Gwen’s beautiful dress, pulling the front down and exposing her perky tits to the night air. His fingers pinched and pulled her erect nipples as he urgently pounded in and out of her, his girlfriend holding his hands in place as her head tilted back and she moaned.

‘Oh! Um…’

Both Pete and Gwen’s heads snapped towards the startled voice, his girlfriend groaning when she saw a pretty young waitress standing there awkwardly, unsure where to look or what to say. No doubt she’d been sent there to find the source of the amorous noises, and maybe even pour some metaphorical cold water on the couple to get them to stop.

When she saw who it was though, she clearly didn’t know what to do. Everyone in the building knew him and hardly any of them denied him anything. Shock and embarrassment warred on her blushing features, but Pete didn’t stop fucking Gwen, and his girl didn’t stop moaning, her pussy squeezing him even tighter as the girl just stared, unmoving.

‘Sorry,’ Gwen apologised with a wide grin around her moans, looking utterly unapologetic. ‘We were in a celebratory, nnh, mood. Can you get me a glass of, oooh, champagne?’

The girl’s face flushed a brilliant crimson before coming to a decision and hurrying away, a stuttering mess. Pete wasn’t much better, to be honest, his girl’s pussy squeezing down on him like a velvet vice, the exhibitionism driving her wild. Pete was about to lean forward and bite down on her shoulder, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw two servers peek out from around the corner to spy on their rutting.

Pete huffed out an amused laugh, but didn’t stop fucking Gwen. Instead, he leaned back, delivering a harsh spank on her toned ass as his hips continued to crash against hers.

‘What?’ Gwen grunted, after her delighted moan at the rough treatment.

He huffed again, his eyes flicking over to his right as Gwen looked back at him. ‘Don’t look now, but we’ve got an audience.’

Predictably, Gwen’s eyes widened in delight and she bit her lip, moaning in bliss. ‘Fuck yessss.’

Pete pulled out, but before Gwen could moan in disappointment, he flipped her around and hoisted her up onto the nearby table. Her dress at this point had pooled around her waist, leaving her upper half as exposed as her bottom, the dress still brushed aside.

At this point, the music had started up again and the merriment was in full swing, so it wasn’t immediately obvious when Gwen let out an uninhibited, guttural groan when he sunk all the way in her tight ass in one, powerful thrust. Leaning back on her elbows, she had her legs hooked around his as he thrust into her tight ass, her flesh rippling with each bruising impact. Gwen had her eyes screwed shut, her mouth open in a continuous, deep groan as he plundered her depths and played into her exhibitionist fantasies.

Speaking of, Pete tabbed into the building’s security system, particularly the camera feeds covering the bar and the security room itself. He wasn’t surprised to see the two guys that were supposed to be keeping an eye on things with their dicks in hand and jerking off to the sight of them.

What did surprise him was the hubbub the waitress had caused back at the bar, apparently having spilled the beans on what she’d seen around the corner. The two guys that had been spying on them had been wrangled back to the bar by their boss, while a semi-cordon had been set up to provide them some privacy.

They’d no-doubt done it as a sign of respect to him, but, well, it wasn’t necessary.

When the server came back with Gwen’s drink, her face flushed crimson and her eyes locked on the floor, Pete stopped her before she could retreat.

Gwen’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of her voice and with his paused thrusting. She snatched the drink and took a sip, looking as if she didn’t have a care in the world despite being, effectively, completely naked and with a cock plugging her slutty ass.

‘You, err, don’t need to worry about our modesty,’ Pete told her with a shy grin, motioning to Gwen with a flick of his head. ‘My girlfriend gets off on risky sex - it’s part of the fun.’

Her blush deepened and the poor girl looked like she didn’t know what to say. ‘S-sure, I-I’ll let my b-boss know, D-doctor Parker!’

Before she could retreat, Gwen called out to her. ‘You’re pretty cute,’ Gwen purred, her crystal blue eyes flicking to him and twinkling merrily and her lips quirked in a cheeky grin before turning back to the girl. She was cute, her all-black shirt and slacks combo hiding a rather voluptuous physique with its unflattering cut. ‘Want to join us?’

‘I c-cant,’ she demurred, her face somehow getting even redder. Pete was surprised by the hesitation before her answer though, and her obvious disappointment when she realised the offer was serious. ‘I’m working and…I need this job…’

‘Your loss,’ Gwen teased, taking another sip of her champagne before chuckling throatily when Pete punished her for embarrassing the poor girl by spanking her meaty thigh. ‘Mmm, harder baby.’

With a final, longing look, the girl shook her head and hurried away as Pete leaned down to take one of her nipples between his teeth.

Gwen must have seen the lights flashing in his eyes, because her eyebrows rose, her breaths coming in ragged, excited pants. ‘What are you, hah, watching?’

‘Keeping an eye on the camera feeds,’ he muttered around her nipples, switching to suckling after applying bruising force with his teeth - not that he could break her skin, even if he tried. Putting his lips against her ear, he whispered, ‘the guys in the security room are jerking off, looking at your sexy, slutty body.’

Gwen purred, her back arching as she chuckled throatily. ‘It’s been so long since we’ve done something crazy like this,’ she whined, screwing her eyes shut as he started to thrust again.

Pete’s eyebrows rose, his mind going back to the other night where they’d had her debut stream. ‘You mean a few nights?’ he joked and Gwen chuckled, her eyes remaining closed. ‘Mm, too long.’

He was kidding of course, she was referring to the sex show they’d put on in Sweden.

Pete decided he should treat his girl to some risky sex more often. He found himself caring less and less about the consequences as time went on.

Though they were shielded from the bar’s main area by trees and walls, anyone on any of the other balcony extrusions on this side of the building only had to look across to see them going at it, and while the balustrade, heat lamps and flora shielded them from being completely exposed, their moaning made it obvious what was going on.

With the broadcast having come to an end, Pete watched on the camera feeds as people started to split off from the lounge area - getting drinks, mingling and the like. With his hips still crashing against Gwen’s, his thumb rubbing his moaning girlfriend’s clit, Pete watched as several small groups moseyed on over to the vacant balconies, no doubt eager for some peace and quiet and beautiful views as they drank.

For those seeking peace and quiet? They would be…disappointed.


‘Huh?’ Gwen slurred, her face red as she looked up at him in a pleasure-drunk daze. She had one hand holding her flute of champagne, while the other wrapped around the railing she was leaning against. Pete was half focused on her tensed, shredded body, half focused on the people about to join them out here on their own, separate balconies.

Gwen whimpered when he slowed his thrusting, burying himself to the hilt as he leaned in close. Flicking his head to the side, towards the other balconies, he grinned. ‘This isn’t the only balcony…’

Gwen’s eyes widened and her head snapped to the side. Again, they were pretty shielded, but you only had to look across to make out the other balconies - four of them. When she started to see other patrons coming out in their fancy dress, drinks in hand, she immediately grabbed their attention with a needy moan.

Pete exposed them even more by rubbing her clit again, his free hand pinching one of her pebbled, aching nipples.

Ironically, this started to bring back memories of Sweden - the cold, the unnatural warmth brought by science, and their excited observers.

While Pete much preferred Gwen’s pussy, the way her ass gripped him like a vice was just as enjoyable, and that sensation only increased as more and more people tried to look over the barriers to see the source of the erotic moaning.

His girl didn’t hide, her head leaning back over the edge and clearly visible as her body rocked, moaning her pleasure to the cool, night sky.

‘You’re so, hnn, bad,’ Pete joked, his fingers dancing appreciatively over her tensed abs. Gwen turned back to him, her eyes almost wild with lust.

‘They can see me,’ she whined, rocking more as Pete picked up the pace. ‘They, hah, saw us. Earlier. Together.’

Pete’s knowing chuckle rumbled in his chest as he cupped the side of her face.

‘I know.’

Gwen whined, her breaths coming in ragged pants and her eyes screwing shut.

‘They know I’m with you!’

‘I know.’

Each affirmation only drove her more wild. She looked over in the direction of the other balconies and Pete made sure to time it with a deep thrust inside her. Gwen’s eyes screwed shut and she moaned. Loudly.

‘They’re watching…’

‘So am I.’

And he was. He could see through the camera feeds as the other patrons leaned over the edge to try and get a better look, each of them giggling into their drinks like horny teenagers. He also saw two waiters fighting over who would serve them next, the girl who had waited on them having stepped behind the bar to help out.

One eventually won out though and quickly joined them on their balcony, his eyes wide when he beheld Gwen’s naked form, his eyes roving over her body and finally landing on her empty, glistening pussy. His nostrils flared and he stared for an inappropriate amount of time before finally shaking himself out of it and blushing when he realised both he and Gwen were staring at him.

‘C-can I get either of you another drink?’

Pete demurred, not a drinker, but Gwen just held up her empty champagne flute as Pete went back to fucking her, heedless of the company and, to be honest, a little turned on by it.

The guy was younger than them and dressed in the same black uniform as all the others. He was white with long hair tied up in a topknot, a short beard and arms covered in tattoo sleeves that were visible because of his rolled-up sleeves. He looked like a barista from a trendy cafe, and was clearly infatuated with Gwen.

If the kid thought Pete would pass him the glass Gwen was teasingly twirling between her fingers, he was sorely mistaken and, after clearing his throat, he slowly approached as his girlfriend cheekily held it just out of his reach.

Then Pete got a naughty idea. Given Gwen’s behaviour when the other girl had come to serve them too, they were going to get a reputation.

A bit late for that.

Pete added more clit stimulation with his thrusting and Gwen shrieked in surprised pleasure, almost fumbling her glass before catching it with her dexterous fingers. Pete turned to the kid beside them and grinned as his girl’s moans grew louder and louder.

‘Hey, buddy, people come out here for some peace and quiet, you should probably do something to help keep her quiet, don’t you think?’

The kid, Chester, his nametag read, looked at him with wide, disbelieving eyes as Pete felt Gwen tighten around him, a guttural groan escaping from between her lips. Pete wondered if he’d have to elaborate but apparently the server caught on quickly, his hands going to his belt buckle and shaking with excitement, his head on a nervous swivel.

He flopped out a cock that was surprising on his slight frame, decently sized but still soft.

‘C’mere cutie,’ Gwen purred as Pete sank in deep, ripping another delighted moan from his naughty girl. His slacks now around his ankles, the kid waddled over, his cock steadily hardening as he drew closer. When Gwen palmed his balls in a gentle grip, the shaft resting against her forearm, Chester hissed, his head flying back as he revelled in the contact from the insanely beautiful woman, girlfriend of one of the most famous men on Earth.

He and Gwen shared an amused look as the kid’s legs almost buckled before she gently started to tug his shaft to hardness. Fully hard, he was an above average seven inches, but not as girthy as Pete.

Wrapping an arm around his thigh, Gwen pulled him close and swallowed him whole, replacing her own pleased moans and groans with a startled shriek from the young waiter.

‘Holy s-shit!’ he hissed, staring between the gorgeous Gwen and the grinning Pete in disbelief. ‘I - I can’t believe this is, mmm, happening!’

Gwen’s giggle was muffled by the kid’s cock, her baby blues staring up at him coquettishly while her cheeks hollowed as she sucked.

Pete joined her in her mirth, hooking an arm under one of her legs and going back to his steady thrusting, his eyes focused on his slutty girl’s eyes twinkling with amusement.

‘Well, you did offer her a drink, buddy,’ Pete teased, earning another muffled giggle from Gwen as her tongue no-doubt went into overdrive, spiralling around the kid’s cock the way Pete loved.

He remembered their time in Sweden, how he came to regret not inviting any of their voyeurs to join them after the fact because he was still a little nervous and wary of his own emotions. Now, looking at Gwen’s shredded, beautiful body rock as he fucked her, her lips sealed around this stranger’s cock…

He had no regrets.

Well, except for the fact that the cute waitress hadn’t decided to join them as well.

Hard to tell for sure with that baggy shirt, but she had huge tits…

His nervousness combined with the fact that Gwen might possibly be the hottest girl that had even looked the kid’s way, he didn’t last long. Biting on his fist to mask his own grunts and gasps of pleasure, his hips rocked, gently thrusting into Gwen’s mouth.

Gwen switched between looking up into the kid’s eyes, and then his own to check in on him, her eyes crinkling with amusement whenever they did so. With one final, deep thrust, Gwen’s back arched and she squealed around the cock in her mouth, her climax washing over her in a shower of bliss. While Gwen writhed in pleasure, Pete quickly pulled out of her ass and slid back into his favourite pussy in the world, her love tunnel fluttering around him as she still shook with pleasure. His thumb had been gently massaging her clit the entire time, but he now upped his ministrations, the fingers on the same hand pressing down hard on her mons so his cock would brush against her g-spot with every one of his thrusts.

Gwen’s eyes widened, her gaze shooting to him in disbelief and delight as the intensity of her orgasm increased.

‘Cumming!’ the kid hissed, hunching over and gripping the sides of Gwen’s face gently, his body rocking as he no-doubt unloaded several jets of cum down his girl’s throat.

‘Swallow it all you dirty slut,’ Pete hissed, the power of his thrusts increasing as his groin crashed into her meaty ass with bruising force. Gwen groaned, her eyes screwed shut as she visibly swallowed the load the kid was giving her.

When he was done, Chester stumbled away and almost fell over a nearby chair, his eyes still wide and his cock still half-hard. Pete turned to him and grinned, giving him a cheeky wink. ‘I’d prefer a coke, if you don’t mind.’

He nodded, his face still set in a rictus of shock as he quickly made himself presentable before hurrying away, not knowing what else to say.

Pete turned back to Gwen with an eye-roll. She was no longer shaking from her orgasm, but if the look in her eyes was any indication, he was in for a long night. ‘Rude. He didn’t even say thanks.’

Pete yelped when Gwen laughed then pulled him down by his tie - completely ruining his knot, by the way - and captured his lips in a steamy, passionate kiss, her legs wrapping around his back and pulling him close. When they finally pulled apart, they both laughed when they realised they’d missed someone coming to drop off his drink.

‘You’re so hot,’ she whispered, staring up at him reverently, a giddy smile on her lips.

He was about to make a self-deprecating joke, but he didn’t feel like ruining the mood. Gwen always hated it when he put himself down, even if it was in jest.

‘I try.’

He’d apparently chosen wisely, because his girl’s smile widened before kissing him again.

They had several more guests come to wait on them, apparently each waiter taking a turn perv on the insanely erotic scene. Unfortunately, none were as horny as Chester had apparently been and accepted their invitation to join them.

Luckily, Gwen seemed to get a kick out of the invite alone every time, her pussy tightening around him like a vice when he asked, or when she spied someone peeking in on them through the foliage and artistic architecture between the balconies.

They hung around for another hour before finally deciding to leave. As much fun as they’d had, Pete’s face flushed when he felt all eyes on them as they walked through the bar, Gwen having fixed her dress and moulded herself to his side as they confidently left.

That was nothing compared to Chester's blush when Gwen pointedly eyed his crotch as they passed him and loudly thanked him and him alone for his service.

Pete dragged his madly cackling girl out of the bar before her chaos grenade exploded, his fingers pinching her side as she writhed against him.

‘Stooop!’ she whined, giggling under his assault.

‘You’re gonna get the kid in trouble!’ he hissed, unable to keep the mirth out of his tone.

The elevators immediately opened at their approach, and his girl shoved him in without a care at all for the other passengers. He let out a pained oof as he thudded against the back wall, then groaned when Gwen plastered herself to his front and captured his lips in another searing kiss.

When she pulled away, his face was flush and they were both panting heavily, completely ignoring the gaping people around them.

In between kisses and nips on his jugular, his girl leaned up to whisper into his ear.

‘The only one that’s going to be in trouble tonight is you, Stud…’

Pete felt a thrill of excitement shoot through him at the naughty words…

It had been a while since Gwen had brought out the strap-on.


Ike Vann

Peter really is getting more bold on wear they have sex. That's Great!!! I wonder wear he'll try next.

Ike Vann

To bad the waitess didn't join in. Peter should have invited her to tgeir apartment after she got off.

Ike Vann

Was it really just a guess on Gwens part or are Big Pharmas actually trying to kill Peter?

Ike Vann

Will we get a chapter of Riri, Peter,and Gwen having sex celebrating the success of the Stairway to Heaven?


It's obviously just an deduction based on conjecture. They've been following the mob lead for a while with nothing to show for it though.


Riri will be back, but it'll be a bit. They'll be visiting her in Australia at some point.


There are so many girls coming to share their bed in one way or another, I didn't think that scene was necessary.


It seems like you completely forgot about Gwen's video library with her previous lovers. Could you do a chapter of Peter reacting to Gwen's video with Jamal (The guy from chapter 6)?