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Chapter 23

Tags: Exhibitionism, Stripping, Game, Masturbation

Despite knowing it was unnecessary, Pete braced himself, his feet shoulder-width apart and using the grip his uncle had shown him as he aimed down range at the ballistic dummy.

He could feel Ben’s silent, supportive presence behind him and, with his uncle's instructions in mind, he disengaged the safety and let out a slow, controlled breath before gently squeezing the trigger.

The recoil, even knowing the physics behind his vibranium gun, was nothing like he expected. His shoulders barely twitched as they absorbed what little reverse impact there was. It felt like shooting a paintball gun, the only fact disabusing him of that notion was the thunderous roar the deadly weapon made when firing. He felt it in his chest, a deep, muffled thudding that rocked him to his core, the electronic ear protection at the SI firing range only doing so much.

When they brought the ballistic dummy to them, Ben whistled appreciatively and Pete eyed it with shock. The bullet had entered the dummy cleanly enough through the front, but when they turned it around, the exit wound was the size of a basketball.

‘Needless to say, you don’t want to be firing that thing in a crowded area…’

‘No kidding,’ Pete marvelled, eyeing his new gun warily before triple checking he’d engaged the safety. ‘I think I’ll stick to my drones…’

Ben shrugged, and Pete handed him the gun so his uncle could show him how to properly clean and care for it. ‘It never hurts to have a back-up plan, especially one with this much stopping power.’

‘This is the back-up to my back-up plan,’ Pete joked as they sent the ballistic dummy back down the range. ‘The current plan is, if my drones fail, throw Gwen at the baddies.’

Ben smiled wide and chuckled fondly as he got into position to take another shot. Pete’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the unexpected expression on his uncle’s face.

While Ben Parker wasn’t exactly a grouch, he’d always been rather stoic and taciturn, saying a lot with little and smirking more often than he smiled.

After eviscerating the dummy with the latest shot, Pete accepted the gun from his uncle and cleaned it like he’d been shown. It was unnecessary after only one shot, but he rather liked the ritual of it.

‘So,’ Pete began in a probing tone, his eyes flicking over to his silently observing uncle with a raised brow. ‘You’re in a pretty good mood. Nassau County life treating you well?’

Ben froze, a brief look of confusion crossing his chiselled features before his eyes widened in understanding. The man hadn’t even realised he’d been smiling.

‘That’s part of it,’ he admitted good naturedly, clasping one of his shoulders with his bear-like hand and squeezing it appreciatively. ‘Mostly though, the move has been good for the soul. Nothing like your rich nephew semi-retiring you to realise it’s probably time to reorganise one’s priorities.’

Pete snorted in amusement and fired off another shot, his AR-lens helping him with both the aiming, and the disassembly afterwards. He marvelled at how cool the metal was in his hand, the strange material defying all conservation of energy laws.

He’d run countless experiments on vibranium in the past - specifically before helping to build the anti-gravity well - and though the results were expected, it still blew his mind.

The world is a crazy and fascinating place.

‘And what priorities are we talking about here?’ Pete asked, handing his uncle the reassembled gun and grinning at his nod of approval. The grin slipped off his face however when he saw his uncle smiling slyly at him.

I’m not going to like this…

‘My marriage, for one,’ Ben admitted with a shrug, examining the gun with his expert eye. ‘Over the years, even if you don’t mean it to, work and stress likes to worm its way in between your bond and you find yourself dedicating less and less time for each other.’

Pete filed that nugget of wisdom away with the veritable treasure trove his uncle had given him over the years.

He waited until Ben took his shot and accepted the gun from him. ‘And that’s…not the case anymore?’

He heard the smile in his uncle’s tone.

‘Your aunt is an incredible woman,’ he said by way of answer, his tone filled with reverence and love. ‘She’s breathed new life into me lately, into us. I feel like a young man again.’

‘How do you mean?’ Pete asked with a puzzled frown, staring up at his uncle in confusion and immediately wishing he hadn’t when Ben’s smile turned positively perverse and he started to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively.

He didn’t know whether to be stunned by the uncharacteristic expression, or revolted by its implication.

‘Oh ew… ew, what is it with you two?!’

Ben laughed joyously, another rare sight, and clamped both hands on his shoulders. ‘You need to get over it kid, your aunt is a total babe.’

Grimacing, Pete shot his uncle his deaddest of deadpan stares. ‘My pure, angelic aunt isn’t a woman, I’ll thank you to remember.’

Ben crossed his arms and leaned against the bench, his eyes closed and his smile serene. ‘You’ll understand when you’re older.’

Pete rolled his eyes and holstered the gun - anymore lewding of Aunt May and he may legitimately be tempted. ‘I swear, it’s like you and Gwen are teaming up to make our relationship as awkward as possible.’

Ben seemed momentarily startled by the admission before barking out a laugh. ‘It’s not our fault you’re the only one that can’t see how hot she is.’

Grimacing, Pete was desperate for a change of subject. His uncle must have noticed and, thankfully, obliged.

It’s not like he didn’t know how attractive May was… he just preferred not to think about it.

‘Speaking of our better-halves, when are you going to make an honest woman out of Miss Stacy?’

Far more comfortable with this topic of conversation, Pete grinned excitedly at his uncle and shrugged. ‘Soonish. I’ve got a plan for the proposal, but it’s time-sensitive.’

Ben smiled and pulled him into a one armed hug. ‘That’s amazing, but hurry up, yeah? You need to give your aunt and I babies to spoil.’

Pete shot him the stink-eye. ‘Sure that wouldn’t mess with your new priorities, you dirty old man?’

Ben’s laughter rumbled deep in his chest and sent vibrations through Pete’s body as he squeezed a little tighter. ‘There are, of course, exceptions.’

Pete finally wormed his way out of his uncle’s iron-clad grip and shot the man a speculative glance.


‘Why wait for us to have kids?’

The mirth in Ben’s face instantly died and Pete was sure, were he anyone else, he’d be missing some teeth.

His uncle knew him better than that though and gave him the benefit of the doubt. ‘How do you mean?’

Pete didn’t answer immediately, instead joining his uncle in leaning against the bench, staring at the other marksmen. He hadn’t paid them much attention, and it was easy to ignore them. The ranges at SI were isolated from each other, their firing barely audible through the soundproofed walls and windows.

‘You know, I just found out the other day my friend Natasha is pregnant,’ he began conversationally, his tone cautious but also proud. He’d done that.

Well, not literally…

Ben’s mind went there too. ‘The head of your protection detail?’ he asked with faux delight before grinning cheekily. ‘Your handiwork?’

Pete sputtered his denials and Ben laughed uproariously, the previous dark cloud hanging over him momentarily forgotten.

‘Why would you even say that?’ Pete asked in confusion, his cheeks red.

Ben shrugged, a shit-eating grin on his face. ‘I hear things. You’re not as discreet as you think you are.’

Pete’s flush deepened. ‘And still, I’m somehow far too discreet for my girlfriend’s tastes…’

Ben chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder. ‘If you only ever learn one thing from me, let it be this kid. Happy wife, happy life.’

Pete snorted and bumped Ben with his shoulder.

Anyway, I didn’t bring Nat up to rub it in, obviously. I should also add, until a few months ago, she didn’t even have a uterus.’

Pete had been ecstatic when Nat had given him the good news, the normally stoic assassin all smiles and otherwise repressed emotions. When he’d told the gorgeous redhead his plans, she’d glady allowed him to share her medical history with his uncle.


Pete turned to his stunned uncle, his face deadly serious. ‘Do you want children?’

This had been a sore subject for as long as Pete could remember. Not only had a wartime injury rendered his uncle infertile, but cancer had done likewise to May. It would have been an utterly tragic tale…but Pete didn’t care much for those.

‘I…kiddo, what are you -?’

Turning to his uncle, Pete cut him off. ‘I’m opening a hospital in Queens - the Helen Stacy Memorial. If you two decide you want kids, well, they’ll take care of you. If you think whatever you had is a bigger obstacle than getting a woman who’s had a hysterectomy pregnant, well… it’s not.’

Pete wasn’t even surprised when his uncle slowly collapsed into the nearby chair, his face pale and his dark eyes wide with disbelief, staring sightlessly into the distance. He approached and put a comforting hand on Ben’s shoulder, smiling in understanding when his uncle covered his hand with his own and looked up at him in awe.

Pete idly wondered if this news would have his apparently amorous aunt and uncle cool their jets some…but he somehow doubted it.

This will probably have the opposite effect…ugh. Gross.

‘If you want to thank me, feel free to not tell me how May takes the news…’

Ben’s laughter was quiet and knowing, and when he spoke, his voice was thick with repressed emotion, but undeniably amused.

‘Kid…you’ve got no idea.’


When Pete stepped off the elevator into his penthouse, he smiled as Web greeted him with her typically cultured, aristocratic voice.

‘Welcome home, Peter.’

‘Hey Web,’ he greeted with a contented sigh as he hung up his coat. His eyes widened and he snapped his fingers when he remembered the welcome news his secretary had given him that morning. ‘Oh, by the way, you’ll be getting that processing power upgrade real soon.’

Hearing his home’s AI practically purring with excitement, he chuckled and continued.

‘The guys and gals over at R&D are wizards, they successfully stabilised a one-thousand qubit processor. I was watching them play with it all morning. They were literally tearing apart the most complex encryptions the FBI had ever seen in nanoseconds…’

Pete laughed when he heard Web take a calming breath, her voice when she finally spoke vibrating with repressed desire.

‘I think I understand Gwen’s feelings for you, Peter… You really do know how to treat a girl.’ Pete tried not to wince as he strolled into his kitchen, the highly flirtatious words sounding so, so wrong coming out of his home’s AI. It was like being hit on by Mrs Doubtfire. ‘Please don’t tell me this is just a tease…’

He laughed, pouring himself a glass of water and gulping it down. ‘The techs will be here sometime this week to install your new processor -’

He poured himself another glass of water and smiled wide as he waited for her excited squeals to calm down.

‘Don’t get too excited - there’s no such thing as a free lunch. You’ll be a very busy girl soon.’

Of course,’ Web demurred, still unable to contain her excitement. ‘It’s as you always say - with great power, comes great responsibility.’

Pete smiled wide and toasted the ceiling. ‘Atta girl. Where’s Gwen?’

Gwen is in the studio. Mses Watson, Brant and Grant were here earlier and only just left an hour and thirteen minutes ago. I quite enjoyed listening to them practise - they are really quite talented.’

‘Gwen’s still playing?’ Pete asked in surprise as he started to pull out all the ingredients for Gwen’s favourite smoothie.

‘The Mistress implied she needed the practice. I do not agree. I’ve compared her performance to every known example I could find on the internet. Based on every conceivable metric, she comfortably places in the top one percent of all drummers that have ever been recorded in human history.’

Pete smiled proudly as he blitzed the ingredients with a cup of ice in the blender. ‘Gwen’s too modest, she waves off her inherent talent as her abilities giving her an unfair advantage.’

‘That doesn’t make sense,’ Web denied in a tone with such frustration, Pete didn’t doubt she’d had this conversation several times before with his stubborn girlfriend. ‘I allow for that in my calculations. It is not just about her physical attributes - music is much more an art than a science!’

Pete smiled, tasting the smoothie and adding some honey for extra sweetness.

How is this a conversation a computer is having with a human?

‘I’ll teach you a neat hack Web. Next time, if you want to compliment Gwen and have her acknowledge her own talent, critique her.’ He didn’t know why, but he always stared at the ceiling when talking to his AI - he’d been considering putting photon emitters all over his house so his AI could visibly manifest, maybe it was time to stop putting that off. ‘She’s super competitive and can’t help herself, she’ll arc up and get defensive.’

Web chuckled. ‘I’ll remember that, thank you Peter.’

With a smile still on his face and smoothie in hand, Pete bounded down the flight of stairs and opened the door to the studio. He was immediately blasted with a wave of sound, a song he was unfamiliar with playing over the speakers.

Gwen stopped playing when she saw him, a wide smile splitting her face while her skin glistened with a healthy sheen of sweat.

She's been at this for ages.

Pete returned the smile but frowned at the music coming in over the speakers. It sounded…off, but he couldn't put his finger on why.

Seeing his look of confusion, Gwen rolled her eyes and her smile turned into one of fond exasperation. As if in answer to his unasked question, she started to play again, her feet and hands a blur, her drumming clean, crisp and never overpowering.

Pete’s eyes widened when he finally realised. The reason the music had sounded off was because it had been a drumless version of the track, and when Gwen started playing, she would then provide the necessary beats.

There’s no…sheet music or anything. Is she playing all this from memory? Or is she just feeling it and coming up with a track off the dome?

Pete sat on the arm of the nearby sofa and watched with pride as his girlfriend jammed. Even as a musical luddite, he was in awe of her skill, the sheer speed of the notes she was hitting and the flourishes she’d pull off in the brief nanoseconds of downtime in between beats.

Gwen very much looked the part of the lead drummer of a rock band.

He whistled and clapped his thigh when the song came to an end, putting his hand to his mouth as the next song started to play.

‘Whoohoo! Show us your tits!’

Gwen tilted her head back and barked out a laugh, but her black tee quickly dematerialised as she got into the next song.

And now she’s thinking about taking her top off during one of their sets. Hah.

Pete rolled his eyes when the heavy guitar and screamo vocals kicked in on the next song. He…wasn’t a fan of heavy metal, the music always giving him a headache.

As Gwen played along to the much more intense track, she never broke eye-contact with him, even as her flourishes became even more absurd and the speed picked up. Pete, likewise, couldn’t take his eyes off her straining and glistening body, her pierced nipples hard and clearly eager for some attention.

A notification in the corner of his vision from his AR lens finally broke the spell. He pulled up the message and smiled.

Gwen: I love the way you look at me.

He blushed, but aside from flicking his eyes back to hers briefly, he went back to staring at her pert, jiggling tits and shredded physique.

Gwen: Why don’t you pick up a mic and join me? Could use some of your vocals.

He snorted at the absurd request. Even if he knew the song, he absolutely hated this kind of music. Gwen knew it too.

That was why she was so stunned when he picked up the nearby mic without a hint of hesitation and put it to his lips, her crystal-blue eyes wide with disbelief.

When he felt the music come to a crescendo, he tried his hardest to keep a straight face as inspiration struck. Sucking in a deep breath and making sure his voice was as deep and gravelly as possible, he sang, two of his fingers still holding Gwen’s smoothie extending to make devil horns.

‘Kill your mother kill your fatherrrrr! Sacrifice your neighbour's chicken!’

Gwen immediately stopped playing and fell off her chair in a fit of belly-aching laughter, the awful music thankfully cutting out as she did so.

‘What the fuck was that?!’ she asked, her face red and eyes glistening with tears as she tried, and failed, to bring her mirth under control.

‘Isn’t that how all those songs go?’ he asked cheekily, strolling over to her drumkit and taking the seat she’d unceremoniously vacated, pulling his giggling girlfriend up into his lap and putting the straw of her smoothie between her lips. Gwen took the cup and groaned with bliss as the ice-cold drink hit her parched throat, then she moaned throatily when Pete sucked one of her pierced nipples into his mouth, the fingers of his free hand drawing over the lines of her abs. He switched to her other nipple, speaking briefly when his lips were free. ‘How was practice?’

‘Goooood,’ Gwen groaned as she hugged his face to her breasts and sipped on her smoothie. Her eyes fluttered closed and she gyrated in his lap as she continued. ‘Amazing energy, we were, mmm, we were all just excited to be playing together again.’

‘Sounds wholesome.’ He peered up into her face and, as if sensing his stare, her eyes winked open. ‘Why are you so horny then?’

Gwen didn’t even try to deny it, instead biting her bottom lip impishly and increasing the intensity of her gyrations. ‘MJ showed us her latest upload on her OnlyFans. She - oh yes baby - she invited a couple of guys over, big guys, and, nnh, filmed a video.’

In the middle of her explanation, Pete slipped the hand that was dancing over her abs into her sweats and started circling and teasing her clit. Gwen bit her lip to muffle her moan and rested her head atop his.

‘Why didn’t they stay for dinner?’ he asked conversationally, as if he weren’t getting her off right there.

‘Harry’s birthday.’ Her moaned answer was only halfway legible, but clearly understanding that, she elaborated, her eyes screwed shut as she ground her nethers into his dexterous fingers. ‘They’re all going out to dinner. For Harry’s birthday.’

‘Why didn’t you go with them?’ he asked, surprised, chuckling at Gwen’s whine when he briefly stopped playing with her.

‘Would have been awkward,’ she admitted shortly, her moans growing more intense and her breathing haggard. ‘Didn’t want to spoil the evening.’

Pete sighed but shrugged helplessly. ‘Fair enough.’ Smiling wide, he teased her, moving as if to pull his hand away. He laughed when Gwen’s eyes snapped open then narrowed, almost hissing at him like a spoiled kitten that was having her toy taken away from her. ‘Sheesh, so needy.’

Gwen’s grin showed far too many teeth as she bit his nose, before melting into his embrace.

With her nipple back in his mouth, he worked her over the way he knew she adored, one hand playing with her clit and the other, its fingers hooked and scraping against her g-spot. Gwen’s lips were right next to his ear as she enthusiastically moaned her arousal.

‘How was the video?’

‘Huh…?’ Gwen’s reply was confused, her mind diverting all of its attention to the waves of pleasure flowing through her, foregoing all higher brain function.

‘MJ’s,’ he elaborated with a proud grin. ‘Was it hot?’

So hot,’ she confirmed, her eyes screwed shut as her teeth nibbled on her bottom lip. ‘Love the slut’s tits, so big. Not as big as the guys though… She took them both like a whore. They were huge.’

‘You jealous?’ His teasing question earned him a surprised, startled moan from his girlfriend, her eyes snapping open and staring into his. He returned her gaze, unflinching and she smiled slyly, her face flushed and her eyes smouldering with desire.

Yessss. A little.’

She yelped and groaned when he bit down on her nipple, his fingering picking up in intensity as her juices splashed all over his hand.

‘Good girl, you’re such a dirty little slut.’

‘Mhmm, yes baby. Ugh, you’re such a stud. So hot. Love you, ooooooh!’

Their dirty talk did her in and she collapsed against him as if her bones had all suddenly liquefied, her strength leaving her body as she cried out in orgasm. As was always the case when he made her cum while focusing on her g-spot, she made a complete mess, dark stains marring her white sweatpants.

He gave her a few moments to come down from her high before standing, his athletic girlfriend easily thrown over his broad shoulder.

‘Come on, dinner will be here soon.’ Gwen chuckled and purred when he reached up and spanked her toned ass. ‘Go, have a shower and meet me in the kitchen.’

His grin was proud and just a little smug when she could barely muster up more than a few relaxed affirmations in response.


After dinner, Pete took a long, luxurious shower of his own. Being truly wealthy had come with a whole raft of benefits aside from the obvious - opulent showers that sprayed one with perfectly temperate water from all directions definitely being one of them.

When he finally mustered the willpower to drag himself out of its warm embrace, he slipped on a Jets hoodie and Knicks shorts and quickly checked his emails. Finding nothing urgent, he shot off a few replies before heading out to find his girlfriend.

It didn’t take long.

His eyebrows rose when he found Gwen in the gaming room, her Ghost-Spider themed fight stick on her lap and her feet kicked up on a yoga ball. She was playing Street Fighter, their favourite fighting game.

That wasn’t what caught his attention however.

In the gaming room, from the entrance, the TV hung on the wall to the right while the sofa was pushed up against the wall on the left, the windowed wall that gave a gorgeous view of Manhattan currently blacked out.

He was about to join Gwen, but he paused when he saw the tripod with his SLR atop it pointed at the couch, a long cord connecting it to the laptop next to her.

She’s…actually streaming. I didn’t think she’d go through with it…

He supposed that’ll teach him to underestimate his girlfriend’s desire to show off her immaculate body.

After her shower, Gwen had manifested a pretty cute outfit. An off-the-shoulder top, boy shorts that showed a lot of leg and glasses she absolutely did not need to see. With her gaming headset on and her fight stick in her lap, she looked like the quintessential, hot gamer girl.

When she spied him trying to slip away like Homer Simpson into a hedge bush, Gwen grinned, showing far too many teeth. Reaching outside of frame, she shot a web at his chest and yanked him into the room before he could scurry away like a coward.

‘Sorry guys,’ she said, apparently addressing her chat and apologising for ignoring them. ‘My boyfriend just showed up. Here babe, take care of Chat for me.’

Shaking his head in disbelief and grinning, he slid over the nearby office-chair collapsed in it, accepting the laptop and making sure to stay out of frame. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw she already had eight-hundred viewers. As far as he could tell, this was her first stream and she wasn’t exactly streaming on a family-friendly website.

Looking up at the TV, he saw Cammy - Gwen’s main - utterly destroying someone playing Ryu.

‘Are you playing against the people in your chat?’ he asked curiously, crossing his feet at the ankles and reading the thirsty messages she was getting en masse with an amused grin.

‘Mhmm,’ she answered in the affirmative, her hands moving with mechanical precision as she finished her latest bout with an impressive flourish. ‘Though playing might be a bit generous - these guys all suck.’ She looked up at him, her smile wolfish. ‘For every match I lose I have to take off an article of clothing… At the rate these scrubs are going, it’ll be a thousand years before they’ll see a tit.’

Pete snorted then laughed as her chat exploded with expletives and emotes. It had been a while since he’d watched a stream, and while he felt completely out of the loop when it came to the latest memes, it was nice to see some things never changed.

‘I dunno why you’re all getting salty, is she wrong?’

Gwen cackled and he grinned when the chat exploded again. Apparently they didn’t much appreciate his teasing. While he took a lot of it on a chin with the good nature it was intended, he frowned at the ones that crossed a line and went full retard, his eyes scanning the messages as they flew past.

The website had tools to moderate such things, but who had time for that? It was laughably easy to bypass the restrictions on the API and allow his AI to handle it for him. As an added punishment, he even had his AI break through what little protection they thought they had and IP ban them, stopping them from watching Gwen’s stream entirely.

He caught Gwen eyeing him curiously out of the corner of his eyes, the tapping at the keyboard clearly making her curious. Seeing she’d smoked another opponent, Pete eyed her still completely intact outfit and grinned.

‘You guys really do suck, huh?’

His smile widened when he saw the incensed messages scrolling by, laughing at one in particular. ‘This guy thinks you’re faking it, and I’m the one playing.’

You?!’ Gwen countered, throwing her head back with a mocking laugh.

Oh no she didn’t. Bitch, the kiddy gloves are so coming off!

He watched her dispatch countless more challengers with ease, her viewer count steadily rising as time went on. Pete started to promote her stream on social media with dummy accounts, only half paying attention as Gwen trash talked her viewers.

His efforts bore fruit, and when her stream hit five thousand viewers, Pete smiled in triumph. Gwen’s eyebrows rose when he stood and fetched his own fighting stick from the closet.

His girlfriend turned to the camera and grinned wolfishly, her competitive spirit burning bright. ‘Well, would you look at that, guys,’ she teased, eyeing him up and down. ‘Looks like my cute manservant is eager to join the long line of losers too. When I win, you’re losing the top, Stud. Mama wants some nice eye-candy while she’s smoking these nerds.’’

Pete just smiled at his girlfriend mysteriously, earning him a suspicious, narrow-eyed glare. When they were prompted to select characters, Gwen auto-picked Cammy and, with a wide, cheeky grin, Pete picked Dhalsim. His girlfriend's mocking smile dimmed and she shot him the stink-eye.

‘You think you can counter me?’

Pete’s shrug was far too innocent for her liking, and her eyes narrowed into slits as the announcer called their match.

This entire situation was just hilarious to him. Gwen was caught between desperately wanting to lose so she could get naked in front of her thousands of new fans, and her indomitable competitive streak that made her despise losing.

Had their contest been in a shooter, Pete would have stood no chance. A game where Gwen’s superhuman twitch-reflexes had no limits, even if he liked shooters, he wouldn’t have wasted his time.

While Gwen definitely had an advantage with her superior reflexes in fighting games too, that advantage was limited. Her characters could only move and react as fast as the animations allowed.

Unfortunately and fortunately for his girlfriend both, he was much better than her at fighting games, no matter how much she tried to deny it.

The second the fight started, Gwen tried to get in and close the distance with Cammy’s superior speed. With a chuckle, Pete expertly zoned her with Dhalsim’s fire attacks and just teleported away when she got too close.

He had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at the sounds of fury and frustration his red-faced girlfriend was making and, in no time at all, he trounced her two rounds to zip.

Eyes wide, Gwen just stared at the screen in shock as she tried to control her intense breathing while grinding her teeth in frustration.

‘Lose the shorts, noob.’

Gwen’s head snapped towards him, her eyes narrowed into slits. After some more deep breathing however - and a look that promised delightful retribution later - she smiled thinly and stood, shrugging helplessly.

‘Beginner’s luck!’

Pete snorted in disbelief but Chat started to lose its collective mind when, with a cheeky grin, Gwen turned her back to the camera and leaned forward, sticking out her money maker - literally, if the tallied donations were anything to go by, donations Gwen had dedicated to a charity.

How fucked up would it be if I had Gwen fundraise like this for the hospital named after her mother…?

While her shorts weren’t skin-tight like the ones she sometimes wore to the gym, they were tiny and did little to cover her thick, powerful thighs.

Hooking her thumbs into her waistband, Gwen bounced her hips from side to side as she slowly pulled her shorts down over her powerful, meaty ass.

‘This what you wanted to see, you pervs?’ Gwen teased, her frustration quickly forgotten as she slowly, agonisingly lowered the flimsy material. Pete watched the action through the stream, enjoying Chat’s reaction as much as the show itself.

The viewership had spiked to eight thousand, and Chat was scrolling so fast he couldn’t keep up with it. When Gwen’s tiny, black thong was revealed, the material quickly disappearing into her meaty ass, they started to spam all kinds of emotes - his favourite being that of the famous, tongue-wagging wolf from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Gwen sensuously bent at the waist and slowly dragged her shorts down her long, muscular legs. When they were around her ankles, she turned and, with a flick of her foot, flung them over behind the camera.

‘Okay scrubs, who’s next?’

Pete blew Gwen a kiss and, having apparently forgotten her humiliating defeat, she smiled back at him, her cheeks dusted pink.

She’s loving this. Gwen’s so fucking adorable when she’s excited.

‘If you want to see her naked sometime this century, you guys need to stop being scrubs and pick fighters that are good at zoning.’

‘Oi, don’t help them!’ Gwen yelped, her tone rife with faux outrage.

He was apparently Chat’s favourite guy in the world now, the man who’d gotten them a glimpse of the sexy streamer’s thong-clad ass - even if he was also the greatest villain because he was dating their new queen.

Pete laughed and just made himself comfortable, getting in the swing of things and enjoying the show as Gwen went back to dismantling her viewers. Eventually, he started talking shit with chat as the viewer count rose to ten thousand - helped along by Gwen getting up between each fight to stretch. At one point, he asked the viewers who was hotter, Gwen or Cammy, before timing out someone who answered Juri for slander. When he put the question to a poll, Gwen won by a landslide.

‘Hah! You’ve already got an army of delusional simps,’ Pete gleefully informed his girlfriend, showing her the results of the poll. Gwen smiled wide and shook her head in disbelief.

‘You guys are delusional, no one is hotter than Cammy!’

Pete held out the laptop and Gwen’s smile widened as she saw her new fans rushing to defend their Queen.

To reward their devotion, the next time Gwen stood to stretch, she gave her ass an extra shake, spanking it giving Chat a glimpse of the jiggling, meaty flesh. She even backed up against the wall, leaning forward and lifting one leg up behind her in a vertical split.

‘You’re spoiling them,’ he jokingly reprimanded, earning a cheeky wink from his girlfriend and an erosion of the good will he’d earned from Chat.

Gwen had been so easily dismantling her opponents that it came as a huge surprise when one absolute giga-chad, playing as Akuma, completely styled on her. The player didn’t need to play to Cammy’s weaknesses, he just parried everything and utterly dismantled her without getting hit once.

Gwen stared agog at the screen for several moments afterwards as Chat spammed celebratory and laughing emotes - a new legend within the community having been born. Pete was laughing so hard his face was flush and he was short of breath, and not even Gwen’s annoyed glare could calm him down.

What did calm him down was when a flimsy bit of cloth draped over his face, obscuring his vision. Swiping it off his face, he saw that it was Gwen’s off-the-shoulder top and, looking at his girlfriend, he smiled wide when he saw she was stretching again, wearing nothing but her tiny lingerie, glasses and socks.

Gwen started to do squats, looking over her shoulder at the camera and grinning saucily. She turned her gaze to him. ‘Don’t keep me in suspense, Stud. Are they enjoying the show?’

Shaking his head with fond exasperation, he read through the rapidly scrolling chat - thirteen thousand viewers and climbing.

‘Let’s see…. A lot of requests for you to step on them, a lot are calling you mommy… wow, one guy is begging to smell your stinky feet.’

Gwen’s uproarious laughter did incredible things to her mostly exposed, hard body, her nipples visibly poking through the thin material of her bra.

‘Man, I’ve never been beaten so badly at a game before.’ The sobering thought instantly soured her mood, despite the highly erotic situation. ‘You don’t think he was hacking, right? That was weird.’

He tamped down the urge to mock his girlfriend - it really was weird how good that Akuma player was - but he didn’t hesitate to stomp on her pride regardless. ‘Not in this day and age, and definitely not on a console - the Anti-Cheat AI publishers use are too sophisticated.’

Gwen pouted, but didn’t refute his claim.

He went back to reading chat but was sidetracked when a notification popped up in the corner of his vision.

Tony: You should hear Pepper right now. I’d avoid her tomorrow if I were you, lol. Tell your girlie that Emma and I are enjoying the show!

Pete burst out laughing. He wasn’t even sure if Pepper’s annoyance was well-founded. While it wasn’t a secret that he and Gwen were dating, he didn’t widely advertise it either, their connection not immediately obvious. Even if it were, SI had no grounds to complain, especially given some of the wild shit Tony had done in public.

When he saw Gwen’s look of confusion, his smile widened. ‘My boss just said he’s enjoying the show.’

He almost started laughing anew when her entire face and decolletage went beet red. Gwen was still the rookie amongst the Avengers despite having gone on several missions with them and very much looked up to her peers, even degenerate ones like Tony.

She quickly put it out of her mind and went back to trouncing her viewers. Pete stopped paying attention though, realising his girlfriend wouldn’t actually get naked like she wanted if things stayed the way they were - Chadkuma, as the other viewers had started calling the legendary fighter who had dominated Gwen, showed no signs of returning.

When Gwen realised he wasn’t paying attention, she shot him a worried look. His face must have been set in an intense look of concentration to garner that reaction. He smiled and shook his head to alleviate her worries before standing, causing Gwen’s eyebrows to raise in surprise.

‘I’ll be right back.’

When he returned, it was with a fluoro pink object in hand, one Gwen instantly recognised, if her breath hitching in excitement didn’t make it obvious enough. A special kind of vibrator, the pink toy was shaped similarly to a large egg that had been stretched out to four inches long, a tail extending out from one end and curling back to give it a vaguely horseshoe shape.

‘Ooh, we’ve got a surprise for you, Chat,’ Gwen teased, hopping off the couch and skipping out of frame. She didn’t even hesitate, dropping her panties and snatching the vibe out of his hand, slipping the thicker, egg-like half in her glistening womanhood and twirling it so the tip of the tail rested against her clit. It wasn’t even on and his girl still shuddered when she felt it against her, leaning up to capture his lips in a searing kiss that conveyed all of her desire and more before taking her seat once more, her smouldering eyes never leaving his.

Pete grinned. ‘Alright Chat, since you all suck so much I’ve decided to introduce a handicap.’ He read the chat as he spoke, snorting as some eagle-eyed viewers already noticed the bulge in Gwen’s panties and lost their shit. ‘Instead of telling you, why don’t you try sending some donos to find out - it’s for a good cause!’

It took around twenty seconds, time in which he had to endure Gwen’s puzzled stare. When the donos started rolling in, her body jolted in surprise, as they were accompanied by a gentle humming coming from her nethers.

Gwen’s cheeks pinked and her breathing became slightly laboured at the sensation. Worried some of her dense viewers might not get what was going on, Gwen took off her headset and put it on her lap, the mic easily picking up the humming coming from the vibe in her pussy.

Chat started to lose their collective minds, and Pete implemented the next stage of his plan. A graphic of a cartoon thermometer showed up on the edge of the stream, a visual representation of the donations with milestones all the way to the top, milestones that would increase the intensity of the vibrating each time.

‘Well?’ Pete asked cheekily. ‘Don’t just sit there, you have a challenger.’

Gwen had briefly zoned out, his words snapping her out of it as she confirmed what Pete said to be true. With a piteous moan, she accepted and started the next fight, the vibrator humming all the while as more and more donos flooded in.

During all this, he was unsurprised when he got messages from Cindy and Miles exclaiming their shock. Of all their friends and family, they were the ones most likely to stumble on Gwen’s first stream naturally, even if the stream was on a non-traditional, adult website.

Gwen managed to keep up her winning streak for a respectable amount of time before the vibrator started to have a noticeable effect, her body growing progressively flush, her eyelids heavy and breathing laboured.

If Chat needed any proof that this was all legit, when they blew past the first donation milestone at twenty five grand - with Pete wondering if he’d been a bit too conservative with the numbers - they all heard the volume of the vibe increase as well as saw Gwen jerk and let out a startled moan.

Gwen’t next loss came soon after chat blew past the second milestone at fifty grand. Like a good little hivemind, they’d been timing their donation trains for when she was actually in a match, and when they timed it so they crossed the line during an intense bout, Gwen screwed her eyes shut, arched her back and moaned.

Her opponent was no gentleman, ruthlessly taking advantage of the stumble with brutal efficiency and firing off a super when he saw Cammy briefly, uncharacteristically, idling.

‘You loooooose,’ Pete called, his smile wide as Gwen stared up at him through slitted eyes, caught between frustration at the unfairness of it all, and excitement for what it meant.

Excitement won out and, while biting her lip, Gwen reached behind her and unhooked her tiny bra, flinging it at the camera with a casual flick and grinning smugly. She shook her bare chest, her small tits with her pierced nipples jiggling enticingly.

Gwen picked up her headset and put it back on her head, moaning sensuously as the vibe didn’t let up.

‘C’mon scrubs,’ she challenged, panting in excitement. ‘Do you need me to tie one hand behind my back too? How is it taking you this long?!’

Pete grinned proudly and blew his girlfriend a kiss before inspiration struck. He copied the address for the stream and sent it to her friends after checking the time. They might still be at dinner, but they also might not be.

He didn’t have to wait long to find out.


MJ: How are her numbers so high?!?!?!!??!?!

Gloria: …that’s kinda hot.

Betty: …I’ll chalk this up to your guys’ birthday present to Harry XD

Pete fired off a quick reply to MJ.

Pete: I had dummy accounts spam SM to drum up excitement. Viewership spiked though when she put in the vibe to give her a handicap.

MJ’s reply was quick and carried a note of frustration that Pete couldn’t help laughing at.

MJ: I swear I’d be living in a penthouse too if I’d just weaponized nerds and marketed myself towards gamers…

Pete grinned wide, inspiration striking again.

Pete: Then come over and join next time Gwen streams - she’s hooked, there’s no way she stops after tonight.

Pete: Even better, if you want to drum up excitement for the Mary Janes…you could always stream yourselves practising in the nude.

MJ’s response wasn’t as quick in coming this time, and Pete wondered if he’d crossed a line. He knew how much MJ loved music, maybe she didn’t appreciate him perverting it.

He needn’t have worried.

MJ: Tiger…that’s so fucking HOT OMG!!!

MJ: Ugh, how the hell am I going to convince Betty though…?

He was so engrossed with his conversation with MJ he almost missed it when Chat reached max on the vibe’s settings. The graphic and program he’d set up had less steps than the vibe had power settings, making sure the last step would be a doozy.

Gwen cried out in bliss, her head lolling back into the couch, back arching and hips lifting into the air. Her body was glistening with sweat, the effort to keep her concentration while she was under such a brutal assault clearly taxing, but aside from providing them with an exquisite feast for the eyes, her horny viewers didn’t give a single shit and ruthlessly took advantage.

Gwen didn’t even notice that she’d lost, her focus entirely on the vibe and the pleasure it was giving her.

Honestly, that thing’s a little rudimentary. We could have so much more fun if I make some serious toys that’ll really fuck with her.

Chat started to arch up, and seeing Gwen was in no state to pay them any heed, Pete snorted and started to rapidly type into the laptop, creating another simple, quick program before stepping into frame.

Again, it was no secret that he and Gwen were dating, and when their relationship became more mainstream as his girlfriend’s popularity grew he didn’t doubt scumbag tabloid journalists would have a field day with videos and streams like the one they were making today.

While their reaction didn’t bother him, he saw no reason to piss Pepper off more than he likely already had and had his AI automatically blur his face whenever it came into view - basically a live filter.

Gwen had thrown her fighting stick aside, entirely focused on the pleasure of both the vibe, and the intense, erotic situation she’d found herself in. She started when she felt his hands on her skin, but didn’t resist when he pulled her tiny thong down and exposed her glistening pussy to the camera. Looking over his shoulder he made sure everything was in frame and made to back off again but Gwen latched onto his arm with an iron-clad grip, refusing to let him go.


‘No,’ Gwen pouted, her breaths coming in ragged pants as her eyes bored into his and she pouted. ‘Don’t go.’

‘They don’t want to see me,’ he joked, his voice also modulated by his AI.


Gwen wasn’t listening to him though. Reaching up, she cupped his neck and pulled him down, bringing his lips to hers and slipping her tongue into his mouth. Her kiss was domineering and made his toes curl in delight but, mindful of the real money her viewers had spent to see his girlfriend naked, he pinched her nipple hard and disengaged, ignoring Gwen’s pout.

Pete tilted his head towards the camera. ‘Those horny degenerates have raised over half a million for your charity, give them what they paid for, yeah?’

Gwen’s eyes widened in shock at the news, the number piercing through her pleasure-induced fog.

‘Holy shit,’ she groaned, making herself comfortable and spreading her legs wide, exposing herself completely to her viewers and absolutely loving it. Pete switched off the PlayStation and instead pulled up the stream itself on the TV so Gwen could see herself on the couch, then he forwarded chat to her AR lens so she could respond to her viewers directly.

She stilled as she got used to the abrupt changes, then bit her lip and moaned. The vibe hadn’t eased up all this time and she was no doubt close to cumming.

‘Yeah, I’m close,’ she purred, confirming that she was reading the messages in chat now, her hips undulating as one hand played with a nipple and the other held the vibe tightly against her clit. She clearly ignored all the thirsty messages praising and complimenting her and instead focused on the more mundane ones she could actually answer. ‘Yes, he’s really my boyfriend.’

Pete snorted in amusement and, hearing it, Gwen turned to him and smiled slyly. ‘No, I’d, mmm, love nothing more than for him to come over here and fuck my brains out - but he’s a little shy.’

Now it was Pete’s turn to blush as both his girlfriend and chat gave him shit.

MJ: Pussy!

…and MJ.

MJ: Should I just bring one of my guys over if you’re not willing to take care of business?! lol!

She was trying to get a rise out of him, but it wouldn’t work. Pete thought about it for a second before mentally shrugging. He had nothing to hide from MJ.

Pete: That’s not the threat you think it is.

He followed up the message with the video of Gwen’s dalliance with her gym buddy.

That’ll blow her fucking mind.

‘Holy shit, I, mmm, I can’t believe there’s twenty thousand of you here. Are you all, hah, jerking off? You like what you see?’

Gwen quickly screwed her eyes shut after that, a startled moan escaping from her lips. She was close. Opening her eyes again, she stared directly into his soul as the vibe gently brought her over the edge, even on its max setting.

Too gently, for his liking.

He sent her a message.

Pete: I just sent MJ the video of you fucking your gym buddy after she threatened to bring guys over to fuck you on camera if I wouldn’t.

Her reaction was instant and predictable.

‘Oh fuck!’

She squealed then groaned loud and guttural, her body shaking with convulsions as she tipped over the edge. Pulling out and throwing away the vibe, she rubbed her clit directly in the hopes of heightening her pleasure as she rode the waves of euphoria.

Pete watched Chat going crazy, laughing as they spammed water drop emotes as Gwen writhed on the couch. Despite the donation goals having been met, he was surprised to see even more still rolling in.

Porn for Charity could be a hilarious new thing.

When she came down from her high, she laughed tiredly. She’d melted into the couch bonelessly through her orgasm but quickly righted herself, sitting up and grinning at the camera.

‘That was fun, thanks for coming, but if you all don’t mind, I’m gonna go fuck my guy’s brains out. Peace.’

Pete ended the stream at her nod and put the laptop down just before she launched herself across the room into his lap, nibbling on his lower lip and growling at him like an animal.

‘Someone’s eager.’

‘I love you so fucking much,’ she growled, ignoring his teasing. ‘That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever done.’

Pete gripped her thick, naked ass and pulled her close. ‘Well, according to my messages, Tony, Emma and Cindy approved. I think Miles is just mortified that his Spider-Mom is a Spider-Slut.’

She’d buried her face in his chest at the reminder of Tony, but then laughed when he brought up Miles.

‘I sent your friends the link to the stream too.’

She perked up, especially when he forwarded her the messages. When she read through his exchange with MJ, her growling started up again. It was primal, animalistic, but it didn’t fill him with fear - it just made his dick hard.


This time, he was the one thrown over a shoulder as Gwen hurried to their bedroom. Before she could tear his clothes off his back however, he laughed when MJ sent him another message.


This chapter opens the door for more exhibitionism chapters (streaming fun) and some kinky/swingery stuff with MJ+1.



It seems like you completely forgot about Gwen's video library with her previous lovers. Could you do a chapter of Peter reacting to Gwen's video with Jamal (The guy from chapter 6)?