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Chapter 3: Illicit Rendezvous

Fandom: Persona 5

Tags: Ren Amamiya/Makoto Niijima, OMC/Makoto Niijima, Exhibitionist, Voyeurism, Interracial, Cuckolding, Cheating, Remorse, Confession, Happy Ending

Ren was surprised by how fun Shujin’s school trip to Hawaii had ended up being.

He’d worried that their supervisors would basically lock them up in the hotel and leave them to their own devices. Not only was that not the case, they had free reign to explore the surrounding area and the beaches as they saw fit.

On top of that, students that were over eighteen, like him and his girlfriend, were allowed to go wherever they wanted, provided they told the teachers they would be leaving first.

What he’d initially feared would be an annoyance - another source of stress to pile upon the rest the Phantom Thieves had to endure - had turned out to be five days in paradise drinking fruity drinks, hanging out with friends and swimming in the gorgeous ocean.

It was the fourth day of their vacation, and while they’d had a lot of fun hanging out with the others, he and Makoto wanted to take advantage of their age to get out and explore the island alone. To that end, Makoto had hired them a Vespa and they were just about to slip off unnoticed to spend a romantic day exploring when they ran into a pouting Ryuji hanging out at the entrance to the hotel’s pool.

‘You’re just gonna leave me here and go off and have fun by yourself?!’

Ren turned to look at his grinning girlfriend before turning back to his friend and answering in as serious a tone as possible. ‘Yes.’

‘I can’t believe you!’ he screamed in frustration, clenching his fists and raging at the injustice of it all. ‘You’re a traitor! You get a girlfriend and you instantly forget about your best bud!’

Ren grinned and eyed his girlfriend’s svelte body up and down appreciatively. Makoto wore a cute and revealing white bikini, the top tying in the front while the bottoms were covered by a tiny miniskirt that only just covered the cheeks of her meaty behind. While she had one of his hoodies draped over her shoulders, she left it unzipped, allowing him to perv at her toned midriff to his heart’s desire.

She blushed cutely at his over-the-top scrutiny and Ren felt his heart swell at how adorable she was.

How can someone be such a badass, and so adorable at the same time?

‘I’m sorry Ryuji, she’s just much prettier than you.’

That earned chuckles and a deepened blush from Makoto.

Ryuiji pulled at his dyed-blonde hair and groaned. ‘Argh! I’m just jealous,’ he admitted with a defeated sigh. ‘I’ve been trying to pick up all week but I’ve struck out each time. I swear, it’s never been this hard back in Japan - Mishima and Yusuke are seriously cramping my style!’

I very much doubt Yusuke is the issue. I swear I’ve seen him with a different girl each day. I’m not convinced the art stuff isn’t just a front so he can get as much pussy as possible.

Noticing the stares Ryuji’s histrionics were earning them, Ren sighed and ran a hand through his curly, ebony locks. ‘Dude, calm down and lower your voice. People are staring.’

His friend had the good graces to wince apologetically and scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

‘Did you ever consider you’re maybe not asking the right girl?’ Ren teased, motioning his head towards Ann. The blonde bombshell was chatting with a group of girls from Shujin on the opposite side of the pool. She had her hair up in their trademark pigtail style - one he still thought looked ridiculous - and she wore an incredibly skimpy, floral-print string bikini that showed off her…assets rather well.

You can have a child’s hairstyle if you have tits like that I guess…

Ryuji followed his gaze and blushed, staring like an idiot as Ann laughed at something one of her friends said. Her heavy tits jiggled noticeably and Ren was surprised his friend’s tongue wasn’t hanging out, so blatant was his scrutiny.

Whether it was serendipity or Ann had somehow overheard their conversation, she chose that moment to look over in their direction. She grinned at Ryuji’s blatant perving and waved cheekily at him before - slowly, and utterly pointlessly - readjusting her top.

She’s totally fucking with him, surely.

His friend’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he turned away, sputtering denials. ‘Stop teasing me man, honestly!’

‘Who’s teasing?’ Makoto asked, getting in on the fun. ‘Do you really think it’s a coincidence that she’s always in your line of sight throughout this entire trip while wearing such revealing swimwear? Especially when you’re being an oaf and trying to pick up other girls?’

Ryuji sputtered out more denials. ‘She’s just messing with me!’

Ren turned to his girlfriend, remembering an English joke she’d once told him.

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.’

Makoto covered her mouth and giggled while Ryuji eyed them both suspiciously. ‘What was that? You know I’m bad at English, did you just make fun of me?!’

‘Maybe if you pay more attention in class, you’d know,’ Makoto teased and Ryuji pouted.

His friend sent another longing glance in Ann’s direction before turning back to the two of them, a faint blush on his cheeks. ‘So - um - if I was interested, err, what would I say? You two started dating almost as soon as you met, I figure one of you must have some game.’

Ren turned to his adorably blushing girlfriend with a smile, squeezing her toned thigh affectionately before turning back to Ryuji. ‘You want to know how I melted our Queen’s cold heart?’

Makoto snorted in amusement but Ryuji’s eyes widened in excitement at this potential nugget of sage wisdom.

‘Okay,’ Ren said, giving himself an acting award for his ability to keep his face straight. ‘Here’s what you do. You walk right over to her, shoulders back and head held high. Exude as much confidence as possible,’ he began in a serious, conspiratorial tone while pointedly ignoring his girlfriend’s insistent pinches at his side. Ryuji was nodding eagerly, already fixing his posture to do just that. ‘Alright, when you get close, you roar as loud as you can, drop your swim-trunks and start helicoptering that big dick of yours around as fast as possible.’

He heard Makoto’s facepalm - that, combined with Ryuji’s look of incredulity and he instantly lost it. He ignored Makoto’s slaps on the back of his head as he laughed until his belly hurt, tears streaming down his face.

‘Don’t listen to this idiot, he’s just messing with you,’ Makoto said in a soothing tone. It was subtle, but he reckoned he saw her brown, almost red eyes flicker down to the bulge in the front of his friend’s swim trunks. She started but otherwise kept her cool when he pinched her on her toned ass in punishment - hard. ‘The first part was right enough, but when you go over there, just tell her how pretty she looks in her swimsuit - don’t focus on her breasts or any other part of her body, just compliment her generally. Then ask her if she wants to spend the day with you at the beach.’

Ren figured he’d actually help his friend, if only to get him off their back so they could leave sooner. ‘Don’t ignore her friends, invite them too. Tell them you’ll save them some lounges -’

‘But I don’t want her friends to come…’

‘Exactly, but if you come off as an asshole, they’ll insist. If you do as I say, they’re not stupid, they’ll beg off and leave you two alone.’

Feeling his girlfriend’s stare, he turned to see Makoto eyeing him appraisingly, her eyes narrowed. ‘Maybe you’re not a complete idiot.’

Ren grinned and, wrapping an arm around her neck, he pulled her in and gave her a lingering kiss on her puckered lips. When they parted, Makoto’s cheeks were dusted pink and she was smiling lovingly at him. ‘I have my moments.’

Turning back to his friend, the blonde had his back to them. He was psyching himself up as if he was about to attempt his bench press PB, but standing still like an idiot. With a roll of his eyes, Ren put his foot on Ryuji’s ass and shoved him in the direction he needed to go.

He cursed up a storm and turned to give him the finger, but, to his credit, he turned and marched towards Ann, his head held high.

They both watched as Ryuji did as he told them. Ann’s cheeks turned pink and Ryuji then turned to her friends. The girls all giggled but waved them off and left them to their devices.

Ann grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards the beach with an excited, happy smile on her face. Before she pulled him out of sight, Ryuji turned to them with a massive smile on his face and gave them a thumb’s up.

‘They’re cute,’ ‘She’ll eat him alive.’

They looked at each other and, after a moment of silence, burst into a fit of giggles.

‘That’s our good deed done for the day,’ Ren said with a sigh, pulling Makoto against him as he headed towards their awaiting steed. ‘Let’s get out of here.’

Not daring to take the driving seat away from Queen, he climbed on behind her and they sped away.

Over the sound of the Vespa’s engine, Makoto called over her shoulder. ‘I saw you looking at Ann, you shameless pervert,’ she teased, good naturedly.

‘I couldn’t help it,’ he joked, snuggling into her back with his lips against her ear. ‘She knows what she’s doing with that tiny bikini. Her tits are ridiculous.’

Makoto laughed and slapped his thigh. ‘How can you say such shameless things in front of your girlfriend?’ she pouted. ‘Don’t you care about my feelings?’

Ren squeezed his girl tighter, and she yelped when his hands crawled up her belly to cup her modest breasts. ‘You’re way more beautiful,’ he purred in her ear and he felt her shiver in delight. ‘Even with your tiny titties.’

She laughed adorably and reached around to slap his thigh again. ‘Rude!’

‘Don’t think I didn’t catch you staring at Ryuji’s bulge,’ Ren purred in her ear again. ‘You hypocrite.’

He could hear Makoto whimpering at his touch as she tried to grind her body against his. Reaching back, instead of trying to inflict violence like the last few times, she slipped her hand between their bodies, her hand resting on his bulge.

‘Careful,’ Ren growled in her ear, squeezing her tighter. ‘We’re gonna have an accident if you keep this up.’

There was no chance of that happening. Ever since awakening her Persona, Makoto seemed a pro at driving any kind of vehicle, just as he’d bizarrely learned how to pick locks and stick to the shadows.

Ignoring his quip, he could feel her amusement. ‘Don’t worry,’ she cooed. ‘I love you and you’re much more handsome than Ryuji is - even with your tiny penis.’

Makoto squealed, laughed and didn’t once lose control of the Vespa as he pinched and tickled her in revenge for her, admittedly, epic dunk.


They spent their time just riding around the island, seeing the sights and going wherever the wind took them. As much as he liked his new Phantom Thief friends, he was absolutely starting to catch some serious feels for Makoto, and he adored the time they spent together.

They stopped for lunch at a BBQ grill place that had a gorgeous view of the ocean and surrounding flora. After they got tired dipping their fries in their milkshakes and feeding each other, they hopped back on the Vespa and continued their exploring.

‘What’s that?’ Makoto asked, pointing to a seemingly random parking lot in the middle of a forest, no building or other such venue in sight.

When they pulled over, Ren frowned and looked around before sniffing at the air. They were a fair distance away from the road and surrounded by dense foliage and high, rocky crags. ‘We can’t see it, but we’re near the water - maybe it’s a beach?’

Makoto pulled out the map and frowned as she scrolled. ‘It’s not on the map…’

‘Even better,’ Ren said with an excited grin, and seeing Makoto’s look of confusion, his grin widened. ‘Means no tourists. Must be a place only the locals know about.’

Makoto’s eyebrows rose in surprise before her expression matched his, her sense of adventure kicking in. Linking hands, they parked the Vespa and followed the nearby, well-hidden path into the dense foliage. The path led up a small hill and, when they crested it, they both froze in shock.

‘Oh…guess you were right about it being a beach…?’

Ren turned to his blushing girlfriend with a grin before staring out at the gorgeous, perfectly secluded alcove before them. The path led them directly to the sand, the beach itself extended several hundred metres in the distance where it was abruptly cut off by a large, rocky cliff. The beach was perfectly hidden from the mainland, the dense foliage providing just as much a shield from the mainland as the cliff itself.

And the locals had certainly put it to good use, because this wasn’t an ordinary beach.

It was pretty quiet, especially compared to the other beaches on the island. Over the vast expanse of the well-hidden alcove, there were maybe two dozen people total. And they were all naked.

I thought Nude Beaches were just things one saw in porn… They certainly don’t exist in Japan…

Looking to his side, Ren spied a large, wooden sign that had the symbols for swimsuits on them with big, thick, black crosses drawn through them.

Ren turned back to his girlfriend and grinned as he watched her blush, her eyes darting from one nudist to another.

‘I’m game if you are?’ Ren teased, squeezing her hand. Makoto reacted as if she’d been slapped, her shocked gaze turning to him and her cheeks flushing red.

‘We’ve…never done anything like this before.’

‘Well,’ Ren said, his grin turning positively perverse as he pulled his girlfriend into a hug, his hands cupping her toned rear, ‘that’s not exactly true, is it? Remember that time we had sex on the train?’

He felt Makoto shudder against him and he understood why. That had been…dangerous. It hadn’t been peak hour, but the train hadn’t been empty either. Ren had shielded his body with Makoto’s, lifted up her skirt and slid in from behind. To this day, bringing up that cheeky bit of exhibitionism was a surefire way to ignite his girlfriend’s libido.

Ergo, why he brought it up right now.

Makoto pushed away from him and eyed him up and down while biting her lip sexily, her hands teasing at the zipper to his hoodie. ‘You’re so bad.’

‘I’m a delinquent, don’t you remember?’ Ren teased and Makoto smiled.

‘You’re a terrible influence on me.’

‘I think it’s adorable that you’re putting this all at my feet, as if you’re not a naughty little slut masquerading as an honours student,’ he teased as the blush on Makoto’s face deepend, her red-brown eyes darkening with lust.

Quicker than he could blink, Makoto crossed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips attacking his as she tried to suck his face off in her frenzy.

When she pulled back, she was shaking but also smiling wide with excitement. ‘Let’s do it! We’re leaving tomorrow night anyway, right?’

Ren matched Makoto’s smile and nodded. ‘Right.’

They both hurried back and disrobed in the bushes, leaving their clothes in the Vespa. The only thing they took with them was a waterproof fanny pack that Ren slung around his shoulder, their keys, phones and wallets secured within.

Taking each other’s hand, Ren couldn’t believe how vulnerable he felt being naked in public like this.

I’m shaking!

Makoto wasn’t any better, both of them were shaking like leaves, their giggles and laughter bordering on hysterical.

‘I can’t believe we’re doing this!’ Makoto’s smile was wide and utterly beautiful, it lit her face up in a way that made his heart throb with all sorts of gooey, mushy feelings.

‘I don’t know what you’ve got to be worried about, you’re absolutely stunning,’ Ren teased, eyeing Makoto’s naked body hungrily. His girlfriend had been a practitioner of taekwondo her entire life, and it showed. A second-dan black belt, her body was lean and corded with wiry muscles, especially her core, ass and legs. ‘Unlike me, I’m shrivelling up over here…’

Makoto, who had been eyeing his own shredded physique hungrily looked down at his shrivelled cock and giggled. He started when she ran her fingers over him and cooed, ‘It’s so cute.’

‘You’re never supposed to say that about a guy’s junk,’ Ren teased, poking her in the side and eliciting a squeal from his girlfriend. He wasn’t so self-conscious about his endowment, even with a  friend as hung as Ryuji. At an average five inches while hard, he had more than enough to make his girlfriend cum over and over.

Shrivelled the way it was at the moment though, poking out of his wiry black bush like a shy goomba hiding in a thicket, it did look a little embarrassing.

After spending a moment to steel their resolve, they took each other’s hand and, instead of finding a spot to sit, they just walked along the waterline and took in their surroundings. They were both fascinated by the other nudists, eyeing them with curiosity while trying not to stare for too long for fear of being seen as rude. There was a wide range of humanity on display and Ren gradually started to feel more comfortable in his own skin. Big, small, fit, overweight, young and old - all kinds were represented.

Naturally, that meant it made for a…wildly varying voyeuristic experience, but that was ameliorated by a combination of the feeling of the sun on his naked skin, doing something so wild and fun with Makoto and the several admiring glances they both drew.

They’d passed the initial small crowd that congregated around the entrance to the beach and now walked along the far emptier back half. There were several people dotted around, mostly by themselves and minding their own business.

One man stood out from the rest however. His skin was as dark as night and glistening so much Ren was sure he’d probably see his reflection in it if he drew close enough.

He felt Makoto’s grip on his hand tighten when she stopped looking out over the horizon and noticed him too, her eyes wide and staring in disbelief.

‘You’re drooling,’ he teased and Makoto started as if she’d been struck, instantly looking away as if she’d been caught staring at her crush.

A part of him understood her slack-jawed admiration, even if it made his guts roil with envy. The man was utterly jacked, his body looking as if it were perfectly sculpted out of a chunk of obsidian, each of his well-oiled muscles bulging and well defined. Ren had no opinions either way if he was handsome or not - he’d leave that to Makoto’s appraisal - but the anaconda laying half-hard across his chiselled abs had him feeling self-conscious in a way he’d never felt before.

He wasn’t even fully hard and his endowment put Ryuji’s to shame - the less said about the comparison to his own, the better.

While they did their fair share of staring, neither of them stopped walking. When they were out of his earshot, Makoto turned and hissed in his ear.

‘Did you see that?!’

‘See what?’ he teased, playing dumb. Not in the mood for his games, Makoto’s eyes narrowed and she started pinching him until he finally batted her dextrous hands away and relented. ‘Alright woman! Yes, I saw it. Geeze, I dunno how he doesn’t pass out every time he gets a boner.’

Makoto giggled at his joke and snuggled up against his side, her arms wrapped around his biceps and holding it to her chest. ‘You see things in porn, or hear things on the internet…but seeing it in real life…’

He tried to ignore the genuine awe in her tone, and though it had his guts roiling with envy and angst all over again, paradoxically, he also felt his shaft twitching and coming to life.

‘You watch that kind of porn, huh?’ Ren teased and Makoto froze, realising what she’d let slip. Ren barked out a laugh as his girlfriend’s face lit up a brilliant crimson. ‘I love how the more I learn about you, the more the whole veneer of the perfect, angelic, upstanding student council president gets peeled away, layer by layer.’

Seeing her pouting up at him adorably, clearly not a fan of his teasing, Ren just grinned and leaned down to plant a tender kiss on her forehead.

‘I wouldn’t want you any other way.’

That seemed to turn her frown upside-down, her smile embarrassed but inordinately pleased as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

They finally made it to the end of the beach where a huge, rocky cliff running from the dense forest to their right and deep into the sea blocked any further progression. It, along with said dense forest provided an almost perfect shield for the nudists who just wanted to tan in isolation.

Spending a couple minutes exploring, they quickly found nothing interesting and turned to walk back the way they came. When they came upon the black man again, Makoto tried her hardest to stare without making it too obvious.

‘I feel like you should introduce yourself with how much you’re staring,’ Ren teased, earning more pinches from his embarrassed girlfriend.

Apparently over being the only one being teased, Makoto turned to him with an impish smile. ‘I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You dirty pervert. I’ve seen your search history.’

She got him good and now it was his turn to flush with embarrassment. Not willing to take this loss lying down, Ren tackled his squealing girlfriend into the surf, tickling her for all she was worth. They played like this for a while, realising late that their frolicking in the water had taken them further up the beach than they’d expected, close to where they’d entered.

Walking out of the water, Makoto was rinsing out her shoulder-length hair when Ren saw someone that had him nearly swallowing his tongue walking in the other direction - and she was an utter knockout.

The woman was white, her chin-length hair straight, slicked back and styled in a side-part. Her body was so toned and muscled Ren wouldn’t be surprised if she was a combatant of some kind - likely a soldier given the numerous scars he saw marring her otherwise perfect skin. Despite her muscular physique, her womanly charms were not diminished in any way, her hips flaring wide and her breasts hanging heavy on her chest. Like Makoto, she was completely without hair below the neck, her skin glistening with tanning oil and reflecting the light of the sun.

She eventually caught him staring - also like Makoto, he wasn’t exactly being subtle. The woman gave the both of them an appreciative once-over with the flick of her steely gaze. While not as rippling with muscle as their black friend further down the beach, a lifetime of both athletics and karate had given him a physique similar to Bruce Lee’s - skinny and wiry, but shredded.

The woman seemed to appreciate what she saw, but when her gaze flickered down to his shrivelled-again penis - the cold water having done a number on him - she looked back up into his eyes and sent him the tiniest of smirks.

Bizarrely, the utterly emasculating experience had the opposite effect from what he was expecting. Instead of shrivelling up even more, he felt blood stood to flood his shaft. The dismissive, amused look had been so hot on her gorgeous, exotic features that it had the opposite effect.

I think I know what Ryuji means when he says he wants certain girls to step on him now…

‘Now who’s staring?’ Makoto teased, returning his wandering eyes to her beautiful face. He flushed but shrugged helplessly - there was no use in denying it, he’d been caught red-handed.

‘You have no idea how turned on I am right now…’

Makoto giggled and he jumped when he felt her hand brushing his throbbing erection. ‘I think I have an idea.’

They both giggled and, getting a naughty idea, Ren took his girlfriend’s hand and dragged her squealing back into the water. They kept going until the water was chest deep, at which point Ren pulled Makoto close and started to kiss her with all the passion that was burning inside him.

Makoto’s hands framed his face and she returned the kiss with gusto. Their arousals steadily built, their hands exploring each others’ bodies until Ren cupped her ass and lifted his girlfriend until her powerful legs were wrapped around his waist, her womanhood just inches above his aching shaft.

When Makoto felt his tip poking her, she pulled back and stared at him with wide eyes. Without breaking eye-contact, Ren gently lowered her on his manhood until he was buried all the way inside her tight, slick, velvety tunnel. Makoto’s moan travelled further than she expected and she froze, her eyes wide and staring at the other nudists on the beach.

Ren turned her face back to his and kissed her, swallowing Makoto’s moans as he gently bounced his girl on his aching cock. With how turned on they both were, it didn’t take long for the both of them to cum, shuddering in each others’ embrace as the waves of pleasure assaulted their senses.

They didn’t immediately pull apart, opting to stay like that, their foreheads pressed together and staring into each other’s eyes, until Ren softened enough to slip out of Makoto’s filled womanhood.

‘I -’ Ren froze as his tongue tied itself into knots. He’d been about to say the L word for the first time but he’d paused and now the moment had passed - previous bad relationships had left their mark on his psyche. Makoto knew about his past and just smiled at him in understanding, patience and love radiating off her in waves. ‘That’s the hottest thing we’ve ever done,’ he said instead, smiling fakely as he internally berated himself for his cowardice.

If Makoto felt in any way negatively about his slip-up and horrific covering, she didn’t let it show. ‘Do you think they have nude beaches back in Japan?’

Ren winced and shook his head. ‘I very much doubt it, but…don’t you think it’d be hotter if we did this at a normal beach?’

Makoto screwed her eyes shut and shuddered at the naughty, appealing thought. ‘Let’s go for another walk.’

‘You that eager to see your boyfriend again?’

She bit his ear and he laughed, carrying her out of the water while she still clung to him like a child.

Interlocking their fingers, they made their way back down the length of the beach again before pausing in surprise. The stunning white woman they’d seen earlier was standing by and talking to the buff black man. They were both smiling and chatting and Makoto squeezed his arm when the man shuffled across, making some room on his towel for the woman to join him.

The woman smiled and crouched down, laying on the towel beside him while propping herself up on her elbows. The way she held herself exuded as much confidence as her new friend, and the two started to chat amiably. It should have looked utterly innocent, just two strangers getting to know each other and having a friendly chat.

The fact that they were both peak specimens of humanity, completely naked and staring hungrily at each other’s bodies made the whole scene decidedly less innocent though.

Especially as the black man’s cock noticeably hardened as it rested against his abs.

That thing is almost a foot long!

‘Oh well,’ Ren teased as they approached. ‘Looks like you missed your chance.’

‘Idiot,’ Makoto chided fondly, bringing up their interlocked hands and kissing his knuckles.

As they approached, the beautiful woman caught him staring again and she smirked. Her gaze flicked down to his shrivelled cock before smirking and motioning to the foot-long monster within reach with a flick of her eyes.

The look was so sexy and turned him on so much Ren almost gasped aloud with arousal.

The fact that this woman can do that to me with just a look is WILD.

They reached the rocky cliff again and turned back. They both started in surprise when the beautiful couple were missing, though the man’s towel and other belongings were still there.

‘Where’d they go?’ Makoto asked in confusion, shielding her eyes and looking out to sea as if to find them frolicking in the water.

Ren’s sharp eyes immediately spotted two sets of footprints in the sand however, leading in the opposite direction. He followed them and saw that they led directly into the dense forest that shielded the beach from view.

‘Look,’ Ren said, pointing out his find to his girlfriend. Realising what he was showing her, Makoto turned to him with clear admiration in her eyes.

‘I guess that’s the reason why you’re the leader, Joker.’

Ren pouted at her playfully before putting on a deep, suave voice. ‘Are you saying it’s not because of my debonair charm?’

Makoto giggled before biting her lip sexily. ‘Well, you definitely have a silver tongue.’

Ren flushed but grinned proudly at Makoto’s inadvertent praise. ‘So,’ he said with a conspiratorial wink. ‘You want to follow them?’

Makoto’s eyes widened, but when she looked up and down the beach to see that nobody was paying them any mind, she turned back to him with a light dusting of pink on her cheeks. Biting her lip, she nodded, a cheeky smile tugging at her lips.

Makoto made to hurry along the path left behind by their quarry but Ren grabbed her hand and shook his head in the negative. The woman…he was sure she was some kind of soldier. Hawaii was home to many military bases due to its strategic location, he didn’t want to make it obvious that they’d been followed when they eventually came back out.

Spying that their track led directly into the forest, Ren pulled Makoto along behind him, circling back towards the end of the beach and walking along the forest’s edge from there. Eventually, they found where the footprints disappeared into the treeline, it was a well-hidden and well-worn path that led deeper into the dense foliage.

Turning back to Makoto, he winked. ‘Follow my footsteps exactly Queen.’

Makoto nodded and smiled excitedly. ‘Yes Joker!’

Ren snuck into the forest, making sure he didn’t step on any dry twigs or make any other sounds that would alert their quarry to their presence. Thankfully, the path was so well-worn that he didn’t see a need in masking any new footprints.

Eventually, the path led to a clearing in the forest containing nothing but a small, idyllic lagoon. It was here that they found their targets.

The white woman was leaning against a tree that dwarfed all of those around it, looking up at her partner with a cheeky grin. The black man had his forearm resting on the tree above her head as he towered over her. He was so close that his heavily hanging cock was brushing against her powerful thigh - if she minded, the woman certainly didn’t let it be known.

They spoke in hushed tones, but all Ren could focus on was the woman’s thigh brushing enticingly against the cock that had to be hanging almost all the way down to the man’s knee.

Shaking out of his stupor, Ren looked around for a good hiding spot. Spotting a nearby tree that would give them adequate cover and a good viewing angle, he crouched low and silently removed all the dry leaves and twigs in a small area so they wouldn’t accidentally make any noise.

Pulling Makoto into their hiding spot, he leaned in and whispered into her ear. ‘What are they saying?’

His girlfriend’s English was much better than his, and given how intently she was watching the action, he figured she had to have been following along.

‘He’s saying something about having waited all day for a woman like her who knows what she wants to approach him.’

The woman replied with a wide smile and Makoto translated again without having to be asked. ‘She’s asking what exactly it is he thinks she wants.’

Ren didn’t need any further translations when the man grabbed his heavy cock and held it out to the goddess before him as if in tribute.

The woman’s eyes shone with delight and, without another word, she dropped to her knees and took the massive cock in her mouth.

Holy shit!

What followed was one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen. They both watched in shocked silence as the two fucked like wild animals, their cries and moans loud in a way that could only come from people who knew they wouldn’t be overheard, or didn’t care.

Ren watched, transfixed as the woman’s tight lips stretched around the huge, invading member. While he obviously couldn’t use the full length of his shaft, the woman definitely seemed to enjoy his obscene girth. He also loved seeing how her tits and ass shook with the powerful rutting.

It was truly a sight to behold.

Remembering he wasn’t alone, Ren looked down at Makoto and was shocked to see her panting with lust. One hand was fondling her modest breast while the others’ fingers pistoned in and out of her womanhood in time with the giant of a man’s thrusts.

Looking down, he saw he was so hard that he was throbbing, precum leaking from his tip. Shrugging, knowing that no sound they made would be overheard by the two wild animals in heat going at it in the clearing, Ren gripped Makoto’s shoulder and slipped inside her utterly drenched womanhood with ease.

With such an erotic sight playing out before them, it wasn’t long until they both came, especially as Ren had reached around and started rubbing Makoto’s clit when he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching.

Gasping with breath after their exertions, the couple before them looking like they were nearing an end of their own, Ren grabbed Makoto’s hand and started to lead her away. He was surprised by her initial resistance, but she must have seen reason and allowed herself to be dragged back to the beach.

While he’d been the one to start dragging Makoto away, before they reached the nude beach it was his girlfriend who was now dragging him.

‘Why the rush?’ he asked, half amused and half curious.

‘I’m horny,’ Makoto explained, her voice trembling as she tried to hold back her arousal. ‘We’re going back to the hotel then I’m going to spend the rest of the day and night fucking your brains out.’

Ren, smiling wide, stopped struggling.


The next morning, Ren was all fucked out.

Makoto had been a beast the previous night, having her way with him non-stop until they both essentially passed out in exhaustion.

Maybe we should start watching porn together if she gets like that…

There was a definite air of solemnity amongst all the other students now that their five days in paradise would shortly be coming to an end. After all the horrible things that had happened at Shujin this year, no one had really expected to have such a lovely time on their trip.

If I start saving now, maybe I can take Makoto to Okinawa in the summer. Or better yet, somewhere with more risque nude beaches. That’ll be fun…

Honestly, it wouldn’t even be that hard to save. The amount of money they made from plundering the metaverse was, frankly, insane.

They were the Phantom Thieves, after all.

When they went downstairs to have breakfast, they noticed most of the students were chilling by the pool, their faces set in hangdog expressions - with two noticeable exceptions.

Their friends were sitting crossways on two lounges, the blondes lost in their own little world with Ann sitting in Ryuji’s lap, peppering his face with kisses while her pale cheeks flushed red.

‘About time.’ Ren announced his presence with a smile, genuinely happy for his first friends in Tokyo. The blondes started at the sound of his voice, but smiled widely at him when they saw him and Makoto approach.

‘Why do you look so upset, Yusuke?’ Makoto asked kindly, the melodramatic, artistic savant looking even more broody that morning.

‘I must convey my dismay,’ Yusuke bemoaned overdramatically, as was his wont. ‘For these two heathens have denied me the privilege of capturing their intertwining essences through my brush amidst their passionate embrace!’

‘I don’t even know what that means!’ Ryuji screamed in frustration while Ann blushed and Makoto giggled.

‘It means he wants to paint you two while you have sex,’ Ren deadpanned, fighting to contain his mirth.

Ryuji blushed even harder than Ann and sputtered out his refusal, causing Yusuke to brood even more.

Feeling particularly frisky after their escapes the day and night before, Ren grinned. ‘You can paint us, if you like.’

Everyone, even Makoto and Yusuke, stared at him in shock. He shrugged. ‘I don’t mind. Might make a fun valentine’s day present.’

Makoto’s face lit up a brilliant red and she looked down in her lap as the others exploded with their exclamations of shock. The only person’s reaction he cared about was Makoto’s though, and while a part of her looked undeniably pleased and aroused, her cheeks flushing crimson, another part of her looked…guilty?

Ren endured Yusuke’s incessant survey on how exactly he’d like their painting to look while Makoto kept fidgeting in her seat. Eventually, she stood up with a start, her eyes wide. ‘We forgot to return the Vespa!’

‘Oh yeah,’ Ren said with a frown. ‘We better go do that before they charge us extra.’

‘You stay here, don’t be silly,’ Makoto urged, her cheeks flushing suspiciously. ‘I shouldn’t be long and I’ll get a taxi back. You relax, you earned it.’

The others started laughing at his expense at the teasing tone of Makoto’s praise but Ren’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Returning her chaste kiss, he watched her cute butt as she scurried away to fetch the keys from their room.

Makoto was amazing at many things - lying wasn’t one of them.

His friends continued to chat and joke amongst themselves but his mind was elsewhere, working in overdrive.

Makoto always blushes when she lies, like a child who has their hand caught in the cookie jar…

Unbidden, something Makoto said yesterday resurfaced at the forefront of his mind.

‘...He’s telling her he was waiting all day for a gorgeous woman like her who knows what she wants to approach him…’

He sat bolt-upright as a confusing cocktail of emotions starting to roil in his gut - angst, envy, disbelief, denial, betrayal and, most surprising of all, lust.

Much better at subterfuge than Makoto - not entirely thanks to his Persona - he told his friends he’d misplaced his phone and he was going back to his room to look for it.

‘How can you lose your phone?’ Ryuji asked in surprise. ‘You never go anywhere without it, it’s basically glued to your hand…’

This is where Makoto - angst, envy, lust - would have crumbled, at the first time her lie was challenged. Ren only grinned cheekily.

‘Maybe be extra nice to Ann and she can show you how a woman can make a man’s brain turn to mush.’

Mishima and Yusuke chuckled as Ann and Ryuji blushed up a storm, big dopey smiles on their faces.

As he made his escape, he had one destination in mind - his phone firmly in his pocket.

After confirming their Vespa was not where they left it, Ren went to the front desk to ask the concierge to call him a taxi.

As he waited out front for it to arrive, Ren bounced on the souls of his feet nervously.

Would she really…? After everything I told her about my last relationship…?

His heart sank when he saw their Vespa parked at the entrance to the nude beach. He double checked that it was indeed theirs, but the numerous photos they’d taken around the island had the Vespa with the exact same identification plate on it as the one before them.

Instead of taking the same path they had the previous day and walking amongst the other nudists, Ren stuck to the shadows and moved along the dense forest instead. Nobody noticed him as he hurried to the spot where they’d first encountered the muscular foreigner.

If his heart sank when he first spied their Vesper, it practically vacated his body when he saw the foreigner’s familiar beach towel, with no hulking black man in sight.

He found the well-worn path easily enough, and as he snuck along without leaving a trace of his presence, a very familiar voice moaning with abandon made him feel like he’d been socked in the gut.

Sneaking into their hiding spot from yesterday, Ren felt his guts roil and his eyes stinging with tears at what he saw. His girlfriend was in the clearing with the man this time, not some gorgeous foreign woman. She was laying in the sandy grass by the lagoon, her back arched and her legs spread wide as the hulking, naked foreigner buried his face in her womanhood. Any fleeting hope that this wasn’t consensual was crushed not only by her rapturous moans, but by her hands forcing the man’s bald head deeper and harder against her.

Makoto’s body undulated and shook, the man clearly knowing what he was doing and taking great pleasure in it. When his girlfriend came, she squealed and shuddered, her beautiful, lithe body wracked with convulsions as she shook from the power of her orgasm. The musical cries that once brought him immense joy and satisfaction when he ripped them from her feeling like a dagger to the heart now.

Despite all that, despite feeling like he wanted to hurl, he silently took out his phone and started to record.

Because despite how sick to his stomach the scene before him made, his dick was also as hard as steel, especially as the hulking foreigner moved back and started to stroke his foot-long anaconda while eyeing his girlfriend hungrily.

Is she really going to do it? Is she really going to cheat on me and…fuck him?

With gusto, apparently. Makoto quickly stood on wobbly legs, her eyes locked on the man’s freakish appendage with a twinge of fear, but even more excitement. Turning, she placed a hand on the nearby tree and bent at the waist. Spreading one of her cheeks open wide, she looked over her shoulder at the man, her eyes pleading while biting her lip sexily. She said something he didn’t understand, but the man sure as shit did.

Ren watched, harder than he’d ever been as the man approached his girl, his obscene obsidian cock like a battering ram. The angle was such that he had a perfect view. The side Makoto chose to turn to so she could see her illicit lover allowed Ren to see her face, her glorious body was in semi-profile, angled in a way that he had a clear view of her ass and pussy as the man swiped his plum-sized head and up and down her glistening lips.

When Makoto’s pale, beautiful lips parted and the foreigner started to gently sink into his girlfriend, she let out a keening wail that had him pulling out his cock and stroking it, hating himself for his perverse weakness.

When the man bottomed out inside Makoto, a frankly ridiculous amount of his cock still remained outside her velvety pussy. That didn’t deter the foreigner though. Gripping Makoto’s hips, he started to thrust against her cervix, ripping a shocked moan from his girl every time he pressed against the sensitive flesh.

When, after only thirty seconds of thrusting, Makoto came with a shocked squeal, Ren came himself, a pathetic dribble of cum weeping out of his poor, abused dick and into the grass below.

The foreigner paused in his thrusting, allowing Makoto to ride out her orgasm with a smug grin on his handsome features.

When Makoto calmed and started thrusting herself on the huge member, the man held her forearm to stop her. His girlfriend gasped as the man spun them around and lay on the floor, his feet facing Ren. Ren filmed as Makoto straddled the man, his towering erection waving like a flag pole. With shaking hands, she held it against her pussy and impaled herself with a guttural groan he’d never heard from her lips before.

Despite wanting to run away, from Hawaii, from Shujin, heck, even from Tokyo and the Phantom Thieves, he couldn’t look away as his girlfriend’s beautiful ass rose up and down as she bounced on that huge dick.

She came twice more in that position, and a part of Ren desperately clung to the hope that it was the taboo nature of her rendezvous that had her cumming so easily, and not the size of the man’s equipment.

There was just…no way he could ever compare.

Makoto spun around and Ren’s heart sank. She looked so beautiful, her legs spread comically wide and her hands balancing herself on his bulging pecs as she rode the man reverse cowgirl style, her pussy spread wide as it slid up and down, clinging hungrily to the huge, invading member.

Makoto flung her head back, her cries released to the heavens as she raced to another orgasm, her undulating body highlighting her toned physique and making her look even more alluring in his eyes.

Despite it all, despite how much a part of him wanted to curl up and cry, he couldn’t stop watching and stroking his stinging, aching cock. He’d overused it in the past twenty-four hours, but despite his body screaming at him to stop, he kept stroking, a steady, pathetic stream of cum dribbling from his tip as his body shook, his body sensitive with overstimulation.

The foreigner looked finally ready to cum himself. He gripped Makoto’s hips and started to thrust up into her with a sense of urgency. Makoto’s head flung forward, her face flushed and glistening with her efforts. She watched her womanhood with wide eyed, delirious wonder as the obsidian anaconda impossibly thrust in and out of her, stretching her in a way she’d never been stretched - not even by toys.

When the man came, it was noticeable. His balls contracted and the part of his shaft still visible pulsed as he pumped his seed into his girlfriend.

Makoto came again, but though her body shook with convulsions and she let out a keening wail, she didn’t look away from where she and the foreigner were joined, apparently desperate to watch him cumming inside her.

When he was finished pumping his apparently prodigious load into his girlfriend, Ren zoomed in on the action. Makoto slid off the huge cock with a groan and fell back on his chest - Ren doubted the man even felt her weight as she collapsed atop him.

Ren bit his lip to mask his own groan as a veritable river of cum oozed out of his girls’s abused and gaping pussy.

No clearer sign of her infidelity existed, and yet, it was undoubtedly the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

Having finally seen enough, Ren quietly escaped, taking the shadowy path he’d used to spy on them in the first place and disappeared without anyone knowing he’d ever been there.


After they found their seats on the plane, Ren leaned back in his chair and gazed out the window, all but ignoring Makoto - as he'd done ever since she’d come back from 'returning their Vespa.'

His girlfriend wasn't stupid, she knew something was wrong. Her gaze had barely left the floor since her return and every effort to engage him in conversation was rewarded with indifferent, monosyllabic responses.

Makoto may have chalked it off as tiredness on his part - he really did get very little sleep the night previous - but she looked to be more concerned with her own issues. As bad as he felt at the ending of their brief relationship, Makoto looked ready to hurl.

'I…have a confession to make,' she finally said, quietly enough as to not be overheard but with the steely conviction he'd always admired about her. 'You might want to break up with me after this, b-but please l-let me finish.'

He finally turned away from the window and looked at her, his face a mask of stone. Tears started prickling at her eyes and her lower lip started to quiver, but she soldiered on.

'I d-didn't immediately take the Vespa back to the rental place,' she admitted, her face a mask of genuine shame and self-loathing. 'I…I went back to the nude beach…I -' her face scrunched up and she fought down tears as hard as she fought Shadows. 'I had sex with the foreigner we saw yesterday.'

She looked into his eyes, desperate for a reaction. Instead, he took out his phone, the recording he'd made earlier already on the screen and handed it to her.

A hand flew up to her mouth as she watched the video of her fucking the huge man.

She turned to him, eyes wide in disbelief.

'For a Phantom Thief, you're remarkably lacking in guile and subtlety.'

'You saw…?' She asked, her face scrunched in disbelief and a little hope. 'You're not mad?'

'I'm furious,' he hissed in a heated whisper before closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths when Makoto flinched at his outburst. He continued, eyes still closed. 'I was going to dump you when -'

Before he could continue, Makoto grabbed his hand in an iron-clad grip, her beautiful eyes wide and spilling fresh tears. 'I'm sorry, please don't leave me. It was stupid, I'm stupid. Please, I want to be with you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me I-'

She froze, his words finally catching up with her overworking brain.

'You were going to dump me…?'

Ren's stony mask finally slipped at the look of hope that blossomed on her face. He wanted to hug her and never let go, but he was honestly still too angry - his emotions in general all over the place.

He answered her question with another question. 'Why do you think I'm upset?'

To get credit, she didn't immediately answer with the obvious. Makoto frowned, her hand still gripping his tightly before she answered hesitantly.

'Because I…lied to you?'

'Are you asking me, or telling me?'

She wiped away the tears on her cheeks and firmed her resolve. 'Because, even after everything you told me about your ex…I still lied to you.'


Ren smiled thinly and let out a slow, heavy breath. 'In your defence, you didn't lie. You did return the Vespa.' He sighed, lifting his glasses and massaging the bridge of his nose. 'What were you thinking?'

'I wasn't,' Makoto admitted, sounding genuinely miserable and self-loathing. 'After we watched the two foreigners yesterday, I just couldn't stop thinking about it, I -'

Seeing the intense look in his eyes, she didn't falter, apparently resolving to hold nothing back and not take his trust for granted again.

'Even when we were making love, all I could think about was…that man, and the way that woman - so powerful and confident, so sexy - screamed in pleasure, I -'

Ren felt himself growing hard the longer she spoke, his heart rate increasing. 'You were thinking about him while with me?'

Apparently sensing something off in his tone, Makoto's eyes widened with surprise. 'You're not upset that I had sex with -'

'Fucked,' Ren corrected, pointing to the screen and Makoto riding the man in reverse cowgirl, the foreigner's huge dick spearing her little pussy.

Makoto's face flushed crimson. 'You're not upset that I…fucked that man? That I was thinking about him -'

'About him?' He interrupted again, and Makoto's flush grew even deeper as she averted her gaze.

'That I was thinking about his…big black cock,' she whispered under her breath, a tinge of giddiness in her tone, like a child using a curse word behind their parents' back, 'while we made love?'

Ren didn't answer her immediately, though he was getting better at assessing the confusing, alien sensations recoiling in his gut.

'Did you enjoy it?'

'I…what?' Makoto asked in confusion, and Ren asked her again, taking her hand and putting it over the notable bulge in his slacks.

'Don't lie to me,' he hissed as she opened her mouth, before she said anything. 'Never again, do you understand?'

Eyes wide, Makoto rubbed his aching cock through the fabric of his pants while biting her lip sexily, the despair slowly fading only to be replaced by the naughty spark in her noble, honour-student eyes that he found so sexy.

Blushing deeply, she gripped his junk more forcefully and answered, lying the furthest thing from her mind.

'It was…the best sex I've ever had.'

Feeling him throb in her grip, she bit her lip and continued, her eyes smouldering with lust and desire.

'I can't describe to you how good it felt,' she continued, her breaths escaping in horny, needy pants. 'He stretched me so much, hit my insides so deep - it was like I was a virgin all over again…'

His hand flew up and grabbed the back of her neck in a vice-like grip, bringing her face barely millimetres away from his own. 'Never lie to me again,' he hissed, startling his girlfriend with the intensity of his words and stare. 'You've seen my search history, which means you know what I'm into. Whatever we do from now on, we do together, as partners - take it or leave it, you get no more chances -'

He barely finished getting his ultimatum out when Makoto mirrored his grip on the back of his neck, pulled him in and smashed her lips against his.

'Together,' she agreed after pulling away and resting her forehead against his. Then her eyes started twinkling with mischief and he felt his cock throb with desire. 'Next time I want to fuck a man with a proper cock, you'll be there with me. You'll hold my hand, and,' she paused, blushing deeply, her eyes wide with desire, 'and you'll clean me, like a good little cuck.'

Ren screwed his eyes shut and shuddered with both arousal and pain. Makoto was squeezing and fondling his still-sore junk while spewing her cruel words…so even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny how much she was turning him on.

She wasn't the only one who'd done their research though.

'And next time Hufumi hits on me, not only will you not throw a tantrum,' he hissed and Makoto reeled back as if struck, 'but you'll be forced to watch while I fuck her, bound and gagged like the bad, naughty little slut you are.'

Makoto's reaction to his words lit a fire in him. Normally proud and confident, his girlfriend shrank back and nodded like a scared kitten, her elevated breathing and dilated pupils belying her true feelings.


'Good girl,' he purred, brushing a chestnut strand of hair behind her ear, the gentle contact after his previous harsh words making her shudder and whimper adorably.

Makoto curled into his side and wrapped her arms around his waist almost possessively, as if she was still in disbelief that he hadn’t dumped her after everything that happened.

‘So not only did you watch the whole…thing, but you somehow saw my search history, even though I made sure to cover my tracks and never leave any, erm, evidence.’

Ren chuckled and pulled her close. ‘I didn’t look through your search history,’ he admitted, leaning his head on hers. ‘I didn’t need to, the collar and ball-gag in your closet told me all I needed to know -’

‘How?!’ Makto exclaimed, getting the attention of everyone around them. Blushing madly, she ducked her head and avoided everyone’s curious stares.

Ren almost burst out laughing. ‘How did I find them?’ he asked, his voice laced with amusement. ‘I didn’t. It all was a guess based on your personality. Thanks for confirming though, you naughty little slut.’

Makoto groaned and buried her face in his chest. ‘I suppose that’s to be expected from our leader,’ she pouted adorably, before grinning again. ‘So…you never said. Did you enjoy the show?’

‘You know I did,’ Ren snorted, groaning as she slipped a hand in his pants and started fondling him directly.

‘I want to hear you say it,’ she whispered almost feverishly, unzipping his pants and pulling out his battle-weary dick.

He leaned down so his lips were pressed against her ear and growled. ‘I loved seeing that big black cock stretching your cheating, slutty pussy out, and hearing you scream and squeal as you bounced on it like a common whore.’

Makoto whimpered with lust and, grabbing his phone, she restarted the video so they could watch it together. Hearing his sigh as the foreigner’s huge cock came into view, Makoto turned to him with a raised brow.

‘What is it?’

‘I’m going to have to up my game,’ he groused, motioning to the video. ‘Can’t have my girl’s best sexual experience being with a random stranger.’

Makoto giggled and he hissed when she started stroking his cock. ‘You’re going to have an uphill battle with this little thing,’ she teased, the hurtful words ripping a groan out of him.

Grabbing her chin, he turned her face so she was looking deeply into his eyes. Swallowing thickly, he soldiered on and stopped being a little bitch. ‘Hey, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me too. I l-love you.’

Makoto’s eyes widened in shock before her eyes started to shimmer with tears. As she tackled him and started to suck his face off, Ren’s heart was bursting with joy while his mind was spinning, thinking of ways to drive his slutty girlfriend wild.

Note: This one was a bit borderline for me. Personally, I’d get rid afterwards if I was Ren, but I didn’t want to end this one on a downer. I don’t think this one will need a sequel, but rest assured Makoto will spend the rest of their lives making it up to him.



Hot and sexy chapter. But I finally realised that I misread the premise of the story. Thought the themes would rotate too. Was waiting for a chapter with less cheating.


Each chapter will have one of the three kinks mentioned in the story's title. The next one is more hotwife/consensual cuckolding.