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Multiversal Cheaters, Hotwives and Cuckolds

Chapter 10: On Tilt

Fandom: Harry Potter

Tags: Married, Voyeurism, Massage, Hotwife

Harry frowned as he watched his wife laying into the punching bag like it was Draco Malfoy, each heavy punch accompanied by a scream of rage and frustration that felt like a dagger to his very soul.

Even in her fury, his wife was beautiful. Dressed in nothing but a sports bra and scrunch shorts that clung to her powerful bum like a second skin - leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination - Ginny’s toned, athletic body was fully on display as her pale skin glistened and flushed with her exertions, her muscles tensing every time she snapped out a punch or kick at the heavy bag.

It was a sight that would normally fire him up and lead to him throwing his wife over his shoulder and charging up the stairs towards their bedroom, but never in his life had the phrase ‘not in the mood’ been more apt.

The Harpies were having a terrible season and Ginny, their star seeker, wasn’t handling the blame being laid at her feet well at all, no matter how undeserved the criticism was. The new season had brought with it a new coach, one who emphasised a kind of play that ran completely contrary to the way the Harpies played previous season.

And with that new coach came new players. They’d replaced their entire starting chaser lineups for cheaper, younger options that Ginny had absolutely no rapport with, all so they could fund a move for world-class beaters.

The risky - some would say, insane - move blew up in their faces spectacularly, and the Harpies were languishing in the lower half of the table.

For a team that ran the champions all the way to the last game of the previous season, that was an utter travesty.

Gin wasn’t handling the over-the-top criticism her new coach was laying at her feet well at all, she was handling their new triple training sessions - morning, afternoon and evening, six days a week - even worse.

Honestly, I’m shocked she even has enough energy remaining to beat up that punching bag…

The less said about the negative effect on their sex life, the better. Harry wasn’t a fool, he knew his wife well enough to know that bringing up his desire to maybe get his dick sucked would more likely result in the removal of said appendage, than a nice orgasm.

This can’t go on. Gin’s being targeted unfairly, but her anger is putting her on tilt, inadvertently willing the garbage, undeserved criticisms into reality…

With a sigh, he silently left the potion-enhanced smoothie by the door to their in-home gym and retreated to his office. Collapsing into his comfy chair, he rubbed at his eyes wearily and sighed. He needed to think.

A half an hour later, Ginny slipped into his office with a guilty look on her face, her anger momentarily drained away. With her coppery locks plastered to her beautiful flush and sweaty face and the incredibly skimpy clothes she was wearing, it was hard to keep his raging libido in check. It became a lot easier when he rolled his chair out from under his desk and she curled up in his lap like a kitten.

‘Thanks for the drink,’ she mumbled, her face buried in the crook of his neck and her arms wrapped around his waist. ‘I swear you missed your calling, my muscles don’t ache at all.’

Harry chuckled, squeezing his wife’s lithe, athletic form tightly against his muscular chest. ‘I hear it runs in the family.’

Gin’s sleepy purr trailed off and her breathing evened out, passing out in his lap out of sheer exhaustion. Harry just sat there, running his hand through her hair for several minutes before standing and taking her to their bed. He didn’t bother removing her sweaty clothes, instead cleaning them and her body with a simple flick of his wand before tucking her in and dismissing the lights.

Retreating back to his office, he collapsed on the plush armchair by the fire, a look of consternation on his stern features. With a sigh, he reached over to the nearby end table and picked up the landline, dialling in the number for his brother-in-law’s house.

After a few rings, someone answered. ‘Yello?’

Harry smiled, the friendly voice of George Weasley already lightening his mood.

‘Hey mate, how’s it going?’

They caught up for a while until there was a natural lull in the conversation.

‘I’m assuming you’re wanting to speak to Angie?’

Harry snorted in amusement, pressing the cool glass of firewhisky against his temple. ‘What gave it away?’

George laughed. ‘I watched Gin’s last game, she looked ready to murder Stevens by the end of it. I know how she can get…’

Harry chuckled, feeling a lot less stressed for having caught up with his friend. ‘She’s not that bad,’ he defended, feeling a need to stand up for his spitfire of a wife, ‘but she’s in a bad way, and who better to ask for advice on how to deal with tilting quidditch players than our old captain?’

George laughed. ‘Too right, I’ll get her. Good talking to ya mate.’

Harry waited on the line and grinned when he heard his old captain’s husky, amused voice.

‘I had a feeling I’d be getting a call soon.’

Harry laughed, his weariness audible in his tone. ‘Hey Ange, how’s it going?’

‘A lot better than you, I imagine,’ she joked as they briefly caught each other up on their lives. George, Fred, Angie and Alicia were making an absolute killing with their joke shop, having already opened at several locations across Europe while struggling to keep up with demand.

‘That’s awesome Ange, really.’

His friend laughed. ‘You’re just saying that because you’re raking in the royalties!’

‘It certainly doesn’t hurt,’ Harry joked, having invested extra money several times as the twins and their wives looked to expand.

It was honestly the best money he’d ever spent.

‘So why don’t you go ahead and get to the real reason for this call?’ Angie, God bless her, was always one to cut through the bullshit.

Harry chuckled, his weariness no-doubt audible over the line.

‘Yeah, guilty. I wanted some advice -’


Harry sighed. ‘How d’you deal with tilting players? None of what’s happening is her fault, but she’s getting angrier by the day, and it’s actually making things worse.’

I dunno, sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me, that’s your area of expertise, isn’t it?’

Harry barked out a laugh. ‘You’re hilarious.’

After getting over her fit of giggles, Angie calmed down with a sigh. Both she, and Oliver before her, had always been incredible at managing not just the tactics of the team, but the personalities as well - it’s what made them such natural leaders and captains.

Harry had never needed to avail himself of such expertise, but he’d seen how they’d expertly handled his teammates when disaster looked all-but imminent, a part of him hoped desperately to pick up some pointers on how he could help his wife.

After letting him vent for a bit, Angie sighed, regret clear in her tone. ‘Haych, I want to help you, really, I do, but I’m not sure how much my expertise will be applicable here.’

Harry frowned in confusion. ‘What do you mean?’

She sighed again, and Harry could hear her shuffling about on the other end of the line. When he heard the door closing, his eyebrows rose in surprise.

‘What do you remember about your time in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?’

His frown deepened, the hesitation and trepidation in Angie’s tone putting him on edge. ‘We’re not that old Ange. I remember things running pretty smoothly, all things considered.’

‘Right, well, that’s not natural. When the blood gets pumping and hormones are all over the place, young adults don’t typically make the wisest decisions…’

Harry rolled his eyes, and Angie immediately snapped from the other end of the line.

‘Don’t roll your eyes!’

Harry gaped. ‘How did you -?’

Listen, when players got really amped up, or tensions and stress got really high, I, and Oliver before me, and I’m assuming whoever was captain before him, just paid for the player to have a session at the Velvet Lounge.’

Harry froze, his eyes widening in shock after finally realising why she was so hesitant. The Velvet Lounge was an infamous business in Hogsmeade that catered to the oft visiting young adults from the nearby school, travelling scholars and busy merchants. An upscale brothel in all but name, witches and wizards would go in and be pampered by an appropriate attendant - sometimes it was just a willing ear or a shoulder to cry on, but more often than not, it meant a real good shag.

At least, that’s what he’d heard from his mates who frequented the place often.



‘And that worked?’ Harry finally asked incredulously, after regaining his bearings.

Angie burst out laughing. ‘There’s not much a good shag can’t cure.’

‘Did you… no, sorry, that’s none of my business.’

Her tone was thick with amusement now, along with an undercurrent of sensuality that had the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He’d had a bit of a crush on his captain ever since accidentally walking in on her in the showers - it was what had first sparked in him his desire for a fit and toned woman of his own.

‘Did I ever go to the lounge and avail myself of their services?’ she asked, finishing the question he was too much of a coward to voice himself. ‘Sure, a couple of times. Especially after losing to Slytherin.’

His eyes wide, Harry let the silence stretch on for a couple of moments. ‘Bloody hell…’

She laughed again. ‘Oh man I wish I was there to see that adorable blush on your cheeks. You obviously can’t do that, but you’re a smart chap, I’m sure you can figure out how to give your wife a massage that’ll have her melting into a puddle of goo…’

Angie kept talking, but he barely listened. His mind was instead being bombarded with images of Angie fucking the prostitutes at the lounge, her dark, muscular body writhing against their perfect ones, their big cocks plunging in and out of her.

Then his traitorous mind changed up the scene. Angie’s dark, powerful body was replaced with his wife’s pale, slender yet no less toned frame, a thick, long cock sliding in and out of her…

All as he watched, his cock throbbing with desire.

They ended the call soon after, but Harry remained distracted. Images of the sinful, taboo variety continued to bombard his mind’s eye, and his cock just grew harder and harder until he was forced to unzip his trousers and pull out his member with a sigh of relief.

Would she go for it…? Do you even want her to?

He started to slowly wank as he thought over those questions, and before he knew it, he had finished all over himself, making a right mess.

Well I guess that answers that question…


The next day, Ginny flooed home in a foul mood after another gruelling training session where she was made to continuously dodge bludgers on the most budget of Cleansweep brooms.

It was abuse in the guise of training, and Harry almost lost his cool, murder in his eyes when he saw his wife’s bedraggled form.

It honestly warmed her heart.

She was sore, she was tired, she was angry and she was just about ready to destroy the punching bag and relieve some of her stress.

She froze when, barely a second after slipping into her skimpy workout clothes, a cool, silken hood was placed over her head - completely obstructing her vision - and a pair of strong, comforting arms wrapped around her waist.

Ginny had to force down the violent, instinctive urge to lash out the second her vision was obscured. ‘...Harry?’

‘Shh,’ her husband soothed, brushing the loose strands of hair that escaped the hood over her shoulder. ‘Do you trust me?’

She frowned, but she answered without hesitation. ‘Always.’

‘Good,’ he purred, and she shivered in delight when he put his hand on the small of her back and carefully started to lead her out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

‘A-are we going somewhere?’ she asked, hating the quaver in her voice. Ginny was the kind of woman that hated not being in control, but when it came to the love of her life, she gladly surrendered. ‘I h-haven’t had a shower yet. I stink.’

Ginny moaned when Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. ‘You smell like girl-sweat - it’s sexy.’

She giggled at the absurd statement, elbowing him in the gut for his bollocks. He let out a pained oomph, but otherwise chuckled along with her.

‘Don’t worry luv, just relax. Trust me.’

So she did. Ginny allowed her husband to lead her outside, barely having a few seconds to shiver at the biting cold before the familiar, whole-body compressing sensation of apparition let her know they were no longer home.

Wherever they were, it was dead silent save for the crackling of a fire. The room was warm, but not enough to be uncomfortable and it smelt…strange. She detected a nutty aroma with a hint of a fruity twist.

‘Just relax and enjoy,’ her husband whispered in her ear, before he let her go and stepped away. She froze, immediately missing his touch, and flinching when she felt a new pair of hands on her.

She was about to tear off her hood, but, thankfully, that was taken care of for her. Blinking to clear the spots from her vision, her eyes widened when she saw the room she was in, her eyes scanning her opulent surroundings.

The walls were lined with heavy, velvet drapes of midnight blue while on the far wall was a large, obsidian fireplace that housed the fire she’d heard crackling earlier. The carpet was so plush she felt like she might sink into it and, in the middle of the cosy space, a massage table was set up, along with a nearby shelf that housed dozens of bottles of what she could only assume were oils and potions.

Turning, Ginny’s eyes widened when, instead of finding her husband, she laid eyes on a man slightly older than her with caramel coloured skin and thick, wavy black hair. He was dressed in a flowing, velvet oriental robe tied at the waist and, while very clearly topless underneath, also wore loose, baggy pants. The robe was as blue as the drapes and decorated with silver floral patterns on the lapels.

The man was also gorgeous, his dark eyes peering into her soul. Instead of speaking, he gave her a polite, thin-lipped smile and motioned to the massage table.

‘Oh, oh!’ her eyes widened in realisation, then her face flushed a deep crimson. She should have realised instantly given the heavy velvet decorations and the uniform.

Harry brought me to the Velvet Lounge?!


The man smiled in understanding and instead motioned her to a door she’d overlooked previously leading out of the room. With a final look around to wonder where her husband had disappeared to, she hesitantly padded her way over to where the man was motioning.

We need these rugs at home, it’s like I’m walking on clouds…

The room turned out to be a…rainforest? She looked around, wide-eyed to see the forest billowing with mist, the overhead canopy shrouded in darkness. Flickering lights in the darkness provided illumination for the peaceful surroundings, likely the result of a colony of fairies. Turning to her handsome guide, he motioned to a nearby basket with a smile.

‘If you like,’ he whispered, his voice soft, soothing and instantly dispelling any of her trepidation. Ginny was no prude, but even she hesitated to get naked around another man - especially one as handsome as this one.

Harry’s the one that brought me here, calm down girl.

Clearing her throat, Ginny removed her skimpy workout clothes and put them in the basket, blushing prettily when the gorgeous man gave her body an appreciative onceover before turning and taking her outfit away, leaving her standing in the mystical clearing naked and alone.

She was just about to ask what she was supposed to do, but her words died in her throat as the enchanting mist started to roll in from between the tall tree trunks, like a misty cloud that wanted to devour her.

That turned out to only be half true, the mist wanted to devour all the dirt and grime off her body. Ginny groaned, the feeling of the wet mist seeping into her skin and cleansing her body of impurities absolutely heavenly. Holding her arms out, she embraced the feeling, her cheeks reddening further as she felt her nethers started to respond to the cleansing treatment with delight.

She’d heard stories of the Velvet Lounge from her friends, but had never had the money - or courage - to avail herself of their services before. Then, after she started dating Harry, well…she didn’t think it was appropriate for an attached woman to attend.

It was supposedly a brothel, after all.

If I’d known they had spa services though? Bloody hell!

Ginny groaned as the soothing mist - definitely magical in nature - almost instantly started to dull the ache in her muscles. More importantly, she felt as if weeks of dirt and grime was simply sloughing off her body and pooling at her feet.

To add to the experience, the trunks of the nearby trees seemed to gently vibrate and emit a pleasant, soft humming tune that enhanced the sense of relaxation and bliss.

Far too soon, her magical steam shower ended and her gorgeous, velvet bedecked guide was leading her through the faux rainforest and towards a pool glittering with sparkling, crystal blue water.

Ginny wasn’t even self-conscious about her nudity anymore, even when she caught the man staring. Somehow, his silence made his presence easy to ignore, the pleasure that this cleansing was providing her sole focus. Letting go of his hand, she glided into the water without hesitation, groaning with bliss when she felt how warm it was, and how the no-doubt magical liquid seeped into every pore, soothing aches and pains she didn’t even know were still there, having long grown accustomed to them.

Far too soon for her liking, her guide reappeared like a wraith from the brush and held out his arm, his intentions clear. A part of her wanted to tell him to fuck off, that she was enjoying this soak far too much to put an end to it, but he was the expert. It was literally his job to pamper her, and she doubted her wealthy husband had cheaped out on this experience.

Merlin, Harry… I’ve been neglecting him lately and being a selfish bitch. I’m gonna fuck him so hard tonight he’ll have to crawl out of bed tomorrow.

With that thought putting an impish grin on her features, Ginny sighed and reluctantly got out of the pool, the water cascading off her body in waves, almost like a silken shawl. She noted that it was a bit too viscous to be actual water, the liquid a bit too eager to cling to her skin, but she didn’t care. It could literally be tar for all she gave a shit, given how good it felt.

Her handsome attended guided her back to the room where this experience had started, the smells much stronger than it had been before. She eyed the small cauldron by the massage bed gently bubbling away, no doubt heating up the oils she hoped would soon be rubbed into her desperate and needy muscles.

The man laid out a large fluffy towel over the plush leather of the table, and when Ginny collapsed onto it, it felt like she was floating on a cloud. She groaned and snuggled into the luxurious fabric, her body stretching and elongating like Crookshanks by a roaring fire.

Her head tilted to the side, she watched as the man smiled at her and dipped a finger into the pot before bringing his hand to her shoulder and gently touching her skin. ‘Comfortable, madam?’

Ginny hummed as the warm oil seeped into her skin, not too hot and not too cold. His voice also, to her embarrassment, had her nethers tingling. It was deep, rich and had an accent she couldn’t quite place, though judging from his appearance, she assumed either Spanish or Middle Eastern.

‘Perfect,’ she purred with a pleased sigh, slotting her face into the hole on the massage table and closing her eyes, eagerly awaiting what was to come.

When her attendant next laid hands on her, it was to rub a lot more of the oil into her shoulders, his strong hands somehow both gentle in his ministrations, but firm enough to provide the relief she so desperately craved.

When he started to rub her shoulders in earnest, Ginny groaned, then blushed at how erotic and scandalous she sounded.

‘Do not be embarrassed,’ her masseuse whispered in her ear, causing pleasant tingles to erupt on her skin, a delightful shiver running up and down her spine. ‘This is normal, just relax.’

So she did. Ginny lost herself in the pleasure of the massage, the unknown man’s hands a magic all on their own. At first, he started with her neck and shoulders, then he moved to her arms. What truly blew her mind was that when he moved on, the massage on her neck and shoulders didn’t stop, so either the man was an octopus of some kind, or he was using magic.

And I don’t bloody care.

He ramped up slowly. Next, adding her lower back and hips, then her feet and calves. He circled back up to her hands, forearms and scalp before finally adding her powerful thighs to the group of muscles he was simultaneously massaging.

This is heaven. Literally. There’s no way heaven feels better than this…

With each new muscle group, her moans grew more guttural and needy. She’d stopped caring about how much of a slut she must sound like, instead drowning in the pleasure this beautiful, incredible man was giving her.

The oil itself was also strange. Always warm, it left her skin tingling wherever it touched, and much like the dip in the rejuvenating pool she’d had earlier, she could feel it seeping into her skin, the oil somehow moulding itself to her overused and abused muscles, breathing fresh life into them.

She was so lost, drowning in a sea of euphoria that she almost didn’t hear the whisper in her ear.

‘If at any point you feel uncomfortable, say so and we stop.’

It took an embarrassingly long time for the world to properly register in her mind, and they only caused confusion. Why in the hell would she ever want this to stop? Was he bloody mental? She’d stay here all week if he was amenable, fuck the Harpies.

But then she got an inkling of what the gorgeous man might be referring to. She briefly froze, her eyes widening in shock when his powerful hands cupped the cheeks of her toned bum, spreading and massaging them like he was the rest of her body.

Before she could even think to protest, he pressed with his thumbs on a particular spot on each cheek, right where she got broom sores from her intense flying, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, starbursts exploding in her vision.

Oh fuuuuuuuuck,’ she groaned in bliss, her masseuse’ magical hands flicking away her aches and pains like the annoying pixies they were.

The intense pleasure did not end there, however. Ginny yelped as she felt her body slowly start to rotate, the hands massaging her body never once stopping their heavenly work as her vision was filled with her masseuse.

Ginny’s eyes widened. At some point during the massage, he’d lost his heavy, velvet robe and was dressed only in his skimpy undergarments. His body was perfectly sculptured, his muscles looking like they were carved out of stone without a single hair on his body. His skin was also slick with sweat, his face flush with his apparent exertions.

The magic he’s using must be intense.

As if to prove her thoughts right, Ginny looked down the length of her naked body and her eyes widened in surprise. She finally saw how the masseuse’ magic worked, spectral hands kneading her skin everywhere she was still being massaged, even when she was lying flat on her back, her breasts and bald pussy completely exposed to the gorgeous man.

She was feeling way too good to be embarrassed, her eyes fluttering shut as the massage continued on her front. Her attendant’s hands first went to her collarbone, then her face, tummy and her quads. Combined with continued massaging the spectral hands were giving her, this was almost a pleasure overload.

Almost, not quite. Ginny sank into the plush massage bed and moaned her approval.

She would forever blame the pleasure for her delayed response to what happened next. As she writhed and moaned on the bed like a scarlet woman, she didn’t even react when the man’s warm, powerful hands cupped her perky, c-cup breasts, massaging them next.

It wasn’t until his fingers gently pinched and pulled at her nipples that she noticed what was going on, her eyes snapping open in shock. Expecting to see the man’s face twisted into a perverted, salacious grin that would soon have her wand pointed at it, Ginny froze when she saw his intense look of concentration, the sweat pouring down his face in rivulets.

Whatever magic he was using to bring her pleasure, it clearly took a lot of effort and mental fortitude. He wasn’t just trying to cop a cheeky feel either, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only, bringing her as much pleasure as possible.

She felt the anger and indignation ooze out of her, along with her aches and pains.

You’re in control here, and if Harry had a problem with it, why the bloody hell would he book a sesh for me at a place like the Velvet Lounge?!

After the briefest of internal struggles, Ginny shrugged off her reservations and surrendered herself to the pleasure with one glaring change. She was no longer at risk of drifting off into a pleasure induced coma. Her libido had been ignited when he started to play with her rosy nipples, her womanhood tingling incessantly with desire. As the pleasure receptors in her mind continuously exploded like fireworks, she let herself be swept away by the sensations.

She found it absurd that she still didn’t know the handsome man’s name, even as he palmed her tits and tweaked her aching nipples. Her face flushed, she watched his caramel-coloured hands play with her pale flesh, his caress driving her wild with lust. When her attendant finally stared up at her with his dark, smouldering, dreamy eyes, Ginny’s breath caught in her throat, her brows raising.

His next move wasn’t quick, like a child trying to snatch a cookie from the cookie jar, it was slow, and deliberate, giving her ample opportunity to stop him at any moment.

She did not.

Her heart hammering in her chest and her breath coming in ragged pants, Ginny watched as the man slowly bent down until his lips were right next to her painfully erect, rosy nipples, his warm breath sending pleasurable tingles coursing through her body.

She knew she should put a stop to this, logically, but the logical part of her brain had been pleasured into submission over half an hour ago. Now, her nipples ached, her womanhood on fire. With a whimper, she gave a minute nod of her head and the man smiled, his gorgeous cheeks dimpling.

Oooooooooh yesssssss.’

When his tongue poked out of his mouth and snaked around her aching nipple, bathing it in his spit and sucking it into his mouth, her pleasure was out of this world. She moaned, loud, long and low, sticking her chest out and giving him even better access.

If her hands weren’t simultaneously being massaged by the phantom limbs, she’d have threaded them into his thick, ebony locks and held his face against her aching nipples. Instead, she just lay there and absorbed every bit of pleasure this wonderful man was bestowing upon her.

Not once did thoughts of quidditch cross her mind.

Ginny had her eyes screwed shut as her masseuse alternated between nipples, gently pinching and pulling on the one that was left out. This didn’t change until she felt two tongues suckling on her teats. Her eyes snapped open in shock and she gasped as two ghostly heads hovered over her breasts, each one suckling one of her nipples into her mouth and somehow feeling completely natural.

It was such a strange, surreal sight, she couldn’t even find it in herself to react.

With a guttural groan, Ginny sought out her masseuse but couldn’t find him amidst the sea of glowing, ethereal, translucent limbs. Instead, she closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the pleasure.

She’d never heard of this kind of magic before, but seeing the effect it had been having on the man, it must have been incredibly difficult and focus-intensive.

Ginny couldn’t remember a time where she’d honestly felt better - perhaps her wedding night? She felt guilty thinking it, but the only thing that could make this experience better was if her aching and desperately needy womanhood was also getting seen to. She was so horny she was tempted to shake off the phantom limbs on her arms and start pleasuring herself.

Whether the workers here employed some form of mind-reading, she didn’t know, but a few seconds after she’d thought about taking matters into her own hands, she felt new sensations behind her knees.

Her eyes fluttered open and she flushed crimson at what she saw. Her massage bed had two new appendages, and Ginny didn’t resist as her masseuse gently placed her legs in the stirrups, spreading her legs wide and completely exposing her inflamed, drenched pussy to his expert eye.

Protesting was the furthest thing from her mind, instead she bit her lip and whined, wondering what he thought as he gazed at her pussy. He must have seen countless while performing his duties, was hers pretty? Were her lips a little loose, her labia a little too exposed?

These were not thoughts a good wife should be having when another man was gazing deeply into their womanhood, but had Ginny been of sound mind in that moment, she’d argue she…wasn’t of sound mind. When the man’s oil-slick hands started to massage the insides of her thighs, coming right up to but never quite touching her glistening lips, Ginny whined like a child that had her ice-cream withheld from her.

When the man started to gently blow on her aching womahood, she groaned, her head thrashing from side to side and her hips thrusting off the table.

He took his time, teasing her, coming closer and closer to finally touching her. The cadence was driving her insane. Just as she was about to grab the masseuse’ wrists and put them on her pussy, his fingers slid an extra few inches and brushed over her tingling and throbbing womanhood.

‘Oooooh FUCK yes,’ she groaned with pure, animalistic lust her eyes screwing shut and her hips undulating as the man started to rub and massage her needy pussy. She moaned, purred and squealed as he gently rubbed her labia, everywhere his fingers touching leaving a line of warm, tingling sensations that had to be magically induced.

Her eyes fluttered open, desperate to watch when she felt him starting to spread her lips open. She whined as she felt a finger slip inside her, then squealed as she felt him hook it and start to rub it against her g-spot.

‘Yes!’ she hissed, forcing her eyes to stay open and watch as the man added a second finger. Her body felt hot, as if it might combust at any moment, the continual pleasure from the phantom massage relegated to background noise as her masseuse started to focus on her womanhood.

‘Please,’ she begged, hating how whiney she sounded but not giving a single shit. ‘Please, I need to cum, make me cum, please, oh Merlin.’

Her masseuse stared up the length of her toned, naked body, his dark eyes, twin pools of midnight, locking with hers and trapping her in their spell. She sucked in an excited breath at his smouldering gaze, feeling like the most cherished, important woman in the world. He never broke eye contact, nor did his fingers ever stop their expert manipulation of her g-spot, but as he slowly started to lower himself, Ginny’s breathing grew more ragged, her heart thudding so fast she was worried it would explode.

Without breaking eye-contact, the man first blew on, then gently kissed her neglected clit and Ginny howled. He didn’t go hard like she desperately wanted him to, instead he used his tongue to press down on her love button, applying an ever increasing but gentle pressure that caused her entire body to feel warm, as if molten lava was flowing through her veins.

What Ginny had expected to be a desperately needed orgasm when his fingers first slipped inside her was gloriously, wonderfully drawn out for an entire hour. It wasn’t edging, but it also wasn’t intense. She was comfortable, but also drowning in a sea of euphoria. It wasn’t like a wave, the pleasure building up to a crescendo before pulling back to calm her, instead, she was in a glorious midpoint, in a state of perpetual, less intense bliss where her entire body tingled and felt hot, but she felt she was never at risk of actually cumming.

She was adoring the sensations, and a part of her never wanted them to end.

But a much larger, louder part of her mind was screaming at her, desperate for something else…something more.

‘Fuck me,’ she whined, gazing down at the gorgeous, sweat-slicked man between her legs with desperation. If he looked exhausted, she shuddered to think what she looked like, almost on the verge of tears for what felt like hours, her moans and cries likely making his ears ring. ‘Please.’

Ginny almost cried when the phantom limbs all disappeared simultaneously and the man’s fingers slipped out of her. Had she said something wrong? Did she cross a line?!

The masseuse stood at the foot of her massage bed, naked except for a skimpy thong that carried an impressive bulge. The light in the room reflected gloriously off his shining skin, highlighting his perfect body and deliciously sculptured muscles. Ginny licked her lips at the delicious sight, wanting nothing more than to devour the gorgeous man.

It turned out she was worried for nothing, because while the phantom limbs had all disappeared, so, too, did the man’s g-string. Ginny bit her lip, muffling her needy groan as a huge, soft cock flopped out of the flimsy garment. She watched with rapt attention as the man took his imposing member in hand and started to roll something off his thick shaft from the base.

It was a ring, made of some kind of rubbery material. Having rolled it off his cock like some kind of weird, reverse condom though, Ginny thought she immediately understood its purpose, her masseuse instantly starting to harden.

Hard, the gorgeous penis had to be ten inches long and as thick as her wrist. Darker than the rest of his skin, Ginny stared at it transfixed. She couldn’t remember a time she’d ever felt hornier, in fact, higher brain function in general just seemed impossible at that moment.

That’s…the biggest dick I’ve ever seen.

The man let his heavy cock sag under its own weight and pulled out his wand from an invisible holster. With a casual flick, the stirrups disappeared, her legs gently lowering to either side of the massage bed he soon joined her on.

Ginny supported her weight on her elbows, her legs spread wide as the masseuse nestled himself between them. She whined, her face and neck flush as he laid his heavy cock down on her belly with a meaty thwack, the dark skin contrasting beautifully against her pale, shredded abs and reaching past her belly button.

‘Bloody hell,’ she whispered in awe, her eyes transfixed on his manhood as the masseuse started to slowly thrust his hips back and forth, his bollocks pressing gently against her aching womanhood.

Growing impatient, on his next backthrust, Ginny reached out to grab the tip of his cock, scooched back and angled the snitch-sized head directly at her womanhood. Still, on his next thrust, he held himself against her entrance, his member kissing her lips directly but going no further.

Ginny looked up into his dark, smouldering eyes and whined. The masseuse, while never breaking eye contact, pressed himself forward at an agonisingly slow pace. She watched the large head parting her delicate lips with awe, the contrast between their skin tones, beautiful. Quickly growing impatient though, Ginny hooked her powerful legs around the man’s waist and pulled him all the way in as deep as he could go.

Screwing her eyes shut, her mouth opened in a silent scream.

Full! I feel so fucking full!

Ginny was so wet, the man’s skin so slick with sweat and oils that her impalement on the monolithic shaft had been relatively painless, but he was big, his girth stretching her wider than she’d ever been stretched. Stars burst in her vision as his spongy head pressed deep against her cervix, the walls of her vagina squeezing his thick member greedily as it fought to keep him inside.

When he slowly started to pull out however, she whimpered, the strength leaving her arms as she flopped down on the massage bed bonelessly. A long, loud, primal moan escaped her lips as he started to push back in, her pleasure senses, all of them, screaming with joy.

Ginny barely noticed as the man palmed her perky tits for leverage, his thrusts picking up in tempo as he got used to her tightness and tolerances. The small part of her mind that wasn’t completely obliterated with pleasure complimented his skill, his experience no doubt coming in handy when wielding such a huge member.

As wonderful as her massage had been, and as brilliant as the subsequent fingering had felt, it was nothing compared to getting shagged by this big-dicked, experienced prostitute.

I needed this so fucking much!


Beneath his invisibility cloak, Harry eagerly watched the insanely erotic scene before him, his fist gripping his aching cock tightly as he wanked at the sight.


With a queasy gut roiling with angst, indecision and lust, he’d told Samir to take things as far as his wife would allow, no restrictions. The Egyptian wizard had smiled in understanding and told him it would be so with such confidence, Harry had been convinced the man would end up fucking his wife before the session was done.

His feeling had turned out to be rather prophetic, and Harry squeezed his cock to stop himself from cumming again, his wife’s rapturous moans way too sexy for her own good.

Blood hell, I’ve already cum three times.

He knew some blokes had fantasies about watching their wives with other men, but he’d never been one of them. He and his wife had incredibly high sex drives, and more than enough desire for one another to sate their lusts with each other.

Then Angie had mentioned the Velvet Lounge, and his mind had instantly started assaulting him with images that seemed tame in comparison to what he was seeing right now, if not similar in scope.

Sinking into the cushions of the plush, leather couch, Harry released his cock and put his hands on his head, promising to reserve his next ejaculation for his wife.

He’d never wanted to fuck the little slut more than he did right then, as another, ridiculously hung man shagged her brains out.

They didn’t change positions, his wife writhing on the massage bed as Samir expertly wielded his weapon to bring her the utmost pleasure. Even as he gave Ginny what she clearly wanted, he didn’t rush, modulating his thrusts so she wouldn’t cum too soon. Harry bit his lip to stifle his groan, his wife’s gorgeous, athletic, sweat-slick body flush from head to toe, her muscles flexing and straining beautifully.

Fuck. I wish I’d brought a camera.

The madam had offered such a service, but he’d been hesitant. He’d wondered at her mysterious smile, but he reckoned he understood it now. He can’t have been the first husband or wife to book a session for their significant others, she’d probably seen it countless times before. She’d clocked him as a voyeur the second she’d laid eyes on him.

And she was bloody right.

Standing, Harry circled around the shagging couple and swallowed thickly as he got a perfect view of Samir’s huge cock spearing in and out of his wife’s - once - delicate, snug pussy, her lips spread obscenely wide around his girth.

Licking his suddenly dry lips, he had to forcibly tuck himself away lest he start to subconsciously wank again like a horny pixie.

Letting go of Gin’s tits, Samir planted his fists either side of her head and held himself in a plank position over her body, his physique bulging with perfectly sculpted muscle. His thrusts, and his wife’s moans, became more urgent as he picked up in tempo and started to bring it home.

‘Yes!’ Gin cried rapturously. ‘Fuck me, yes, yes, YES!

Hearing his wife’s ebullient cries as another man shagged her was such a headfuck, a sight that would have ruined him had he stumbled upon it just last week.

But what a difference one week makes…

Seeing her in the throes of passion, her coppery hair spread out on the bed above her like a halo, as she cried for a man that wasn’t her husband to fill her up…

It was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

He could tell the nanosecond that Ginny came, her eyes screwing shut and her mouth opening in a silent scream. Her entire body had frozen in shock as the endorphins flooded her system, and then she squealed and started to shake. She screamed and thrashed, and had Samir not still had his cock thrusting in and out of her, Harry would have been worried she was having a seizure.

As Ginny reached up and pulled Samir down to her thrashing body, wrapping her arms and legs around him like a kitten, the man screwed his eyes shut and groaned. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat as the man’s gargantuan shaft visibly pulsed, no doubt unloading an amount of cum commensurate with the size of his hefty cock and balls.

The lovers laid locked in each other’s embrace, their heavy breathing eventually evening out as Ginny’s strength finally left her body, and she passed out.

Samir was a professional, pulling himself out of his client and nodding at Harry with a polite smile when he removed his cloak. Harry only just stifled a groan as he saw the man’s thick cum start to ooze out of his wife’s red, freshly fucked pussy.

‘I hope this was to your satisfaction, Lord Potter?’

Harry shook his head and chuckled after regaining himself. ‘It was to Lady Potter’s satisfaction, and that’s what matters,’ he joked, admiring his wife’s beautiful, shagged-out form.

‘If you do not mind me asking,’ he hedged with his deep, posh accent. ‘Is this the first time? Doing something like this?’

‘Yeah,’ Harry sighed, unable to take his eyes off his wife. ‘She’d been really stressed with Quidditch lately, a friend recommended this place.’

He nodded in understanding, no judgement in his tone or expression at all - a true pro. ‘Very good, sir. You have the room for the rest of the night, have a good evening.’

Harry pulled a seat over to the massage bed and waited impatiently for his wife to come out of her pleasure-induced coma. It’s not that he wasn’t sympathetic to her exhaustion, but it was taking every ounce of considerable willpower he possessed to not shake her awake and mount her right there, soiled pussy or no.

It was immediately obvious when Ginny regained consciousness. Her breath caught in her throat and her relaxed demeanour was immediately replaced with tension and fear.

‘No…’ she whispered in shock, having not yet clocked Harry sitting slightly behind and to the side of her. ‘No, no, no, no, NO!

Harry’s eyes widened in shock at the despair in his wife’s tone, then they softened in understanding. She’d let herself get carried away and she thought she’d cheated on him. As much as he hated to see his wife crying out in anguish, a tiny part of him felt actual relief that this was her first reaction when coming to her senses.

He didn’t let her angst for long. Shooting to his feet, Ginny flinched when his arms wrapped around her still slick, sweaty body and held her tight against his chest. His heart melted when he looked down and saw tears streaming out of her beautiful, brown eyes.

‘Shh, shhhh,’ Harry shushed her, brushing the hair that had stuck to her forehead out of the way and kissing her forehead. ‘Relax luv, I’m not mad, calm down.’

‘B-but I -’

‘I know,’ he urged, shushing her again and silencing her with a deep, passionate kiss. He felt her melt in his embrace, clinging to him like a lifeline.

When he finally pulled away, he pressed his forehead against hers and stared deeply into his wife’s eyes.

‘What’s going on, Harry?’

‘I have a better question,’ Harry countered, swerving the topic for now. ‘How do you feel?’

She blushed and looked away, clearly not wanting to lie to him.

‘It’s okay,’ he pushed. ‘You can tell me anything.’

She blushed prettily and buried her face in his chest. ‘How do you think I feel? I just spent the last couple of hours getting worked over by a prostitute!’

He didn’t reply, still waiting for an answer. Ginny peeked up at him and, realising he was doing so, sighed and flushed deeper.

‘I feel incredible,’ she said with a wince. ‘There, are you happy?’

Yes,’ Harry urged, squeezing his wife tighter. ‘More importantly, how often did you think about work over the past few hours?’

She froze, realisation dawning on her. ‘Is that why -’ she paused, frowning. ‘...not at all.’

‘Exactly,’ Harry exclaimed, kissing her again and holding her tight. ‘I don’t remember the last time you looked so happy and relaxed. Still feel like decking your coach?’

She giggled at his tone and shrugged. ‘Only a little,’ she admitted with a shy smile before frowning in confusion. ‘So…what? This is your brilliant plan, send me here every time I’m angry to calm me down?’

‘That depends,’ Harry teased, earning a whimper from his wife as he took a nipple between thumb and forefinger. ‘Did you enjoy it?’

She didn’t answer, clearly embarrassed. Harry took her hand and surprised her by placing it over his groin. She froze when she felt how hard he was, his cock straining against his trousers. ‘Oh…’

I enjoyed it,’ he whispered and she froze in shock, apparently not having realised he’d seen the whole thing. ‘I wasn’t sure I would,’ he admitted bashfully, ‘but seeing that huge cock spreading your slutty pussy wide open…’

Ginny groaned, burying her face in his chest and grinding against him, the memory still fresh. Harry chuckled, rubbing soothing circles over her back as she peeked up at him again, this time with an impish smile.

‘I didn’t know you were such a dirty pervert,’ she teased, her hand going back to hide aching cock and rubbing. ‘Did you wank?’

Screwing his eyes shut, Harry inhaled a shuddering breath and nodded shakily. ‘Came several times, could have done more though…’

When his eyes fluttered open, he saw his wife biting her lip and staring at him with desire.

‘Did it look as good as it felt?’ she asked, a wicked gleam in her eye. Ginny had always had a bit of the devil in her and, picking up on the mood in the room, she quickly compartmentalised her angst and eagerly ran with it.

‘That depends,’ Harry teased back, mirroring his wife’s cheeky grin. ‘How did it feel?’

Ginny purred and ground herself against his thigh. He felt a wet spot forming there, and he shuddered in arousal when he realised what it was.

Staring deep into his eyes, she bit her lip before answering. ‘That…was the best sex I’ve ever had,’ she admitted with only the tiniest bit of regret. ‘I felt so full, his huge cock stretched me so much, hit me so deep -’

She squealed in delight when her teasing paid off and Harry tossed her back on the massage bed. His wife watched him, her eyes dark with desire as he disrobed in a heartbeat and joined her, mounting her. When he slipped inside his wife, she wrapped her arms around him, her lips against his ear.

‘Are you in yet?’

Harry roared and Ginny squealed as he started to shag her with everything he had, utilising every bit of knowledge he had of her body to compensate for his lack of endowment compared to her previous lover.

It was with no small amount of relief when he brought Ginny to another screaming orgasm, cuddling afterwards as they basked in the afterglow of a pair of epic orgasms.

‘You didn’t answer earlier,’ she whispered, her head on his chest and her finger twirling his chest hair. ‘Are you just going to send me here to get shagged every time I’m angry then?’

Harry grinned, running a hand through her tousled, coppery locks. ‘You’re sounding a little too eager, you little slut.’

His wife giggled, and Harry groaned when she took one of his nipples in her mouth and bit down, her form of punishment for his cheek.

When his wife looked up and deep into his eyes, her face deadly serious and inquisitive, he blushed under the scrutiny. ‘I may have already booked you in for another appointment after next week’s game…’

His wife squealed and she climbed up his body, capturing his lips in a desperate, needy kiss. ‘You’re the best husband ever!’

When Ginny was done sucking his face off, she planted her hands either side of his head and looked down at him with a grin. ‘Next time, no cloak. I want to watch you watching me.’

He shrugged, not caring one way or the other, and Ginny bit her lip sexily, her naked pussy grinding against his rapidly hardening cock. ‘Ugh, how am I supposed to pay you back for this?!’

Harry cupped his wife’s ass and smiled up at her, matching her grin. ‘Weeeell…they do have couples services…’

His wife dipped her head low and raked her teeth over his chin, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

‘We’ll see…’


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