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Chapter 25

Tags: BDSM, Anal

Natasha Romanoff kept a deadly cool expression as she sat at the head of the table in the command centre they’d set up in her charge’s building. A dozen seasoned warriors and assassins - all ex-SEAL and Ranger types, stared back at her, fury burning in their eyes.

Each and every man put on Peter Parker’s protection detail had a personal connection to him, insomuch they were either friends of his uncle’s, or had been affected positively by his nanite treatments. Every one of the deadly men looking back at her would take a bullet for the good doctor - though they were much more likely to to pump their enemies full of lead first.

She’d just got done briefing them all on their targets, the men and women responsible for the five assassination attempts on Pete’s life so far. Gwen’s hunch had turned out to be prophetic - while the mob certainly had no love for Pete after he so effortlessly ate in to their construction revenue, that was apparently nothing compared to the losses these men and women had and would continue to incur should Pete’s medical nanite tech mature and grow more ubiquitous.

The men and women on the screen were either the leaders of major pharmaceutical companies, or just heavily connected to them as major investors - Nat had been unsurprised when her investigations found Justin Hammer belonging to the latter group.

The smug look on Stark’s face when she’d found not only undeniable proof of a conspiracy from within Big Pharma’s top execs, but Hammer as well?

I think I’ve had enough Smug Stark to last a lifetime, thank-you-very-much.

Tony had taken the results of their investigation straight to his trusted people in Washington, coming back with a kill order signed by the President himself an hour later.

Pete apparently had a lot of friends and admirers in the government too. For a country with an astronomical amount of debt, not only were they very eager to cut down on medical costs, but they were even more excited to shepherd in the future Peter Parker’s nanites promised - one free from the necessity of working.

Peter shouldering a lot of the infrastructural spending on his own didn’t hurt either.

The kid could run for president if he wanted… would probably win in a landslide too.

‘Take five,’ she informed the stoic warriors with an equally blank face, though their eyes burned with hatred and violence. ‘Lunch should have been prepared for you. We’ll continue the briefing in half an hour.’

As one, they obediently stood and filed out of the room, their backs ramrod straight and their baseball glove-sized hands clenched in fury. Half of them often got on her nerves with their jokester, laissez faire, irreverent attitudes, but none of that was on display today.

Today, they were warriors, and they were getting ready to go to war.

She waited a whole minute before speaking.

‘I don’t believe for a second I’m alone in here.’

Gwen didn’t bother keeping up the charade, her perfect invisibility dropping and her position revealed, crouched in the upper corner of the room as her masked face stared blankly at the projected images on the wall.

Were Nat herself not a seasoned killer, she might have felt a shiver of fear running down her spine at the utter silence with which Gwen’s masked face regarded the names on the wall. Instead, she leaned back in her chair and rubbed her belly. She hadn’t started to show yet, but the doctors she visited weekly - now working out of the Helen Stacy Memorial Hospital in Queens - were happy with her miraculous progress.

‘I’ll take the four hiding out in Switzerland.’

Nat wasn’t surprised. She’d accounted for Gwen wanting in on the op and planned accordingly. The superheroine could have gone one of two ways in her estimation - Nat had predicted Gwen would either take the closest targets so she could stay closer to her boyfriend, or the largest gathering of targets so she could adequately vent her fury.

Nat didn’t fight her, and instead sent the woman everything she had on the targets.

‘Do you have a way in and out of the country?’ Nat asked as she saw Gwen’s white lenses flashing when she scanned through the files. ‘Or will you need an assist?’

When the Ghost Spider was done with her examination, Nat watched as she dropped from the ceiling, her suit writhing and shimmering before she even hit the floor. When she landed, a completely different person was staring back at her.

Well, not completely different.

The man staring back at her was of a similar enough height and frame as Gwen, but his features looked utterly unremarkable, his clothing baggy, but neat and forgettable.

‘I can handle it,’ she admitted with a shrug, her voice and tone deathly calm and still her own - AI could likely handle that. ‘Though you’d save me some time if I didn’t have to handle fabricating my own passport.’

As AI became more and more prevalent in modern society, security measures had become increasingly more sophisticated. That generally wouldn’t apply to Gwen though, especially given she had access to Madam Web, but they needn’t bother wasting the supremely powerful AI’s energy.

Nat had already prepared for Gwen fake credentials should she opt for Switzerland.

Gwen snatched the manilla envelope Nat slid across the table and nodded silently before shimmering away back into invisibility. Photo identifications on passports had gone the way of the dinosaurs with the advent of AI, with countries using biometric security instead backed by the very same intelligences.

It was far more of a secure system…unless the people wanting anonymity happened to have access to the world’s most powerful processors and computers.

Nat leaned back in her chair and sighed when she was sure she was alone again, her fine honed senses letting her know she could relax despite the superheroine somehow showing no signs of having left the sealed room.

The operation was a delicate one, all of her agents needing to get into position and strike simultaneously lest they spook their prey and cause them to disappear.

She wasn’t concerned. All of her guys were pros, and she very much doubted a bunch of suits could escape a murderous, superpowered girlfriend on the warpath, even if they put an army between themselves and the newest Avenger.

Not that they’d ever see her coming.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Time to tell Moon she’ll have to stick to Peter’s side like glue for the next week.

Natasha grimaced when she imagined the look of pure excitement on her protege’s face when she heard the news.

Why do I get the feeling this will absolutely make her day…?


While Gwen was away on her business trip, Pete decided to use his spare time to handle some errands he’d been putting off for far too long.

Given that they had no loop stations this far North yet, Pete and Cindy had requisitioned one of the self-driving cars from SI’s carpool to make the long trip. While the exteriors weren’t much to look at - boxy SUVs that they were - the interior was pure luxury. Without the need for a human driving interface, the interior held much more room for comfortable seating and accommodations, almost like a private jet.

Two, two-seater recliners were installed at the front and back of the space facing each other, separated by a coffee table that doubled as a bar fridge. The inertial dampeners made it so not even the liquid inside their glasses of iced water shifted with the movement of the vehicle, as Newton had everyone believing.

Science is so freaking cool!

He kept his mind off the grim task Gwen was currently undertaking by staring at the gorgeous forests that whizzed by them through the glass windows and ceiling, lounging back in the recliner with his pet attached at his hip.

He made to send his shadow a fond, teasing smile, but blushed when he was given a…delightful reminder of how she’d decided to dress for their outing that afternoon.

I shouldn’t have said anything…

On a rare night off the previous week, Gwen, Cindy and he had had a fun gaming session where they’d played snippets of older favourites from his back catalogue. Somehow, they’d gotten onto the topic of hottest girls in video games history, and, rather than focusing on the games themselves, had instead put all their efforts into creating a tier list.

Gwen’s top-tier had, naturally, been Cammy White while Cindy hadn’t strayed too far from the mainstream in picking Tifa Lockhart as her number one.

Pete sent a discreet look to his side out of the corner of his eye, his cheeks flushing red. He instantly knew his efforts at subterfuge had failed when he spied Cindy smirking in his periphery.

Ugh. Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut?! I knew she was into cosplay!

Indeed, upon admitting Ada Wong from the Resident Evil series was his number one, he’d naively thought that would be the end of it - despite Gwen’s furious howls at his ‘betrayal’ of Cammy.

Cindy had apparently taken preference as a request, because that morning, she’d shown up at his penthouse dressed in a tight, body-hugging, burgundy, turtleneck dress, even tighter black leather pants, boots and gloves. She even had holsters for real guns she didn’t need to use!

She’s even done her hair up to look like Ada! What the hell?!

His cheeky pet couldn’t look more pleased with herself even if she tried.

Pete sighed in defeat.

Why am I complaining? She looks hot as hell and doesn’t care if I look.

He could hear Gwen’s voice in his mind screaming at him to stop being a pussy. It was so clear he actually had to check Gwen hadn’t sent him a message saying as much.

Sighing, he finally turned to Cindy and bit the bullet. ‘Did you really waste nanites just to play dress-up?’

The young woman preened at his attention and sat up straight. She’d been tapping away at her laptop, spending more and more time lately trying to improve on her baby, the grav drives on the medical drones.

Her nose in the air, she actually harrumphed. ‘I’ll have you know, Master, this is a real outfit from my collection. I cosplayed as Ada a couple of years ago at Comic-Con.’ She turned to him, crossing one long leg over the other and slung an arm over the back of his chair, pressing herself into his side. ‘Do you like it?’

He shuddered, her deep, husky voice almost directly in his ear.

‘You know I like it!’

Cindy smiled, biting her lip and jutting out her chest. Even at her worst, Cindy was a bombshell, seeing her in that outfit though? And acting all sexy like that?

It’s not even fair.


‘What do you mean collection?’

Cindy’s smile widened, her dark eyes twinkling in mischief. ‘My friends and I went to all the cons, cosplaying for each one - and don’t even get me started on what we did for Halloween. I have an…extensive collection. If you order me, I can model them for you, Master.’

He shuddered, his traitorous mind bombarding him with images of Cindy in the most risque, degenerate cosplays of his fantasies.

The comment about Halloween really piqued his interest though, and despite his better judgement, he couldn’t contain his curiosity.

Narrowing his eyes, he turned to her. ‘What did you dress up as last Halloween?’

Cindy bit her lip sexily and grinned. ‘Mega Man, I even 3D printed an actual Mega Buster…’

Pete frowned. That sounded… a lot less sexy than he was imagining.

His train of thought was interrupted by a notification pinging in the corner of his vision. He automatically opened it and almost choked on his spit, earning a pleased giggle from the cheeky bodyguard.

She’d sent him a photo of her and her friends, suitably slutted up for Halloween in their own sexy cosplays. Cindy’s take on Mega Man was… quite a sight to see. Most of her body was covered in a skintight, baby-blue latex suit that left nothing to the imagination - it wasn’t like a normal suit either, but more like a second skin that vacuum sealed over her body, the shape of her breasts perfectly outlined.

More like anime than real life.

She hadn’t only 3D printed the Mega Buster either, both the helmet, her other arm and her feet covered in chunky armour of a darker shade of blue. After he was finally able to stop staring at her perfectly outlined tits, he also realised she’d dyed her hair a shade of blue too.

‘That’s…an interesting take on Mega Man.’

Cindy giggled again, clearly pleased by his reaction, before going back to typing away at her laptop.

Pete sighed, going back to staring out the windows at the picturesque view instead of the gorgeous woman beside him. He loved living in Manhattan, but there was something about being surrounded by greenery that soothed the soul.

He secretly pulled up the pic Cindy had just sent him and felt himself harden in his pants.

Jesus, I’m such a coomer.

He’d only been apart from Gwen for a couple of days and already he was desperate to rub one out…

Half an hour later, he’d finally managed to calm down his raging erection as they pulled up to their destination, their car passing through the wrought-iron gate with an instantly recognisable signage emblazoned over the top of it.

Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters

Aside from the gorgeous, Victorian-styled manor looming in the distance, Pete’s eyes were immediately drawn to the lush greenery and meticulously maintained landscaping. It looked straight out of fantasy, too perfect to be real.

I wonder if one of the staff or kids has a power that helps with that…?

Speaking of the kids, Pete could make out a large group of them playing a game of football in the distance, the huge manor itself relatively quiet and serene.

Their car automatically drove to the open garage off to the side of the manor, and Pete’s smile widened at who he saw within. Leaping out the instant their car came to a stop, Pete bounded over to Logan who looked busy fussing over his Harley, the short, buff man dressed in grease-stained tee and jeans.

His friend’s head snapped up, likely at recognising his familiar scent, and grinned at him as he approached. He wiped himself clean with a nearby rag and the two clasped hands in greeting.

‘Hey kid,’ the older man greeted in his deep, gruff tone. ‘Been a bit. What’re you doing here?’

Pete shrugged as he eyed the classic motorbike appreciatively, his lens flaring up as he assessed its internals. Cindy cautiously approached behind him and introduced herself.

‘I came to see the Professor,’ Pete answered, almost instantly finding the fault his friend was looking for, his AI flagging up the issue by blowing up the scanned image of the bike into separate components, and showing the damages in red. ‘I had some free time and I’ve been meaning to talk to him for a while.’

‘Ah, nerd shit then?’

Pete chuckled and nodded. ‘Yeah, something like that. Listen - are you, like, enjoying taking apart your bike and giving it a service, or do you want me to tell you what’s wrong with it?’

Logan’s eyebrow rose. ‘You know what’s wrong with it? Just like that? I’ve been trying to fix this hunk of junk for months now - the mechanic was useless.’

Pete nodded. ‘Let me guess, inexplicable engine failure and a reduction in overall power?’

Logan reeled back as if he’d been slapped. ‘Err…yeah, something like that.’

One of the silent, invisible drones hovering behind Pete revealed itself and shone a holographic image of what he was seeing so Logan could see it too. ‘Don’t be too hard on the mechanic, this would be kinda hard to see.’ As the image of the bike blew up into separate components, Pete highlighted the ones shining red. ‘Look here, the engine block, pistons and gearbox have microscopic cracks that are steadily widening under strain - that’ll severely impact performance and cause engine failure.’

Logan stared at the image despondently and cursed, kicking the malfunctioning bike with his heavy boot. ‘Ugh, now I gotta get a new bike? Stupid hunk of junk -’

Pete reached into his pocket and pulled out a capsule of his nanites with a grin. ‘Not so fast…’

Logan watched with wide eyes - Cindy much more used to his wizardry with his nanites - as Pete popped the lid of the capsule and a thin stream of nanites shot out and into the bike’s internals. Carefully controlling the microscopic machines, he had the nanites first repair the cracks and every other sign of wear and tear before he used the remainder to reinforce the strength of the components and the frame itself.

The end result was a motorcycle that was much better than it had been brand new, and it had only taken a couple of minutes of concentration. Pete smiled wide, ‘Go on Logan, let her rip.’

With a grin that matched his own, Logan sat on the bike, put her in gear and hit the ignition. Pete couldn’t hear him over the roaring of the Harley, but Logan groaned with bliss as he revved the bike, the engine sounding better than brand new.

Satisfied his bike was repaired, Logan shut her down and flipped the kickstand, spinning in the seat and crossing his arms. ‘Kid, you’re something else.’

Pete smiled wide. ‘It was nothing man, I’m more of a car guy myself, but seeing her in that state I couldn’t just leave her like that.’

Logan raised an eyebrow and looked around Pete to stare at the car they’d arrived in.

Pete shrugged bashfully, conceding the point. ‘I live in Manhattan, no one drives. Maybe one day I’ll move up here and actually buy a car,’ he joked with a bashful chuckle. ‘Speaking of, why don’t you bring your bike to SI next time you come to use the combat rooms - we can try modifying the internals to be Vibranium, that way this won’t happen again.’

A strange look crossed the man’s features and his eyes narrowed. ‘You can do that? Change one metal into another, just like that?’

Pete laughed it off. ‘Well, it’ll take a lot more nanites…’ then his eyes widened when he saw Logan’s eyebrows raise, finally realising what he was getting at. ‘Oh, well, yeah, I could do that too, but I wouldn’t advise it. vibranium isn’t as good as adamantium when it comes to cutting things…’

Logan frowned, his expression turning dark as his brows furrowed. ‘Maybe, but Magneto can’t control Rogers’ shield, and that’s supposed to be vibranium, right?’

Pete froze, not having made the connection until his friend brought it up.

‘It’s true,’ Cindy piped in for the first time after she’d noticed him freeze. ‘There’s videos online of Magneto failing to control Cap’s shield, or anything made of vibranium.’

Pete turned back to Logan, his mind running on overdrive as he considered all the possibilities. ‘This will hurt… a lot.’

The Wolverine chuckled. ‘I ain’t afraid of pain, kid.’

Pete’s frown deepened, his eyes locked on Logan’s grease-stained hands. ‘You’d be much lighter, so… faster. Your ability to take a hit would be even greater…but vibranium doesn’t keep an edge like adamantium. Your cutting power might be severely impacted. It’s a straight upgrade defensively, but might be a huge nerf offensively against everyone except Magneto…’

Logan didn’t reply, realising Pete was just thinking out loud while Cindy didn’t have such reservations. ‘What are you thinking?’

‘In almost every situation, adamantium claws are superior…’ Pete looked up at Logan and grinned. ‘Have you ever considered just…punching Magneto?’

‘Can’t get close,’ Logan dismissed with a shrug.

Cindy caught onto his meaning. ‘Yeah, but if your entire frame is coated with vibranium instead of adamantium, you could. That way, your claws could stay as they are, and when they retract -’

‘They’d be protected by my no-longer magnetic skeleton?’

Pete’s smile widened. ‘Something like that.’

Logan didn’t show his excitement, but Pete could tell he very much liked the idea by the eager gleam in his dark eyes.

‘Just imagine how much faster you’d be too, and harder to put down. Like a little ball of -’

Pete’s eyes widened when he realised what he said as Logan’s eyes narrowed.

‘What do you mean by little, bub?’

Pete slowly started to back away, but Logan showed himself to be plenty fast already, his traitorous bodyguard doing nothing to protect him as the Wolverine launched himself at him like a wild animal and captured him in a brutal headlock. Pete groaned as he was given an epic noogie, practically feeling the grease and dirt rubbing off onto his once perfectly clean clothes.

‘Logan! Unhand him!’

Pete felt Logan’s grip slacken and he almost laughed as the older man leapt away from him, as if his skin was on fire.

‘We were, err, just playing around. Right kid?’

Pete shot a too-innocent looking Cindy a dirty look before straightening himself out and smiling at the beautiful redhead that had joined them in the garage - likely having heard the commotion.

Or, knowing her, having sensed it.

Jean Grey, one of the world’s most famous mutants and Professor Xavier’s protege. She was…basically a jedi - telepathy, empathy, telekinesis, it was only a shame that she didn’t also use a sword…

I should make her a lightsaber… that’ll be so freaking cool!

Pete watched the powerful mutant’s emerald-green eyes widen in surprise when she recognized him.

‘Doctor Parker!’ she breathed out in surprise. ‘We weren’t expecting you! I’m so sorry, was Logan giving you trouble?’

‘Who, him?’ Pete teased, shoving the older man in the shoulder and finding himself moving in the opposite direction. ‘Nah, we’re just playing around, and no need to apologise, I kind of dropped by unannounced. I was hoping to speak with the Professor.’

Jesus, it’s like shoving a boulder.

He couldn’t help himself - and he would swear to his dying day that it was all Gwen’s fault - but when the powerful jedi mutant smiled at him warmly, he automatically compared her to MJ…which naturally led him to remembering their numerous trysts.

Pete then paled when he saw Jean’s cheeks flush red as Logan started to laugh at his expense.

Pete screwed his eyes shut and cleared his dirty mind. Unlike with Emma Frost, he instantly felt Jean pull out of his mind, less like the writhing tentacles he always imagined from when the White Queen messed with him and more like a gentle breeze.

‘Sorry,’ Pete apologised bashfully, unable to meet the older, beautiful woman’s eyes. ‘You…er, reminded me of somebody else.’ He winced, realising what he was admitting. ‘Can we just pretend this never happened?’

‘Smooth. I’ll see you later, kid,’ Logan sniped, bidding him farewell as he got on his newly beefed up bike.

Jean’s smile was far more warm and understanding than he had been expecting. ‘I work at a school filled with hormonal teenagers, Doctor Parker, it takes a lot more than that to offend me.’

Seeing he was still incredibly uncomfortable, she grinned. Meeting her in person for the first time, Pete finally understood why Logan was always pining over her. Elegance and beauty, she was tall for a woman, dressed in jeans, a white tee and a brown leather jacket. She wasn’t as voluptuous as MJ, much more toned and athletic than his model friend, but she had an air about her that gently demanded authority.

Almost like a mother.

Cindy joined him at his side and Pete flicked his head towards her, introducing her.

‘Sorry again, and this is Cindy, my assistant.’

He felt the younger woman preen. He knew how much she preferred it when he referred to her as such rather than simply his bodyguard.

And why shouldn’t I? She’s brilliant.

Jean smiled politely at Cindy and motioned them through the nearby door inside the mansion. Pete followed, unsurprised to see the gorgeous decor within

‘Is the professor free?’ Pete asked as they walked through the silent halls, their footsteps echoing off the rich, timber floorboards.

Jean turned to him and smiled, but instead of answering, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back in an attempt, Pete assumed, to reach out to Xavier.

When her eyes once more fluttered open, she once again flashed him her pearly whites. ‘The professor is in his office wrapping up a meeting. He’s pleasantly surprised by your visit and eager to see you.’

Pete nodded and smiled politely. Just as he was about to thank her and ask her to lead him to the legendary mutant’s office though, he paused, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinised the redhead before him.

‘Would you mind if I borrowed you some time for a personal project of mine?’ His head was tilted as he stared at her, ignoring Cindy’s confused frown. ‘I’d compensate you for your time, of course, but I really have a need for someone with your skillset.’

He didn’t need to be a telepath to see that he’d piqued her curiosity.

Clearing his throat, he explained, understanding that his request could come off as rather…awkward.

‘For a while now, I’ve been trying to invent a, well, I’m calling them neural inhibitors. They’re a device that will protect my mind from telepaths - I have the basics down, but they’re rather hard to test and refine without the aid of a willing telepath…’

Pete only just withheld his wince when he saw Jean was instantly on guard and eyeing him warily, almost suspiciously. ‘May I ask…why?’

He shrugged. ‘I’m pretty close with Tony, as I’m sure you’re aware -’

The tension oozed out of Pete’s shoulders when Jean instantly relaxed, an amused smirk gracing her beautiful features as her emerald eyes twinkled merrily.

‘Ah. I think I understand.’ Her tone was full of amusement and, dare he hoped, eagerness. ‘Emma has always been rather… lacking in tact.’

Pete stared at her, deadpan. ‘She’s as subtle as a sledgehammer.’

That seemed to highly amuse the mutant.

‘You know what? That sounds like fun. Don’t worry about compensating me, I’ll help you for free.’ Her smile widened, a hint of playfulness replacing her more reserved, motherly demeanour. ‘The only thing I want is a video of the look on her face when she realises she can’t read your mind.’

Pete’s smile widened and he held out a hand.



After exchanging details, Jean led both Cindy and Pete through the manor as they finally started to run into the students that weren’t outside messing around. Pete smiled politely at them as they gaped at him, feeling a bit awkward as the whispers started up as soon as he passed.

Cindy elbowed him in the side, grinning cheekily. ‘Did you have fanclubs when you were in highschool too?’

He snorted, rolling his eyes. ‘Not exactly.’

When they finally reached the professor’s office, Jean opened the door and waved them in before bidding them farewell. The office itself was pretty standard fare - timber panelled walls, a large, stone fireplace, tall bookshelves and an even taller window that looked out onto the picturesque gardens.

None of the sights were as incredible as the sight of the professor himself sweaty, and running on a treadmill.

Despite being in his mid-to-late fifties - he guessed, though he could be older - the legendary mutant looked as fit and in shape as a man half his age, his surgery and the nanites doing wonders for his body. The tight tee, exercise shorts and trainers showed off a physique that very few boasted at his age.

Even though his bald head shined with the sweat of a good workout.

Xavier smiled wide when he saw Pete, stopping the treadmill and hopping off with a click of his heels.

‘Doctor Parker! What a pleasant surprise!’ he cried, wiping himself down with a towel before embracing him in a strong hug. Pete didn’t resist, genuinely happy to see the older man in such good shape.

‘Please, professor, call me Peter.’

‘Than I must insist you call me Charles!’ he chided, his eyes twinkling merrily. Noticing they weren’t alone in the office, Pete turned to the other occupant as Charles greeted Cindy just as warmly, the smile instantly slipping from his face.

Pete quickly forced the smile back on his face though and greeted the woman with faux warmth. As tall and statuesque as Jean Grey, though her skin was akin to milk chocolate, Ororo Monroe was a striking woman with an athletic physique, long, voluminous, curly white hair, piercing blue eyes and thick, succulent lips.

She wore a loose orange blouse with ethnic, tribal patterns that was low-cut enough to show off her decolletage, but not much of her…hefty cleavage. The blouse was also tucked into baggy, beige pants that couldn’t quite hide her wide hips and desirable figure.

While she was dressed casually, she also wore several bangles around her arms and neck. She was beautiful, sophistication and elegance rolled into one, her looks, presence and demeanour demanding attention from those around her.

As was natural, for the Queen of Wakanda.

‘Nice to meet you, I’m Peter Parker.’

‘Pleasure,’ she greeted, holding out her hand for him to shake. ‘Ororo Monroe, though I have a feeling we’re both well aware of each other, Doctor Parker.’

As if sensing his discomfort, he felt the Professor gently pry into his mind. Unlike Emma’s rude, writhing tentacles or Jeans ever present attention, this felt more like a polite knocking before, well, allowing himself entry.

The end result was the same, sure, but it felt infinitely less invasive.

‘What is the matter, Peter?’

Pete, not letting the mental conversation show on his face, or his smile slip, answered back in his mind.

‘I’m not sure it’s entirely appropriate for us to be in a room together Charles. I’m… very vocal about not being her husband’s biggest fan.’

Pete was confused and turned to look at the smiling professor when he heard the man’s deep chuckling in his mind. Seeing the look of consternation on his features, the professor bowed his head and continued, mentally.

‘The two of you might have more in common than you think…’

Ororo immediately noticed the interplay and raised a challenging eyebrow before shaking her head. ‘I shall not impede on proceedings further,’ she said in her smooth, melodious tone with just a tinge of an African accent he couldn’t place by ear. ‘Thank you for your time, Professor.’

Sighing, Pete waved his hand dismissively. ‘No, no, it’s fine. What I have to say to Charles concerns you too. I was just concerned there might be bad blood between us given everything going on with Wakanda lately.’

The troubled look on the beautiful woman’s face melted away and she smiled warmly at him. ‘Whatever issues you have with the politicians of my home are of no concern to me, I assure you.’

Genuinely surprised by the lack of animosity, Pete took his wins where he could get them and returned her smile, taking the nearby seat Charles offered to both him and Cindy while the man himself sat behind his desk and Ororo over on a nearby couch.

They caught up for a few minutes, trading pleasantries and discussing both their work and how the school was doing. Both Charles and Ororo were amazed at the Stairway to Heaven - he still cringed at the awful name - while Pete paid polite attention as the professor waxed lyrical about his students.

‘Enough about work though,’ Charles waved the conversation away with a smile. ‘I must confess, given how our last interaction ended -’ He emphasised this by pointing over to the treadmill. ‘I am rather excited about what it is that has you visiting me in my home.’

Pete smiled politely and pulled up the personnel records of the man his algorithm had detected for the Gwenite program.

Given their popularity and how good they’ve been for the police force, the list of applicants had, understandably, grown exponentially.

Pulling up the man’s records, he turned back to Charles with a warm smile. ‘Logan once told me you have a way to detect other mutants?’

Taken aback by the direction the conversation had taken, Charles put both his hands on his desk and tilted his head in curiosity before slowly nodding. ‘Quite right, I have several ways to detect whether someone is gifted.’

Pete held out his hand and motioned towards Cindy. ‘Do you mind? I’m pretty interested to see what you find when checking out Cindy here.’

His assistant looked at him in confusion as Charles and Ororo exchanged befuddled glances. ‘Huh? I’m not a mutant…’

Pete winked at the beautiful woman and grinned. ‘Humour me.’

Shrugging, Charles acquiesced and closed his eyes, his hands placed palm down on his desk and his face furrowed in effort. Pete felt a thrill of excitement when, with his eyes still closed, Xavier’s eyebrows rose in surprise. His eyes fluttered open and he stared at Pete in confusion.

‘I don’t understand.’

Pete grinned. ‘She’s a mutant right, by whatever metric you used to detect someone with the gift?’

Cindy’s head was bouncing between both Charles and him, a look of supreme confusion on her features. ‘What are you talking about? I didn’t even have powers a year ago…’

Charles reeled back in surprise before closing his eyes once again to double check. ‘I assure you, my dear, I can sense the X-gene within you. You have the gift.’

Cindy slumped back in her chair, shock and confusion marring her beautiful features.

Pete quickly moved on, pulling up the personnel records for the applicant he’d searched for earlier. ‘Sorry to swiftly move on, but this is leading to something interesting, I promise. Do you have an Esteban Guttierez working here?’

Charles looked to Ororo and, after a brief pause, she cautiously nodded, answering in a guarded tone. ‘He’s been a cook here for years…’

Pete nodded. ‘Do you mind calling him here? Mister Guttierez applied to become a member of the Spider Corps, and my system says he’s qualified.’

Genuinely stumped, Charles nevertheless closed his eyes and called out to the man telepathically, hopefully calling him to the Principal’s office.

Oh boy, he’s probably crapping his pants. I should have spoken with him first, huh? Oops…

They exchanged a few more pleasantries with Pete politely dodging all further inquiries until he’d finished with his demonstration. Cindy sat beside him, staring at her hand in shock at the news that she was, apparently, a mutant.

A polite knocking at the door interrupted their conversation and Charles presumably called the man inside with a telepathic greeting.

A nervous hispanic man in his mid twenties dressed in a black chef’s outfit stepped inside, his knees almost quaking with his nervousness.

That all disappeared the second he realised who was in the office with the professor, his eyes widening in shock and carefully guarded delight.

‘D-doctor Parker?!’

Pete smiled at the nervous man and stood, holding out a hand for him to shake. He gestured for the chef to take his seat as Pete stood beside Charles’ desk.

‘Do you know why I’m here?’

‘Did…’ he paused, looking between Xavier and Ororo with embarrassment. ‘Did I get accepted into the Spider corps?’

‘You’re certainly qualified,’ Pete answered with a kind, understanding smile and a nod. ‘It’s up to the NYPD whether you’ll be accepted, but you’re qualified to accept the nanites, if you still want them.’

‘I - I do!’ he admitted, fire burning in his eyes before wincing and looking guiltily at both the professor who hired him and Ororo, who he apparently dealt with more commonly.

‘Assuming you don’t mind, Charles?’

Apparently picking up on context cues, the older man closed his eyes and reached out to the young man before them. With a gentle exhale, his eyes once again fluttered open and he looked at Pete in confusion.

‘Nothing, right?’ at Charles’ confirming nod, Pete’s smile widened. ‘Excellent.’

Reaching into his coat pocket, Pete pulled out a second vial of nanites - Gwenites, as opposed to the previous lot, which had been construction nanites - the condensed, tiny machines looking like an undulated black liquid within the glass, and held it out to Esteban.

‘If you’re still serious about joining the Spider Corps, drink this.’ Seeing the man staring at the vial warily, he put a gentle, comforting hand on his shoulder. ‘Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. You’ll feel tired afterwards, but that’s normal.’

With one final look between the professor and Storm, and receiving encouraging nods in return, Esteban popped the lid and downed the vial of nanites in one, excited go.

Pete’s head snapped towards the professor. ‘Charles, start examining him again, tell me what you see.’

He needn’t have said anything, this time Charles had his hand outstretched towards the young man and his face was scrunched up with effort, scanning for any potential changes.

Despite the monumental changes happening in the young man’s body, the process was fairly anti-climactic. While not as simple as flipping a switch, that’s essentially what the Gwenites did - if his theory was correct, activating a specific gene within them and absorbing some of Gwen’s power for themselves… as well as their own.

Charle’s eyes fluttered open and widened in shock as Esteban slumped in his chair, a silly grin on his face.

‘What is it?’ Ororo asked, sitting up on her seat, her eyes wide at seeing the look in the professor’s wide eyes.

‘It’s…how is this possible?’

Pete resisted the urge to cheer. People loved to call him a genius, but the specifics behind what he’d achieved with the nanites had eluded him for ages. More a happy accident than a result of careful experimentation, he felt elated to finally understand what he’d really achieved with the Gwenites.

‘He’s a mutant now, right?’

Ororo’s head snapped to his, her eyes wide with shock as Charles nodded in affirmation. Cindy was lost to the world, still staring at her hands in surprise.

Pete pumped his fist in delight before leaning against the professor’s desk with a pleased sigh. ‘Alright! That’s awesome, everything makes so much sense now…’

Seeing he had a rapt audience, he cleared his throat and explained.

‘I never quite knew what exactly made someone suitable or qualified for the, um, nanites I grew using the Ghost Spider’s genes. I knew it was something in their blood, but I didn’t know what.’

Ororo stood and grabbed an empty scotch glass from Charles’ liquor cabinet, filled it with water with her powers, and passed it to a thankful Esteban who groaned in delight as he sculled the cool liquid in one go.

‘I started to suspect something when each and every person who accepted the treatment began to manifest unique…extra powers. One of the first, he manifested power over electricity. My dear assistant here? Her senses are well beyond the pale, bordering on precognition. The list of powers is as varied as it is long, and it confused me for ages.’

Charles was still staring at him in shock.

‘Are you saying -’

‘I theorise that the hidden quality that makes someone compatible with the nanites is the X-gene, or rather -’

‘Recessive?’ Charles asked in a shocked whisper and Pete’s smile widened in delight.

Exactly!’ Then he frowned in annoyance. ‘Admittedly, I was stumped when it came to the Ghost Spider herself, she showed no obvious other abilities aside from her unnatural affinity for the nanites themselves.’

Cindy’s head snapped up, apparently not as lost in her own world as he’d thought. ‘Wait, you don’t think -’

Pete smiled wide and crossed one leg over the other, staring at her expectantly like a teacher would their star pupil. ‘Why don’t you tell me what you think?’

She frowned in confusion and thought it through, her eyes steadily widening. ‘Some kind of…internal forge?’

Pete’s excitement couldn’t be contained. ‘Go on…’

Cindy looked up, her eyes narrowing. ‘Does her…mutation allow her to create and store vast amounts of nanites inside her? Inside her body or maybe… some kind of…interdimensional space?’

Pete shrugged and struggled to keep the wide smile off his face - he was sure he looked utterly, embarrassingly, pleased with himself. ‘It certainly explains a lot, doesn’t it?’

It had never sat right with him that, because Gwen was a superhero originally, that somehow made her more receptive to controlling his nanites. He’d started to suspect something was off when she’d begun performing feats that should have taken orders of magnitude more nanites than her body had access to.

Sure, the nanites self-replicated, but not at the speed Gwen went through them.

An internal forge is an interesting idea. I’d just assumed she had some kind of replication power that could keep up with her usage, but if she has some kind of interdimensional space inside her where she could create and store the nanites infinitely, even when she’s not using them…

Then, a cheeky thought crossed his mind.

In internal interdimensional space would certainly explain how she’s so easily able to take all those huge dicks…

Pete quickly cleared his mind and turned back to Charles - he didn’t want to repeat the embarrassment from earlier - when he spoke up. ‘You’re…creating mutants?’

Pete tilted his head from side to side. ‘I wouldn’t put it that way. The nanites are just…activating what’s already there, latching onto the gene and, for lack of a better term, mutating it. I guess you could say I’m…awakening them?’

‘Fascinating,’ Ororo whispered in awe as Charles stood to guide a visibly exhausted Esteban over to a nearby couch to rest. ‘This…this changes everything - even something as little as identifying people with recessive X-genes is groundbreaking, I didn’t even know there was such a thing…’

Pete shrugged and did what he always did when a beautiful woman complimented him, he turned into the idiotic, flushed nerd from highschool who couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes.


After the excitement had died down, Pete, Charles and Ororo had discussed the implications, both logistically and politically, of a whole lot of mutants coming into their powers in such a short time. While interesting, the topic didn’t hold as much interest to Pete as the strange nature of Gwen’s own powers had, and the conversation had quickly wrapped up soon after.

‘So you’re free every day this week?’ Jean asked with an amused grin tugging at her lips. ‘Here I thought you were the busiest man alive…’

Pete barked out a laugh, partly at Jean’s jab but mostly because another student had rushed over to Cindy to gush at her cosplay.

Yeah, probably wasn’t her best idea to dress as a famous video game character when visiting a school…

‘If I keep dodging Emma, I’m pretty sure she’ll eventually do something… unpleasant. I’ll make time, trust me.’

Jean laughed warmly but froze when she saw something over his shoulder. Her smile widening, she bowed her head and started to back away.

‘It was nice meeting you Doctor Parker. I’m eager to see how this latest invention of yours pans out.’

Taking it for the dismissal that that was, Pete looked over his shoulder and his eyebrows rose when he saw Ororo strolling towards him, her hands in her baggy pockets as she smiled fondly at the giggling group of students surrounding Cindy.

Pete had honestly been surprised, pleasantly so, with how well he’d gotten on with the woman. He’d built up the Wakandas in his mind to be a nation of, frankly, elitist pricks - Shuri’s behaviour whenever she visited SI, as if everything they were working on was beneath her, certainly didn’t help matters.

Then again, Ororo isn’t Wakandan by birth…

When Ororo stopped beside him, continuing to watch the students giggling and chatting with Cindy, Pete couldn’t help eyeing her out of the corner of his eye. A couple of inches shorter than him in her sandals, what truly caught his attention other than her shock of white hair was how cut and defined her jaw was. It was as if regality was a part of her very being.

Pete had to give his horny brain a backhand.

A few days without Gwen and I swear to God it feels like puberty all over again.

‘I must apologise for earlier,’ she began, her voice deep, soft and her slight Kenyan accent melodic and pleasing to his ear, reminding him of a teacher he had in highschool - he’d, of course, looked it up. ‘I know of the animosity you must have for me and my people -’

‘There's no animosity,’ he said, cutting her off. Seeing her look of disbelief, he grinned and added. ‘Well, towards you or your people, specifically.’

She still looked dubious, her elegant features creased in a frown. ‘I may not be a telepath, but even I could sense your discomfort.’

His hands clasped behind his back, he tilted his head to the side and shrugged.

‘I try to avoid awkward situations as much as possible,’ Pete admitted after several moments of silence, before trying to inject some levity with his legendary humour. ‘I can't even watch cringe comedies,’ he paused, and shuddered, ‘they always make me feel like ants are crawling under my skin…’

While Ororo didn't laugh, her lips twitched in amusement. ‘Be that as it may, I wanted to apologise for any potential discomfort. And to let you know not all of my people agree with what our ambassador has been saying about you and Mister Stark in the press.’

His grin didn't quite reach his eyes. ‘This is one of those awkward situations I can't stand. I'm supposed to return your kind words, but we both know I'd be lying.’

Her lips thinned but, to his surprise, Ororo didn't look displeased with him. If anything, she looked frustrated. Perhaps with her subjects.

About fucking time.

‘We didn’t get to talk about it earlier, but I wanted to say that I’ve been very impressed by your work in repairing and building up America's infrastructure. At great personal expense, no less.’

They strolled over to a private corner and continued to speak in hushed tones. Cindy, despite not needing to given her powers, made sure to keep him in her periphery at all times.

‘The IRI?’ Pete asked in surprise, his eyebrows raising. He had a sneaking suspicion where this was going, and it took all of his considerable willpower to not cackle like an evil villain.

Ororo nodded gracefully and eyed him speculatively. She said nothing for several tense moments before letting out a frustrated sigh. ‘Every day, more and more of my people die in squalor, butchered by their neighbours or robbed blind by foreign interests -’

‘And your husband does nothing.’

At this point, Pete’s distaste for the isolationist nation was no secret, but Ororo still reeled back as if she’d been slapped. She let out another weary sigh before nodding. ‘If only you knew the half of it, I fear what you may really feel about them.’

He assumed by them she was either referring to the entire royal family, or the governing structure in Wakanda, he supposed.

I already think they're racist, elitist jerks. Dunno if it gets much worse than that.

‘Why tell me?’ While he’d never pass up an opportunity to throw shade at Wakanda, this was all obviously leading somewhere.

Ororo’s lips thinned and she crossed her arms. ‘Are you perhaps interested in…expanding the IRI’s focus? Or are you only focused on building up America’s infrastructure?’

The words had left her mouth in a rush, leaving her almost breathless with hope.

He understood her excitement. Robust infrastructure development was one of the fastest ways to lift a country out of the third world. China and India had done it through their massive populations and resource generation, but Africa wasn’t united like they were.

‘It’s not a zero-sum game,’ he answered, the corners of his lips twitching when Ororo started in excitement.

She probably thought she’d need to beg and plead. Luckily for her, I’m not a jerk.

‘I’m not making a profit on it, but setting up nanite foundries isn’t cheap. Can you cover the costs?’

Ororo nodded slowly, her eyes twinkling with glee. ‘I am still the Queen of Wakanda, you will have whatever funds you need.’

Pete asked for and took her phone, putting in his own number and then the number of the guy who ran the IRI for him.

‘They’ll be expecting your call. While my nanites can do a lot of the heavy lifting, there’s a whole lot of engineering and civic planning that goes into projects like this -’

‘Whatever it takes,’ Ororo promised, her eyes flashing as she was unable to keep the joy from her features. ‘You have no idea how much this means to me Doctor Parker…’

‘Call me Pete,’ he offered, sticking out his hand and an olive branch, one that T’Challa’s little sister had all but slapped away and laughed in his face over. ‘All my friends do.’

She looked like she wanted to hug him, but mastered herself at the last second, encasing his hand with her own. Despite being a powerful warrior and legendary mutant, Pete couldn’t help but marvel at how soft her hands felt.

‘You are a great man, Peter Parker. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.’

Flustered at the sincerity and depth of meaning behind her words, he flushed and tried to play it off, awkwardly disengaging.

They hashed out a few final details before parting ways, Pete and Cindy heading back to their car to make the long journey back to Manhattan.

Cindy, apparently having heard everything, wouldn’t stop gushing about how proud she was of him, ecstatic that the IRI was going global.

‘Master, you’ll be doing more good for the world than any ten superheroes combined.’

He blushed at her naked, effusive praise, but it was a different one of his reactions that caught his attention.

Usually, when Cindy referred to him as Master, he mostly ignored her, rolling his eyes and chalking it up to one of her weird eccentricities. He played along sometimes, but mostly, he found it a little cringe and weird.

This time though… after an afternoon spent surrounded by beautiful women and missing a woman’s touch, the title hit different.

Especially when she was dressed like that.

He sent a quick message to Gwen.

Pete: You busy? Up for a little light entertainment?

He was surprised that Gwen didn’t reply immediately. He hoped he hadn’t caught her at a bad time.

Gwen: Not tonight, Stud. I’m really tired. Have fun though, you have my blessing.

Pete frowned, his libidinous thoughts torpedoed before they even had a chance to blossom.

Pete: Consider my mood killed. Everything okay? Want to talk about it?

This time, Gwen’s reply was much quicker in coming, accompanied by a little animated chibi Gwen with bags under her eyes.

Gwen: Just tired. And yeah, but not over the phone. We'll talk when I get home. What's up? Miss me?

Pete smiled fondly. He really did, and it had only been a couple of days. He couldn't wait to speak with her either, the news that he'd inadvertently turned her into a mutant likely to be an amusing bombshell, if only for her reaction alone.

Pete: Like you wouldn't believe.

Gwen: Aww, you horny?

Pete snorted in amusement, his eyes drifting to Cindy in his periphery. The car had started its journey back to Manhattan and Cindy didn't waste time making herself comfortable beside him.

Instead of replying with his words, he sent her a still image of Cindy from earlier, her face expressionless and looking every bit the sexy character she was cosplaying as.

Pete: This is your fault, you're the one that brought up that stupid waifu tier list.

Gwen: ROFL

Pete swallowed a chuckle. The way these chips worked when they used them to communicate wasn't like a smartphone, it directly translated thought into text and sent it.

For Gwen to reply with ‘ROFL,’ she had to have literally thought the acronym instead of actually laughing.

And she calls me a dork.

Gwen: OMG that's great, are you gonna fuck her?

Pete: Well, yeah, the plan was to give you a little show…

Gwen’s immediate reply was her animated chibi form again making a love heart with her hands.

Gwen: If you're being a little bitch and still asking for permission, you have it. Give her one for me too, little slut is begging for it.

Pete felt his cock throb at her words. She's right, he was being a bit of a wimp by asking. Again. Something about just doing it without reaching out to his girlfriend first didn't sit right with him though.

Pete: Okay, talk to you when you get home. I've got some things to tell you that blow your mind. Love you.

Gwen: …you're the worst, fucking tease. Love you too, have fun with our pet. I'm going to get some sleep.

Gwen: Oh, and don’t be a bitch. She’s desperate for you to treat her like the little whore she is.

Gwen: Try spanking. Pull on her hair. Order her around in ways that’ll normally get you in trouble with HR.

Pete smiled wide as Gwen kept rattling off instructions as if she were the director of a porno, her excitement evident from the text alone.

Gwen: Fuck. Fine, I’m going to sleep.

Gwen: Now I’m horny. FUCK.

Chuckling, Pete told his girlfriend he hoped to see her soon before closing the connection.

‘How is Mistress?’ Cindy asked the instant his vision cleared and it was apparent he was no longer chatting with someone in private.

Turning to Cindy, his cock surged in his pants as Gwen’s words surged back to the forefront of his mind. Combined with her sexy Ada cosplay…

As usual, Gwen knew what she was doing.

Horny slut was riling me up.

‘She’s fine, just tired. I do have a problem though.’ Cindy froze like a deer in the headlights when, with a relieved sigh, Pete unbuckled and unzipped his jeans before leaning back in his comfy chair. ‘And I’m going to need you to take care of it.’

‘B-but… Mistress…’

With Gwen’s words still ringing in his mind, he turned to Cindy, his eyes narrowed. ‘Are you our pet, or her pet?’

His words struck a blow more impactful than his hands ever could and she reeled back in surprise.

‘Be firm, put her in her place. She’ll absolutely love it, trust me.’

As if sensing what her hesitation would bring - and perhaps even intending for it to - Cindy put her laptop aside the second before Pete’s hand snatched out and grabbed her wrist, yanking her with a mighty tug until she was sprawled out over his lap. She’d yelped in surprise, but her resistance was laughable.

If she truly wanted, she could have covered him in a cocoon of web against the side of the car. Instead, she was squirming in his lap and mewling like a naughty kitten, her belly rubbing against his still clothed and painful erection.

Pete’s fingers danced up her hamstring, his eyes glued to her incredible, leather-clad ass after he slid her turtleneck dress up to reveal it. Like Gwen’s, it was full, stuck out with muscle and a healthy amount of fat and somehow impossibly squeezed into the tightest pair of pants he'd ever seen. When his hand started to gently run circles over one cheek, her whimper had his cock throbbing with arousal.

‘What am I going to do with you?’ he asked, the corners of his lips twitching in amusement. It really was like he was in a porno, one that Gwen was directing from the other side of the world.

Cindy could only whine with need as he ran his hand over her.

Gwen: UGH SEND ME THE LINK ASSHOLE! How am I supposed to sleep after that?!

Pete had the link to the car’s camera feed ready to go before Gwen had even texted him back, knowing his girlfriend too well. He sent it along with his own animated self blowing her a kiss.

Gwen: Oh yeeeah, spank the little slut Stud. God, she looks so fucking good in that outfit…

Obeying, Pete raised his hand and brought it down against Cindy’s ass with a resounding thwack, the impact causing her ample cheek to ripple and jiggle deliciously in response.


Cindy's cry had his cock so hard it was painful. It was an ebullient cry, one filled with exhilaration and excitement.

‘You've been a very naughty pet today,’ Pete chided in a low, soothing voice while his hand started to rub her other cheek. He felt a bit ridiculous, but until Gwen or Cindy said or did something that made him think he was being cringe, he would continue to channel his inner porn star. ‘Teasing your poor master with this sexy outfit, tsk, do you know what happens to naughty girls like you?’

The side of Cindy's face was pressed into the plush leather and she looked back and up at him, her one visible eye wide and burning with desire.

He snorted in amusement when she tensed before answering.


Her cry when his hand came crashing down on her other cheek was half scream, half squeal. His hand immediately went back to caressing her behind, and Cindy went back to looking up at him out of the corner of her eye, her breathing elevated in her excitement.

Pete frowned.

This is a lot less fun when she can see everything that's coming before I do it…

His frown deepened and Cindy’s squirming increased as he thought, his conversation with the professor and Ororo earlier coming to his mind.

His nanites were the reason the recessive X-genes were activated…

What if…

With a gentle application of will, he attempted his crazy idea.

If his nanites were the reason for Cindy's precognitive powers, could they also temporarily block them? If the X-gene was the reason she could see into the future…could he disable it?

Nothing outwardly changed after his little experiment, but when he next spanked Cindy's glorious ass, her squeal was mostly one of surprise.

She instantly spun in his lap, her eyes wide with shock. Something dark welled up within him, and his hand slid up her spine until he was gripping the back of her neck in a rigid grip, his teeth bared as he grinned wolfishly.

‘I gave you your powers, Pet,’ he whispered, his voice soft, dark and husky with arousal. ‘I can just as easily…take them away.’

Her next moan and squeal was only half surprise this time, the other half delight. He'd taken a handful of her silky, ebony tresses in his first and pulled, flipping Cindy around in his lap so she was laying on her back and staring up at him with wide, glazed eyes. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as her heart tried to beat out of her chest, her glossy lips parted as she let out adorable, submissive mewls.

Gwen: OMG YES. THAT'S SO FUCKING HOT! You’re such a stud!

He leaned down, his face only inches from hers.

‘Now, get on the floor and service your master like the good little whore you are.’

Cindy nodded shaky, her eyes still wide as her body trembled with excitement and repressed desire. Pete leaned back in his plush lounge with a pleased sigh and spread his legs wide as his pet made herself comfortable between them.

Pete: Too much?

Gwen: I swear to God, Stud, if you even THINK about bitching out now…

Pete smirked at both Gwen's implied threat and Cindy's shaking hands reaching into his underwear to pull out his hard cock. When it was finally freed, Pete sighed with relief, then groaned - his fingers threading themselves in Cindy's hair - as his pet pecked the tip of his member before taking it into her mouth.

‘That's a good little slut,’ Pete praised, grunting as she took more of him into her mouth, as if in thanks. ‘That's all you're good for, isn't it? Sucking your master’s cock with that pretty little mouth…’

Cindy was whimpering and whining, her lips sealed and spread wide around his girth as she slid them up and down his glistening shaft.

Gwen: I’m gonna break your pelvis when I get home.

Gwen: I’m not gonna let you sleep.

Gwen: I’m gonna fuck you so hard.

Gwen: God this is so fucking sexy holy shit.

He had to eventually tune out Gwen’s running commentary.

I think she’s enjoying the show…

Instead of focusing on Cindy, Pete indulged in a little fantasy of his own. Cringing internally at how lame of a kink it was, he nevertheless pulled out his laptop and answered a few emails, completely ignoring the little slut currently sucking his dick and whining at being ignored.

Her warm mouth never stopped servicing him though, and Pete let out several pleased sighs as she worked him over. Concentrating became futile however when she sneakily snuck a finger in his ass, apparently eager to regain his attention.

Putting his laptop aside, he looked down at the horny slut with a face devoid of emotion. Reaching down, Cindy squealed when he wrapped her glossy hair around his fist and tugged her off his cock.

‘That’s enough of that, Pet,’ he ordered, pulling her up onto her knees so he could growl in her ear. ‘Get naked, I want to fuck you.’

When he let her hair go, Cindy stumbled back into the coffee table and collapsed atop it, leaning back and supporting her weight on her hands as she looked at him with pure devotion. It was a look that usually made him a little uncomfortable to be honest, but in this context…it only made his throbbing dick even harder.

Far from looking displeased at her treatment, judging from the look in her heavily lidded eyes and the way she was biting her lip, she looked ready to molest him.

Instead of getting naked however, Cindy palmed her breasts over the maroon turtleneck dress and, with a ripple of activating nanites, pulled her hands away. No longer was her chest covered by the dress and presumably a bra - two circular windows had been cut out of the material to allow them to hang free, her small, dark nipples hard and erect with her arousal.

Next, she spread her legs and did likewise with her womanhood, running her fingers over her slit as the tight leather parted at her crotch like a zipper.

Her initiative was appreciated and he’d reward her in kind. She kept on the outfit he found so remarkably attractive on her while also getting naked enough to please her master.

But still, she’d disobeyed.

Once again, Cindy shrieked in surprise when his hand flashed out and he slapped her perky tit, not as small as Gwen’s but not as large as MJ, Gloria or Jane’s either. Before she could recover, he spanked the other and enjoyed watching the way they jiggled on her chest.

Seeing her look of confusion, Pete grabbed her wrist and yanked her into his lap, earning himself another startled yelp. He pulled her tight against his chest and reached up to bite her ear lobe, his lips right next to her ear as he growled.

‘This pleases me, but you still disobeyed my orders, you cheeky little slut.’

Cindy’s whimper was accompanied by her hips gyrating in his lap, her now revealed labia rubbing against his naked cock.

‘I’m sorry master,’ she whined piteously. ‘I thought you’d prefer this.’

She shrieked and groaned, burying her face in the crook of his neck when he spanked her ass again.

‘I mean I’m sorry master!’ she cried, after he spanked her once more. ‘S-sorry for disobeying your order!’

‘Good girl,’ he purred, and he felt her entire body shuddering in his grasp. ‘I’m not just a mean master - good girls should get rewarded…’

Though Cindy was undoubtedly more powerful than he, Pete was still strong enough on his own to manhandle her slight frame, lifting her in his lap so he could place the head of his cock against her delectable lower lips.

Instead of thrusting up into her however, Pete leaned back against his plush, leather chair and put his hands behind his head.

‘Go on. Ride me, Pet.’

Once more biting her lip, Cindy put her delicate, powerful hands on his chest and, with her eyes locked with his, she sank down on his girthy member with a shuddering sigh, her eyes fluttering with pleasure as she tried desperately to maintain eye contact.

‘Yesss,’ she hissed as Pete grunted with approval. ‘Master, you feel so good inside me…’

Her little moans every time she sank down on him were driving him wild, but this wasn’t the kind of sex Pete had been envisioning after a day full of teasing with that sexy outfit of hers.

Leaning forward, Pete took one of Cindy's small, dark nipples between his teeth, his hands reaching up to cup her bouncing ass.

‘Wha - nnnh!’

Her question devolved into a pained, ecstatic groan when he bit down on her nipple, his fingers also sinking deep into the flesh of her meaty ass.

‘Master!’ she cried in a breathy tone, likely intentionally spurring him on.

With an animalistic growl, he surged forward, earning a surprised squeal from the sexy superhero who had grown so accustomed to being immune to such banal things like not knowing what was coming.

Cindy fell back with a grunt against the coffee table, her legs spread wide around his waist and his cock still balls deep inside her. She was looking at him with some shock, but mostly arousal, her teeth nibbling her lower lip, her breath coming in excited pants.

Pete's hand reached out to his side, palm open. Cindy stiffened, readying herself to be slapped…but hadn't guessed the correct target.

‘Oh!’ she gasped then moaned, her perky, perfect tit red and jiggling from the impact of his open palm. Instead of pulling back, he struck the other one with his backhand, eliciting a similar, titillating response.

‘Naughty girls like you need to be punished,’ he growled, attempting to sound menacing and domineering. It sounded cringe to his ears, but apparently to his worshipful little cock sleeve, he could do no wrong.

Huh. That's actually not bad…

‘You're just a pathetic little cock sleeve, aren't you?’ he barked, startling Cindy out of her euphoric reverie. He hadn't let up on his deep thrusts, pressing the entire length of his cock into her until his balls rested on her ass, his head pressing against her cervix.

She was taking too long to answer

Grabbing a fistfull of her hair, he tugged it, forcing his pet to look him in the eye. ‘You answer me when I ask you questions.’

Her eyes wide, she nevertheless nodded eagerly, her pink tongue darting out from between her lips to moisten them. ‘Y-yes master, whether you - nnh - want, I'm your cock sleeve.’

Pete grunted in approval and pleasure, Cindy's powerful kegel muscles squeezing down on his shaft as she looked up at him with her wide, almond-shaped eyes.

‘What do you think your mistress is going to do when she finds out I fucked you without her permission?’

‘I don't caaaaare,’ she said, her words trailing off into a delighted moan. ‘I'm master's to do with as he pleases.’

Fucking hell, that's so disturbing and hot at the same time.

Gwen's continued running commentary showed she also approved.

‘Prove it,’ he growled, pinning her arms above her head and pressing himself all the way down, their chests smoothed together.

‘H-huh?’ Cindy was dazed and a little confused, her mind overloaded with pleasure and not working at its usual one hundred percent. He also didn't doubt that she was a little discombobulated from having her precognitive powers temporarily cut off from her.

Prove it,’ he repeated, his smile showing way too many teeth. ‘Give your master your ass.’

Cindy froze, her alluring, dark eyes wide in disbelief. She always looked so exotically beautiful and elegant, but now she just looked a horny mess, her pale face flush and her skin slick with sweat.

He could see doubt and indecision warring with arousal in those eyes, but the moment she saw her acceptance and acquiescence, the moment she fully surrendered…it was a powerful feeling.

Honestly, it almost made him cum on its own.

Pete let go of her wrists and Cindy, biting her lip and looking up at him bashfully, flipped around and presented him her leather clad rear, the pants so tight and form fitting they adhered to her like a second skin.

Still looking up at him over her shoulder, Cindy reached back and ran her fingers over the slit in her crotch, extending it until the crease of her meaty ass was fully exposed to him.

As well as her winking rosebud.

‘Good girl,’ he purred, one hand running up and down her spine while he slipped the fingers of the other in her mouth. He kept up his slow thrusting as Cindy obediently suckled on his digits, understanding his intentions and hoping to get them as slick as possible.

Cindy inhaled sharply as he circled her anus with his glistening fingers, drawing closer and closer to her virgin hole with every rotation.

Relax,’ Pete soothed in a soft, deep voice, his hand still running up and down her spine. ‘Breathe out slowly, that's it…’

The instant he felt her muscles relax, he gently slipped his finger past the relaxed ring of muscle. Cindy stiffened, her sphincter tightening like a vice around the intruder as she let out the most adorable of squeaks.

‘Shh, shh, shh, easy, easy.’

He felt his cock throbbing and surging as Cindy kept whimpering and looking over her shoulder at him with wide eyes. It was easy to forget how cute she could be when she spent most of her days keeping undesirables away from him, but the pouty, shocked look on her face as he slowly started to pump his finger in and out of her while also fucking her was just divine.

Breathe,’ he commanded again, his voice soft and soothing. At first, he felt her sphincter tighten around his finger again when she realised what his command meant, but she, like a good little pet, took a deep breath and forcibly calmed herself. The moment he felt her muscles relax, he slipped another finger inside, kissing her on the temple when she whimpered and moaned.

He chanced a look at the notifications he’d been ignoring and had to laugh at how many he’d missed. There were dozens of missed messages from Gwen, each one egging him on and praising his efforts.

Pete: Babe, I love you, but stop spamming me you horny little slut. Enjoy the show and we’ll…talk when you get home.

Instead of replying with words, he got an immediate reply in the form of a picture, and when he saw it, Pete actually paused in shock.

The picture was taken from her point of view and staring down at her body, her black and white suit mostly in-tact save for the split in her crotch as she rammed a huge - no doubt nanite created - dildo into her gushing pussy.

It was hot, sure, but what had shocked him was the background. It wasn’t a comfy bed, but stone, and he could even see the nearby city skyline over a short wall.

She’s masturbating on a fucking building!

Almost laughing hysterically at the thought of turning on his girl so much she couldn’t even make it back to her own hotel to rub one out - if she even wanted to - Pete gave Cindy his full attention once more. He hadn’t stopped gently pumping his shaft and thrusting his fingers in and out of her, and had even absently slipped another digit inside her.

‘Are you ready for your master’s cock?’

Cindy, who had been rocking in tandem with him and moaning softly, turned once more, her dark eyes smouldering and her teeth nibbling at her bottom lip. Instead of answering, she nodded, her hands going to her ample ass cheeks and spreading them for him.

Chuckling, he slipped out of her pussy and admired his thick, glistening length. His bodyguard was so horny she’d naturally provided him with all the lube he’d ever need. Placing the mushroom head of his member against her gaping back door, Pete put one hand on her upper back and pushed her down as he started to press against the still-tight ring of muscle.

While he didn’t force his way in, he applied gentle pressure and steadily increased it, his whispered dirty talk driving Cindy wild and helping her relax.

When she managed and he finally slipped through her sphincter, it was all at once. One second he was trying to pry her open, and the next he was balls deep, her warm, tight ass fitting around his cock like a glove.

‘Oooooooooohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.’ Cindy’s groan was deep and guttural as she got used to the feeling of her master in her ass. She released her cheeks and folded her arms in front of her, resting her head on her forearms as Pete gently started to rock in and out of her.

He’d said it before and he’ll say it again, he preferred vaginal sex over anal one million percent, but there was something so dirty and filthy about anal that added its own brand of mental stimulus.

Especially when it was his little cock sleeve he was breaking in for the first time. He told her as much.

‘Aren’t you a perfect little cock-sleeve?’ he cooed, leaning down so his front was pressed down against her back. ‘You’ve taken your master’s cock in your dirty, whore ass. Are you proud?’

‘Yes!’ she cried, her normally husky voice breathy and quavering. ‘Anything for you, Master!’

Chuckling, he reached under her body, found her nipples pressed against the table and pinched. Cindy jerked and squealed, the sounds muffled by her forearm as Pete increased his tempo.

‘What do you think your mistress will say when she sees this video?’ Pete teased, increasing his tempo even more. ‘Do you think you’ll be…punished?’

Pete groaned as he felt Cindy tighten around him. She didn’t answer, but her moans became more urgent and needy.

‘Do you think she’ll let you in our bed again?’ he teased some more, pinching her nipples even harder as he growled directly into her ear. ‘Maybe she’ll only let you sleep at the foot of the bed, in your own little doggy bed, wearing only your collar. Like a good little pet.’


The mental image of both he and Gwen literally treating her like a pet had apparently been too much for Cindy, combined with the rest of the stimuli. She came, her body freezing before starting to shake as her orgasm crashed into her. Pete felt it as her muscles tightened so hard around him it almost hurt. Instead of continuing to thrust, he buried himself to the hilt and took his hand off one of her tits, travelling down lower until he found her clit, rubbing it through her orgasm.

This way, Pete prolonged Cindy’s orgasm to what felt like several minutes, her groans and squeals like music to his ears as he toyed with her body.

He didn’t start fucking her again until she calmed down and her muscles finally relaxed. When he did, gone was any semblance of gentle lovemaking. Cindy was his little slut and he’d take his pleasure from her.

He needn’t have worried about her pleasure though, she seemed to adore the rough treatment just fine. Pete stared down, his eyes fixed on their union as his hips crashed repeatedly against her toned ass and caused it to ripple delightfully, her rear end gaping and spread wide around his cock.

Pete prided himself on his stamina, but after a day of teasing and everything he’d done with Cindy, he didn’t last much longer. When he spilled inside the little slut, he gripped her cheeks so hard he wouldn’t be surprised if he left bruises - if the thrusting hadn’t managed that already. He jerked with each spurt, his shaft pulsing as he emptied days of pent-up ejaculate into his sexy bodyguard. When he was done and his cock started to deflate, he collapsed back against the plush leather seat and stared triumphantly at the gorgeous sight that greeted him.

Cindy was still leaning on the table, resting on her forearms as she turned to look at him with sparkling eyes. Her ass still gaped after its recent invader, and as Cindy waved her ass from side to side, he groaned when he saw his cum start to leak out of her abused hole and dribble over her pussy.

I want her pussy again.

He felt himself hardening rapidly but was rudely interrupted by his ringing phone. His first thought was it was Gwen, but the tone let him know it was from work.

This better be a fucking emergency.

With a mental command, he answered the call.


Bad time?’

‘A little bit, yeah,’ he answered his boss and, arguably, dearest friend. ‘Is your workshop on fire then?’

Hah!’ Tony barked out a laugh, and Pete winced when he heard explosions and crashing sounds in the background. He must have really fucked something up. ‘Something like that. I’m assuming wherever you are, you aren’t watching the news -’ he was interrupted once more with more explosions and crashing sounds. ‘Actually, where are you right now?’

‘Upstate,’ Pete answered with a frown, a seed of worry worming its way into his gut. ‘I went to see the Professor but I’m on my way back. What’s up?’

Cindy, somehow sensing the seriousness in his tone, made herself presentable and sat on the table with her legs crossed, staring at him with a troubled frown. Almost absent-mindedly, he restored her nanite granted abilities as he waited for Tony’s answer.

‘Oh good,’ Tony said with a palpable sigh of relief as more explosions muffled the line. ‘Listen, so, there’s kind of a little alien invasion going on in New York right now -’


‘Yeah, super weird. Thor’s brother showed up out of a portal while his ex-girlfriend was experimenting with the Tesseract and -’

Pete honestly didn’t care.

‘Talk to you later.’

With her powers restored to her, Cindy - the perfect assistant that she was - had already retrieved his laptop and set it up on the table in front of him.

He had work to do.


Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit, was surrounded by some of his Avengers teammates as hordes upon hordes of Chitauri surged at them and tried to overwhelm their position. Banner, back from his guard duties in Australia, was smashing the aliens like they were little toys. Cap was mowing through hordes of them with his shield, Thor was striking them with his hammer and lightning and Lang was zipping around the place tearing through the enemies like a speeding bullet.

Earlier that day, whilst the scientists at SI were experimenting on the Tesseract, a portal had unwittingly opened and allowed through Thor’s brother, Loki, of Asgard.

Before any of the security or scientists - including Thor’s ex-girlfriend - could react, Loki had used some kind of golden sceptre to subjugate their wills. Once under his control, the security barricaded the already highly secure lab and Loki had the scientists construct a device that would use the Tesseract and Stark Tower’s resources to open up a portal for this invading army right above his very own building.

Any attempt to interfere with the portal was rendered moot, the one-way energy shield that protected Stark Tower - and many other important buildings in Manhattan - in case of emergency working against them.

Defeated by my own brilliance…


‘What is it?!’ Rogers barked as Tony zoomed around them in his immaculate, undamaged vibranium suit.

‘The little shit hung up on me!’

‘So he cannot help us?!’

‘I didn’t say that…’ Tony teased, eyeing the panting God of Thunder as he gently lowered himself to the ground. They weren’t the only ones defending the city, the Spider Corps and every other super in the area tackling separate pockets all over Manhattan, but the Avengers were grouped up outside Stark Tower tackling the brunt of the invaders.

Before any of the others could say anything, the ground started to rumble and shake as if an earthquake had struck Manhattan at the worst possible time.

‘What now?!’ Lang bemoaned as he returned to normal size and huddled up with them.

They couldn’t see Tony smile because of his helmet, but they certainly heard it in his voice.

‘Don’t worry fellas, this one’s us.’ The rumbling intensified so much that even the invaders suddenly looked wary and prepared for an attack. ‘The cavalry’s here…’


Ike Vann

I think storm is 5'11 in the comics which makes her taller than Peter. But in your story she's shorter than Peter, so what are Peter and Ororo heights here?

Ike Vann

Are there any mutant hate groups trying to exterminate mutants in this reality like all the others?